In the Blade

Chapter 384 Why Fight

Huangtian raised his sword.

He didn't know why he did this. The old man in front of him had always treated him well. Unlike his father, he had no reason to argue with this old man - but he still subconsciously raised his sword to the old man he should call grandpa.

"What am I doing?"

Huangtian's brain was already in chaos, just because the information he received was too shocking.

Who is he? Where is he? What is he doing? Why is all this happening? It seems that everything has an answer, but everything seems to have no answer at all. The old ideas have indeed been destroyed, but what lies before him is still a ruin-like nothingness.

Only the sword in his hand, only the weapon in his hand, is the only real thing.

Swinging the sword down, maybe it can change something, swinging the sword down, at least it can change something. Since everything is just a bubble built in illusion, then at least the sword in his hand is the only reality.

"Boy! What are you doing!"

The burly old man stood up.

"Are you going to attack me? Just like you did to your father? Sure enough, the mental power in you has brought too many influences to you. You are no longer the same person as before."

As he said this, the old man just raised his hand and a pistol fell into his hand.

"Since you have become like this, I'd better kill you directly and call back the you of the past..."


Facing the muzzle of the gun pointing to his forehead, Huang Tian just smiled with his sword in hand.

This is not a smile of victory. As a user of mental power, he knows very well that it is not just a pistol. Like the sword in his hand that carries all his will, the gun probably also carries all the fear and terror of guns.

Gun and sword, the gun must win, and he will definitely die.

But what can he do if he dies?

For him now, death may be a good thing. After seeing the real truth, he no longer knows how to continue living. He doesn't even know where he is or who he is. So what does life and death mean to him?

Regardless of life or death, it is a change leading to the unknown.

Just like the sword in his hand.

In this chaos, this is the only thing that can be determined.

"Come on then."

Huangtian raised the long sword in his hand.

"Then let me... huh?"

Huangtian suddenly froze in place.

Huangtian stopped moving, but the old man did not stop. Facing the unworthy descendants, he decisively pulled the trigger...


The old man suddenly felt that he was flying.

It was like a huge hand grabbed his head...

No, it's not like anything! It's just that a huge hand grabbed his head!


The old man turned his head subconsciously, but saw a familiar face.

The appearance of the young man in black clothes... This is clearly his son!

And his son's head was also grabbed by a big hand.

"Why are you..."

Before he could distinguish carefully, another strange big face appeared in the old man's sight.

"Who are you again!"

"I caught you!"

The strange big face said this, and then he picked up the old man and the black-clothed boy with one hand each.

"You are his biological father, right!"

As he said this, the big face directly lifted the old man in front of him.

It was at this time that the old man saw how tall the strong man who was holding him was.

This body that was more than ten feet long... was like a little giant!


No matter how majestic the old man was just now, he couldn't help but be stunned at this moment, and he was a little confused about what was going on.

His grandson was infused with abnormal mental strength, so the whole person went crazy directly, which was still within his understanding. But now...what is going on?

"What do you mean you? Just say it."

The strong man stared at the old man's eyes, which made the old man nod subconsciously.

There is no need to deny this kind of thing, it is indeed his offspring.

"It's your son!"

The little giant in front of him nodded.

Then he raised his hand and pointed at the sky that was several dozen feet tall.

"Let me put it this way. I am a reasonable person. Since I want to beat you, I will definitely make you understand... I was living a good life, and your son suddenly said he wanted to kill me, and then he came all the way here to kill me. I beat him to death once, and he still came here to make trouble..."


The old man became more and more confused as he listened.

He could probably hear the things clearly, but the words of this strong man were really confusing. The way of speaking was neither clear nor decisive, just like the family's street talk... He was very uncomfortable, extremely uncomfortable.

This little giant should be a powerful man with considerable strength, but the way he spoke was too unlike a strong man, upside down, and even without thinking. What on earth was going on? What on earth did he encounter?

"So what are you going to say?"

The old man finally couldn't help but speak. This way of communication made him dizzy.

"What do you want to do?"

"Well? Isn't what I said clear enough?"

The little giant looked puzzled.

"Didn't I make it very clear just now? In this kind of situation, usually the younger ones are beaten and the older ones come..."

"Is there such a saying?"

The old man was getting more and more confused. He was almost confused by this kind of incoherent communication.

"So what do you want to do?"

"I beat the younger one, but the younger one couldn't beat me."

The little giant sighed.

"I have actually been waiting for you old ones to come over recently...but since you didn't come, I had no choice but to come out to find you."

As he said this, the little giant picked up the black-clothed boy in his left hand.

"I have beaten this father-generation guy, but his strength is still not good enough, so I came to find you."

As he said this, the little giant threw the black-clothed boy aside and picked up the old man again.

"You are a grandfather-generation guy, you must be better than your son and grandson, right? Come on! Let's practice!"


The old man was completely dumbfounded.

What do you mean by practice? Is this human language?

But at least he had figured out what was going on. This little giant who had appeared out of nowhere was obviously looking for trouble. In other words, he could just fight him. There was no need to talk about it.

But could he really win?

Glancing upward, the old man began to sweat as he looked at the big hand that was still holding his head.

At least for now, the outcome might have been decided...

"You dare to come out!"

At this moment, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded in the air.

"You dare to appear in front of me!"

"Oh! You've grown up!"

Hearing the roar in the air, the little giant, or Du Chengfeng, turned around.

"But don't talk first. Wait a minute. Uncle will practice with your grandfather first..."

"You dog!"

The angry Huangtian swung his sword and chopped it down.

"Come! Fight..."

"I really don't want to fight you."

Having said that, Du Chengfeng raised his hand and chopped it back.

The five-zhang-long fire blade was far inferior to the huge sword blade that was dozens of zhang long.

But with just one swing, it didn't even touch the huge sword body.

The huge sword blade was broken into two pieces in mid-air.

"I said I'm not here to fight you. Your strength is too low."

Du Chengfeng didn't take back the knife, but put the old man back to the ground. Then he held the big knife and looked up and down at the old man in front of him.

"You are my grandfather, you will definitely give me more surprises, right?"

What do you mean by more surprises!

The old man's back was already wet with cold sweat.

The surprise was indeed a surprise. When the big sword was swung down, he thought that his grandson, who had already gone crazy, could still make some use of the waste in the end, at least to defeat this inexplicable monster that appeared - but who would have thought that his grandson would lie on the ground after a face-to-face encounter, and even the surprise turned into shock.

It was too scary, it was really too scary. Where did such a terrifying monster come from?

It is impossible for such monsters to appear in those worlds. Could it be that...

"How is it possible!"

The old man clenched the handle of the gun in his hand.

In a short moment, he had confirmed something.

In the past, he sensed the danger, so he took the initiative to leave that crazy world. He thought he could leave that crazy place forever and never recall those things again - but now he is still caught by that madness, still caught by that crazy world.

"It turns out that I have never really escaped..."

Looking up and down at the style of Du Chengfeng's clothes, the old man confirmed it again.

"You came out from there, right?"

"What do you mean by from there?"

Du Chengfeng frowned. He hated this kind of riddle man who didn't speak clearly.

"Where is that place? Please explain it clearly."

"Yes, where is that place..."

The old man smiled bitterly.

Where is that place? That place can be said to be his hometown, which should be the place he is most familiar with, but the more he explored, the more unfamiliar that place became, until he explored part of the truth, until he discovered the power called "heart power"... He would rather not notice all this, so that he at least does not have to feel the chaotic madness.

Where is that place?

If I must use a word to describe it, it is probably a place where people can make their wishes come true.

A place where everyone can make their wishes come true.

"Sure enough, I should have known it earlier, I should have known it earlier..."

As he said this, the old man pulled the bolt and loaded the bullet.

Yes, he should have known that he might have escaped, but he could never really escape. After all, he was born in that place, which means that no matter where he goes, there will always be a road leading to him behind him.

He can't escape, he will never escape.

"So, it's time to fight."

The old man raised his gun and aimed at the little giant in front of him.

That's right, since he's been caught up, there's no need to run away. He can't run away forever, he'll always be caught up again... The only solution now is to face it head-on, only by killing the monsters that rushed out of that world head-on, he will be truly safe.

"Yo? Foreign gun?"

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, Du Chengfeng widened his eyes.

Although theoretically, he might not be hurt by any firearms now, but when the gun was pointed at him, he still subconsciously sweated a little - on the one hand, it was due to the fear of firearms. Although he might not be hurt by firearms, that was only theoretically, and he had never really practiced it. Instead, the impression of firearms and the fear of firearms were hidden in his memory a long time ago, but now they were awakened.

As for the other hand, it was because the momentum emitted by this pistol was extremely terrifying.

Can a pistol really emit momentum? Du Chengfeng didn't know, and he had never touched a gun, but there was no doubt that the pistol in front of him really emitted some kind of terrifying momentum - Du Chengfeng even had a feeling that even if he was hit by this pistol, he would probably burst into blood and flesh, or even die on the spot.

So, he raised the knife.

Using a knife against a gun doesn't seem like a good idea, but now the only weapon he has is this big knife.

What's more, can a knife really beat a gun?

He wants to try.

He wants...

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang--"

In just a moment, the old man emptied the magazine directly, and seventeen consecutive gunshots almost connected in a line, like a single gunshot.

At this time, Du Chengfeng didn't even make any moves.


Smelling the smell of gunpowder close at hand, Du Chengfeng subconsciously touched his body.


Du Chengfeng's voice was hoarse, and he couldn't make a sound for a long time.

"You, how can you..."

"How can you miss?"


In front of Du Chengfeng, the old man just lowered his head in silence.

On the old man's body, a thin crack gradually became clear, but no blood oozes out.

That was the mark of burning by the flames. The entire cut surface of the wound was charred and even neatly fitted together.

That big knife, at this moment, really defeated the pistol.


The pistol that had been emptied of bullets fell to the ground, along with half of the old man's body.

"So, why is there such an outrageous place... How is it possible? How is it possible?"

The old man who fell to the ground looked at Du Chengfeng who was still standing there, his face full of unwillingness.

He had clearly seized the initiative just now, and even used up all the bullets. He had used the greatest attack he could use, but it still made no sense.

Just because, the other party, like him, was born in that damn crazy world.

"Damn it, wish come true..."

Saying this, the old man lost consciousness unwillingly.

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