In the Blade

Chapter 294 Meeting an old friend in a foreign land

"Boss, are these people really worth robbing?"

On the sand dunes in the distance, a bandit was muttering to the leader beside him.

"They didn't carry much cargo. They were just three people and a dog. Some of them were carrying weapons. They looked like soldiers... Do we need to grab them?"

"Nonsense, if we don't rob them, who will we rob?"

The bandit leader sneered.

"No matter how small the meat is, we have to put it into our mouths. This is what we should do. What's more, look at the clothes they are wearing, the cut, the fabric...these clothes alone are already worth a lot, let alone The weapons they bring are just right for the dogs, so isn’t that worth grabbing?”

The robber who asked the question stopped talking. He obviously recognized this idea. He could only say that it was no wonder that he could be the leader. This pair of eyes that can discover value is not something ordinary people can have.

"But the problem is that soldier..."

The bandit was still hesitant. After all, the soldier carrying the weapon looked a little too strong. He was several heads taller than an ordinary person and stood there like a little giant. Can such a soldier really be easily captured?

"And, boss, have you noticed that the three of them dared to come out of the desert with just one dog? This already shows that they are quite capable. In this case, is it really appropriate to take action?"

"What's wrong with being capable?"

The bandit leader sneered again.

"There are many of us!"

Saying this, the bandit leader pointed to his side.

I saw hundreds of bandits lying on the sand dunes, all carrying robbery sticks, like hungry jackals.

With hundreds of men following him, this is what gives the bandit leader the confidence to rob three people. Although hundreds of people rob three people, this is somewhat bullying, but as bandits, don't they want to bully others?

Bullying the weak and then depriving the other party of everything is what gangsters do and how they survive.

"Hand over everything! Or die here!"

While shouting this, the bandit leader shot an arrow.

Although in theory, this kind of shouting is useless. There are soldiers among the three opponents, and they will definitely fight this time. But what if the other party has any fear in their hearts?

Even if they are strong and fully armed, they may not be willing to start a fight. Many targets who are robbed will tend to resolve the fight peacefully - but this is what the robbers want most. If they don't fight, it will be their turn. The robbers have become dominant. Whether they ask the other party to hand over their belongings or kill people, the initiative lies with the robbers.

"So, if you are so strong, what can you do?"

Seeing a dozen arrows following his own arrow, nailing the yellow dog in the distance into a sieve, the bandit leader showed a ferocious smile.

"Are you afraid? Are you scared? How many people can you beat by yourself... huh?"

The bandit leader suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Just because, in his sight, the three people in the distance also smiled.

Even the yellow dog on the ground was beaten into a sieve by more than a dozen arrows.

This was the first time the bandit leader saw an expression that could be called a smile on a dog's face.

"What are they laughing at?"

The bandit leader was even in a daze for a moment.

He would laugh because he was the one who robbed and he would get everything. Of course he would laugh - but what were these people who were robbed laughing about? Is there anything funny about this?

But immediately, the bandit leader stopped laughing.

After all, those three people and one dog had already rushed over against the wind and sand and the rain of arrows.

They were clearly facing sharp bows and arrows, but there was no trace of fear on the faces of the three men and the dog. Even the dog with arrows stuck in its body was running as fast as possible - the robber turned around again. He nocked an arrow from his bow and shot an arrow at the dog, but this time, the yellow dog easily avoided the vicious arrow.

"This dog can actually dodge arrows?"

The bandit leader felt that his brain was not enough.

Since this dog can dodge arrows, why was it shot into a sieve? But what’s even more outrageous than this is, how can a dog avoid bows and arrows?

But the problem was that this outrageous situation appeared in front of him.

Dogs can dodge bows and arrows, and humans can naturally do the same. Facing the fire from nearly twenty archers, the three people walked forward as if nothing had happened. The oncoming sharp arrows were easily avoided by them. The casual pace is more like walking than dodging.

Something is wrong with the situation. This is not an opponent that bows and arrows can deal with.

"Melee combat! Use melee weapons!"

The bandit leader shouted as he pulled out a heavy bronze machete, and the other bandits also pulled out their swords, guns and clubs - they couldn't even hold them with bows and arrows. Of course, there might not be any benefits in close combat, but this But it is their only means of resistance at the moment, and only in this way can they survive.

Yes, resist. It was obvious that they were the one who robbed, but when the three people and one dog rushed over, they felt inexplicably that they were the one being robbed.

It's just that what they will be robbed is not just their money, but their lives and everything they have.

Therefore, we must resist, and we can only resist.

It's more difficult to deal with, they can't escape anymore.

Just three people and a dog, they actually felt surrounded. The desert around them was boundless, but they couldn't go anywhere - they would be caught up wherever they went, and they would die if they were alone. At this moment, they had become a group of trapped beasts, a group of trapped beasts with nowhere to go.


The bandit leader swung his machete and shouted loudly, watching the bandits around him rush forward first.

However, facing the desperate charge of the bandits, the little giant-like warrior didn't even touch the handle of the knife behind him.

It was just simple, three punches and two kicks.

That was something the bandit leader couldn't understand at all. He couldn't imagine how he could knock down more than 30 armed bandits with just three punches and two kicks - a single encounter reduced the number of bandits by 30%, and the bandits who were just planning to fight desperately immediately fled in all directions.

However, two legs can't outrun four legs after all.

The yellow dog with arrows stuck in its body actually intercepted every fleeing bandit accurately.

"Hey, I've kind of liked this job."

While saying this, Du Chengfeng pulled the bandit leader, who was pretending to be dead, out of the sand with one hand.

"These robbers are better at finding people than us, and it's embarrassing to bother them every time... So let me tell you."

Lifting the bandit leader in the air with one hand, Du Chengfeng looked into his eyes.

"Where is this place, what place is it, who is around, and everything you know, tell me everything."

"Woo woo woo woo--"

The bandit leader struggled hard, and seemed to be saying something.

"Woo woo woo woo woo--"

Du Chengfeng can confirm that the bandit should be saying something.

But the problem is that he can't understand a word of these words.

The second update is here, everyone should rest early.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to sort out my thoughts, good night everyone.

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