In the Blade

Chapter 290 Two Worlds

"You don't know about the Yi people?"

"If you don't tell me, how do we know who the Yi people are?"

"You've never seen those Yi people who look like that?"

"There are actually people who look like that in this world?"

After talking for a while, the three Wuzhao people were stunned, and even Du Chengfeng was stunned on the spot.

Just because what they said to each other was completely inconsistent.

According to Wu Zhao, during the period when they were active, the Yin people conquered the entire world - this is not the world in a narrow sense, but the world in the true sense. After all, during the years when Wu Zhao was active, these violent people conquered the whole world. The soldiers had fought until there was almost no fight left, and even in order to be able to fight against powerful enemies, they even sacrificed their bodies and traveled across the long river of time to the next generation.

Of course, looking at it now, this military solution seems a bit abstract, but from this incident, it can also be seen that the Yin people at the time could indeed be said to have opened up the map to the end.

In other words, they have seen everything they can see.

But this is not the case with Du Chengfeng. Although he has traveled all over the world and has been to many places, there are still many places in the world that he has not been to, and there are many that he has not seen. He has seen the foreign races in the north - the grassland people in the north, but he has not seen the barbarians in the south. He has also fought with the barbarians in the west, but he has only occasionally heard of the pirates in the east. .

"There are people outside the sea?"

The Wu Zhaos were even more astonished.

"No, we clearly had soldiers flying over to explore. There was nothing on the other side of the sea. Only the big fish in the sea can be called enemies... How could there be people over there? Are they living in the water? of?"

"You're asking me who I'm asking? I've never seen him before."

Du Chengfeng couldn't answer this topic. He had never seen a pirate before.

"But how is it possible that you haven't seen the Yi people? Or are you actually meeting the ancestors of the Yi people, but they changed their appearance later?"

"No way, absolutely impossible."

The three Wu Zhao shook their heads in unison.

Even if the clothing will change, the appearance, skin color and physical characteristics are not so easy to change - in other words, if the Yi people really existed, they would not be able to have such obvious characteristics. The appearance is not impressive at all.

"How about... take a look at this?"

Du Chengfeng thought for a moment, then took out the barbarian's dove stick and sling from the bag behind his back.

He brought these two things here specially. After all, these things are related to the barbarians, and the rounding is naturally related to Taoyuan Township. What's more, he hasn't had time to polish these two weapons, so he must carry them with him.

But now, it's just time to take it out and analyze it.


Looking at the old sling and the seemingly ordinary dove stick, the three Wu Zhao's brows began to frown.

The three people and one dog present, or rather two people, are already at the top of the world in their understanding of evil spirits. Now that we analyze these two weapons, we can naturally see more things - as for the results of the analysis , but as Du Chengfeng had judged before, these two weapons were similar to Du Chengfeng's fire blade, and contained some magical weapons with strong will.

However, there are some differences.

"The specific methods of operation are different."

The yellow dog Wu Zhao keenly smelled the difference.

"Your knife is a very direct method. The sacrificer's will is directly engraved on the knife. The process is similar to the military dismantling. You can even think of the knife as the sacrificer himself... But the two things are different. ”

Saying this, the yellow dog Wu Zhao pressed his paw on the sling.

"There is already a bit of a peculiar smell on this sling. Maybe the person who left the will did use this weapon, but there are more mixed thoughts on it. It is obviously not left by the original holder who carved the mark... This It is more similar to the process of our Yin people's rituals in the past, stirring up the ghosts in many people's hearts and using their will to increase the power of this weapon. "

"To put it simply, this weapon has a fan group?"

Du Chengfeng immediately understood this logic in his own way.

After all, this does seem to be the case. The big knife in his hand is similar to a situation of outstanding individual quality. He is still winning the game through his own hard work. According to the yellow dog Wu Zhao, this stone throwing When Suo performs, on the one hand, he relies on himself to perform on the field, and on the other hand, there are a group of cheerleaders waving flags and cheering in the audience.

With a group of people to help cheer you up, your performance may indeed be better, at least your mentality will be much better.

And in this spiritualistic world that has seen ghosts, mentality really determines everything.

"Although I don't know what the fan club you are talking about...but it's okay to understand it this way."

After listening to Du Chengfeng's understanding, Dalang Wu Zhao nodded, indicating that Du Chengfeng's understanding was reasonable.

"As for this dove staff... this is even more obvious. Although this dove staff is also engraved with a will, and it looks like it has an original holder, but what can I say about this thing? Compared to For this will, this dove stick is too new, do you understand what I mean?"

"You mean, the quality of the wood?"

Du Chengfeng touched his chin.

Most of his understanding is about metal weapons. As for wood, Li the carpenter is obviously more knowledgeable. However, Wu Zhao, the Yin people, also had to select wooden handles for various weapons, so he also has some basic understanding of wood.

Just like this Jiuzhang staff, the ordinary appearance is the biggest problem. It looks quite old, but compared with the huge and heavy will it carries, it is too young.

"It's like forcibly imprinting the original will of a weapon onto this young wood."

Swordsman Wu Zhao frowned.

"Although I can understand the specific process, I have never seen this kind of technology... Where did those Yi people come from?"


Du Chengfeng roughly pointed in the direction.

"It is said that they came from far away..."

"I'm not talking about the geographical location."

Big Lang Wu Zhao shook his head.

"I mean, where do they claim to have come from... This is very important, I need to know what they are thinking."

"If they claim to have come from... They claim to have left the promised land, and will eventually return to the promised land."

Du Chengfeng pointed at his feet.

"That is here, they call this place the promised land..."

Du Chengfeng's words froze.

He vaguely thought of something.

The second update is here, everyone should go to bed early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

See you tomorrow night, good night everyone.

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