In the Blade

Chapter 334 Emperor of Heaven

The legend of immortals walking with swords has been popular since ancient times.

Of course, in terms of actual combat, this idea is quite unreliable. If you want to attack from a distance, instead of just throwing the sword out, it is better to take a bow and shoot more arrows - but obviously, in actual combat, It's actual combat, and the story is a story. Compared to the boring way of shooting people with bows and arrows, everyone just likes something like the Hundred-step Flying Sword, which is very cool at first sight.

"So... the Grand Master Du we are looking for uses a halberd, right?"

Looking at the little black dot getting closer and closer, Shan Bing's expression became subtle.

Although the distance was quite far, Shan Bing, as a master of releasing evil spirits, also had good eyesight. After just a moment of concentration, he could roughly see the shape of the black spot.

That Master Du used a halberd? Or a knife? Shan Bing couldn't remember it clearly, but just looking at the outline of the black dot, it didn't look like a halberd or a broadsword.

That should be a sword.

"Master Du is indeed not using a sword... but there are people around him who are using swords."

Jiang Wenyuan could also clearly see the outline of the black dot, but his face was more of a kind of excitement, or in other words, the joy of meeting again after a long absence.

"He is also a master, a master of swordsmanship. When I was in Yizhou, I asked him to give advice on some martial arts issues... It can even be said that I have hundreds of military records because I was taught by that swordsman master. , otherwise do you think that with the martial arts of a head catcher, you can really reach this point? "

" true."

After Shan Bing thought for a while, he nodded.

The reason why he has the skills he has today is purely because he used to be a soldier. In addition to eating and drinking every day, he hone his killing skills. In addition, he goes into battle to kill enemies from time to time to verify his ideas in martial arts. It is not surprising that he has such skills, but As a head catcher, Jiang Wenyuan is different. Although catching a head catcher does require some fighting power, as a head catcher, he has to learn more about solving crimes and chasing the culprits, investigating the scene, and even fighting against the other three religions, nine schools, and even Shangguan colleagues. Communication between people is the main development direction of headhunting.

In other words, human energy is limited, and there is only so much that can be done every day. If you can still find time to practice martial arts in a heavy workload, what kind of genius must you be?

Before, he thought that Jiang Wenyuan was that kind of genius, otherwise there would be no reason for him to be able to practice martial arts well under work pressure, but now he knows that the other person is the same as him in some aspects. It was also guided by an expert.

This is also a good thing, at least he and his partner around him have more in common.

"Look at it this way, the expert who is instructing you is very powerful. His sword can fly."

Shan Bing praised while shouldering the attacks of those monsters.

"With this ability, he is almost as powerful as Eunuch Cao."

"Hmm... more or less."

Jiang Wenyuan thought for a while, but still didn't say anything to hurt Shan Bing.

But in fact, the swordsman surnamed Cui who taught him was probably much better than Eunuch Cao - he had also seen Eunuch Cao's skills, using strange methods like silk thread as a weapon. Weapons are mainly about surprise and variety, but when it comes to frontal combat, the dragnet woven by Eunuch Cao will probably only be pierced by Cui Swordsman's sword.

Whenever he thinks of the terrifying sword energy that is almost as commanding as an arm, Jiang Wenyuan feels like he is standing on a mountain. Just a broken sword can be so powerful. I am afraid that he will never be able to do this in his whole life...


Jiang Wenyuan, who had just blocked two sharp bird claws, suddenly felt that something was not right.

Yes, he must have remembered it correctly, after all, this left a very deep impression on him.

The swordsman Cui who gave him instructions was clearly using a half-broken sword.

But the outline of the sword in the sky in the distance...

"Whose sword is this?"

Jiang Wenyuan's eyes widened.

This is not the sword he knows!

But even if Jiang Wenyuan realized something was wrong now, it was already too late. Before he could say anything about retreat, the long sword hanging high in the sky had already turned its edge and charged straight down in their direction.

Its power is like the shining sun.

It was at this time that Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan learned for the first time that when the speed reaches a certain level, even just a sword can turn into a meteor from the sky.

The red stars have fallen.

It fell silently.

There was no massive impact as expected, nor was there the exaggerated explosion as imagined. When the long sword fell, the huge power was annihilated silently.

In other words, it has already acted on the target it should act on.

The long sword fell gently to the ground, along with the scattered monsters.


Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan were stunned as they looked at the monster corpses all over the ground.

During the whole process, they didn't even see when the sword cut the monster open.

It was as if these monsters should disintegrate naturally and turn into pieces all over the ground.

"...Is this the expert who gave you advice?"

Shan Bing swallowed hard.

"I take back what I just said, this man is much more powerful than Eunuch Cao."


Jiang Wenyuan on the other side did not answer. At this time, he could not say anything.

What does it mean to be much more powerful than Eunuch Cao? This is clearly much better than the swordsman Cui who pointed him out!

Can that swordsman Cui do this?

I'm afraid... he can't.

He can't do it. It's impossible. Although the invisible sword energy of that swordsman Cui can be said to be able to move in all directions, it is far, far behind this level of sword - in the final analysis, the two sides are not of the same level. If that swordsman Cui is a tiger in the mountains, then the sword in front of him can be called a flying dragon in the clouds, or even a dragon king!

Even that Grand Master Du may not be able to do this!

"In short... let me make it clear first, I don't know this sword, including the person who uses it."

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Wenyuan reminded Shan Bing with his fastest reaction.

"This is not the master we are looking for, but a stranger."

"... Stranger?"

Shan Bing's brain is not enough.

Didn't they come out to find Grand Master Du? How could there be other masters?

And this expert is even so good...


Just when Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan were stunned, the ancient long sword suddenly raised a sword sound.

Then, a figure fell from the sky.

The figure was dressed in a black outfit, and his sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes looked quite young. Although the clothes can indeed be regarded as ordinary warriors' attire, it always makes people feel that something is not right on this person - after all, the other party's temperament is more like a romantic and suave young man from aristocratic family than a martial artist who licks blood on the blade.

But those young men from aristocratic families cannot have such a magnificent power.

This made Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan more and more stunned, especially Jiang Wenyuan. As a former head of the police, he was very sensitive to temperament, but the temperament of the man in front of him seemed extremely confused - judging from his face, he should be a young man, but the power he exuded was more like those middle-aged people who were successful and powerful, but the way he walked leisurely was full of the calmness of an old man.

What kind of person is this?

It was precisely because he knew more that Jiang Wenyuan's brain was not able to turn around.

It was at this time that Shan Bing on the side spoke first.

"Your Excellency is good at fighting! What's your name?"


Hearing Shan Bing's words, Jiang Wenyuan immediately came back to his senses and quickly signaled Shan Bing to shut up.

This was not the person they were looking for at all. They didn't know this master at all. If they talked to him carelessly, the master would be unhappy and kill them on the spot like those monsters. What should they do?

But Shan Bing, who noticed Jiang Wenyuan's eyes, also looked innocent. Although the task he received was indeed to find the Grand Tutor Du, he knew that the eunuch Cao probably just needed a top master to help hold the scene - in other words, it might not be necessary to really find the Grand Tutor Du. If he really couldn't find him, it should be okay to replace him with other masters.

So since they haven't found him yet, maybe it's okay to replace him with this master in front of them?

"What's okay!"

Jiang Wenyuan, who exchanged glances with Shan Bing, began to sweat.

A warning sign had already emerged in his heart. He inexplicably felt that something was wrong. What they should do most now might be to stay away from him as soon as possible, instead of getting close to him like a fool.

But now, they might not be able to leave.

Just because the master in front of them had already discovered the eye contact between them.

"This move is called the Fallen Sun Sword."

The master looked at them seriously.

"You may not have heard it because we were far away just now, but now you know it."


Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing were choked on the spot.

After a moment of silence, they exchanged glances again, but this time, they temporarily agreed on their ideas - although they still didn't know whether they should communicate with this master, at least now, they both felt that this master's thinking might not be too normal.

"That... Your Excellency."

Shan Bing gritted his teeth and decided to give the other party a way out.

"Your Fallen Sun Sword is indeed unparalleled in the world, so can I know your name..."

"That move is called Fallen Sun Sword."

The master in front of him repeated the words just now.

"Do you remember it?"


Shan Bing's raised hand froze in mid-air.

Good guy, this is completely disobedient. He asked again, but the master was still talking about the Fallen Sun Sword - although that move was indeed the most ferocious sword move he had ever seen in his life, but is this thing really worth repeating twice?

Of course, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't say it out loud. Although Shan Bing didn't think he was afraid of death, he was killed by a master because he said something wrong. This way of death was a bit too stupid.

"Then... since your sword is so powerful, why not use the sword move as a name and call you the Lord of the Fallen Sun Sword!"

After thinking about it for a while, Shan Bing finally came up with a good way to give the other party a way out. Since the other party could only repeat the Fallen Sun Sword, he should just use the popular names such as "Sword Master" and "Knife Master". It should be fine, right?

However, as soon as he said this, the master shook his head.

"Don't give me any weird names. I have a name."

The master spoke again.

"My name is Huang Tian. Remembering this name is like remembering the Sun-Falling Sword. So do you remember the Sun-Falling Sword?"


Shan Bing was already a little desperate.

Although it might be stupid to be slashed to death by a master's sword because he said the wrong thing, but now he can't bear it anymore - still with the Falling Sun Sword, still with the Falling Sun Sword, this sentence is endless, right?

And this damn it Huang Tian or Huang Tian? With such a big name, aren't you really afraid that you won't be able to bear it?

It seems that there is really no need to be afraid, after all, the opponent's sword moves are a bit too... scary. Just the power of this sword may be enough to bear this exaggerated name.

That sword falling from the sky was truly a punishment from heaven.

But now, the sword of heavenly punishment is already in the hand of that master.

It was at this time that Jiang Wenyuan on the side got rid of the confused feeling just now. The temperament of the master in front of him was truly unified when he held the sword - whether it was the arrogance of the young man, The power of a middle-aged man and the calmness of an old man. At this moment, all temperaments merged together with the action of holding the sword.


No matter what kind of temperament that person displays, he is an unparalleled strong man at this moment.

"Shan Bing, don't speak yet."

Jiang Wenyuan noticed something was wrong with Shan Bing's mentality and quickly reminded him.

Then, he gritted his teeth and stood up.

"This... His Excellency Huangtian."

After a moment of silence, Jiang Wenyuan spoke.

"I and my brother just happened to be passing by. I didn't mean to disturb you. If there is any offense, please forgive me... If nothing happens, we two brothers will leave first."

Yes, after thinking for a moment, Jiang Wenyuan still wanted to do more rather than less. The main reason was that the instinct in his heart was still calling the police frantically. He really didn't want to have any communication with this strange master.

But now he wants to leave, but the master refuses.

"Now that we've met, don't leave in a hurry. Let's have something to eat before leaving."

Saying this, the master who called himself Huangtian raised his sword and swiped it.

The monster's broken corpses all over the ground also hung in the air with this sweep.

"Just in time, I can also tell you about the mystery of the Falling Sun Sword."


Jiang Wenyuan wanted to refuse at the first moment, but Shan Bing on the side had already nodded repeatedly.

"Okay! I want to learn this!"

An update has been sent. The cat has been having a lot of trouble in the past two days. It feels like it is over, and it is numb.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Today I also go to bed early and get up early to recuperate. Good night everyone.

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