In the Blade

Chapter 364 Entering the Brain

Everyone felt that Du Chengfeng was probably crazy.

This is a powerful enemy, and it is a time when Da Chen's life is at stake. Not only does the opponent not consider the common people in the world, he is even studying the ghosted flower rope - this does not look like the logic that normal people can have. But no one dared to speak out about it.

As for the reason, of course he couldn't defeat him. When the other party had terrifying violence that could wipe out all the people who asked the question, his idea would definitely not go wrong.

"What's more, he is not Chen."

Facing Shan Bing, whom he hadn't seen for several days, Jiang Wenyuan mentioned the matter again.

"He never thought of himself as Chen at the beginning. He has always been a rebel... I remember mentioning this when I asked him to come out. What, you forgot?"


Shan Bing still couldn't understand it.

In other words, he still couldn't face this gap.

The situation was a little different from what he thought. He originally thought that Master Du would only be strong when faced with a strong situation. Just like he had rescued him before, he might also rescue Da Chen this time - but the problem was Now here, Grand Master Du has no intention of taking action this time.

Facing the enemy but not fighting him, this kind of behavior is a bit...


Shan Bing finally thought of a suitable description.

Not fighting the battles that should be fought, but instead cowering in the city and letting the people outside be in ruins, this seems a bit...


Thinking of this, Shan Bing couldn't help but sigh.

The fear and reverence in his heart also began to waver.

Although he had indeed experienced it personally, admired it, and even learned it personally, this time, he had to admit that this power might have its own limits.

No one is omnipotent, not even a strong man like Master Du can save them.

In the end, they still have to fight on their own.

All soldiers in charge must go to the front line. This is the order just issued by the old eunuch. Since the troops on the front line really cannot withstand the charge of the fierce generals on the grassland, most of the capable masters have been transferred there - the soldiers. Shan Bing, who was born in the same family, actually doesn't understand. In this era when a master can ride a thousand horses, what significance does the traditional army still have? At least from the perspective of the battle itself, those soldiers who can't even release their evil spirit can't do it. , can only hold back.

"Times have changed..."

In the frontline position, looking at the mighty river in front of him, Shan Bing couldn't help but sigh.

It is a very traditional idea to arrange a defense line along the river. If it were him in the past, he would probably arrange such a defense line to resist - after all, the grassland people are still several orders of magnitude behind Nanchen in terms of manufacturing warships. , even if the grassland people could hurriedly build some warships, it would be impossible to defeat the Chen people on the river.

Of course, the grassland people may send out a few masters who unleash their evil spirit. These people can indeed pose a certain threat to the warship, but are there no masters on the Chen people's side?

Both sides dispatched masters, and the battle was brought back to its original position. The Chen people still had the natural danger of the river, and the grassland people still couldn't defeat them.

"But this time, it's completely different."

Looking at the river in the distance, the mountains are so bright that my eyes are about to burst.

Just because, right in his line of sight, there were hundreds of vigorous figures riding horses and whipping their whips, waving the weapons in their palms and riding the waves.

"The evil spirit is released! It's all the evil spirit that is released!"

The Chen people's army guarding the riverside suddenly went into an uproar. They had never seen such a formation before. Normally, even if the army dispatched masters, it would only be three or five. However, just these few evil spirits were released, and they were He was already a top expert in his eyes, but now...

"How is it possible? How come there are so many masters?"

"How many people did they kill?"

"He just rode over here on horseback... Do they still use boats?"

Yes, compared to the shock at the large number of enemy masters, this is the real problem before them - their enemies don't need any warships at all, and those evil spirit masters just rely on riding their horses and whipping their whips to get through. When they reached the river, the water defense line they originally arranged had become a joke, and those warships were even more...

"Run! Jump off the ship!"

On the warship in the distance, there were soldiers who immediately realized what to do.

However, it was too late.

With the violent slashing of those bloody storms, these huge warships immediately became living targets. The instruments specially prepared for destroying other warships could not hit these flexible prairie knights at all, and these prairie knights could not hit them at all. The attack wielded by the knight can easily tear apart the wooden hull.

In just a moment, a total of thirteen warships were sunk, and the soldiers who were originally deployed on them all fell into the water. They were either buried in the belly of fish or were trampled to pieces by the horses of those prairie cavalry generals. Head.

Including those Nanchen masters on the warship.

They have to fight those grassland cavalry generals and protect the warships at their feet. From the very beginning of the battle, these Nanchen masters have been at a huge disadvantage. The people behind are watching them, and they cannot give up. If the boat escapes, he will have to risk his own life.

"Then they actually died."

Seeing the last struggling boat guard being split into two pieces by the prairie knight, Shan Bing's heart suddenly became cold.

The belief in victory was shaken.

Or, in other words, there is no such concept as a sure win. Shan Bing was born a soldier, and he understood what fighting was all about. Even a fully armed warrior would have his head smashed by the opponent's clubs against the barbarians in the forest who could only swing wooden sticks. There was no such thing as a sure win in fighting. Fighting would only lead to two outcomes.

Life or death.

And now it seems that the probability of death is too great.

Traditional fighting methods have lost their meaning at this moment. The river, which is regarded as a natural barrier, is almost the same as nothing in front of those grassland cavalry generals. Those grassland cavalry generals wielded their evil spirits, leaving one evil spirit after another in the air, and their war horses stepped on these forces and flew directly across the river in an almost air-lifting posture.

"They, they can even fly in the sky..."

Thinking of this, Shan Bing couldn't help but clench the dagger in his hand.

This level of monsters... There are so many!

Can they really win? Can they really beat these monsters?

It seems that they can't.

"Kill, kill, kill--"

A cavalry general with a big axe took the lead, and the two-handed big axe in his hand directly hit Shan Bing's shield-Shan Bing didn't even have time to use his strongest sun-piercing attack, and he was already smashed away with his shield.

After more and more grassland cavalry generals joined the battle, even the defense line on the riverside was torn apart.

"This... is the power of a master."

In mid-air, Shan Bing, who was dizzy, was in a trance.

This was no longer the war he was familiar with. With more and more people using evil spirits, the form of war had been completely changed-just like he and Jiang Wenyuan, two masters of evil spirits, could control an entire state city, and now the grassland people organized a hundred cavalry to charge, which was enough to challenge the entire Southern Chen Empire.

So, why did these grassland people suddenly become so powerful?


When his eyes glanced across the sky, Shan Bing saw the throne hanging high in the sky.

So, everything has an answer.

Yes, he should have thought of it long ago. That monster would come back, that monster comparable to a god would come back.

But he didn't expect that the monster named Huangtian would reappear in front of him in such a posture and in such a way.

"If all the people in the world want to be my enemy, then I will kill everyone in this world."

Shan Bing still remembers what Huangtian said at the beginning.

It was not a bold statement, but just a simple statement, as easy as saying what to eat this morning.

That monster can do it, that monster can definitely do it.

Shan Bing, who had experienced that power, believed it without a doubt.

And now, that monster really started to do it.

The monster hanging high in the sky wielded the power that was almost divine, and drove these grassland people like driving hawks and dogs. These grassland cavalry generals were the whip in the hands of the god and the dagger in the hands of the monster. And these Chen people who had once betrayed the god would definitely be...


With a muffled sound, Shan Bing fell to the ground.

Severe pain came from his limbs, but he couldn't even get up now.

There was no hope. Facing a monster of this level, they couldn't win...Even if they could kill all these grassland cavalry generals, what would it matter? When the emperor came down, or the long sword in the hands of the emperor came down, they would still die.

What's more, they couldn't beat these grassland cavalry generals.

Once upon a time, Shan Bing was proud of his own strength. He felt that he had learned a new power, which was a higher level of power than the evil spirit. The strength brought by the firm will made him powerful even without using the evil spirit weapon. However, this time, he finally felt that even this power was not omnipotent.

It was the evil spirit that he had discarded that had just defeated him. God knows how many people those grassland cavalry generals killed. The vicious evil spirit was almost like a substance.

Perhaps this is why these grassland cavalry generals can easily ride their horses into the air. He should have realized this long ago. These grassland cavalry generals have reached an unimaginable height in terms of evil spirit.

But now, everything is too late.


Another muffled sound came.

It was the horse hoof stepping on Shan Bing's chest.

The hundreds of grassland cavalrymen had already killed through the Chen people's defense line. The so-called defense was as fragile as paper in front of these evil spirit masters. The cavalryman who had just chopped Shan Bing away with an axe had once again rushed in front of Shan Bing, his horse's hoof stepped on Shan Bing's chest, and the heavy axe was also raised.

In theory, a two-handed axe is not a long weapon, and it is impossible to reach Shan Bing who is lying on the ground at this height.

However, there is still evil spirit.


Facing the evil spirit wind that chopped down on his head, Shan Bing's consciousness began to blur.

It's really a ghost, why is there such a thing as evil spirit.

But he shouldn't complain about this kind of thing. After all, if there was no evil spirit, he would not have survived in the south at the beginning. He was able to kill more and more fiercely when the team was surrounded. In addition to the martial arts he practiced in his daily life, the evil spirit was indeed indispensable.

If there was no evil spirit, he would not have been able to be so brave at that moment. If there was no evil spirit, he alone would not have been able to defeat so many barbarians... Even if those barbarians only had wooden sticks and bronze spears in their hands, without the blessing of evil spirit, he would not have been able to block the attacks of so many barbarians with only a short sword and a large shield.

So he always carried these two weapons. Even though he had more and better choices after becoming the commander of the army, only these two weapons were the most suitable for him.

They were comrades-in-arms who shared life and death, and their cooperation was perfect.

"So... when did it start?"

Shan Bing became more and more dazed. He couldn't remember when he felt that the evil spirit was not so useful, when he felt that he didn't need the sword and shield in his hand to gain strength... when did it start?

Shan Bing couldn't remember clearly.

He only knew that he was going to die.

People only recall the past when they are about to die. This is a taboo known to many frontline soldiers, so most of them will not talk about their hometown, their origins, or anything about life. Shan Bing himself has always adhered to this principle. He only thinks that his memory starts from when he was a soldier. As for the things before, he does not mention them at all.

But now, he remembered the hometown destroyed by the bandits, his parents, the childhood sweetheart killed by the bandits, and the dagger given to him by his fellow villagers.

"So this is how I got this sword."

Shan Bing subconsciously looked at his right hand. The hand that was supposed to hold the dagger was already empty.

Should it have dropped out of his hand when he was knocked away? He couldn't remember clearly.

But this kind of thing doesn't matter anymore. Everything has to be...


Just when Shan Bing was about to close his eyes, a white light flashed in front of his eyes.

That white light looked so familiar.


Seeing the white light piercing into the throat of the grassland cavalry general, Shan Bing, who was lying on the ground, was dumbfounded.

"Is it you? You came to save me?"

"It's me, I came to save you."

A familiar voice appeared in Shan Bing's ears, and an even more familiar arm supported him up.

That was Jiang Wenyuan's voice.

"How did you get beaten like this... Where's your Sun-piercing Strike?"

"I... Be careful!"

Shan Bing wanted to say something, but saw another grassland cavalry general wielding a big knife, rushing over!

"Their evil spirit..."

"It doesn't matter."

While saying this, Jiang Wenyuan waved the iron ruler.

The evil spirit and fishy wind swung by the thick and heavy knife was easily blown away.

"You are..."

Shan Bing was stunned.

How... is this possible?

Such a strong evil spirit, such a fierce attack, even he was knocked away on the spot, how could Jiang Wenyuan, who was at the same level as him, be so easy...

"Why can't I...wait a minute."

Jiang Wenyuan suddenly turned his head and looked at Shan Bing beside him.

"You didn't learn to play the flower rope, did you?"

The update is here, everyone should go to bed early.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thanks to Bage Chi Niaowu, 22efg, and Lu Zezi for the rewards, it really cost a lot.

I haven't recovered from yesterday's non-stop work, I will continue to take care of my health for another day, good night everyone.

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