In the Blade

Chapter 428 Practice Makes You Really Know

At dawn, all three groups returned to the post station.

Five Songzhou people carried the bodies of two monsters back. Just looking at their arrogant appearance, they were just like warriors in ancient times. Wang Tonggong and Hu Sanbian brought back two rabbits, which could barely be considered a dish. As for Su Youfang and Beidou... except for the scars all over their bodies, they brought back nothing.

Of course, this time, Du Chengfeng did not come forward to drive them out again.

He was still thinking about his own problems.

"It is better to rely on yourself than on others."

Du Chengfeng, who had not slept all night, finally summed up the lessons learned.

It is neither reliable nor realistic to expect these so-called masters in the eyes of ordinary people to help him clean up the evil monsters that pop up from time to time. In the past, the reason why he could easily find people who could help him do things was because he was lucky and the people he found were relatively reliable.

However, the problem lies here. How can there really be so many reliable people?

Being unreliable is the norm, being unreliable is the reality. When he entrusted things to others, he had to be prepared to watch others mess things up. Obviously, he didn't realize this before. He thought his method could solve the problem. However, in fact, judging from the current situation, his style is not even as good as that of County Magistrate Yuan.

At least County Magistrate Yuan really solved the problem, what about him?

"Where should I start?"

Du Chengfeng was a little confused for a while, just because the problem in front of him was too difficult for him to solve. He did have a strong fighting power, but he couldn't always keep an eye on the whole town.

"Maybe when they fought, County Magistrate Yuan was facing the same situation?"

Judging from his own experience, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think of the previous confrontation.

At that time, he had just finished forging himself, compressing the powerful strength and flesh into this small body. The body with extremely high density and strength comparable to that of ultra-high alloy powder high-speed steel was the natural nemesis of County Magistrate Yuan. County Magistrate Yuan, who was good at writing and had lived a lifetime, probably never thought that there would be a time when his ink would not work.

At that time, he was once complacent about it, and even attributed it to luck, thinking that County Magistrate Yuan was too unlucky to meet him.

But now it seems...

Who doesn't have bad luck?

This time it was his turn to be held up, and it was his turn to face this problem that was his natural nemesis - indeed, he was really good at fighting, but the current situation was not a problem that could be solved simply by fighting.

"So... there are things that can't be solved by strength!"

Du Chengfeng suddenly slapped his head.

Although he never said this, he has been practicing a hidden idea in his heart - "As long as the power is strong enough, any problem can be solved", he has always believed this for a long time.

If it can't be solved, it means that the power is not strong enough. As long as the power is really strong enough, it can always solve the problem itself, or solve the person who created the problem.

It sounds like there is nothing wrong with it, and it is even applicable to the current situation. For example, he can just do it directly, go out a few more times at night, and kill all the evil monsters within a hundred miles. If the evil monsters are dead, naturally no one will bother him - it sounds like a feasible plan, but if it is really implemented...

Du Chengfeng just wants to say that it is not the case at all.

The chaos after the death of County Magistrate Yuan has made him understand that even if he kills all the evil monsters, there will be new evil monsters to fill in. They may come from outside, or they may be transformed by local masters themselves. As long as there are masters, these evil monsters are endless.

If he really planned to take this path, he would probably have to fight the evil monster for the rest of his life.

"There must be a better solution."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng's eyes stopped at the two rabbits beside the pot.

If possible...

"Are you going to braise or stew these two rabbits?"

At this time, the old man who was in charge of the post station came in.

"If you don't want it, I'll take it away. I haven't eaten rabbit meat for years, but I really want to eat it."

"That's what I said, Master, if you want to eat it, take it."

Du Chengfeng scratched his head.

It was just two rabbits, he really didn't care.

But after taking the rabbits, the old man didn't rush to leave, he looked hesitant, and seemed to want to say something.

"What's wrong, Master."

Du Chengfeng became more and more confused.

"You are..."

"Or, you should accept them."

The old man hesitated for a long time, and finally spoke.

But these words blurted out, but Du Chengfeng was confused.

"What? Why did you accept it? Who did you accept?"

"Those knights, who else could it be? The ones who were grinding the mill in the backyard before."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng was still in a daze, the old man sighed.

"Although you usually only learn cooking from me, I can see that you are probably a very capable person... I don't understand those fighting and killing things, but since they have already brought you the tuition, why don't you..."

"Ah? Tuition?"

Du Chengfeng was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the two rabbits in the old man's hand.

Obviously, the old man regarded these two rabbits as the two pieces of pork given to the master when he became a disciple - so in the eyes of the old man, everyone had sent the tuition fees to his door, and he had put the tuition fees next to the stove. , doesn’t this mean accepting someone as an apprentice? What else can't be done to save face?

"So... accept a disciple?"

Du Chengfeng pondered for a moment.

This is really a solution.

Accepting apprentices and passing on the fighting style. Indeed, the core strength is something that he cannot teach, but he can at least teach the fighting style, teach awareness, teach these people how to fight, and teach them how to deal with power. Understanding - Once you have a certain understanding of power, you will surely be able to become stronger. At least you will have more confidence when dealing with those evil monsters.

This is indeed a good idea, and it will create a group of strong people. Of course, the most important thing is that it is exactly the same as Du Chengfeng's own original style of doing things.

Professional matters must be left to professional people, and he is responsible for dealing with these professional people.

So the problem is here too.

What can he teach?

It seems that nothing is suitable for teaching. The reason why he has the power he has today is full of too many accidents. Even his understanding of power is not actually common to the general public - to put it simply, this method He is really the only one who can leave. If anyone else uses his method, there is a high probability that it will not work.

For example, with his current physique, he knows that he can simulate himself into ultra-high alloy powder high-speed steel through firm will, but if he teaches this thing, those people may not even know what ultra-high alloy powder high-speed steel is. Don't even know.

As for a firm will, it is even more nonsense to the public. It is not that he has never talked about this topic with others, but it is obvious that everyone is happy to regard the phrase "a firm will can change everything" as a An ordinary chicken soup for the soul.

Therefore, he is actually not suitable for teaching others, and his approach can easily mislead others.

"You... forget it, do whatever you want."

The old man sighed and said nothing more.

Obviously, this old man is very self-aware and knows that he can't actually have much influence on Du Chengfeng, so he just came over and said something casually. After all, he is still very optimistic about Du Chengfeng as a teacher, not to mention Du Chengfeng. If Bian really accepts a disciple, the old man can live like a master.

It's a pity that Du Chengfeng didn't agree, so the old man left.

Not even the two rabbits.

The two rabbits that were put back on the stove were still trembling, looking like they were scared to death. It should be said that Wang Tonggong and Hu Sanbian were quite skilled. They just caught two live rabbits and brought them back—— You must know that Du Chengfeng himself is not very efficient at doing this kind of thing. After all, rabbits not only run fast but can also burrow into the ground. If you really want to run away, it will take a lot of effort to catch it.

But no matter how hard it is to catch, a rabbit is still a rabbit after all. This thing may not be the real bottom of the food chain, but when it comes to rabbits, they are definitely the ones that get eaten.

"Just like the people of Sanshan Town."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think of those thrilling nights yesterday.

Although he said that he wanted to kill the monsters who came to seize the territory, in fact, he also admitted that he was indeed trying to be a hero - to say that the people of Sanshan Town died in Jianghu vendetta, That has nothing to do with him. He will take retribution for the hatred he has made, but if it is replaced by evil monsters...those people are innocent after all.

After all, he was too kind-hearted to see anyone die.

Of course, he never thought about involving himself. He only knew that working hard would not solve the problem. What he had to do now was to systematically solve the problem itself.


Du Chengfeng's eyes turned to the two rabbits.

"You guys, want to become stronger?"


The two rabbits stared at him with confusion in their eyes.

Obviously, the rabbits couldn't understand what he said. These two rabbits couldn't even do the most basic confusion. They only knew how to chew vegetable leaves.

"It's not enough to just eat."

Du Chengfeng shook his head.

"You guys need to be smarter."


The two rabbits still looked confused, they had no idea what was being said.

But immediately, the two rabbits realized that something was wrong.

After all, no matter how slow they are, they at least understand dangerous things like blades.

The blade fell on them, which made the two rabbits even more frightened. They shivered and even peeed out of their bodies. They may have thought about trying to escape, but they couldn't do it. They were stiff. Their bodies have already left them with no way to escape.

But unlike what the two rabbits feared, the falling blade did not chop into their necks.

Instead, the handle of the knife was stuffed under the front paws of the two rabbits.

In just an instant, the eyes of the two rabbits turned visibly red.

"Huh? Is it really okay?"

Du Chengfeng looked at the two rabbits with interest. After all, it was the first time for him to do so. However, he had been puzzled for a long time. That is, since there are evil weapons, evil masters, and even evil monsters in this world, why are there no evil animals?

Evil monsters may have the appearance of animals, but they are not animals at all. The essence is that the flesh and blood of evil masters are alienated by evil spirits. The appearance similar to animals is more like exposing the beasts hidden in their hearts.

So Du Chengfeng has always been very curious. What will happen if the evil spirit is directly infused into animals?

It seems that nothing will happen.

As for the previous attempt, he has stuffed a scimitar into each of the two rabbits, but now it seems that the eyes of these two rabbits are just a little red, and there is no sign of evil spirit entering the brain, let alone the evil spirit entering the body.

"Shouldn't it be? Could it be that animals are more resistant to evil spirits?"

Du Chengfeng was getting more and more confused. The development of the matter was a little different from what he thought. You know, he was ready to watch these two rabbits turn into monsters, but this is the result? This?

"It can't be that I didn't give enough evil spirits, right?"

Du Chengfeng looked at the two scimitars.

It seemed to be true. After all, he had considered the rabbits' tolerance before, so he chose these two relatively ordinary scimitars that many grassland warriors would use. Of course, there were also evil spirits on these two scimitars, but which grassland warrior's scimitar had never seen blood?

In general, this dose should be enough for ordinary people. For example, if the old man just picked up these scimitars, the evil spirit would enter his brain on the spot, and even to a certain extent, the evil spirit would enter his body.

But now it seems...

The dose suitable for humans is a little small for these two rabbits.

"We need to increase the intensity!"

Taking out the Huangtian Cervical Spine Sword from his waist, Du Chengfeng cut open the hole and began to explore his inventory.

"I want to see where your limits are!"

As he said this, more and more weapons were taken out and placed under the front feet of the two rabbits one by one.

"Why is there still no change?"

Du Chengfeng was getting more and more puzzled. He couldn't figure out what was wrong. It couldn't be that animals were really resistant to evil spirits? Is there such a saying?

"It's a discovery."

Du Chengfeng, who was puzzled, could only put this idea aside for the time being. He originally wanted to see if these two rabbits could help him.

But what he didn't see was that the two rabbits' eyes, which were already red, were now red and about to bleed.

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