In the Blade

Chapter 399 What can a firm will change?

What the nameless boy didn't expect was that before he got the answer, he got a question instead.

"What is strong?"

The little giant asked.

"What is strong..."

The boy was silent for a long time, and couldn't speak for a while.

It's not that he didn't know how to answer, but there were too many answers to this question - although he was just a refugee who had just found a place to live, the bloody experience that had destroyed his family had already made him gain a lot of knowledge.

If he hadn't fled the famine before, his whole family would still live a good life in Yangzhou. At that time, in his eyes, the teacher of the academy must be the strongest. As for why he thought so... Of course, it was because the teacher of the academy would beat him with a ruler, and even beat him several times.

But later, he also saw that when facing those officials who came to the door, even the teacher had to speak politely.

They were probably strong, at least stronger than him.

He thought so at the time.

But as the grassland people went south, everything changed. The master died, and the officials also died. They once vowed to defend the city, but facing the grassland people's swords, they eventually became corpses.

The grassland people are very strong and powerful. I am afraid that no one in this world can defeat them.

However, after that, these grassland people also lost the battle. They were defeated like a mountain. They retreated all the way and looked more embarrassed than these refugees. Those strong men wielding fierce weapons only needed to swing their swords, and these defeated soldiers would fall to the ground in groups.

The Jianghu who can control the evil spirit is strong. They can kill others at will. This is undoubtedly a proof of their strength.

But is this the only explanation?

Actually, it is not. After all, Jianghu is a general term. When it comes to each Jianghu, there are many different types - like Wang Tonggong, he is a wealthy man, like Hu Sanbian, he is very skilled, and those Songzhou people will organize secret societies to help each other. For example, Song Yan, the golden sword man who was killed before, was originally a bandit leader...

Everyone is strong and has their own origins and reasons.

"Maybe... these are all strong."

After thinking about it, the boy simply said everything he thought of.

"Anyway, they are all stronger than me."

"Your words are very problematic."

The little giant frowned slightly.

"How do you know that they are all stronger than you?"


The boy choked on the spot.

Is there any need to ask about this kind of thing?

Why are they all stronger than him? Of course, it's because they are stronger than him. There is no need to ask about this kind of thing. It is an objective fact in front of us.

He has no family property, no special skills, and no brothers who are willing to help him. He doesn't have the courage to commit crimes, let alone be a thief. He is just an ordinary person, an ordinary person with nothing.

Who can an ordinary person with nothing be better than?

"Do you really have nothing?"

It was at this time that the little giant suddenly spoke.

This made the boy slightly startled.

He was just thinking in his heart and didn't say it out loud. How did the little giant know...

"Do you really have nothing?"

The little giant spoke again.

"Think about it again, think about it again."


The boy wanted to refute something, but suddenly saw the kitchen knife on the chopping board beside him, and when he retracted his gaze, he met the little giant in front of him again.

The moment their eyes met, the boy was sweating profusely.

It was too early to say that. He did not seem to have nothing. At least if the little giant in front of him really picked up the kitchen knife, it seemed that he could really cut off dozens of pounds of meat from him. Although he was well taken care of by his parents and had not been exposed to some dark things, he had been working in the post station during this period and faced those people every day, which made him hear a lot of small stories that happened in distant places, such as "Bu Yan Yang" and "He Gu Lan".

"I... still have something."

The boy forced a smile.

Although he also knew that the little giant could not do such a thing, he still trembled a little when he saw the kitchen knife.

This also made him more discouraged.

He was just an ordinary person, a timid ordinary person. Compared with those strong men, he had nothing at all...

"Knowing how to be afraid means that you are sensitive enough to danger."

In front of the boy, the little giant actually nodded repeatedly.

"This is actually what you want to ask, the power of will, or in other words, it is part of this power."


The boy was stunned.

It was the first time he heard someone describe cowardice so openly.

But if he thought about it carefully, what the little giant said was actually right. It was because he was timid enough that he could stay away from danger again and again. If he were a brave person, he would have become a corpse if he was stranded in the wilderness at his age.

But, was there no time when he was brave?

It seems that there was one. That was when he met the man with the golden sword. That was the only time. He knew that he would definitely die, but he still stood up - although he regretted it the moment he stood up. As an ordinary person, he had no qualifications to fight with the master of evil spirits. He just rushed up and fought in a fit of heat. This was simply...

"Oh, you are talking about that."

Hearing the boy's muttering, the little giant spoke again.

"That's actually a good thing. It shows that you have sufficient execution ability. Although your judgment and specific planning are still a little lacking, at least you dare to do things and dare to stand up."

"Ah this..."

The boy began to scratch his head.

It was the first time for him to receive such praise. Even the bad ones could be said to be good. Although he was also very grateful for the encouragement of the little giant, this encouragement was a bit...

Besides, he came here to ask questions, why did he suddenly talk about this?

"Didn't you ask me? What is the power of will?"

The little giant spread his hands.

"This is what you want to ask. I have already answered you once. This is the power of will, which is something that everyone has."

" mean everyone?"

The boy subconsciously raised his head.

"Everyone? Even someone like me can..."

"Yes, everyone."

The little giant nodded.

"This is the power that everyone can grasp."


The boy didn't know what to say.

When the little giant in front of him said this, he was too serious and too serious. It was hard for him to treat this sentence as a joke-but the fact that everyone can grasp the power is a bit too outrageous.

Just like the two compliments just now, this is more like an encouragement, a compliment, just like when I was studying in the past, the teacher would say "I already know a hundred words, it's amazing", even if it sounds comfortable, but it is itself without nutrition.

After all, there is a world of difference between people.

He doesn't have an impressive family business, nor does he show talent in any craft. He doesn't have any innate identity, let alone the courage to fight.

Even if we take a step back, his skinny arms and legs are far inferior to the little giant in front of him.

"Can the power of will make me as big as you?"

The boy said subconsciously.

"As tall as you, as big as you."

"Theoretically, as long as you want."

To the boy's surprise, the little giant in front of him nodded.

"Since you said so, let me ask you, do you know how to make yourself taller and bigger?"

"...Eat more meat?"

The boy responded instinctively.

After all, everyone said that eating more meat can make you stronger.

But even if he eats more meat... can he grow so strong?

"Now that you have an idea, let's try it."

The little giant patted his shoulder.

"I will prepare more meat for you every day in the future. Remember to eat more so that you can grow."


The boy started scratching his head again.

Although he didn't get any answers to what he wanted to ask, he at least got a daily snack. It seems... it's really a good thing?

Not to mention, he had been fleeing famine for some time, and it was good to have something to eat, not to mention porridge and hard steamed buns. He even ate grass roots and tree bark a few times. Now he can eat a bite of meat, and every day, which is simply too good.

"Okay, go play."

Seeing that the boy was already happy, the little giant patted the boy on the back and signaled that the boy could do whatever he wanted.

At present, there are many strong laborers in the post station, and there is no need for child labor. The boy's task has become to supervise the prisoners with a small whip. The small whip itself is just a toy, but as long as this thing sounds, a brick will fly out from the back kitchen and hit the person who wants to be lazy accurately.

"You! What are you doing!"

Perhaps because of his good mood, the boy immediately discovered that Hu Sanbian was lazy, so he raised the whip in his hand high, and was about to pull out the sound.

Hu Sanbian, who was still mumbling something in his mind, shuddered immediately.

"You can't do this!"

Hu Sanbian lowered his voice quickly.

"We all have a common secret, and we are brothers after all. How can you be so harsh on your own brother? You..."

"Who is your brother?"

The young man shook his head repeatedly. He remembered clearly that this old liar was completely different from him.

He was just an ordinary person, how could he be qualified to be brothers with such a vicious master?

"Don't... don't! Big brother! I know I was wrong!"

Hu Sanbian continued to pull the mill diligently, shouting while pulling.

"I've been hit three times today! If I hit my head again, it will be smashed! Please be kind and let me go this time..."


Looking at Hu Sanbian's head that had been hit and swollen, the young man put down the whip in his hand.

But immediately, the young man was stunned.

The little giant seemed to be telling the truth.

At least for now, these masters of evil spirits seem to be no different from him. They are also timid, afraid, begging for mercy, and lazy. Indeed, when they are showing off their evil spirits, they are all invincible and can kill people everywhere, but what about now?

Now, they seem to be no different from him.

In fact, he is still better than these masters of evil spirits.

Of course, he also knows that these masters of evil spirits are not afraid of him, but the little giant in the kitchen. If the little giant is not there, these ordinary bridles and ropes can't tie up these masters of evil spirits at all. But at least in this situation, these masters of evil spirits are no different from him, an ordinary person.

"The power of will, the power that everyone can master..."

Recalling what the little giant just said, combined with these masters of evil spirits in front of him, the boy vaguely felt that he understood something, but it seemed that he didn't understand anything.

Such an abnormality naturally attracted the attention of these masters of evil spirits.

"What did you say just now?"

Hu Sanbian, who was born as an old liar, heard the mosquito-like sound for the first time.

"What do you mean by mastering power?"


The young man shook his head decisively. He still remembered the agreement between them.

No one should reveal the secret to others. Keep your word.

But the size of the little giant is not strictly considered a human, so there should be no problem with what he said?

Anyway, as long as these people don't know, it means he didn't leak the secret. Besides, the little giant won't tell anyone about it. The other party obviously knows more about this than them.

Thinking of this, the young man's face became much calmer.

"I was thinking about the secret I talked about before. I was thinking about this power. Can I learn it?"

"You? Ha."

The captives in the backyard laughed immediately.

Although it was a bit excessive to laugh at a young child, it was hard for them not to laugh at such remarks - he was just an ordinary person like a beggar, with no family business, no talent, no inheritance, not fierce enough, nothing, even his arms and legs were skinny, and such a child actually said he wanted to master power?

"You can do it."

Finally, it was the old liar Hu Sanbian who spoke up, and he decided to praise the child.

"You can definitely do it, work hard."

"Huh? Do you think I can do it too?"

The boy's eyes lit up.

"Then maybe I can really do it... I'll try! I'll take your good words!"

With that, the boy ran away, leaving a group of captives shaking their heads.

Shaking their heads was inevitable, he was just an ordinary person, but he actually wanted to be like them... This child was too whimsical.

But what they didn't expect was that everything began to change after just ten days.

"Here I come again!"

The young man, who already had some muscular outlines, carried a bunch of heavy-looking iron whips and walked into the backyard while chewing on his elbow.

"I've really become stronger!"

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