In the Blade

Chapter 4: With a sharp blade in hand, the desire to kill arises

"What's going on inside?"

"Is he still alive?"

"Go in, let's take a look first."

Outside the ancestral hall where the Yang family's ancestral sword is stored, Yang Xuan and Yang Sanlang are waiting nervously with more than a dozen young men in the clan. These young men are holding brand new spears in their hands, obviously just in case.

The most ideal situation is that the man inside sharpens the knife before he goes completely crazy. Although losing his mind and becoming a walking corpse may be a bit cruel to the strong refugee named Du Chengfeng, and it may even be the same as death, this at least allows the people of Yangjiabao to have the strength to fight when facing the Hu people's looting.

As for the unsatisfactory situation...then we can only use these spears.

Even if the refugee is possessed by the evil spirit and completely turns into a murderous demon who can slaughter the entire Yangjiabao, before he really kills people, he must at least raise the knife first-and this is also a chance for the people of Yangjiabao to avoid disaster. After all, no matter how fierce the murderous demon is, he is still a flesh and blood body.

In the final analysis, the flesh and blood body is fragile after all. Once the body is pierced, a large amount of blood will be lost, and it will be unable to move and die on the spot.

It's just like slaughtering pigs and sheep.

So what is going on inside? Is the knife sharpened? What has the refugee who was sent in become now?

"... I can't wait! Open the door!"

Seeing that there was still no movement in the ancestral hall, Yang Sanlang, who was uneasy, simply strode forward and pushed open the door of the ancestral hall.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng opened his eyes.

The four eyes met.

Yang Sanlang instantly looked away.

As a leader of the younger generation of Yangjiabao, Yang Sanlang should not have done this. Let alone a refugee, even when facing his uncle, this leopard-headed man with round eyes still dared to open his eyes and not lose the upper hand.

But at this moment, Yang Sanlang did not dare to look at the refugee's eyes.

The moment Yang Sanlang was stared at by that cold gaze, he felt cold all over. That was not a human gaze at all. That gaze did not regard him as a human at all.

Under that gaze, Yang Sanlang felt like a pig tied up tightly and about to be slaughtered with a knife.

The previous night talk with his uncle in the family once again emerged in his mind, and Yang Sanlang could not help but feel dazed.

No wonder the uncle stopped him again and again and did not allow him to touch the knife. It turned out that the so-called evil spirit entering the body was so terrifying.

Was it a god? A demon? Or something more bizarre that appeared in front of him?

"Who are you?"

"I am a human."

Du Chengfeng, who regained consciousness, responded instinctively.

"I am a human, can't you see... huh?"

With his eyes focused, Du Chengfeng saw who had just asked that question.

Long-lost memories surged from his mind, and Du Chengfeng vaguely remembered the original scene - yes, at that time he was not a knife, but just a refugee who came to Yangjiabao to make a living, but it was the man in front of him named Yang Sanlang who deliberately picked him out, knowing that the knife was wrapped with evil spirits and ordinary people would go crazy if they touched it, but he still led him here to sharpen the knife!

At this moment, the enemies met, and they were particularly jealous!

"Knife... knife!"

Du Chengfeng tightened his fists, and then he found that the big knife was still in his palm.

With a sharp blade in his hand, the murderous intention rose.

The cold evil spirit surged along his arms. Today, he wanted to kill everyone inside and outside the ancestral hall, and even the entire Yangjiabao!


With a loud shout, Du Chengfeng had already swung the big knife. The butcher's trick of butchering a pig, which he had repeated countless times in his mind, was already reflected on his body. With a swing of the big knife, killing people was like killing a pig!

But at this moment, a pair of old hands with little strength held up his hands holding the knife that were about to fall.

"Do it! Do it quickly!"

Yang Xuan, who had already aged, didn't know where he got the strength from at this moment, and he just held up the big knife that Du Chengfeng was about to swing in the air!

"Don't worry about me! Quick! If he really makes a move, the Yang Family Fort will die!"

"Uncle, you..."

Hearing Yang Xuan's roar, Yang Sanlang, who was already frightened by the knife, was speechless for a long time.

Although the most rational way at the moment was to let the young and strong men in the clan stab out the spears and pierce the knife-wielding refugee together with his uncle, but that was his uncle after all, his relative and elder, who had watched him grow up since he was a child, and who had taken care of him so much on weekdays, how could he be so cruel as to shout out such a cruel order?

But when Yang Sanlang hesitated, Du Chengfeng didn't hesitate at all.

Cold evil spirit surged into his head, and he seemed to have returned to the time when he was a broadsword, splitting flesh and blood, splitting the body. As a sharp sword, this was his mission and the thing that made him most happy.

However, just as Du Chengfeng retracted his sight and was about to kill the person in front of him, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The reason was simple. He knew the old man in front of him.

It was not when he was a refugee, but when he was a broadsword. As the heirloom sword of the Yang family, Du Chengfeng has almost watched the Yang family grow up since the death of Fatty Yang. Although most of the time, as a relic of the ancestors, he has been worshipped in the ancestral hall and is not allowed to be touched easily, there are always some unlucky children who will not listen to the advice and run to the ancestral hall when no one is around to touch him and get stained with the afterglow of the ancestors.

Du Chengfeng always let these touches go. One reason was that as a big knife, he had no way to refuse. Another reason was that he was lonely. Having someone come to talk to him and make him laugh was a bit of fun for him who had always been worshipped on the table.

And the old man in front of him was also one of those unruly children when he was young.

Du Chengfeng watched this old man named Yang Xuan grow up. From running to the ancestral hall to steal ancestral tributes when he was a child, to running to the ancestral hall to complain about the hardship of studying when he was young, to running to the ancestral hall to complain about the difficulty of studying when he took over the Yang family in his prime, he would run to the ancestral hall to sigh to his ancestors about the difficulty of life, and then when he was old, he would come here every day to sigh and lament that he had not been able to maintain the Yang family... Similar things, the old man's father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had almost all done it. It was hard not to make Du Chengfeng, who was placed on the altar, feel as if he was in another world.

And now, this younger generation, who he had watched grow up and could almost be considered his grandson for countless generations, was standing in front of him.

The cold and piercing murderous aura made Du Chengfeng's blood swell, and the big knife in his hand wanted to drink blood.

But, should he kill?


Looking at Yang Xuan in front of him, Du Chengfeng suddenly remembered the former Fatty Yang.

Although the two were thin and fat, old and strong, their eyes and the expressions in their eyes overlapped at this moment.

And at the moment when their eyes met, Yang Xuan's eyes also lit up.

"Don't! Don't do it first!"

The old Yang Xuan shouted almost instinctively.

"Don't do it! It's not the murderous aura that has entered the body! Don't do it!"

While ordering the children of the clan behind him, Yang Xuan stared at Du Chengfeng's eyes.

He could be sure that he was not wrong. The eyes of the refugee in front of him, which were almost completely stained with blood, had regained their rationality!

With the blessing of his ancestors, his Yang family not only did not face a great war disaster this time, but drew a good fortune!

"This warrior!"

With great joy in his heart, Yang Xuan hurriedly tried to press down Du Chengfeng's hands holding the knife.

"I didn't expect that the warrior was so talented. Even the evil spirit of the sword and the weapon was like a breeze to the warrior. It was not worth mentioning. This is simply... uh."

Yang Xuan's voice froze.

The hands holding the knife were still hanging in the air, with no intention of putting it down.

"Speak, why don't you continue?"

Looking at the flattering and somewhat embarrassed expression on the face of the old man in front of him, Du Chengfeng's eyes narrowed.

"Go on, say a few more nice words, or do you already know about the good things your nephew has done?"

As he said this, Du Chengfeng had already grabbed Yang Xuan's collar.

"You old thing, your nephew Yang Sanlang tricked me into sharpening his knife and wanted to kill me, and you want to cover it up with just a few words? Who do you think I am?"

"I, I, I, I..."

The old and skinny Yang Xuan was almost picked up on the spot. Facing the angry refugee in front of him, he hesitated and couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

At this moment, looking at the refugee holding a big knife in front of him, Yang Xuan felt that he was facing the ancestor in the family tree who fought on the battlefield and killed countless enemies!

"Put down my uncle!"

Just when Yang Xuan was captured, Yang Sanlang rushed over with a spear.

But Du Chengfeng only took a look, and Yang Sanlang was so scared that he fell to the ground.

If Du Chengfeng's killing intention just now was just because of the infection of the evil spirit of the sword, then now he really wanted to kill from the bottom of his heart. During the time when he was a big knife, he had killed hundreds of people since the blood of Fatty Yang splashed in the governor's mansion. Now that he knew that he was framed and almost died on the spot, how could he not fight back?

"Wait a minute, brave man!"

Seeing that Du Chengfeng was about to swing the big knife, Yang Xuan hurriedly stopped him again.

But when facing Du Chengfeng's sight, Yang Xuan hesitated and couldn't say anything - in the end, it was his Yang family who was at fault first. Who would have thought that it was just a matter of pulling refugees in to fill their lives, but it actually attracted a dragon that was not afraid of even the sword and the evil spirit.

Just looking at the other party's posture of combining man and knife, it was probably too late to say anything now. The ten or so young and strong men in the clan behind him were probably not enough to be chopped by the big knife. You have to know that the ancestor of his Yang family was a general who followed Emperor Taizu Gao to fight east and west. He killed countless enemies with a big knife. Isn't it easier to kill some young and strong men with no martial arts than to kill chickens?

"This warrior, let's talk it over. This time, it's my Yang family's fault for not treating guests well. Whatever compensation you want afterwards is right, but now the enemy is in front of us, and the Hu people are about to attack us. Shouldn't we unite to resist the Hu cavalry first?"


Du Chengfeng couldn't help but frown.

In a very distant memory, it seems that there was such a thing. At that time, he was also stuffed with a wooden spear and was almost pulled to the front line...


Just when Du Chengfeng was still immersed in his memories, a large number of horse hooves suddenly sounded outside the fort!

The noisy horse hooves shook the ground, and the sound was like thunder!

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