In the Blade

Chapter 370 Young Child

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Although Huang Tian himself never thought that he was the type who was particularly good at strength, with his strength, it would be no problem for him to blow up those evil monsters with his bare hands - that is, strength is generally developed in an all-round way, at least there will not be too obvious shortcomings in strength...

"Why did it start again?"

Realizing the strange way of punctuation in his mind, Huang Tian slapped his head again.

This strange effect became more and more obvious, and he had to kill the monster quickly...

So, why couldn't he push the child in front of him?

This is absolutely impossible. No matter what, his strength is not enough to push a child away - but the facts are in front of him. He tried again, and the child in front of him still didn't move.


Huang Tian clenched the hilt of the sword in his hand.

The haze that had been swept away surged into his heart again.

He always felt that something was wrong.

"Get out of the way."

Huang Tian repeated it again.

Faced with a powerful enemy, he was too lazy to do anything to a young child.

No matter how strange this child is, this is not something he can take care of right now. He must go in quickly and kill that person as quickly as possible...

"I want to get out of the way, too."

The smile on the child's face became more bitter.

"But I really can't move... I'm standing still."

"...Standing still?"

Huang Tian was confused.

He hadn't heard the word standing still for a long time. In his impression, only those little kids who had just started to practice martial arts would do this kind of thing. They would stabilize their bodies by standing on their knees, so that they would have a clear concept of the center of gravity. In the process, they would also correct their bad postures and exercise their leg muscles and tendons. And the posture of the child in front of him stretching out his arms would also exercise some of the arm fascia. That's about it.

Probably, that's it.

So what does this have to do with the current situation? Just standing still can make him unable to push?

"Get out of the way!"

Huang Tian pushed again.

The child in front of him still didn't move at all.

This also made Huang Tian more confused. Although he didn't want to admit it, at least at that moment, he did feel panic.

Impossible, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible. He obviously has such strong power and so many abilities... Even if he doesn't use these, he at least has a strong body. How could he not be able to push a child?

Or, was the one he just pushed really a child?

No, the feeling is completely wrong. Although he touched the child's clothes and could feel the temperature radiating from the child, the feeling after pushing it was completely different - the child in front of him was not as fragile as other children. On the contrary, this child was extremely powerful.

No, this can't even be said to be a matter of strength. At that moment, Huang Tian even thought he was pushing a wall.

Or, a big tree.

Perhaps the part of this tree exposed on the surface is only a little bit, but its roots have already penetrated deeply into the ground. The spreading roots are mixed with the soil and merged with the earth under their feet. They have long been indistinguishable from each other and have long been integrated.

"Falling to the ground... and taking root?"

Huang Tian subconsciously said it.

Although he also knew that the so-called standing posture generally has such a requirement, this kind of thing is really...

"How do you know?"

At this time, the child in front of him also spoke.

"How do you know to take root under your feet? Have you also learned standing posture?"


Huang Tian was speechless for a moment.

Bullshit taking root under the ground! That's obviously just a description of the feeling! A way to describe the whole body weight falling to the ground! How can it really take root!

But now, this unreasonable thing happened in front of him. No matter how he pushed, the child in front of him did not move at all. He even felt that he was pushing a big tree, or even a hard wooden stake. The roots deeply rooted in the ground dissolved all the force he pushed out.

Indeed, his fist was enough to smash the wall, but even with such violence, could he push the wooden stake in front of him?

Obviously, he couldn't do it.

Just because, at that moment, he was not only fighting with the upper half of the wooden stake, but also with the huge roots under the wooden stake, and even with the entire land under his feet!

At such a young age, he can already do this. The kid in front of him...


Thinking of this, Huangtian raised the sword in his hand.

Yes, it should have been like this a long time ago. What if he couldn't push it? Did he come here to push this child away?

Never, he came here to kill people. Whoever stands in his way, he will kill!

No matter if it was a child or a wooden stake, he could just chop it. Even if the stake was deeply rooted, could he guarantee that he would not be chopped to pieces?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

A mere flesh and blood body, he only needed to swing the sword...


Huang Tian frowned even more.

Just because, in front of him, the child's arm actually swung the sword away.

It is a rather subtle technique. Facing the falling sword blade, place your palm against the side of the sword, and then exert force in this direction to push the falling sword aside - of course, it sounds like It's very simple, but if you want to do this, you must have an extremely exquisite grasp of timing, strength, and even the rhythm of each other.

To put it simply, even the most top warriors cannot achieve this 100%. If they can do it once or twice out of ten times, they are extremely lucky.

But now...

What a ghost! Is this luck?

"Is it luck? This is so lucky!"

The child in front of him almost jumped up in excitement, but his feet remained motionless.

"It's done! I'm finally done! It's done! This is simply... Thank you, you are the sparring partner that I have found, right? I will reward you after I finish standing..."

"Sparring partner?"

Huang Tian was immediately furious.

Are you kidding me? He fought all the way here, flew all the way here, killed so many monkeys, made so many breakthroughs, and was only one step away from slaying his inner demon... This kid actually dared to say that he A sparring partner? How dare you say that he is just a sparring partner?

"court death!"

Now that he had been explicitly provoked, Huang Tian didn't bother to coddle the child, so he simply picked up his sword and stabbed him again.

But this fatal sword was also slapped away.

"Yes, yes! This is it! This is what I want!"

Although he was facing a deadly sword, the child in front of him was overjoyed.

"This is what I want! This is much simpler than a kitchen knife!"


Facing the children's repeated provocations, Huang Tian became increasingly angry.

He actually compared the magical weapon he made with his own hands to a kitchen knife! This is simply the biggest insult!

Especially coming from the mouth of a child.

Just like those curse words, if spoken from the mouth of an adult, it is nothing more than a kind of emotional catharsis, but when spoken from the mouth of a child, it is undisguised malice - that is not even possible. To distinguish between good and evil, it is the innate aggression of the creature itself, just like when you were young, you would take the initiative to cut an insect into two pieces and then observe how it squirms. This is the most chaotic...


Huang Tian suddenly slapped his head.

He suddenly realized something.

Indeed, he has experienced so much and made so many breakthroughs. After understanding everything, he allowed himself to return to his innate state - no longer caring about the outside world, no longer thinking about other things, and wholeheartedly like a child. Only in this way can he It really allowed him to get the most out of his mental energy.

But even if he got to this point, he could only let himself act like a child.

But right now, the person standing in front of him was clearly a real child.

If you only count the physical strength, ten thousand children are not enough to kill him, but if you count the mental blessing...

How could he, a false child, be compared to a real child?


At this moment, Huang Tian was already sweating profusely.

There seemed to be something wrong. He felt like there was something wrong with his head. It was absolutely impossible for a child to beat an adult, but an adult could never defeat a child... So who could defeat whom? Who is the stronger one?

It was like a red-hot poker had been thrust into my brain.

At this moment, Huang Tian was already sweating profusely.

"Huh? Why are you sweating so much?"

It was at this time that the young child in front of him spoke again.

"Are you tired from sparring? Why don't you go down and receive the reward?"


Huangtian gritted his teeth.

Anger, uncontrollable anger, although he also knew that he should not have such emotions, but in the face of repeated provocations, he could not control this anger - what do you mean by going down to receive the reward! He has always been the only one who rewards others! This bitch actually said he would be rewarded! What does this mean!

Are you looking down on him? Does this mean you don’t treat him as a human being? Just treat him as a cat or dog, and give him a few pieces of meat when he is happy?

I can't bear it, no matter what.

This bitch must be killed!


The sharp sword fell fiercely again, and even turned into a sword light.

But this fatal sword was once again easily slapped away.

"Hey, it is indeed more comfortable to be a sparring partner in the palace."

The young boy sighed as he easily blocked the sword attack.

"I used to think your classwork was too harsh. It was only after I tried those kitchen knives flying in the sky that I realized that you had been deliberately letting me go... It's really hard on you, you all If you have a respectful heart, I will reward you heavily in the future.”

"You bitch!!!"

Huang Tian swung his sword faster and faster, and the sword light around him became more and more prosperous, but the child was still unscathed, not even moving his feet.

The young child was still maintaining his stance.


Huang Tian, ​​who noticed this, froze.

The sharp sword froze in mid-air, and then fell down weakly.

He had lost his composure, he had lost his composure too much, but in this state, he could not even defeat a child - in such a chaotic state, perhaps he should not continue to move forward, there was no way he could defeat that monster anyway.

But he still wanted to move on.

This is a journey that is doomed to fail. He will never survive. Facing such a terrifying monster, he may not even be able to return alive. If the monster has the means to interfere with resurrection, then he will not be able to revive, just like the so-called Yin man who was cut up and preserved by him and made into a sharp sword. He may also end up like this.

But he still wants to move forward.

"I have to try once... I have to try once."

Huangtian didn't know what made him persist to this point. Maybe he couldn't afford to lose? Maybe it was some kind of unwillingness?

He could obviously go back. He just had to stay here. Anyway, this was not his business, but his father's business. He could take care of this matter, and naturally he could also return it. The worst case scenario was that he would admit his incompetence. At least he was still alive and had a life.

"But what's the point of living like that?"

Huangtian noticed this thought in his heart.

Then he knew that his time had come.

The only way left for him was to move forward. If he didn't make it through today, he would be no different from being dead - just like the saying among the monkeys, some people died in their twenties or thirties, but were buried in their sixties or seventies.

His life span was naturally not so short, but in terms of the situation itself, it actually made no difference.

When he lost his fighting spirit and chose to give up, even if he was alive, he was already dead.

He didn't want to die, at least not like this.

He wanted to live.

"So, make way."

With that said, Huang Tian turned sideways and squeezed past the child with difficulty.

Yes, he should have thought of how much space a child could block, that is, he wanted to go in directly from the front just now, which put him in such a situation - in fact, if he had just relaxed a little and didn't take it so seriously, he would have gotten in long ago even if he had opened a hole in the wall next to him.

"The more you fight, the more stupid you become. The more you fight, the more stupid you become."

Thinking of this, Huang Tian sighed.

How did things turn out like this?

"Eh? Do you want to go in?"

At this time, the child standing at the door spoke again.

"The imperial chef and the grand master are both sleeping inside, why don't you come next time?"

"They are both...sleeping?"

Huangtian was immediately amused.

Okay, it's okay, he fought to death here, and even fell to this point, and that monster was still fucking sleeping?

"Yes, I want to come at this time."

Huangtian picked up the sword again.

Dare to sleep in front of him...

You are simply asking for your own death!

Updates are here, everyone go to bed early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thank you for the reward from the myna eating parrot, it's really a waste of money.

I suddenly had a sore throat these days, it seems that I have chronic pharyngitis, I also went to bed early to keep healthy, good night everyone.

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