In the Blade

Chapter 336: One move at a time

Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing can confirm that their trip to the west this time was very secretive.

But just their own words, no matter how secretive they are, it is useless. Being on the Hundred Soldiers List already means that they cannot completely hide their whereabouts - in fact, three days after they disappeared, someone had already realized that there were two The master of military command left Jiankang, and after those good-hearted people spent hundreds of money to find out the information, someone soon told them that they had seen the old eunuch.

Even the city gate they exited from was found out, and the confidentiality of Jiankang City was as good as ever.

So, just when they were being chased away by the local wealthy families in Songzhou, news about the two of them had already spread out.

Strictly speaking, the news came faster than the two of them could run.

Fortunately, it took some time for news of this level to reach the patrolling soldiers outside. This also allowed Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing to be lucky enough to obtain some of the most basic dry food and water when they first left Songzhou. ——But obviously, this kind of luck cannot last forever. After all, these soldiers still have to return to the city to change shifts.

After returning to Dengzhou City and receiving new orders, they naturally realized that something was wrong, especially when they remembered that Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing had actually lied to each other in front of them. The soldiers who had seen them were already extremely angry. peak.

So they squatted at several gates of Dengzhou City, scrutinizing the passers-by all day long, and vowed to give these two swindlers some color.

Of course, they are just a few ordinary soldiers and cannot defeat evil spirits like Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan. However, they do not need to do it themselves. They only need to be responsible for identifying people.

As for taking action...

"It's up to you! Fuck him!"

Several soldiers guarding the door quickly retreated to the back and invited the two men behind them to come out.

However, after seeing the people invited by the soldiers, Shan Bing, who had just been facing a formidable enemy, almost laughed on the spot.

There was no other reason than that the two men who were invited out were two disabled people.

One's left leg was cut off at the root and he could only walk on crutches; the other's right hand was missing and replaced with an iron hook. The one with the broken leg had a blank look on his face and turned a deaf ear to any sounds, but he was deaf. The eyes without hands were closed tightly. Even if they were opened, the pupils could not be seen, but he was blind.

Of course, Shan Bing has no intention of discriminating against disabled people. He has also seen people who are physically disabled but still try to live - but that is just their strength in life. As for fighting, a lame and deaf person, Can a blind man with a severed hand really be able to fight?

"...Shan Bing, we have to fight hard."

Just when Shan Bing was about to say something, Jiang Wenyuan's face turned completely dark.

"It's heaven and earth. How could they come out of here?"

"Tian Can Di Que...Wait a minute? You mean Tian Can Di Que?"

Shan Bing, who was about to say something just now, was stunned for a moment.

Tian Can and Di Que are ranked 17th and 18th respectively in the Hundred Weapons Book. Since the two brothers share the same name, almost no one knows what kind of weapons they use - after all, those who have fought against them They were all dead, their bodies were cut into thousands of pieces on the spot, their bones were crushed and ashes were thrown away.

Obviously, compared to other masters on the Hundred Weapons Book, the two brothers Tian Can and Di Que are more cruel and vicious. Compared with those masters who can also become stronger rationally, these two brothers sound more brutal. Like those evil lunatics.

In the past, Shan Bing had only heard of this name. He once thought that the madness of these two people was due to evil spirits entering their brains, but now, he realized the real problem.

These two brothers turned out to be disabled.

Physical disabilities make them far weaker than ordinary people, so in order to protect their own safety, they must be more ferocious. Only by using the most brutal and vicious means to kill can they survive.


Taking a deep breath, Shan Bing put up his own shield.

At this moment, he had a vague feeling that this might be the most terrifying battle he had ever fought in his life.

And the facts proved that his perception was right.


In just an instant, Shan Bing, who was holding a large shield, was blown away by the crutch.

The other iron hook also hit the pair of iron rulers set up fiercely.

Just a face-to-face meeting, the gap between the two sides is already clear.

Indeed, fate may have caused the two brothers to lose a lot, but it was this loss that gave them power beyond the reach of ordinary people - especially when paired with weapons suitable for them, this power also It is infinitely magnified.

"Why is this lame man so strong!"

Shan Bing behind the big shield was stunned. It was the first time he encountered such a powerful opponent - you must know that when he set up the big shield, he could even withstand the attacks of those evil monsters. To a lame man on crutches, he was like a Cuju made of pig urine, being kicked all over the floor and unable to stand.

How is this possible? Is this really just a matter of strength?


Shan Bing's expression suddenly changed.

"This lame man's crutch is weird!"

Jiang Wenyuan on the other side was beaten even more badly. The blind man who lost his right hand could not see anything, but he could always catch Jiang Wenyuan's position in the first place. The steel hook in his right hand was even more soul-snatching. After just a few bumps, he actually broke a hole in the iron bar in Jiang Wenyuan's hand.

The iron bar should be a weapon for holding weapons, but now it is being pressed down by the steel hook.

This is not a solution.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Wen stepped back and slightly opened up the distance, and then prepared to use his evil spirit to fight the blind man.

But at this moment, Jiang Wenyuan suddenly found that the evil spirit of the sword and weapon that he could control at will suddenly did not listen to his control.

"There is something strange about that hook! My evil spirit is sealed!"

It was not until then that Jiang Wenyuan realized what the few parries and bumps just now meant - but it was too late to say anything now, the blind man who lost his hand had once again waved the steel hook and rushed over.

This time, the steel hook's target was not the pair of iron bars, but Jiang Wenyuan's body.

The fierce steel hook blew up gusts of cold wind. Just looking at the posture, it was afraid that it would tear Jiang Wenyuan to pieces on the spot!

"Change people! Change people quickly!"

At this moment, Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan realized that they might have found an opponent that they could not handle at all - if Jiang Wenyuan was asked to lock the cripple's crutches and Shan Bing raised his shield to block the blind man's iron hook, they might still have a slight chance of winning, but the opponent's choice was just stuck at a point that they could not deal with.

However, even if they wanted to change opponents, would their opponents really give them a chance?


The sharp steel hook blew up a fishy wind, which forced Jiang Wenyuan to withdraw and dodge.

But this dodge made him farther away from Shan Bing.

What Shan Bing faced was even more simple and brutal. The lame man just raised his crutch and kicked Shan Bing, who was holding a large shield, like a Cuju made of pig bladders. He was kicked far away - yes, kicking. This time Shan Bing's judgment was very accurate. It was indeed the special ability of this crutch.

The steel-filled crutch made of the leg bones of the evil monster has the function of becoming another "leg" of the user. If ordinary people use it, those who can't understand how three legs should act will become crazy on the spot, but for a lame man, this is a perfect fit.

"Hehehe! Hehehehe——"

The deaf lame man used this strong crutch leg to kick Shan Bing, who was holding a shield, as happily as a child playing football on the Cuju field.

But as the one being kicked, Shan Bing was completely unhappy.

The situation has become extremely dangerous. It is only a matter of time before he and Jiang Wenyuan die. Fortunately, he thought that he could be called a master because he defeated Tuoba Shi, the "Iron Horn" ranked 36th in the Hundred Weapons List, with his newly learned moves. But now, facing the ferocious Tiancan Dique, he knows that there are really high and low in the Hundred Weapons List.

Indeed, he has learned a new move, but so what? He has no chance to use it at the moment. The cripple in front of him will not give him a chance to attack. He doesn't even have the possibility of standing still. The cripple has been kicking him like a ball.

Maybe he will be kicked to death all the way.

At this moment, Shan Bing has seen his short life.

Although he was already quite old, Shan Bing's life was really unremarkable. Since he was drafted as a young man and sent to guard the border, his life was only about fighting, either fighting in battle or preparing for battle, as if he was born to fight in battle - of course, there was nothing wrong with this. If he continued to fight until he died in battle, it would be a good destination.

But all this had a premise, that is, normal death in battle.

He could accept being hacked to death by a knife, or stabbed to death by a sword. As for spears, halberds, and other ways of death on the battlefield, he could accept it - but he could not accept being killed by stupid comrades no matter what. After all, this kind of thing had nothing to do with the war, and his death was meaningless.

So after the stupid sergeant issued a stupid order to kill him, and after seeing his comrades die one by one in the hands of the barbarians because of this stupid order, he, who survived, decisively chose to kill the sergeant who blamed him for the failure of the battle.

He knew all the consequences of doing so, but he still did it. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, he was crazy because of the evil spirit, but only he knew that he would never sleep well in his life if he didn't kill the sergeant.

There was no more to say about his life afterwards. It was imprisonment. Although this kind of life might seem hard in the eyes of ordinary people, in Shan Bing's opinion, it was not much different from when he was in the combat camp. It was nothing more than preparing for battle, just changing the place.

Yes, at that time, Shan Bing already knew that he would not be killed, after all, he was still useful.

Sure enough, after he squatted for an unknown period of time, the high and mighty eunuch Cao finally found his knife. To be fair, he remembered the old eunuch's kindness in his heart, but for this old eunuch, his mood was only to the extent of respect - just like respecting generals in the army, as a combat soldier, he would respect anyone who could give him orders. This was something he had learned in his youth and had long been integrated into his instinct.

As long as the old eunuch gives the order, he will execute any order. This is the responsibility of a soldier.

But he will not risk his life for the old eunuch. This is the rationality of a soldier.

The orders of the superiors may not be right. Some things only need to be experienced once. Only the living can complete the task, and the dead are just dead.

So, is there really anything worth risking his life for?

Perhaps, there is.


Seeing that Jiang Wenyuan in the distance had been nailed through by the iron hook, Shan Bing's eyes suddenly turned blood red.

The memory recollection was interrupted, and the remaining fragments were also stained red with blood - that should have been the happiest memory in his life, the memory of him finding a true confidant. Although he and this brother had never met before, they were unusually in sync as partners. The two of them should have continued to cooperate and even become old friends for many years...

But now, there is nothing.

The most beautiful memory has been nailed through by the iron hook. Shan Bing, who was originally on the verge of death, has returned to the world again.

Covered in blood, he had already lost his mind.

He just wanted to kill people.

But could his moves really beat Tiancandique? Obviously not, not even two people were needed, just the cripple could beat him all over the ground - he didn't even have the chance to attack, the cripple was still kicking him, obviously wanting to kick him to death.

So, he had to use some more fierce moves.

He had to use some more violent moves.

He had to use some moves that could truly reflect his ferocity.

So, how could he truly reflect this violence?

"You beasts..."

Taking a deep breath, Shan Bing, who was kicked in the air, shouted loudly.

"Take my Sun-piercing Strike!"

Boom -

The short sword thrust out with his hand was like a galloping thunder.

Is shouting when attacking useful?

Shan Bing used to have doubts about this matter.

But now, Shan Bing has realized that this method may really be useful.

Just because even the deaf lame man in front of him had heard the name of his move.

With his lame body.

With just one sword, the lame man who was so arrogant just now was cut into two pieces in the air.

Update sent, today is the winter solstice, have you eaten dumplings?

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I also went to eat dumplings, good night everyone.

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