In the Blade

Chapter 417 Drawing a Murder

Under normal circumstances, the government would not care about the death of two Jianghu people.

After all, most of these evil spirit masters regard reporting to the government as a shameful thing. If they are masters, they must complete the revenge themselves. If they really go to the government to report the crime and wait for the government to arrest them, let alone other comrades in the world, even the enemies may They'll all laugh out loud.

Only this time, it was completely different.

At the mass grave far away in Jubao Mountain, the angry government officials have sealed off the place. Normally, these weak government officials would not even dare to look at these masters of evil spirits, but now these government officials They all held water and fire sticks and stared at these martial arts masters, as if these masters had killed their own mothers.

In fact, if you really think about it, the difference is not too big. After all, as the old saying goes, killing someone's wealth is like killing their parents.

Everyone finally found this new way to make money, but after only a few good days, their jobs were ruined again?

"No one can leave until the matter is found out! There must be an explanation for this matter!"

"That's fine. If you want to give an explanation, I'll give you an explanation."

Saying this, a group of evil spirit masters drew their weapons one after another.

Are you kidding? This group of government officials can kill anyone with just a raise of their hands. They are just ordinary people. Not only did they not give them face, they even dared to stand in front of them?

What a rebellion! How dare they!

"How dare you compete for the glory of a pearl of rice?"

The eyes of the evil spirit master headed by him already showed murderous intent.

After a disagreement, he actually wanted to take action on the spot!

Fortunately, the new arrester Wu calmed down the incident. Unlike these government officials, this arrester named Wu Qingyuan is more inclined to calm things down, and his words are nicer - more importantly, this arrester Wu is not a local. , but transferred from Zhoucheng.

This also means that Wu Qingyuan and Wu Captou standing here represent not only the local yamen of Sanshan Town. If the other party dies here like this, those who are far away in Jiankang will take the military envoys established by the imperial court. We, I'm afraid, will also stand up for this person.

"That's fine. Since Capt. Wu has said this, I'm not an unreasonable person. That's all for today. I'll just pretend I've never seen them."

The leader of the evil spirit master said this.

"I will not delay your investigation of the case, and you should not delay my schedule."

"That is, that is."

Wu Qingyuan and Wu Captou tried their best to smile.

"Heroes, walk slowly."

With these words, those evil spirit masters who originally had their own itineraries left, but there were also some evil spirit masters who had nothing to do and stayed. Some people were not pressed for time, and some people simply watched the fun and did not think it was a big deal. But in general, they all wanted to see what Captor Wu could find out.

After all, this matter is a bit evil even for evil spirit masters like them.

Although in the eyes of these evil spirit masters, feuds in Jianghu are a normal thing, but most of them are back and forth between you and me with open swords and guns. Everyone pays attention to efficiency when killing people, and hacking people to death is about the same—— Even if he really gets angry, he will cut the person into pieces, or simply grind him into powder and cut him into minced meat.

How could anyone peel off a person's skin without saying anything?

This method does not look like the method of Jianghu people, but more like revenge or execution, but this is not the most outrageous part.

The most outrageous thing is that that night, there were masters of evil spirits in the ten thatched cottages who were realizing it. No one slept. The people in two thatched cottages were skinned, and the remaining eight people were not aware of it.

Perhaps this is also the reason why some evil spirit masters wanted to leave in a hurry just now. After all, this matter is too shocking if you think about it carefully.

As for the remaining ones who have not left, they are basically quite confident in their own strength.

They all felt that they could kill the murderer.

Of course, they may have enough skills in fighting, but when it comes to investigating cases, they are obviously not professional enough. So after summing up, it was Captain Wu who led the search after all. They also wanted to know, this Who did the skinning case?

It's a pity that Capt. Wu doesn't seem to have much ability.

"There are no clues at the moment. Let's take the bodies back to the county office first. The crime scene will also be protected."

"Ah this."

The remaining evil spirit masters did not expect that Wu Captou, who seemed to be smart and capable, was actually a parallel importer.

But think about it, if you really have the ability, let alone releasing the evil spirit, you can still achieve the most basic evil spirit into the body. Just look at the light and airy appearance of Wu Captou, I am afraid that it is only the skill of an ordinary person, an ordinary person What else can he do?

"You still have to become stronger. If you don't become stronger, you will be like them."

Among the crowd, there was an evil spirit master who pointed at the backs of Wu Captou and the government officials and began to train his apprentices.

The government officials carried the body back to the town, but Capt. Wu temporarily said that he had something to do. The officials didn't have a good deal with the new captor, so they didn't think too much about it - it was just something they couldn't see. Yes, just when they were carrying the body into the county government office, Capt. Wu's body floated up.

It was not a fast flight, but a lighter float. Wu Baotou was floating in the wind like a kite, floating all the way into the distance with the wind.

Far away on the road outside Sanshan Town, the few Jianghu people who had just chosen to leave were still urging their horses to go on their way.

Something was wrong. Although they had managed not to show it just now, what was hidden under their tough attitude was their extreme fear of this matter - being able to remain silent without anyone knowing. If he skinned the two evil spirit masters, he could use the same method to kill all of them.

"We must escape! There is something weird here!"

The leader, the evil spirit master who used a short axe, was already sweating profusely.

You must escape as soon as possible, otherwise you are likely to die here, and after escaping, you must find an expert to deal with it immediately - if such a terrifying place is not removed, everyone will not be able to sleep well at night.

"Go...yes! Go to Jiankang! Find those commanders! I remember that the master named Jiang Wenyuan used to be a head catcher. He can definitely give this place to...huh?"

The galloping horse suddenly stopped.

A catcher did appear in front of them, but it was not the catcher Jiang they were looking for, but the catcher Wu whom they had met before, and who even kept a low profile towards them. head.

It was obvious that they were acquaintances, but these evil spirit masters were becoming more and more frightened.

You must know that the reason why they were able to escape the town so quickly was because they were riding horses. When they left, Capt. Wu was still processing the crime scene, so how did he come here at such a fast speed?

They subconsciously drew their weapons.

"Captain Wu, if you had any trouble before, we are here to make amends for you."

The leader of the evil spirit master swallowed.

"Please show your noble hand, brothers, you will be rewarded generously in the future."

"Actually, you should be a little tougher, just as tough as before."

Wu Captou sighed.

"Now that I talk softly, it makes me look like a villain."


Hearing Wu Captou say this, the evil spirit masters became more and more frightened.

This was not something a catcher would say. The catcher Wu in front of them probably had another identity.

But what they didn't expect was that Capt. Wu was not only not a captor, he wasn't even a human being.

Just when they were about to fight to the death, Capt. Wu floated up, and then, the light Capt. Wu passed through their bodies. It was at this time that they discovered that Capt. Wu's The figure is actually so thin.

It's as thin as a piece of paper.


The leader of the evil spirit master lowered his head subconsciously, but his entire sight suddenly began to rotate continuously.

With just one movement of lowering his head, his head fell directly to the ground.

Together with the other evil spirit masters.

"What a pity this painting is."

Wu Captou shook his head, then waved his hand, and a swallow as huge as an eagle landed from mid-air and grabbed these corpses.

The swallows holding the corpse flew high into the sky and flew towards Sanshan Town, like tired birds returning to their nests.

These are all excellent papermaking raw materials and should not be wasted.

After wiping the blood on his face, Capt. Wu regained his shrewd and capable look, but his simple and resolute face now had a bit of gloom.

The trivial matter of a few Jianghu people is not a big deal. Anyway, various Jianghu people die every day for various reasons. No one cares about this kind of thing - but the real problem is never with these Jianghu people. Even if they call friends and form cliques, it will still take some time to find a master.

But now, there are already experts who have stepped into Sanshan Town without anyone calling.

Not these so-called masters of evil spirits, but people who can truly be called masters. Such characters often sit in one place, and God knows why they come here - just like real beasts often have their own predatory territories, and Just like they won't easily offend the territory of other beasts, this kind of behavior that crosses the boundary can easily lead to a life-and-death fight.

Of course, if the other party is really just passing by, then let's forget about it.

But not only did the other party live here, he even caught two swallows.

"This is going to be a war."

Wu Captou's face was expressionless.

When they didn't notice each other, they could naturally live in peace, but now that they were aware of each other's existence, they could only decide between life and death.

After all, this is his territory, the perfect world he has created for himself, so how can he let strong outsiders step in?

What's more, he has a huge advantage at the moment. He only exposed the swallow, but did not expose himself. This means that he is still in the stage where the enemy is in the dark and we are in the dark - this means that he can control the attack at will. Intensity, whether it is to directly launch a fatal attack, or to test the quality of this master first, all progress is controlled by him.

"It's better to be cautious. After all, I have the advantage."

Thinking like this, Wu Captou pulled out his waist knife and cut off his left hand directly.

The severed left hand flew away in the wind, just like Wu Captou did before, but this time, the left hand floated all the way to the door of the old inn - there was a young man guarding the door, who looked like an ordinary man. People saw this thin left hand falling in the wind, and even curiously picked it up with their hands.

"Huh? Where did the New Year pictures come from?"

However, the boy failed to catch the thin left hand. Perhaps because of the wind, the left hand stood up in front of the boy.

This hand was so thin that it was even thinner than paper when it stood up, so that the boy could hardly see the existence of the left hand for a while.

"Am I dazzled?"

The boy scratched his head and sat back down. He only looked at the puzzled expression. He probably thought what he saw just now was a falling leaf.

The thin left hand floated to the post station after bypassing the boy at the door. This time, the old man behind the counter could not find the hand - but the old man was not the target of the thin left hand, so after spinning in the air, the left hand continued to fly back.

The post station was not big. The kitchen was not far behind the counter, but the kitchen was empty at the moment, and the hand did not find the target it was looking for.

Maybe it was in the backyard?

The thin left hand continued to float in.

There was no noise in the backyard, and no one even touched the two millstones. If it were usual, the two millstones would have been pulled out of sparks by someone, but now, the masters of evil spirits who were pulling the millstones were squatting on the side with the people of Songzhou, with a look of astonishment on their faces, as if they were looking at something extraordinary.

So, what about the giant?

The two-story-high giant was the target of this hand. The thin palm could easily slide into the muscle texture and easily cut into the gaps of the bones. Every good painter is a master who is proficient in the structure of the human body, which means that they have the ability to manipulate a person's life and death at will.

What's more, the target is so huge and so conspicuous that it is simply a natural target.

So, where is the giant?

"It's done!"

Just as the left hand was still searching for the target, a loud roar suddenly came from the center of the yard.

"Look! Am I small!"

"Small! Too small!"

The masters of evil spirits who were just watching stood up quickly, with incredible expressions on their faces.

"How did you do this? You were so big before... No, where's the meat? Where's the bones? Where did you hide the extra ones?"

"This is the result of practice!"

In the middle of the yard, a six-foot-tall sturdy man was laughing loudly.

"A real man should be able to grow big or small!"

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