In the Blade

Chapter 403 Demonic Soldiers Appear

Since he had already decided to use some unused things to make up for the number, Du Chengfeng casually took out a small knife from his waist.

Of course, this small knife is for his current body. If it is put on an ordinary person, it can be regarded as a good short sword - and after picking up this short sword, Du Chengfeng cut the air in front of him and began to grope through the hole in front of him.

Yes, this is the last legacy left to him by Wu Zhao, and it is also the greatest treasure left to him by the emperor. Although these two respectable opponents are dead, that peculiar way of shuttling is retained in his mind.

And now, after adding some wonderful ideas, this method that was originally used to shuttle the world has become his means of remotely accessing items.

"This is much more convenient!"

After the first try, Du Chengfeng has confirmed that this is what he wants.

A warehouse where he can store things at any time, a place where he can put spoils and souvenirs. With such a convenient method, he no longer has to carry large and small bags around, and the saddle bag that has been with him for a long time can finally retire gloriously.

As long as he still holds this Huangtian Cervical Vertebra Sword in his hand, it is equivalent to holding the key to open the warehouse at any time.

The world can be visited!

"So, which one should I choose..."

Du Chengfeng counted the spoils while taking things out of the hole in front of him.

Along the way, he has a lot of spoils. Although theoretically, he can use all these things, but most of the time, these things are not used-Du Chengfeng originally thought that he would be like the Southern Chen Taizu, picking up more than a dozen weapons to fight with others at any time, but in fact, his own knife is still comfortable to use.

The heavy knife that has been with him for a long time has not been replaced yet, which Du Chengfeng is actually very surprised.

Maybe Yang Sanlang really wants to improve?

In addition to this sword, which is considered a personal weapon, the only thing he can use is the black sword with the gray-black fire phoenix. This sword was made by Wu Zhao imitating his sword, so he can use it easily. If he wants to use two swords occasionally, he will take this sword out to use.

And this sword is probably only used by him. Only he can suppress the gray-black fire phoenix sealed in the sword. If someone else uses it, I am afraid that he will be possessed on the spot.

"Yes, I have to pay attention to this."

Du Chengfeng slapped his head and decided to add this to the precautions.

Although you have to take out some useless things as treasures, you can't take out some too outrageous things, just like this black sword. It's okay for him to use it, but if it leaks out, God knows what will happen.

Du Chengfeng is a kind person. He just wants to bury some things and never thought about letting these things cause trouble.

"How about burying this? Forget it, this one doesn't look good either."

Looking at the Founder's Sword in his hand, Du Chengfeng sighed.

If you want to bury something good that won't cause trouble, the Founder's Sword should be the first choice. After all, this sword is so square, and it exudes a sense of integrity just by being placed there. If anyone can get this sword, he will definitely be influenced by it. Even the most evil bad seed will probably become a righteous person-after all, this is the relic of old man Ruan, carrying the will of benevolence.

But the problem is here, this is the relic of old man Ruan after all.

Although he didn't communicate much with old man Ruan, the other party was his cheap teacher after all. Now that the teacher's ashes have been scattered for more than half, is it possible that even the teacher's relics will be thrown away like this?

"Let's keep it as a souvenir."

After thinking about it, Du Chengfeng put the Founder's Sword back. After all, this is the teacher's legacy and must be well preserved.

But if they were counted as souvenirs, many things would be hard to take out, such as the general flag, brass magic sword, bronze hatchet, telescopic spear, fine steel hairpin, Garuda King Sword, repaired dove staff, slingshot... If you don't count them, you won't know, but if you count them, he seems to have quite a lot of inventory on hand.

If there is something suitable to be buried, it is probably the broken five-foot long sword, but this thing is also a souvenir that saved his life, and he can't just throw it away.

"It can't be that we only bury some scimitar bone flowers and other things?"

After realizing that these things are actually counted as souvenirs, Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head.

If we don't count souvenirs, it's probably only the scimitar bone flowers of the grassland people. These things are very cheap, and it's not a pity to throw them away - but the problem is here, these things are really too cheap, and they don't look like treasures at all. You can pull out a cart of them by attacking a grassland tribe at random.

But such a treasure, let alone him, even those people in the underworld probably wouldn't bother to care about it.

"I still have to put some expensive things in, at least something attractive..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng looked at his inventory again.

There is no other way, so we can only use the method of elimination. Eliminate those things that are not easy to throw out, and the rest can be buried. The first things to be excluded are the general flag, the bronze axe, and the fine steel hairpin. The first one is a relic of the Chu people, and the latter two are relics of Wu Zhao. If these things are leaked, the effect will probably not be inferior to the black knife. They are things that cannot be leaked out no matter what.

Among the remaining things, the dove stick and the slingshot are also not easy to leak out. On the one hand, these two things are also troublesome, and on the other hand, these two things do not look like treasures. There is a saying about treasures. They must be the kind that looks very powerful and intimidating at first glance...

"Then it's you."

Du Chengfeng picked up the Garuda King Sword.

According to this condition, this sword is undoubtedly the most suitable as a treasure. The wing-shaped blade looks unusual, and the skull-shaped hilt is also very intimidating. In terms of strength, Wu Zhao once fought with him with this sword before, which can be called a magic weapon.

However, if it is just one magic weapon, it is not enough.

"Let's just bury these two as well."

Looking at the brass magic sword and telescopic spear on the side, Du Chengfeng decided to put these two things that he would never use in.

"This should be enough... but it is not very reliable."

The pit was only half dug, and Du Chengfeng frowned slightly.

It is indeed a bit unreliable. If it is just a simple pit to bury, it does not look like a treasure at all. Three weapons are buried in a pit, and a dog can tell that it is definitely newly dug - since it is a show, it must be a full set, either not to do it, or to do it well.

"Got it!"

Du Chengfeng simply took out all the bone scimitars and the like.

He was not sure what the treasure should look like, but if it was made to look like an underground arsenal, he knew how to do it. Although he hadn't sharpened his knives for a while, he still remembered that he was still known as the grinder, and he remembered how the underground arsenals were set up.

"There is an arsenal buried underground in Sanshan Town, and there are magical weapons and secret treasures inside... This sounds very solid."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng nodded repeatedly.

More than a hundred shovels flew up and down, and the excavation work that originally required thousands of people to spend several months to complete took him only a few hours - on the one hand, it was naturally because he was too efficient at work, and on the other hand, it was because he reduced the size of the original arsenal a lot.

Anyway, he didn't have many weapons to put in, so there was no need to strictly follow the markings of the Nan Chen arsenal. Just making a monkey version that could hold two or three hundred weapons would be enough.

As for the place he chose, it was naturally the place that those people in the underworld were most concerned about, that is, the ruins of the manor where He Jianhu, a famous social figure in the town, once lived. The reason why it was called a ruins was, of course, because this place was flattened by him. God knows what those people thought, did they really think they could trick him into playing a fake game?

"Hey, if you don't resist and turn yourself in, won't you die?"

Looking at the flattened land in front of him, Du Chengfeng remembered the head of the police Zhang who died in an untimely death, and He Jianhu's family, then patted the dirty dirt on his hands and went back to sleep.

Of course, before that, while it was still dark, he still returned all the shovels to whoever's shovel was returned to their home, and no one admitted his mistake.

If you say you want to return it properly, then you have to return it properly. This is Du Chengfeng's insistence.

So, very rarely, there was no chef in the post station in the morning, so the old man who had retired for several days had to stand up again and cook some food for the passers-by. Occasionally, a regular customer came to ask where the big guy went, and the old man could only answer that the big guy was lazy and hadn't gotten up yet at noon.

"Hey, how can this be called lazy?"

Some local regular customers shook their heads.

"The big guy has been working day and night for many days. You can't use a big animal like this. If you ask me, you should be content with having such a diligent apprentice. Let him rest occasionally and don't let him be so tired all the time."

"I didn't... Okay, okay, I get it."

Faced with such admonitions, the old man was also a little amused.

It's not that he didn't let the apprentice rest, but the other party didn't rest at all. After he taught him a few general things, this extremely strong apprentice took over the kitchen directly. Just look at the kitchen knives and woks flying up and down. The other party can cook more than ten people. The most outrageous thing is that the other party has no intention of stopping at all. It seems that there is endless strength in his huge body.

Now the little giant suddenly wants to stay in bed, and the old man himself is also surprised, but it is precisely this time that he stays in bed that makes the old man relax a lot.

After all, the giant is also a human being. He will get tired if he works non-stop and will sleep.

"But he should get up in the afternoon, so the food can be served faster."

The old man, who was dizzy and dizzy from the busyness, took advantage of the fact that there were no new customers at the moment, and simply sat down and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"But why are there so many new people today? I just saw a constant stream of people coming to the door... What on earth has happened? Could it be that something has appeared in the town again?"

"You don't know yet? No one told you?"

The regular customer who was asked raised his head in surprise.

"The treasure in the town has been found! It is said that it is the arsenal left by the grassland people. Some scimitars have been dug out. Now those people are rushing there!"

"Grassland people...arsenal?"

The old man was stunned.

Putting these two words together, it is somewhat unreasonable. According to his decades of experience, those who would build arsenals in various places are often Chen people. As for the grassland people, they have never heard of building arsenals. The most outrageous thing is that the grassland people's arsenal is actually in Sanshan Town. You must know that Sanshan Town is the place of the Chen people, which is a bit far from the grassland in the north.

How did those grassland people get the arsenal here? This doesn't make sense at all?

"It doesn't make sense, so what? Didn't the things still get dug out?"

Looking at the old man's astonished expression, the regular customer spread his hands.

"Since it has been dug out, it is a fact. As for why we didn't know about it before, it must be because we were isolated from information and had never heard of it... The facts are in front of us, what else can we say? Maybe that arsenal was a long time ago, so long ago that even the Great Chen had not yet been established..."


The old man was no longer sleepy when he heard this.

The main thing is that if this idea is extended, a very outrageous result will be obtained, that is, Sanshan Town, the heartland of the Chen people, may have been occupied by the grassland people-at least the grassland people lived here for a while, otherwise it would not make sense to dig out an arsenal here.

But how did the grassland people get here? Could it be that Sanshan Town has actually been the territory of the grassland people since ancient times?

So if we think about it this way, the people in Sanshan Town may also be the descendants of those grassland people back then?

"If you think about it this way, I am also a grassland person?"

The old man raised his hand and pointed at himself, and he couldn't speak for a while.

He has been a Chen person for decades, why is he suddenly going to become a grassland person now?

"Ah? Is there another one?"

Hearing the old man's outrageous statement, the familiar customer was also dumbfounded.

"But... this is not very important. Anyway, your tax is paid to Da Chen, so it should be Chen people... But this arsenal itself, now those Jianghu people have already run over there, God knows what can be dug out from it."

Speaking of this, the familiar customer lowered his voice.

"I also heard from several Jianghu people that this arsenal is too small, it doesn't look like an arsenal, but more like the tomb of some grassland nobleman."

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