In the Blade

Chapter 401 What is a peaceful life?

"Hey, big guy, have you heard? There's a treasure in the town."


"You don't know? Now everyone knows, everyone is looking for the treasure, the vegetable seller Lao Liu has already dug five pits in his yard, and is now digging the sixth... How about we dig too?"

"If you want to dig, dig it, just treat it as exercise."

"No, I dig so slowly, I'm so old, I can't even swing a shovel, you're so strong, one shovel can make a pit, isn't it much faster than me?"


"No, what are you saying, don't you want the treasure?"

"No, didn't you say before that the treasure was fake?"

"That was before."

Seeing that the little giant in front of him was still cooking, with a stubborn look, the boy simply approached him again.

"The past is the past, and the present is the present. In the past, it was obvious that the miller in the backyard had a problem, and this so-called treasure might not be reliable, but now... everyone is talking about this."

Facing the little giant who turned his head, the boy scratched his head.

"Everyone thinks there is a treasure, which means there must be some explanation... right?"

"... Maybe."

The little giant also scratched his head.

"But I'm not interested in treasure."

"Then what are you interested in?"

The boy was stunned. How could he say such a thing?

What do you mean by not interested in treasure? There are actually people who are not interested in treasure?

"Let me... put it this way."

The little giant lifted the boy who jumped onto the stove and brought him back to the ground, and scratched his head.

"What do you want?"

"What do I want?"

The boy was stunned by the question, and for a moment he didn't understand what the little giant was talking about.

What do you mean by what he wants? Why did he suddenly ask this?

"Just... something like treasure, you get it, then what?"

The little giant began to scratch his head again, as if considering what to say.

"You get the treasure, then what? Although we don't know what this so-called treasure is, what kind of magic weapon, or a large sum of money... Suppose, suppose this treasure is very powerful and can satisfy all the things you want to do, then what do you want to do with this treasure?"


The boy was stunned.

It seems that he really hasn't thought about this question.

What to do after getting the treasure? He didn't think about this question at all. He just thought about getting the treasure, after all, this thing looks very powerful - as for what to do after getting this powerful thing, he didn't think about it at all.

The treasure must be very valuable, which means that he may be able to become rich. The treasure may also be very powerful, which means that he can be unparalleled in the world. If he gets the treasure that so many people are paying attention to, he will definitely be famous all over the world... But these are not the answers themselves.

The little giant asked, what will he do after getting these?

What will he do after becoming rich? What will he do after becoming unrivaled? What will he do after becoming famous?

"I... don't know."

The boy began to sweat.

Even though he was relatively smart and clever among his peers, this kind of question was still a bit too difficult for a teenager.

"... What about you?"

Thinking of this, the boy suddenly raised his head.

"If it were you, what would you want to do after getting the treasure?"

"What would I want to do? Of course, I want a peaceful life."

The little giant gave an answer without hesitation.

"Just like now, go to bed early and get up early, exercise, learn to cook when I have nothing to do, or go fishing, go wherever I want to play, and do whatever I want to do."

"... That's it?"

The boy's face became subtle.

"Just, just like that?"

"What else?"

The little giant began to scratch his head again.

"Then what do you think I should do?"

"You should..."

Looking at the giant's sturdy body, the boy instinctively wanted to say that you should become a martial artist, fight those evil masters, and become unrivaled in the world.

But when the words came to his lips, he choked on the spot.

Become unrivaled in the world, and then what?

Fighting is bloody and people will die. At least from his own perspective, if the little giant died outside, he would probably be very sad. After all, they have been together for a while, and he gradually feels that the little giant is indeed a good person who is worthy of being a friend.

If the little giant wins... He may be happy for a while, but more enemies will come to him immediately, just like he will seek revenge on the golden knife man, those whose relatives have been killed will also seek revenge on the little giant - it's not that there will be no end to revenge, but it will make life very disgusting.

Think about it, if he really has enemies all over the world, it means that someone will come to take revenge when he is eating, someone will come to take revenge when he is drinking water, someone will ambush in the bedroom when he is sleeping, someone will hide in the toilet when he is squatting to take a shit... Although this statement sounds very strong, he really thought of this method when he was thinking about how to kill the two evil masters who killed his family.

Being unrivaled in the world is not necessarily a good thing, it may also be a bad thing.

"So having money is always okay, right?"

The young man thought so.

That's right, even if you don't have any enmity with anyone, you will always be the richest in the world, right?

It seems that there is some problem.

Although his family was not particularly wealthy in Yangzhou before, it was considered a well-off family. However, precisely because of this, when the war broke out, his family became the focus of attention - the grassland people wanted to To rob them, bandits and bandits wanted to rob them. After finally escaping all the way, they had to worry about whether other refugees around them would attack them.

Money can indeed bring enjoyment, but if you want to hold the money in your own hands, you must at least have the power to protect it.

He still remembered that that night, when other refugees wanted to take advantage of the darkness to rob his family's belongings, his father and the driver, Lao Zhao, these strong men beat away the gangsters with sticks.

"You still have to be able to fight...why did you go back again?"

As if a red-hot iron rod had been stabbed into his head, the young man felt his forehead begin to feel hot.

My thoughts seemed to have reached a dead end, and it seemed that no matter which path I took, something was missing - even if I finally became famous, there would actually be some problems. Being famous all over the world seems to be a good thing, and you don't have to fight with others, but it also means that as long as whoever kills the most famous person, the person who killed him will become the new most famous person. people.

It seems like something is missing. It always feels like something is missing.

So, what is the difference?

"What is there that I haven't thought of yet?"

"You haven't thought of it yet? Lifestyle."

The little giant knelt down and tried to look straight at the boy in front of him.

"For example, if you have a treasure, what kind of life will you live after you have the treasure? Or in other words, what kind of life do you want to live after you get the treasure? This is what I am asking you, this is a kind of life Way."

After thinking about it, the little giant simply raised his hand and pointed at the stove beside him.

"It's like eating. What we eat now is relatively ordinary, but after you get the treasure and have money, you can eat big fish and meat every day, or simply open the inn, or buy some better exercise equipment..."

"This...I understand."

The young man suddenly slapped his forehead.

That is indeed understandable. After all, this kind of thing is just a layer of window paper. After the little giant said it, he immediately understood what the other party just meant - the key is not to be richest in the world, unparalleled in the world, or to be famous. The real key to being famous all over the world is how to live after being rich in the world, how to live after being unparalleled in the world, and how to live after being famous all over the world.

Whether it is wealth, unrivaled in the world, or fame all over the world, these are just a result, just a description.

But what these living people have to face is life itself.

Thinking this, he looked at the little giant in front of him.

The other party didn't look like he was short of money, nor did he look like he couldn't fight. Although the little giant looked stupid, even a little stupid, the other party fought with those Jianghu people several times, but he didn't even once. Lost - As for reputation, if you only look at the opponent's conspicuous figure, is there really any need for reputation?

Not required at all.

That huge body, which was two stories high, already attracted everyone's attention just by standing there.

And the most important thing is that the other person's life is actually very good.

Just like what the little giant said just now, "Go to bed early and get up early, exercise, learn to cook, or go fishing if you have nothing to do, go wherever you want to play, and do whatever you want to do." This This description sounds simple, but if you think about it carefully, this is undoubtedly the most comfortable way of life - there are no enemies, no one is coming to rob you, and you don't need to worry about who is targeting you. If someone does take action, you can still fight. Well, the most important thing is that I'm not short of money.

"The years are quiet and peaceful."

The young man suddenly thought of such an adjective.

Just like it was before he became a refugee, just like when he was still in Yangzhou, in the afternoon, the setting sun would shine through the window onto the books, and the teacher would announce the end of school at this time, carrying books on his back. Walking all the way back home through the streets, new cloth shoes stepped on the bluestone road, the breeze blew through the willows and sprinkled on his body, and the setting sun stretched his shadow very long.

He always felt that days like this would continue forever. At that time, he yearned for excitement and the unrestrained life of people in the world.

But now, he only hopes that those days can continue forever.


Can it really last?

"So...that's what you think."

At this moment, the young man felt that he really understood the little giant's thoughts.

"A quiet life... seems not bad."

"Right! I'll tell you!"

The little giant's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had become energetic.

"I don't know why. What I said is obviously the truth, but they don't believe it, and they all think there is something wrong with my statement... What's wrong with wanting to live a good life? Is this really easy? It's difficult, right? You don’t know that in order to get to this point... forget it, it’s all over.”

After scratching his head for a while, the little giant knelt down again and looked at the boy.

"So, do you know now what you are going to do after you get the treasure?"

"...I already know everything."

The boy also grinned.

Even if he gets the treasure, he still has to live on. Treasures can only be used to improve life at most. No matter what the so-called treasure is, whether it is a magic weapon or a large sum of money, it should make life better, not worse.

So, is there anything else that needs to be improved in his current life?

It seems that there is nothing that needs to be improved. Although the post station is a bit old, it is no problem for people to live there. As for food, he has been adding meals recently. With the supply of fish and meat, he has no more requirements. What's more, he is still getting stronger steadily. Every day he can feel that he is getting stronger. Is there any other problem with such a life?

It seems that there is still one enemy who killed his parents. The swordsman with a sword may still be alive.

But with the speed at which he becomes stronger, he also believes that sooner or later he will be able to avenge this hatred with his own hands.

Not with any treasure, nor relying on any master to help, but just relying on his own training and his determination to become stronger.

He could have accomplished everything he wanted by himself, so why would he need help from others?

"Besides, revenge is not the end of everything."

The more he thought about it, the clearer his thoughts became.

After all, he had felt it in the past few days. Even if the man with the golden sword died, life would still go on. It must be the same after killing another swordsman - revenge is never the end, but the beginning of a new life. At that time, he can continue to live the life he wants and live peacefully.

Yes, the answer given by the little giant at the beginning was actually the correct answer.

A peaceful life itself may be the biggest treasure.

"Just like grandpa."

Thinking of this, the boy even mentioned the old man who managed the post station.

"Others came to find treasures, but he, who opened the post station, made a fortune... Can we say that he actually found the treasure?"

"Ah, probably... wait a minute?"

Halfway through the words, the little giant frowned.

"No, I have a question."


The boy nodded.

"I'll tell you everything I know."

"Isn't the treasure you're talking about fake?"

The little giant looked at him suspiciously.

"Is this thing real?"

"Of course it is real."

The boy answered as a matter of course.

"Everyone in the town is digging!"

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