In the Blade

Chapter 431: Weapon Forging

After leaving the crowd, Du Chengfeng quickly found two white rabbits.

Of course, these two rabbits are not necessarily the two he lost, but the rabbits basically look the same, especially since they are both white rabbits. It is really difficult for people to tell them apart - not to mention the current attitude among the neighbors. With the rabbit's fanaticism, it was hard to say whether he could take these two rabbits away.

Fortunately, he finally took the two white rabbits back before the neighbors found out.

Due to time constraints, he didn't even wait for the meal, and skinned the two rabbits and stewed them on the spot. He didn't feel at ease until the two rabbits were completely eaten.

After all, the discarded rabbit was infected with evil spirits. God knows whether this evil spirit animal is as dangerous as the evil spirit monster. Since there is no way to use this thing, for safety reasons, it must be safest to eat it.

But what Du Chengfeng didn't know was that the impact of evil spirits on rabbits may not only be reflected in danger.

Du Chengfeng had eaten and drank enough to take a nap, but the neighbors in the town were still gathered at the Bell and Drum Tower. They were still watching the two sacred red rabbits, and all kinds of strange legends were told. They made it up - the most outrageous thing is that these two red rabbits have continued to mate until now, with no intention of stopping at all.

When these two red rabbits killed the monster, only a limited number of people saw them. Most of the people behind them were actually following what others said. After all, there had to be a reason for the dead monster corpses all over the place. Since some witnesses said it was red rabbits, If the rabbit did it, then everyone will naturally believe it a little more, but this kind of belief is not so much an admission as it is an ordinary person's echo. Everyone thinks there is an explanation, so there must be an explanation.

As for now...

At least when it comes to endurance, these two rabbits seem to have something to say.

You must know that the mating time of rabbits is very fast. It will be over after dozens of numbers, basically just that shiver, so it was once regarded as a joke. However, in front of everyone's eyes, these two rabbits started to show up in the morning. From the beginning, it has been digging until noon, and there is still no intention of stopping.

Isn't this a miracle? What is this if not sacred?

"A temple should be built to enshrine the two Rabbit Buddhas."

Many young and strong men have already had this idea. They all want to try to pray twice more to see if they can be favored by the Rabbit Buddha. Even if they are not as brave as the Rabbit Buddha, they can become stronger. It's already pretty good.

Therefore, spurred by some special ideas, these young and strong men had strong mobility. In just one noon, they had already selected a place and even dug half of the foundation.

Du Chengfeng was also woken up by the sound of construction outside.

"What's going on?"

Du Chengfeng, who was half asleep, was still a little confused.

"What's going on outside?"

"I don't know, it's the locals."

The young man carrying the iron whip just came back and gave Du Chengfeng some answers.

"I just went over to take a look. They said they were going to build a temple to enshrine Lord Rabbit Buddha... Why do I feel like I've never heard of this? Do you know what Lord Rabbit Buddha is?"

"...Maybe it's local belief."

Du Chengfeng scratched his head. He actually wasn't too sure. Although he heard a lot of stories in the morning, he couldn't remember any of the stories in total - after all, those statements sounded like they were made up. , similar to which emperor ate some delicacies and said it was good. It may seem like the same thing, but it still lacks some time to settle.

But here's the problem. The story is false, but people's admiration for the two red rabbits is not false. Therefore, Du Chengfeng is not sure whether there is really a problem with this matter.

"Besides, I have more important things to do."

After washing his face to refresh himself, Du Chengfeng continued his work.

In other words, find a way to deal with those evil monsters who want to come and seize the territory.

He actually had some plans in mind on what to do specifically. Although the evil spirits masters in the backyard were not technically successful, they also provided him with enough inspiration - indeed, some of the three groups were successful and some were successful. Failure, but this is a normal thing. If you only look at the failure rate, then these people are indeed unreliable, but if they are unreliable, wouldn't it be enough to replace them?

"Under a heavy reward, there must be a brave man!"

This is the source of Du Chengfeng's inspiration.

In the name of Sanshan Town, the task of garrisoning the town is issued, so that the evil spirit masters can come to help - of course, this does not refer to the so-called masters in the town now, but the masters who can suppress the evil spirit monsters in the true sense.

How to retain these evil spirit masters, Du Chengfeng's method is also very simple. He decided to refer to the popular chart outside, which is the very popular list system nowadays, and create one here to let those who participate in it The masters are all involved. Once people start to compete, they will have motivation. Who is willing to be the second best in ten thousand years?

As long as the entire ranking mechanism starts to operate, there will always be experts who want to come over and become the new killing king, and as a side benefit, the entire town will become safe again.

"Yes! That's what you should do!"

After figuring out the joints, Du Chengfeng clapped his hands excitedly, throwing the pot away.

Therefore, what remains is the final and most critical question.

If you want to make this list work, you must make some initial investment, that is, you must first have some big rewards to mobilize the enthusiasm of those masters.

At present, Sanshan Town is poor, what rewards can be given?


Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head.

Originally, in his imagination, endless enemies themselves are the best rewards. Anyone who is determined to become stronger should not refuse this generous treatment. After all, waves of enemies mean possibilities again and again. Where can you find such a good thing? Even he can't find it, right?

But this is also the problem.

Such a good thing, why doesn't he do it himself?

"Well... it still needs some practical benefits."

Considering the mentality of those masters, Du Chengfeng still gave up the idea of ​​​​getting something for nothing.

There is no way. The world is going downhill and people's hearts are not as they used to be. There are very few people like them who are keen on fighting. Now the new masters are all those in the backyard. The reason for fighting is either for profit or pure obsession - even obsession is for profit. After all, those Songzhou people pray to gods and Buddhas to strengthen themselves.

In the final analysis, this is the ecological environment of normal people. As the saying goes, all the people in the world come for profit, and all the people in the world go for profit. Natural war maniacs are a minority after all, not to mention that even if they are natural war maniacs, the reason they fight is for self-satisfaction.

"So, I have to bleed again?"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng scratched his head more and more.

What a joke, he had already bled last time when burying the treasure. Although he couldn't use those ordinary evil weapons at all, it was enough for this kind of thing once - if he really came a second time, he didn't know which weapon to optimize. After all, after a careful selection, the things left in his hands were basically very memorable.

Except for the pen, which was new and didn't quite match his fighting style, it was appropriate to take it out as a prize.

"But this one won't do."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng put the pen back.

This one won't do, because this pen is completely different from all his weapons. He can even conclude that this pen is not in the same system as the weapons in his hand. And this pen is the only one in his hand that has a special function. Whether it's camouflage or painting, it's extremely practical, not to mention the sharpness that can break his defense. This thing is simply the best thing in his hand right now.

"So... why don't you make something yourself?"

Du Chengfeng slapped his head.

He can really do it.

Although he had never really forged iron, he actually knew how to forge iron. He had picked up a very unlucky scimitar before, on which was attached the life of a grassland blacksmith. After watching that memory, he knew everything about what a blacksmith had to do - of course, he was definitely not as good as a master craftsman who graduated from a professional school, but the rough craftsmanship of a grassland blacksmith was more suitable for beginners.

Moreover, even compared to those master craftsmen, he had his own advantages.

That is, he was the best blacksmith among all the blacksmiths.

This was not a joke like "the best painter in the crosstalk", but it really had practical significance. A warrior might not be proficient in forging iron, but a warrior was proficient in how to fight. Perhaps how to forge a good sword was relatively difficult for a warrior, but a good warrior must know what kind of sword is the best.

Du Chengfeng is a good warrior now. His blacksmith skills may be just so-so, but he has handled too many weapons. He knows very well what a good weapon should look like, and his skills are enough to support him to realize his ideas.

"In fact, many times, people don't want so many things. Strong, durable, balanced center of gravity, and if possible, beautiful, this is already an almost perfect weapon."

As a person who often swings a knife to chop people, Du Chengfeng still has a lot of say in this regard. For example, the big knife he uses most often, when the original owner Yang Pangzi designed it, he only considered beauty, firmness, and durability, but lacked the center of gravity of the whole knife - of course, this may be Yang Pangzi's deliberate intention. After all, Yang Pangzi's original intention of designing this knife was to perform a chopping off a pig's head with one knife. The center of gravity of the whole knife must be relatively forward, making it as heavy and powerful as an axe.

And the result of Du Chengfeng's hands-on was that Yang Pangzi's design was indeed successful. At least when the first knife was chopped out, it was indeed powerful enough.

The problem is that it is difficult to make a second cut with that big knife. If you insist on making consecutive cuts, it requires considerable body movements and wrist and arm strength. So from the perspective of a war knife, the design of this knife is a bit problematic.

"No wonder I haven't used that knife much recently. It turns out that the problem is here!"

Du Chengfeng slapped his head and felt that he had found the answer.

Facts have proved that the knife is indeed not very compatible with him. Now that he has passed the difficult stage of having no power a long time ago, the knife should be optimized.

In fact, it is already remarkable that the knife can accompany him for so long. You know, in terms of his current battle, the knife can no longer keep up with his fighting style.

"What a pity... Forget it, don't think about this."

Parting is always sad, but even so, Du Chengfeng did not plan to take out the big knife as a prize. Even if he did not use it, the knife would stay with him as a souvenir.

As for the prize itself, since he had already thought about it to this extent, he would naturally make some new ones by hand.

"Let's do it!"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng went straight out to the town.

The crowd at the bell and drum tower had dispersed. They all went to dig the foundation beside the post station. Only a few people gathered under the tree in the morning, as if they could get the so-called "Rabbit Buddha" by standing there - but Du Chengfeng just took a look and didn't care anymore. He had more important things to do at the moment.

Walking along the Drum Tower Street, we came to the blacksmith shop. Although Sanshan Town was not very big, the blacksmith shop had a complete range of tools. On weekdays, they made sickles and hoes. If necessary, it would not be a problem to make some knives and gun heads.

"That's enough!"

Du Chengfeng smiled happily.

It was indeed enough. This condition was at least much better than what the grassland blacksmiths used. Perhaps this was the only advantage of being a self-taught blacksmith. The requirements for the environment and conditions were not as high as those of professional blacksmiths.

"Here is this money. Rent the blacksmith shop to me for a while!"

"This... so much?"

The blacksmith was stunned when he saw the bag of copper coins handed over by Du Chengfeng. You know, it was just renting the shop, not using his iron materials. He had never seen such a generous customer before.

The customer was so generous, the blacksmith naturally had no reason to refuse. So after a few words, the blacksmith gave up the shop and went to worship the rabbit Buddha.

After all, although the blacksmith was strong and healthy from working as a blacksmith all year round, he always had some ideas to go further. Now that the rabbit Buddha's endurance was said to be miraculous, he naturally wanted to see it.

After the blacksmith left, Du Chengfeng also picked up the tools left by the blacksmith. Although he had worked as a blacksmith before, he had not touched these tools for a long time, so he felt a little unfamiliar.

However, soon, some muscle memory gradually recovered, and his movements became more and more familiar.

"What should I do... I got it"

Thinking like this, Du Chengfeng first picked out a few evil scimitars to melt.

Then, he began his creative journey.

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