In the Blade

Chapter 411: Star of Power

As the two fighting jianghu were pushed into the river, the bridge was naturally restored to normal.

It was not until they pulled the two masters out of the river that Wang Tonggong and Hu Sanbian realized what kind of output they had just made unconsciously - one was a top swordsman, and the other was a famous master, but they were pushed on the head by the two of them, and they still haven't recovered until now.

"This... I have to change clothes, right?"

With this idea in mind, Wang Tonggong and Hu Sanbian carried the two soaking wet masters back to the post station.

When the two masters woke up, a little giant as tall as two floors appeared in front of them.

There were also two huge millstones.

Those who disturbed the business of the post station needed to undergo labor reform. This was an unwritten rule. On the one hand, it was to calm the anger of the people, and on the other hand, it was to let the perpetrators know their mistakes - when they knew that they had to pull the mill, the handsome young man Su Youfang was dumbfounded.

You have to know that it costs a lot to maintain his handsome image. From his posture to his clothes, from his hairstyle to his makeup, even his smiles and frowns are all summed up by him with countless efforts. If he is put on a bridle and grind the mill like this... let alone being seen by others, even if he is not seen by others, he can't stand it!


At this time, the swordsman known as the Big Dipper Sword suddenly squatted down.

"No, no... look here."

"What are you looking at? You're going to die!"

Su Youfang has lost his previous reserve at this moment. It is more painful for a person like him who relies on his face to put on a bridle and grind the mill than to kill him.

"If it's my opinion, we should run quickly. I just saw the two masters follow the little giant to the front. There are not many people in the backyard now..."

"Why run! Are you stupid!"

The swordsman raised his head and pressed Su Youfang down.

"You've entered a treasure mountain without knowing it... Haven't you ever thought about how we lost?"

"Were we defeated by those two masters... huh?"

Looking at the location pointed by the swordsman, Su Youfang was also stunned.

In front of him, there were a few footprints.

Just a few footprints were not enough to arouse Su Youfang's interest, but a few footprints printed on bricks and stones were enough to make Su Youfang frown - Su Youfang was a master, and his eyesight was naturally not lacking. Although there were only a few footprints on the ground, Su Youfang could already see the specific way of exerting force from the depth of these footprints.

"This is... the footwork that twisted our attack!"

Su Youfang stood up in shock.

Although he was still a little dizzy, he still remembered what he and his good friend had experienced during the day - when the two strangers rushed onto the bridge, he only looked at the two people's figure and dress, and he once thought they were two trained coolies.

Due to years of working, coolies often have a better understanding of exerting force. Compared with ordinary people who have not practiced, they fight more fiercely and more deadly. However, due to living conditions, coolies are often not too strong, but the two coolies who rushed to the bridge are different. Just looking at their sturdy bodies, they may be the elites among the coolies.

However, the elites among the coolies can only be regarded as coolies. Perhaps these elite coolies feel that they are strong enough. Even if they have some skills, they are like ants meeting elephants when facing real masters of evil spirits.

As an elephant, Su Youfang didn't even look at the two coolies. After all, the aftermath of the fight between him and his friend was enough to make the two coolies lose half their lives, or even die on the spot.

But the two coolies took strange steps and twisted off all their attacks.

The steps were not even complicated. It was just like turning in circles on the spot. But such a simple thing made all the evil spirits and sword energy twisted out. In front of this strange step, their attack seemed meaningless.

"So... how did they do it?"

Looking at the footprints on the ground, Su Youfang became more and more puzzled.

"This technique... is simply unheard of!"

"It's actually not difficult to understand."

To Su Youfang's surprise, the swordsman actually pretended to know the truth.

This also surprised Su Youfang greatly. He didn't expect that this old friend who was ridiculed by him countless times on weekdays actually knew this.

"You know so much, why did you get knocked down?"

Thinking of this, Su Youfang couldn't help but speak.

"Do you really understand?"

"Whether I understand or not, it doesn't prevent me from getting knocked down, because that is completely another thing."

The swordsman had no intention of paying attention to Su Youfang. At this moment, the swordsman was completely immersed in the footprints in front of him.

"You also know that I am good at using the Big Dipper Sword, and I even earned the name Big Dipper just by using my swordsmanship... Then do you know what the Big Dipper is?"

"...You ask me?"

Su Youfang's face was subtle.

A man named Big Dipper, asking him what the Big Dipper is?

It can only be said that it is not unreasonable for him to ridicule this old friend all day long. This man who is called Big Dipper by people does have some problems in his brain.

"Big Dipper is a star."

Seeing that Su Youfang did not answer for a long time, Big Dipper gave the answer himself.

This also made Su Youfang's face become more subtle, and his gaze towards Beidou became a little more pitiful.

"If you have a brain disease, you should seek treatment. What you are saying is not something a human being can say..."

"Do you know what a star is?"

Before Su Youfang could finish speaking, Beidou spoke again.

Su Youfang choked directly on the spot.

What are stars? Su Youfang has never thought about this problem. Stars are stars. He only needs to know this. He will know at most one Altair and one Vega. This is not because he has any research on astrology, but mainly because this folklore is more convenient. He chatted with the girls.

Other than that, he didn't understand anything else. After all, the astrological knowledge was of little use to him.

"That's why you can't take this different path like me... After all, you still don't understand the nature of power."

Having said this, Beidou sighed.

Unlike most Jianghu people, Beidou did not originally study martial arts. His ancestors were born in the Qin Tianjian of the former dynasty. After the Great Yu was destroyed, his ancestors lived among the people and remained anonymous - but they lived in seclusion. Those who are important to The understanding of astrology and the study of astrology have been passed down from generation to generation.

After all, the sea of ​​stars is so mysterious and mysterious that no one can refuse this ever-changing knowledge.

Even if this knowledge is useless.

The study of astrology can only be enjoyed by oneself. In the eyes of the public, this kind of thing has no practical value - of course, sometimes everyone also believes in astrology, such as fortune telling, but Beidou's family studies astrology. It's not about fortune-telling per se. The understanding of the stars is indeed mysterious, but most people have no interest in it.

"Does this stuff really work?"

Beidou also had doubts about this, and even wanted to give up this ancient mystery altogether, but he could only use it to entertain himself.

However, an accident made Beidou realize the secret.

That was when Beidou was twelve years old. Since his father no longer studied stars and astronomy, his family, which had been poor for who knows how long, finally saved some money - but unfortunately, his father, who had been obsessed with studying for a long time, Although he finally understood the secrets of doing business, he did not understand the most important thing of "keeping wealth secret". So that night, just when Beidou felt that he could finally have a good meal at home, the robber who broke in just killed him with one knife. his father.

Out of the desire to get rid of the roots, the bandits turned their attention to Beidou after killing his parents.

Beidou, on the other hand, had already run back to his father's study and took out the Big Dipper Seven Star Sword, which could only be used to ward off evil spirits.

With a cheap sword and a young child with no fighting experience, this is a certain death situation. At least in the eyes of the robber, he only needs to swing the sword casually and the child will be chopped into two pieces on the spot.

However, what greeted the robber was a spiraling sword.

That sword imitated the rotation of the star.

The cheap sword that had almost no lethality at first turned out to be rock solid at that moment.

It wasn't until he saw those bandits turned into corpses that the young Beidou vaguely realized that there might really be something remarkable in the astronomical knowledge passed down from his family.

So, in the following days, he gradually used that knowledge on himself. Although everything he wielded seemed ordinary, there was always something in these seemingly ordinary sword moves. The power of spiraling like the rotation of a star - but precisely because of this, he was unable to communicate normally with other masters.

Normal communication between masters does not necessarily require actual action. If there is no hostility, everyone can find a place to sit down and compare each other and exchange ideas - but this is completely impossible for Beidou, let alone other things. Just talking about the concept of star rotation is like listening to heavenly scriptures. Everyone can't talk about it to a single point, so how can we have a reasonable conversation?

If you can't talk, you can only take action. Anyway, the winner must be right.

Facts have proved that Beidou is indeed right, even until now.

Although he only has a cheap decorative sword in his hand, Beidou has never encountered an opponent in the fight until now. His astronomical theories can not only guide his own practice, but also gradually begin to explain to other masters - perhaps every master is a spiraling star, and they will instinctively attract external forces to strengthen themselves.

However, only he could see this boundless starry sky.

Invincibility brought him great fame, but it also made him feel more and more lonely - he also thought that maybe he was really like a lone star in the sky, and no one in this life could truly understand his thoughts. .

But now it seems...

"I am not alone in my ways!"

Beidou stared at the footprints on the ground. At this moment, he had no intention of paying attention to Su Youfang, just because from these footprints that were almost spinning in circles, he could vaguely see the trajectory of the stars!

"This spiral's footwork... is clearly imitating the rotation of the stars!"

"What rotation? What on earth are you talking about?"

Seeing that Beidou was completely immersed in it, Su Youfang immediately became anxious.

No matter how dull he was, he could already see that the footprints on the ground might actually have something to them—although it was probably something he couldn't understand, but it was definitely something good.

The good stuff is right in front of him, but he can't understand it. This is simply...

"If you can't understand it, don't understand it."

Taking a deep breath, Beidou stood up.

Then he looked at his friend beside him.

Although this friend was foul-mouthed, it was just verbal. In fact, whether it was occasional sparring on weekdays or when he had to fight, this friend never let them down.

After all, he didn't have many friends, and it was already very good to have such a friend.

So if there was anything good, he would naturally share it with this friend.

"If you don't understand, just follow me. This is a rare good thing. I guarantee you won't suffer any loss."

As he said this, Beidou walked to the side of a millstone and put the bridle on his head.

Then, Su Youfang saw that Beidou waved at him.


Su Youfang was stunned. He once thought that this old friend really had something wrong with his brain.

"Are you...serious?"

"This is the key."

Beidou gave a firm answer.

He had already seen that this was not so much a millstone as a training tool. I'm afraid that the two masters practiced like this on weekdays. They regarded the millstone itself as a star, and then used the method of pulling the millstone to rotate with the star, so as to understand the spiral twisting force like the stars in the sky!

"Of course, if I explain the specific principle, you probably won't understand it, but... we are friends, I have done it myself, I will definitely not cheat you."


Su Youfang hesitated.

He who relies on his face to make a living is unwilling to put on the bridle anyway, but Beidou has said so much, it is difficult for him not to believe in his friend's judgment.

He can feel the sincere sharing.

Although he usually picks countless flowers and never lacks emotional life, the one he really trusts the most is this old friend of many years.

And now, the old friend has put on the bridle.

"Then I will come too!"

Su Youfang simply picked up the bridle after gritting his teeth and stamping his feet.

Forget it, it's no big deal, he can just give up his face today, he's willing to risk his life for a gentleman, he's willing to go all out!

"Isn't it just grinding? Look, I'll give it to you... Hey?"

Just when Su Youfang closed his eyes and was about to put on the bridle, the bridle that was supposed to be put on was suddenly taken away.

When Su Youfang opened his eyes, two vicious faces appeared in front of him.

"Who told you to grind the mill? Are you worthy?"

Wang Tonggong and Hu Sanbian, who returned to the backyard, punched Su Youfang and Beidou to the ground.

Then, they put on the bridle with ease and pulled the mill diligently.

"Maybe we should thank that little giant."

At this moment, Wang Tonggong and Hu Sanbian's thoughts were almost the same.

Just like the trajectory under their feet.

"Grinding the mill can really make you stronger!"

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