In the Blade

Chapter 373 New Era, New Strategy

Huangtian probably died again.

Although Du Chengfeng didn't know why he said again, the corpse in front of him should be Huangtian, but because the fire was too perfect, Huangtian now became a little too mature, and he could hardly recognize him.

"Fortunately you are here."

Looking at the corpse in front of him and the sword on the ground, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but pat the big knife in his hand.

Yes, this is why he dared to sleep casually, just because a long time ago, this big knife named Yang Sanlang had become his night watchman-every time he fell asleep, the knife would be responsible for helping him look after the surroundings, if there was no danger, it would be fine, but if there was any danger...

It would probably be like now, the knife would automatically counterattack, or wake him up, in short, it would definitely not let him die inexplicably in his sleep.

"But, you still have to be careful."

Putting away the big knife, Du Chengfeng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

When he woke up, he saw a charred corpse. He was shocked, but this shock was not because he was afraid of the corpse, but because someone could actually kill him in front of him - being rushed to the last line of defense was already a very scary thing. Fortunately, although the big knife in his hand had not killed anyone for a long time, it was still so reliable.

But the question is, what if the big knife is also unreliable?

There will always be enemies stronger than him, the kind that he and the knife can't beat together. If he is attacked by an enemy of that level and he falls asleep, then he will definitely not be able to beat it with only the knife - if he can't beat it, he will die, and he will be gone in an instant. There is no reason for this kind of thing.

"You still have to pay attention."

Du Chengfeng made a summary of this inexplicable battle.

Being suddenly attacked by an unknown strong man, there is nothing you can do about it, just like a meteorite falling from the sky hitting your head, it is an irresistible force due to bad luck - but apart from that, within the scope of logic, he still has to be as careful as possible.

Just like the old saying goes, what kind of person is invincible?

The answer is two types of people, one is the one with unparalleled martial power, and the other is the one that no one wants to fight with.

As for the former, it is difficult to do it. Although Du Chengfeng feels that his martial power should be in the first echelon, the problem is that he is not sure how many people are above him - maybe it is always like this, there is always a mountain higher than a mountain, and there will always be someone stronger than him, and he is used to this kind of thing.

So while practicing martial arts, he is also paying attention to the latter.

He would show a kind attitude to everyone. Although it seemed useless, just looking at the quality of the bed, you can understand that friendly communication is still very important - at least during the time he lived in the palace, no one would poison his food, and no one would cut corners on what he wanted. As long as he was willing to show a kind attitude, everyone was happy to help him.

When he showed a friendly attitude with force, most people were unwilling to be his enemy.

"So I am provoking you?"

Looking up and down at Huang Tian's corpse, Du Chengfeng was still quite puzzled. In his impression, he and this so-called ascender should not have any life-and-death feud - first of all, it was Wu Zhao who caused the trouble, not him, and secondly, he and this ascender had only met twice in total.

Counting this time, it was only the second time, and they were not even acquaintances.


Du Chengfeng was more and more confused.

Although according to the information he received before, these ascenders may think that he, as a latecomer, has robbed this world, but in Du Chengfeng's opinion, this statement is too untenable - you know, there are so many people living in this world, and the size is much larger than him. Why are these so-called ascenders targeting him alone?

Originally, Du Chengfeng thought that he could see something in the process of sharpening the knife, but after sharpening the sword left by Huang Tian several times, he found nothing.

The Wu Zhao spine sword was made too short a time ago, and Du Chengfeng could not get any effective information at all. Most of the records on the sword were Huang Tian's personal show. This so-called ascender seemed to like to use all kinds of strange ways to... show himself?

In theory, this is indeed a pretense for Huang Tian, ​​but for Du Chengfeng, he still couldn't understand what he wanted to know.

In other words, why was he being hunted down.

"Can't we just sit down and talk?"

Looking at the charred corpse in front of him, Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head.

Of course, you can fight, but if you want to talk, you can talk. In the final analysis, he at least needs to know why they are fighting. Is it for a competition to promote each other's martial arts, or is there really a struggle for interests, or a deep hatred? In short, in Du Chengfeng's impression, fighting must have a reason.

Not like the emperor in front of him, who fought on his own and gave his life on his own, and couldn't speak clearly during the whole process.

The main thing is that he can't beat him.

If Huang Tian could beat him, that would be the best thing. He didn't need any reason at this time. The existence of a strong enemy was the battle itself. But the problem was that the opponent was obviously too weak, and even had a tendency to get weaker and weaker.

Du Chengfeng still remembered that when they met last time, Huang Tian could at least beat him once, but when they met this time, the opponent couldn't even beat him with a knife.

Is there really any meaning in such a fight?

"No, maybe it still has meaning."

Du Chengfeng's pupils shrank slightly.

Although he had just had a lot of random thoughts, after gradually calming down, he still had to face a fact that was not easy to face.

That is, Huang Tian really came back.

When he killed Huang Tian for the first time, facing Huang Tian's words "I will come back", Du Chengfeng didn't feel anything real. He thought it was just a joke. What if he could come back? If he couldn't beat him, he still couldn't beat him. Anyway, this kind of thing didn't matter. At most, he could just fight again.

However, it was not until now, until he saw the charred corpse in front of him, that Du Chengfeng personally experienced what the phrase "I will be back" really meant.

"Resurrection... He can revive again and again!"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng began to sweat.

No wonder he was sweating, because he had played a lot of such games before - those immortal game protagonists were killed by powerful monsters again and again, but they were resurrected again and again to continue to challenge. In the end, these immortal warriors would rely on the experience and memory accumulated in battles to successfully defeat those seemingly invincible enemies, and even ensure that they were unscathed.

It may be complicated to say, but it is very clear if converted into events. In short, Du Chengfeng was once addicted to high-difficulty games, and even practiced hard to play, and once achieved a clean clearance without injury.

However, he had always put himself in the position of the protagonist. The only problem was that he had no chance of resurrection, and could only rely on himself to grasp the degree of desperate efforts. Fortunately, he survived all the way. His luck was pretty good, and the enemies he encountered were all defeated at that time.

"Maybe I really have the fate of a protagonist?"

At midnight, Du Chengfeng had once fantasized like this.

This is not hysteria. Everyone will have such fantasies. Perhaps this idea is not common, but everyone, at a certain time in life, may have such fantasies, whether they can be as unique as the protagonists in vernacular novels and control their own destiny.

However, Du Chengfeng only thinks about these things occasionally when he is bored. Most of the time, he still doesn't think so. If he must say, he is more inclined to believe that everyone is the protagonist of his own life, and everyone will have a bright future of their own.

But now it seems...

Some people really seem to be the protagonists.

For example, resurrecting and killing again is too scary. Du Chengfeng can even conclude that Huang Tian is definitely not dead. Even if Huang Tian looks like a charred corpse, it is still useless. You know, Huang Tian turned into a corpse in front of him before, but now he still appears in front of him.

Just think about it, and you will know how terrible this is. No matter how many times he kills Huang Tian, ​​it is useless. Huang Tian can be resurrected and come back every time. He will be attacked when he eats, when he sleeps, when he goes to the toilet, and even when he entertains himself. Huang Tian will come at any time, but he has only one life. As Huang Tian gradually becomes familiar with his fighting style, can he still live?


Du Chengfeng wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Always, although he has always complained about this idealistic world, he has actually been enjoying the benefits of this idealistic world. If this world is not so idealistic, he may not be able to obtain such a strong power in a short time.

But now, he will experience the disadvantages of this idealistic world.

Although it is not clear how Huangtian was resurrected, just like he could make Carpenter Li win the resurrection match, Huangtian can also be resurrected again and again and then kill again. This kind of thing can't even be called a competition, it's just pure disgusting.

Just like provoking those buzzing wasps, it takes a lot of effort to kill this thing, and even if it is killed, these things will continue to pop up.

"What's more, this thing is not just aimed at me."

Looking at the remains of the bed beside him, Du Chengfeng was heartbroken.

Pain, it's really too painful. Such a luxurious big bed specially customized for him is not so easy to get. Even if he asks the craftsmen in the palace to make another one, he may not be able to find the right raw materials again-if he must make it again, this thing may have to be downgraded, which is equivalent to a loss for him inside and outside. You know, this kind of thing can't be obtained with money.

"It's equivalent to the recovery efficiency dropping from 100% to 75%."

This is Du Chengfeng's estimate. The best bed has become a pile of rotten wood. Even if he makes another one, he can only do this much due to the limited materials.

"We can't go on like this! We must find a solution!"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng clenched his fists.

Perhaps he must adjust his thinking.

It seems to be true. Although he has been aware of the existence of the idealistic power, he still uses the most primitive method in the battle - that is, to destroy his enemies from the physical level.

This method is indeed effective in ordinary battles. After all, most enemies only stay at this level.

But what if he encounters an opponent who also has the idealistic power?

He can't always play a game of abuse. He will always encounter opponents of equal strength. Those opponents will also understand these idealistic powers and use some strange methods that he can't even imagine - such as the infinite resurrection shown by Huangtian. This is indeed not a martial art, but this infinite resurrection itself is more disgusting than any martial art.

"Yes! Treat this thing as a technique!"

Du Chengfeng corrected his concept at the first time.

Yes, that's how it should be. If both sides have mastered the power of idealism, then the battle of martial arts itself is no longer that important - because physical destruction can no longer determine anything at this time. Only by completely destroying everything of the opponent can the battle be considered over.

Just like now, no matter how many times he kills Huang Tian, ​​it is meaningless, Huang Tian can always stand in front of him again.

Unless he can destroy Huang Tian's resurrection mechanism, so that Huang Tian can never be resurrected again.

"Or, just beat him back."

Recalling his previous experience of playing games, Du Chengfeng thought of another way.

Facing a monster that he has a chance to win, he will rush up to fight, but facing a monster that he can't win no matter what, he can only slam the table angrily and quit the game - although he suffered at the beginning, but now this idea may also be used to deal with Huang Tian.

"But before that, we still need to get some information first, this is the key."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng picked up the long sword on the ground.

Yes, after changing his fighting style, he realized how useful his ability to sharpen knives was.

In this kind of battle that goes beyond martial arts, intelligence has been given the highest priority.

"Let me see what's going on with you..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng picked up the whetstone for sharpening kitchen knives from the table next to him.

Updates sent, everyone should go to bed early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I'll take care of my health today, good night everyone.

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