In the Blade

Chapter 387 Under the Strong

A strong person is not only an identity, but also a kind of power.

The strong are like storms, the strong are like earthquakes, the strong are moving natural disasters, the strong are the absolute masters, they only need to wave their hands to bring death, they only need to stamp their feet to cause corpses to litter the fields. No one can stop a strong person from practicing his will, unless it is another strong person.

But is it really a good thing for two strong men to fight?

Maybe it's a good thing for the strong. After all, the thoughts of strong people are always a little different from ordinary people. For many strong people, fighting means an opportunity to polish themselves, an improvement in strength, and even means, You can rob another strong person of everything - so strong people are often happy to fight with another strong person. Even if they seem reluctant on the surface, when they actually do it, they can always find that they are still Willing to fight this.

But what about those who are not strong?

"No more, all gone..."

The young man in ragged clothes was kneeling in front of two hastily dug graves, staring blankly.

He should have cried. After all, his parents were buried in these two graves. Even if no one participated in this simple funeral, as an heir, he should at least cry.

But he couldn't even cry.

It must be fake, right? He thought like this, everything in front of him seemed to be just an illusion to him - or in other words, he would rather believe that it was an illusion than admit the facts before him.

Even these two graves were dug by him himself.

Buried in the grave on the left is his father's severed hand, and in the grave on the right is half of his mother's head.

It wasn't that he didn't want his parents to be buried intact, it was just that there were only so many that he could find.

Maybe this is a good thing for him, at least he has found some, and with his current weak body, he can just dig out these two small holes - maybe this is what his parents left for him. After all, if two complete corpses were placed here, just burying them might cause him to die of exhaustion due to hunger and cold.

But is being exhausted really a bad thing?

Death doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

At least if he died, he wouldn't have to face this.

So, why?

He doesn't know.

He only knew that the prairie people were coming, and his family had escaped from Yangzhou City. His mother, who used to smile every day, had not smiled for a long time, and his father, who was originally a tall and strong man, had gradually become stooped. There are even more white hairs on my head.

"But at least we're alive."

He still remembered how his father encouraged him.

"At least we are still alive, right? We don't need things like family property. As long as we can go to a safe place, to Jiankang City, we can always earn back what we throw away... Be obedient and don’t make your mother angry at this time. She is not in good health and needs to be happy, you know?”

He knew that he was very obedient and he had never made his mother angry.

The more critical times like this, the more important it is for everyone to unite as one. At least when we were studying, this is what the teacher taught us.

And, as his father said, at least they were alive.



He murmured to himself in front of the grave.

Why why, what is the reason for all this? It is obvious that they are just living their own lives, and it is obvious that none of them are guilty - yes, military disasters are like natural disasters, there is nothing that can be done, everyone is running away, they naturally They can only escape, they can only escape... But they have obviously tried very hard to escape. They have not provoked anyone, they just want to live.

They just want to survive. Why is this?

It is obvious that they will arrive in Jiankang soon, the imperial city must be safe, and they will be able to survive soon, but why...why on earth?

Because two strong men who were fighting passed by here.

That's all.

He actually knew the answer in his heart. After all, he had seen it all with his own eyes. Just when the refugee team temporarily settled down, just when they were about to take a rest, he went out to find firewood and had just left, not long after he had heard that, roar.

"Don't run around alone. Be careful. You're still young. Don't meet some bad guy who abducts you. If you meet some beast or something like that, wouldn't your mother be heartbroken to death?"

He still remembered that his father told him this, but they hadn't eaten hot food for a long time, and even if they could have a fire, it would be good - so for the only time, he didn't obey, but chose to take advantage of the opportunity to rest. Ran out.

He was disobedient and survived.

Then he saw something more terrifying than a beast.

The roaring sound was getting closer and closer. It was like two giant beasts tearing each other apart. Just the huge size made the earth tremble. What frightened him the most was that the roaring sound actually came from him. It came from the direction it came from.

When he rushed back all the way, he only saw the flash of swords.

That was also the first time he knew that people could be so strong. The big tree that usually took carpenters half a day to saw down could be cut off by the sword light with just one strike. The ground that farmers used to need a whole day to dig up could be torn into pieces by the sword shadow with just one swing. As for the broken bricks and tiles, they were crushed into powder on the spot. Such a terrifying attack, just the aftermath, would kill people on the spot.

Yes, just the aftermath would kill people on the spot.

This was not a judgmental conclusion, but a fact that appeared before his eyes.

The two powerful warriors just passed over the refugees, and the exciting sword light and sword shadow had already blown a bloody storm in the crowd-these two people did not even take the initiative to kill these civilians. They were swinging swords at each other very seriously, but the sword light and sword shadows that leaked in the air still made one person after another fall to the ground.

The first person to fall was Lao Zhao, the driver. This serious man had always been the least talkative in the team, but when he was the hungriest, this stranger broke a piece of cake for him. He still remembered that Lao Zhao said he was going to Jiankang City to look for his daughter, and that he would find a job and not cause trouble for the child.

The second person to fall was Aunt Wang, who sold tofu. Of course, that was when they were in Yangzhou. Since they began to flee, Aunt Wang has stopped selling tofu. But he heard Aunt Wang say that as long as they arrived in Jiankang, she would resume her old business and set up the tofu stall again. He would definitely go there to eat.

The third person to fall was Changqiu, who was the same age as him. Logically speaking, it was not easy for a girl of this age to get acquainted with a teenager like him, but now everyone was escaping from the war, so no one cared about the difference between men and women - he still remembered that he had laughed at the other person's appearance in men's clothing, and the little girl who had her hair cut short and dressed as a boy cried because of this.

He didn't have time to say sorry.

The fourth, fifth, sixth... those who were familiar with him fell to the ground one by one. As ordinary people, they simply could not bear the swords and sabers. Even if it was just the aftermath of the battle, it was the most fatal blow to them.

For a moment, blood and flesh splattered everywhere, and broken limbs and arms flew all over the ground.

He even saw his parents.

His parents were still looking at him, but their bodies had already flown into the sky. When his father's half face saw him, his eyes still carried the last bit of kindness, and his mother's hand flew over from afar, as if to hold him.

But this hand did not hold anything.

Just because the sword energy came down.

It was no longer an ordinary sword and saber, but a more fierce sword energy and blade light. The two strong men in the air obviously fought with real fire, and their moves became more and more fierce-but it was precisely because the two of them were fierce together that they could not do anything to each other for a while.

He could not understand this level of battle. He only knew that his mother's hand flew up again.

Just like other broken limbs and arms, just like other broken bricks and tiles, under this powerful force, the mother's hand was finally crushed into powder, as was the father's face, Lao Zhao, Auntie Wang, Changqiu... Everyone was the same. This team that originally fled here has now become one, indistinguishable from each other.

"So... this must be fake, right?"

This memory is a bit vague to him, as if it happened a long time ago, and it seems like something that happened in a dream - so all this should be fake, how could all this happen? How could this happen? How could this happen?

If all this is fake, how good would it be?

However, all this is not fake after all. He still got his father's broken hand and his mother's head. Even though the two broken bodies are difficult to distinguish, he still buried them.

He didn't want to admit it, but as a son, he couldn't let his parents' bodies be exposed in the wilderness.

"So, why?"

He murmured to himself while kneeling in front of the grave.

Dead, all dead, turned into corpses all over the ground, even turned into mud all over the ground - but the two strong men, the strong men who caused such a killing, did not even have the intention to stop, nor did they even have the intention to look at them... They continued to fight, continued to fight, and fought all the way to the distance.

Maybe they will eventually decide a winner, maybe one of them will always fall, or they will fight to a draw, or even just fight to get to know each other, and drink and talk happily.

So, then what?


He knelt in front of the grave with empty eyes.

So why did all this happen? They obviously didn't provoke anyone, they just wanted to survive, they just wanted to live a normal life - there was not even a martial artist among them, they were not in any danger at all, why did they die? Why did they have to find them?

Why, they must be killed?

Why, didn't the two strong men die?

Is it because they are strong?

It seems that it is true.

Because they are very strong, and because they have the power to kill people easily, they are mobile disasters, they are walking monsters... It's like walking in the woods and encountering a wild beast. You can only blame your bad luck, but should you also blame the beast for eating people?

If it was really a beast, then this would make sense.

But what they were facing was clearly not a beast.

They were facing people, people like them, people with two hands and two legs, they spoke the same words, and even wrote the same words, they were all people, not beasts.

Even beasts that hurt people should be killed, so what about people who killed people?

"Why didn't you die!"

In front of the two desolate graves, the boy clenched his fists.

"Why didn't you die! Why don't you come to pay for your lives! Why not you! Why not you!"

Why not them, why not these strong men? These people who take human lives lightly are even worse than beasts. Why didn't these beasts die, but ordinary people like them who just want to live their lives died?

Why? Why on earth?

The boy didn't understand. At his age, it was difficult for him to think clearly about these things.

He only knew hatred.

Hate those two murderers, hate this hellish world. He was so obedient, and his family had done nothing wrong. Why should they be killed? Why were they the ones to die?

"Beast... Beast!"

The boy beat the ground desperately, as if he could vent the anger in his chest.

After all, that was all he could do.

What else could he do besides hate? Revenge? Kill those two strong men? He wanted to, he wanted more than anyone else, but could he do it?

He was just an ordinary person, he could do nothing, he could only hate, he could only curse, he could only beat the ground, as if he was beating those two beasts...

That was all he could do.

He could do nothing.

Perhaps it is not just this boy, there are more people who cannot do it. Some of them, like this boy, have family members who died in the aftermath of the battle between the strong. Some people are living a peaceful life, but the strong next door suddenly turned into a monster... Some people simply met those who are more vicious than monsters. Those cruel people killed them just to accumulate evil spirits. Some people even died suddenly just because the strong wanted to kill people for fun.

They hate these wanton monsters so much, but as ordinary people, they can only hate, and can only hate like this for a lifetime.

After all, they are just ordinary people. They don’t have that kind of terrifying power. They can’t do anything except hate.

But, is there really nothing they can do?

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