In the Blade

Chapter 341 Teaching

After some conversation, Shan Bing realized that he might have hit the wrong person.

The man in front of him who calls himself Cui Yuan is just an ordinary swordsman who lives in seclusion in Dengzhou - of course, this is what he calls himself ordinary. At least in Shan Bing's own opinion, he can kill him with a single blow. He is not an ordinary person at all.

But when he saw the opponent's fist that was as big as his head, Shan Bing finally admitted that the opponent was right.

"I'm really ordinary, can't you see?"

As if sensing that Shan Bing still didn't believe it, the big palm-like hand waved in front of Shan Bing again.

"Look again, look again."

"Well, it's really ordinary."

Looking at the tall and strong body like a little giant exposed behind the fingers in front of him, Shan Bing swallowed hard.

When he was full of energy before, he only knew that this was the enemy. Now that he calmed down, he realized what kind of terrifying thing he had just charged against.

In his impression, the only ones who could grow to such a large size were those evil monsters.

Can people really do this?

"It's a good thing that you understand."

The little giant in front of him seemed to be satisfied with Shan Bing's answer.

"Then you should understand that there is no enmity between us, everything was originally a misunderstanding, and I have nothing to do with the outside world... But I am very interested in your swordsmanship, which is called the Sun Strike. Can you teach me? I can use other techniques to replace it with you."

"Of course...huh?"

Shan Bing choked directly on the spot.

He originally planned to say it directly. After all, his moves were broken, and he really had no ability to resist this terrifying little giant. But who would have thought that before he could say anything, the giant actually offered to follow him. He changes.

It wasn't a threatening tone, but she was talking to him seriously.

This giant looks quite friendly.

"But...what can I exchange for it?"

Shan Bing's mind couldn't turn around.

Normally, since it was time to change, he would have to ask for a high price and pay back the money. But looking at the little giant in front of him, Shan Bing really didn't dare to open his mouth and say something exaggerated - of course, it was mainly because of him. I can't think of anything I could order. If I say too much, I'm afraid I'll be beaten to death. If I say too little, I always feel that something doesn't feel right.

Fortunately, the giant in front of him seemed to have noticed Shan Bing's confusion.

"How about this, one move for another."

The giant made suitable suggestions.

"Other transactions may require us to give something to each other, but only after the exchange of ideas, no one of us will lose anything. We have neither discarded our ideas, but also absorbed new knowledge. No one will It’s a win-win situation, what do you think?”

How about it? What else?

This couldn't be more fair. Shan Bing even sensed a certain temperament that could be called wisdom from the giant in front of him.

"So what do you want to learn?"

The giant spoke again.

"If it's a part I know, I'll answer it."


Shan Bing began to think.

Obviously, if the giant in front of him dares to say this, he has the confidence to answer most of his questions. Perhaps this is the style of a master, and he is so confident when he opens his mouth.

Then here comes the problem.

Once again, he had the opportunity to be tutored by an expert. What problem did he want to ask for advice?

Shan Bing suddenly felt confused.

If he sees certain moves or techniques, he may have the idea of ​​learning them. Of course, it would be great if someone points out his weaknesses - but if he is allowed to say it now, If he wanted to learn something, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

What exactly does he want?

He never seemed to think about it seriously.

"I want to...become stronger."

Taking a deep breath, Shan Bing finally gave an answer that he didn't even know how to describe.

"I want to get stronger, but I don't know how."


The little giant in front of him fell silent.

"You...this question is actually not easy to answer. Please let me think about it."

The little giant who called himself Cui Yuan, or Du Chengfeng, who didn't want his identity to be discovered, began to scratch his head.

Originally, he thought that this would be a very simple exchange. He pretended to be Cui Yuan and learned this technique, and after this man named Shan Bing left, he would not know that he was Du Chengfeng, so that was all. It won't disturb his happy seclusion - but now, after Shan Bing asked this question, the nature has completely changed.

Just because Du Chengfeng himself was also questioned.

"If you want to become stronger, what should you do?"

Du Chengfeng didn't know whether this was fate or not. The question asked by this man named Shan Bing was exactly the question that he had been thinking about for a while. Of course, there might be a simpler solution to this question. , For example, if you go out and kill everyone you see, as long as you kill enough, then these evil spirit masters will definitely become stronger.

But Du Chengfeng knew that what the other party asked was nothing like this.

For ordinary evil spirit masters, just killing people may be enough, but Du Chengfeng already knows that the real key actually lies in the will itself - just like the route of obtaining evil energy by killing people, it is essentially divided into two aspects. On the one hand, if you kill enough, it means that both the living and the dead are afraid of you. On the other hand, if you kill enough, you will also accumulate enough "killing confidence" for yourself.

With the addition of the two, in this extremely idealistic world, people have indeed become stronger.

"But is this kind of strengthening really that stable?"

Du Chengfeng said that it might not be feasible yet.

The most obvious example is himself. The total number of people he has killed with his own hands is probably only a few tens of thousands, and it may not even reach one hundred thousand. But he can be sure that those masters of evil spirits who kill enough to kill one hundred thousand will. If someone comes to trouble him, he can kill them with just one hand - for the same reason, Wu Zhao and Nan Chen Taizu, whom he had beaten before, also reached this level.

It may be okay to just pile up the amount and use it to bully ordinary people, but if you want to go further, you still have to achieve a real qualitative change.

Speaking of qualitative change, we have to mention Ruan Shantao. This old man can actually be said to have taken half a step towards qualitative change, but it was because of the concerns and doubts in his heart that he was stuck on this half step, and even In turn, the old man reduced his combat power out of thin air, and even died inexplicably in Ziyang Mountain.

However, it was precisely because of this template that Du Chengfeng was able to vaguely explore the path leading to qualitative change.

Of course, that was not the route he took himself. Whether it was him, Wu Zhao, or Nanchen Taizu, the routes they each took were completely impossible to replicate - but even if the paths were different, there was at least one point. Yes, they are connected.

"If you really want to become stronger, you can try to prove your strength."

After thinking for a moment, Du Chengfeng spoke cautiously.

"Of course, I'm not asking you to kill people. Since you can ask this question, I'm afraid you have realized that a firm will is the foundation of everything... But firmness is hard to say. The more you want to The more determined you are, the less determined you will feel.”

After scratching his head, Du Chengfeng continued.

"In short, do more of what you want to do, even if it's just eating one meal or swinging a sword twice... Of course, you will encounter some things you can't do, but if you still want to do it, then find a way to do it. , It’s probably like this, the more you do, the stronger you become.”

Having said this, Du Chengfeng looked at Shan Bing.

"I said this, can you understand me?"


Eyes facing each other.

Shan Bing's eyes were full of confusion.

Although he could feel that the giant in front of him might really be saying something to him seriously, did these things really have anything to do with becoming stronger?

There are no moves, no skills, no way to beat the body, and no secrets of killing people - just some inspirational talk. He went to Jiankang City to find those poor scholars, and he could get them for ten coppers. Let them write two piles of paper, and what they write will definitely sound better and make more sense than what this giant says.

Can this kind of thing be considered a way to become stronger? Is this giant really playing tricks on him?

Or, if the giant really wanted to play tricks on him, what could he do?

It seems... there is nothing we can do.

This is a monster that can kill him with one hand. If he is not killed, he has already earned his life. Now that the giant is willing to chat with him, it is already a great honor.

"It seems you still don't understand."

Perhaps sensing Shan Bing's confusion, the giant in front of him sighed.

"Why don't you talk while eating, I just learned..."

"I understand, I understand completely."

Shan Bing firmed his eyes decisively.

That's enough for the motivational forum. He would rather hand over the secrets of his moves than listen to this giant chanting to him anymore.

After all, a giant who can crush himself to death at any time, but talks about some inspirational stories with a serious face, and occasionally asks "did you understand?" This experience is really too scary.

What's more, there is actually no secret to his moves.

"Just yell when you strike."

Taking a deep breath, Shan Bing revealed his secret.

"Give the move a name, and then shout it while performing the move. It is said that it can unify one's energy and spirit, making the attack more powerful... I also learned it from a passing master. As for other more detailed information Something, I don’t know.”


This time, it was Du Chengfeng's turn to be stunned.

He once thought that this would be some kind of amazing technique, and he also thought that it might be supported by some secret method, but no matter what, he never expected that it would be like this - shouting out the name of the move. Move, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly the most retarded in his eyes, and it is also the most shameful behavior. But no one can do this in a normal fight.

It's like that, if you want to fight someone, you have to say "I'm going to kill you with the Jibei Flame Knife today", and when you attack, you have to say "Fire Knife Technique". This kind of fighting style Is it really okay?

But looking at the serious look on Shan Bing's face, Du Chengfeng was a little confused, because it seemed that Shan Bing really did this - he always said "Eat me" before doing anything. "Let's strike with the sun." It sounds stupid, and it does give Du Chengfeng a chance to prepare in advance, but in any case, the power of this "strike with the sun" is really surprisingly powerful, even Du Chengfeng If he were hit in a critical area, he would probably die.

However, that's where the problem lies.

The other party had already shouted it out at the top of his lungs, so how could he be hit by such an attack?


Du Chengfeng started scratching his head.

Xue had learned, but what he had learned seemed to have entered the familiar two-end blockage. He always felt that there should be something that Shan Bing had not mentioned, or perhaps even Shan Bing himself had only learned part.

From this point of view, there is no point in continuing to ask.

"Anyway, the deal is over."

After scratching his head, Du Chengfeng sighed.

Originally, he thought it was something complicated, so he specially captured Shan Bing, intending to teach it through words and deeds - but looking at it now, it doesn't even need a year, two years, or even ten days and a half. No, it's just a matter of words.

"Then it's time for you to go."


Before Shan Bing came back to his senses, the huge fist was quickly enlarged in front of his eyes.

After knocking Shan Bing down with one punch, Du Chengfeng took Shan Bing and flew out again. He went out twice a day and still went to the same place. This made Du Chengfeng, who didn't like going out, even more impatient - - So after throwing the fainted Shan Bing outside Dengzhou City, Du Chengfeng went back by himself, leaving Shan Bing alone and unconscious under the tree.

Du Chengfeng knew his strength well, and he could even calculate at which moment Shan Bing would wake up.

And this is also true. Just when Du Chengfeng flew into the clouds and disappeared, Shan Bing on the ground also rubbed his head and woke up. Because he was knocked unconscious twice in succession, what was Shan Bing looking at now? They were all in a trance, and even felt like they were living in a dream.

Maybe even the missionary experience between each other just now was his illusion?

"It's just like the adventures in those story novels... It's just that this adventure didn't bring any benefits."

With a sigh, Shan Bing was relieved. After all, he was still alive and there were no parts missing from his body. This was already pretty good.

"That's it...hey."

After rubbing his head, Shan Bing stood up and walked towards Dengzhou City not far away.

He still has brothers over there, and he still has tasks to complete.

He promised Eunuch Cao to find the reclusive Master Du...

"What? You said I've found it?"

In Dengzhou City, Shan Bing was dumbfounded when he saw Jiang Wenyuan on crutches.

The update has arrived. The plot feels a bit slow recently. I'll think of a solution. Of course, everyone should go to bed early.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

I also went to bed early. Good night everyone.

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