In the Blade

Chapter 421: Killing

The battle eventually evolved into a hand-to-hand fight.

For County Magistrate Yuan, this was not the most ideal situation. If everything could be solved in secret, there was no need to make it public - after all, he still had to live here, after all, this was the beautiful home he built with his own hands, and he really didn't want to give up all this quiet and peaceful life.

But now, there was nothing left.

His identity had been exposed, and everything was gone. Even if he killed the intruder named Du Chengfeng, the peace he had worked so hard to maintain would no longer exist... No, he still had a chance. As long as he killed this beast, he would still have a chance to save everything!


Before County Magistrate Yuan could make a move, the pillar-like arm exploded first. The suddenly enlarged arm had the explosive power of a cannonball, and the entire back hall of the county government collapsed completely.

But County Magistrate Yuan himself had already flown up.

Hundreds of swallows were carrying Magistrate Yuan. These swallows, which were originally just paintings, now gathered in the air like real birds, and Magistrate Yuan himself stood in the air like a swallow.

"Since you are looking for death, you can't blame me."

With this, the swallows in the air fell like a rainstorm.

The swallows fell on the ground, on the wall, on the table, and on Du Chengfeng's body - but this kind of attack is completely useless to Du Chengfeng now. Even if these swallows full of evil spirits have sharp piercing power like swords and guns, unfortunately, he is invulnerable to swords and guns at the moment.

It doesn't matter if he takes a bath in this kind of attack, this level of attack can't hurt him at all.

"This is it... this is it!"

Du Chengfeng is getting more and more happy.

Yes, this is what he wants. With this strong body, he no longer has to worry about being attacked by surprise. Although he was not afraid of sneak attacks before, he was using a heavy sword as an alarm to warn himself in advance. Indeed, he might be able to use the fastest reaction to parry or even counterattack, but his body is still an ordinary flesh and blood body.

Now, although his body is still a flesh and blood body, it is no longer ordinary.

Now, even if he does not make any parry, it is difficult to be hurt. Even if he simply lies on the ground, he will not be hurt at all. After forging this body, he finally has a qualitative difference with these so-called evil masters. He is no longer a glass cannon with high attack and low defense, but a real attack and defense, a real indestructible golden body.

Just like now, even if those flying swallows explode into ink on his body, it is difficult to penetrate into his body even a little bit.

"I've seen this move before. Don't you have any new tricks... No."

As soon as he said this, Du Chengfeng slapped his head.

It started again. He started to show off his skills as soon as he had some skills. He still remembered the tragedy just now. If he hadn't compressed himself again temporarily, the ink would probably have killed him here.

Du Chengfeng didn't ask himself if he had any amazing wisdom, but he wouldn't be stupid enough to suffer the same thing twice.

"I'd better kill you first."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng took out the Huangtian Cervical Vertebra Sword from his waist and drew it casually, and then pulled out the thick sword out of thin air.

The thick sword was burning with a blazing flame, which was a strong fighting spirit. It seemed that this old friend who had been put aside for a long time was also looking forward to the next battle.

But just when Du Chengfeng was about to swing the sword, his eyes went black.

No, not only in front of him, everything around him turned black - there was so much ink from the flying swallows that it had covered everything around him without him noticing!

"Since you like to cross the line so much, then welcome to my world."

In the darkness, the figure of County Magistrate Yuan gradually emerged from the endless ink.

At the same time, Du Chengfeng swung the big knife in his hand.

The blazing fire blade drew a bright arc, illuminating the space wrapped in black ink. It was so joyful that it had not fought for a long time, and it was eager to drink the blood of the enemy!


"Is it just this degree?"

County Magistrate Yuan shook his head gently.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng saw that County Magistrate Yuan had a pen in his hand.

It was a rather old pen. The bamboo tube as the pen holder had been used and turned yellow. One end of the pen was a bald pen hair, and the other end was embedded with a small blade.

Dipping the ink beside him, County Magistrate Yuan waved his pen at the oncoming blazing fire blade.

"Just don't take out this kind of thing."

The surging ink met the blazing fire blade, and it was the invincible fire blade that was forced back!

"How is it possible?"

Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded. You know, he has used this big knife for so long, and he has never encountered such a situation - more importantly, these inks obviously have no effect on him, why did it happen to his knife...


Half of the blade fell to the ground, and this originally magical thick and heavy knife actually turned back to the original appearance when it was broken.


Looking at the half of the blade that fell into the ink, Du Chengfeng frowned while holding the remaining half of the broken knife.

He could feel that the big knife in his hand suddenly lacked something crucial.

But fortunately, he didn't just have this one knife. The Emperor's Spine Sword cut open a hole, and the black knife sealed with the gray-black phoenix was also taken out by him - but this action of taking things out of thin air made the pupils of the opposite side, Yuan Zhixian, shrink.

"It seems that you also have good things on you..."

Yuan Zhixian's eyes narrowed.

Then, the pen swept across.

He used actions instead of words.

The strong will always be strong, and the weak will be deprived of everything. There will only be one winner in this fight, and it is obvious that Yuan Zhixian thinks it will be himself.

After all, he has the upper hand now.

On Du Chengfeng's side, the big knife sealed with the gray-black phoenix was pulled out, and the knife was desperately drilled back - it is obvious that no matter how much the gray-black phoenix was tortured, it is unwilling to face this level of battle.

But Du Chengfeng still pulled out the big knife forcefully and chopped it down on Yuan Zhixian's head.

The splashed ink is an attack, but also the best defense. The moment the big knife burning with black fire was stained with ink, it was already dead on the spot.

Another weapon turned into ordinary iron, which made Du Chengfeng frown even more.

"Is this the only thing you have in your hand?"

Magistrate Yuan sneered.

"If that's all... try this?"

Magistrate Yuan picked up the pen and sketched, and in just a moment he drew two figures.

Looking at the two figures, Du Chengfeng was a little dazed for a while.

He only had a vague impression of the figure on the left. It should be the descendant of the Chu people he saw when he experienced the memory of the Southern Chen Taizu - but the figure on the right, his impression was too deep, this was clearly Yang Sanlang who lived in his big knife!

But at this moment, Yang Sanlang was no longer the Yang Sanlang who fought side by side with him. Just look at the bloody eyes and the evil spirit wrapped around his body. This Yang Sanlang has clearly been possessed by the evil spirit!

The same was true for the descendants of the Chu people beside him.


Carefully sketching out two broadswords for the two men, Magistrate Yuan waved his hand.

"Bring back his head!"


Facing the broadsword that was coming at him, Du Chengfeng instinctively raised his fist and hit.

However, at this moment, Magistrate Yuan suddenly spoke.

"If you break these weapon spirits, what do you think will happen to your weapons?"

The fist that was swung out froze in mid-air.

No matter how heartless Du Chengfeng was, he couldn't really abandon those weapons completely. After all, these weapons had been with him for so long, and they had no merits, but they had also worked hard. If it was really like what Magistrate Yuan said, after breaking these figures, the two broadswords could not be restored, how could this be possible?

"There must be a better solution." Du Chengfeng thought so.

But just this moment of hesitation, the two broadswords had already hit his face.

Then, there were two clangs, and the two ink-stained swords broke.


Both Du Chengfeng and County Magistrate Yuan were stunned for a moment.

"... That's it?"

Finally, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but speak first. He didn't expect that such a powerful attack would end up with just this - but think about it, these inks can't do anything to him, even if the ink turns into a sword, can it hurt him?

"Do you have anything new to do?"

Du Chengfeng walked over step by step, resisting the slashing of the two ink figures.

"If you don't have anything new to do, it's my turn."


County Magistrate Yuan's face turned black, and he simply turned the pen upside down and stabbed Du Chengfeng with the narrow blade.

Perhaps this is the correct way to use this pen, and County Magistrate Yuan's judge's penmanship is really fierce. In just a moment, the blade has reached Du Chengfeng's face.

If it were someone else, he would have probably cut off half of his face by this knife, but for Du Chengfeng now, such an attack would not even break his skin.

"Since you took the initiative to come over, that's even better."

Grabbing the oncoming blade with his left hand, Du Chengfeng's right hand slammed out!

Indeed, he did not have a knife at the moment, but even if he did not have a knife, what could he do?

Without a knife, could he not fight?

He already had a well-tempered body!


With a punch, County Magistrate Yuan's body was hit and exploded in the air on the spot.

Then, it turned into dots of ink and sprinkled on the equally dark ground.


Du Chengfeng's expression was stern.

At this time, County Magistrate Yuan, holding a blunt pen, had already reached behind Du Chengfeng.

"This is my world, this is my territory."

County Magistrate Yuan's voice was so low that it was like the cry of a ghost from the Nine Nether Hell.

"How could you possibly beat me in my world!"

"Your territory, right?"

Du Chengfeng clenched his fists and grabbed the incoming blade again.

Indeed, this was the opponent's territory. He knew that he would not be able to kill Magistrate Yuan in such a place just by looking at the opponent's ability to transform into ink.

" this really your territory?"

As Du Chengfeng said this, he half-crouched.

With this forceful gesture, the ink around him also surged.

"Your territory? This is my territory!"

With a loud shout, the ink around Du Chengfeng started to spiral with him as the center of the circle!


Before Yuan Zhixian could say anything, his head had been exploded by a punch, and all the ink that spattered from his body was caught up in the twisting spirals - at this moment, those spirals around Du Chengfeng The twisting ink seemed to have formed a huge whirlpool. The force of this whirlpool was so great that it even shook the dark world with it!


Yuan Zhixian wanted to say something more, but the ink was poured directly into his mouth. He tried his best to control the ink with the judge's pen, but the ink that was originally like an arm did not obey his orders at this moment - just because These inks can no longer control themselves. They have all been involved in the huge whirlpool. As more and more inks are involved, the power of the vortex becomes stronger and stronger. The stronger!

"This is the power of water, the power of whirlpool."

In the center of the whirlpool, Du Chengfeng felt something in his heart.

Although he had only heard it accidentally and didn't remember much of the specific content, with his current understanding of the spiral, it was easy to use it.

The ink around him that blocked his vision also gradually faded under this spiral, revealing the original sky outside.

The sky is clear and cloudless.

"This looks so good."

Du Chengfeng turned his head and looked at Yuan Zhixian, who had nowhere to hide because the ink was swept away.

"Why do you have to paint everything black?"

"How can you, a barbarian, know what painting is?"

Yuan Zhixian turned over and jumped into the air again.

"For real painting, you don't need to use any other colors at all, just ink itself is enough! You..."

Before he finished his words, a flying swallow landed lightly at Yuan Zhixian's feet.

It turns out that what Yuan Zhixian said was false, and it was true that he took the opportunity to escape!

"So, where are you looking?"

A voice sounded above Yuan Zhixian's head.

This made Yuan Zhixian subconsciously raise his head.

Can people actually jump so high?


Yuan Zhixian was completely smashed into the ground.

"If you like painting so much, why not go to the second dimension."

Looking at Yuan Zhixian who had been smashed into a flat surface on the ground, and Feiyan who was standing up, Du Chengfeng shook his head, then leaned down and picked out the bald pen from the painting on the ground.

Holding the bald pen cautiously in his right hand, Du Chengfeng looked at the palm of his left hand.

On the palm of his hand, the wound dripping with blood was clearly visible.

Even the current him can be hurt. This bald pen probably has something to say.

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