In the Blade

Chapter 435 Temple Priest

Of course, the yamen runners would not believe Du Chengfeng's nonsense.

They had never heard of armor that could resist evil spirits, especially since the one who took them out was actually a cook - although they also remembered that the cook seemed to have some skills...


The leading yamen runner rubbed his head subconsciously.

Why would a cook have skills? Who is this outsider named Du?

"What's wrong?"

Du Chengfeng also scratched his head.

"Is there any problem? Are you feeling unwell?"


The yamen runner frowned and looked up and down at the cook named Du.

Perhaps he just remembered it wrong. After all, this cook named Du looked like an ordinary person - even if he had some skills, it wouldn't be too strange. To put it bluntly, who doesn't have some skills when traveling around these days?

Those without skills have already become corpses, and only those with skills can survive.

If you think about it this way, there is nothing wrong with this chef named Du. After all, everyone has their own little tricks to save their lives these days.

"But these things... It's not that I don't believe you, it's mainly about this thing, right? Even if you are a master of evil spirits, you can't get this kind of thing."

The leading yamen runner stopped thinking about the suspicion without any signs, and instead picked up a stab-proof suit.

"If this thing can really resist evil spirits, it's too expensive. Many masters will break their heads for this thing, and even those princes and nobles, and even the emperor will take action... Especially since you don't have just one, but several. Do you know what this means?"

As he said this, the yamen runner raised his hand and pointed to the sky.

"If this thing can really be mass-produced, there will be an army that is not afraid of masters of evil spirits."


Du Chengfeng smiled reluctantly.

It's broken, it's overblown.

Originally, he was thinking about whether to try to use his mind, that is, to create a stab-proof suit from scratch. When everyone thought that this inner armor could resist evil spirits, this inner armor might really be able to resist evil spirits. But after listening to the long speech of the yamen runner, he realized that he had thought too little.

When an incredible thing appears out of thin air, what kind of impact will it have on the world? What new changes will the old things have? In what direction will everything develop?

Just like dropping a drop of ink into water, how can this glass of water not change?

But nothing changed after all. There is no army in the world that is not afraid of evil spirit masters as the yamen runner said, so naturally there is no armor that can resist evil spirits. No one has ever made such a thing.

So why don't you do it? Is it just because you don't want to?

"Hey, this thing is not completely useless."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng was a little embarrassed, the yamen runner patted the inner armor in his hand again.

"At least if you wear this thing inside, you won't be hurt by the daggers of thieves on weekdays. It's quite useful for us patrolling the streets. After all, we don't encounter any evil masters. This thing is just right for us."


Is that what you think?

Du Chengfeng was silent for a moment, and then waved his hand generously.

"Then don't charge, give it to everyone."

"How can this be done? Don't we seem to be unable to pay?"

Although they said so, the yamen runners had no intention of touching their wallets.

Obviously, the ticket business has been bad recently, and they are not as generous as before.

Coming out of the yamen, Du Chengfeng was still thinking. Although his original intention was to make some rewards, his attention had long been drawn to more important things. Although this attempt was not a success for him, it made him vaguely touch something.

"All inventions are essentially discoveries."

Du Chengfeng tried to summarize his thoughts.

"My invention was not successful, actually because I didn't discover enough?"

Yes, maybe that's the case. Although he can realize that there is such a thing as mental power, and can even use it to a certain extent, it is only limited to using it on himself.

As for how to use other people's mental power and how to use it in depth, he is actually still far away.

"It's always a good thing to be able to find problems."

Looking at the stab-proof suit Unit 01 in his hand, Du Chengfeng was aroused for the first time in a long time.

In the past, he had to fight with He Xiqing in order to survive. Later, in order to become stronger, he had to fight with Xiang Rong and Taizu of Southern Chen. After that, he really couldn't find any opponents, but he also lost the direction of the battle.

But now, he finally touched a way forward.

Does it have to have a fixed enemy to be called a battle?

Or in other words, has he really been out of the battle?

Perhaps, never.

He has always been fighting with the unknown itself.

"This is such a blessed place for me."

Looking at the bell and drum tower under the setting sun, Du Chengfeng suddenly felt that Sanshan Town was such a good place for him.

Here, he not only found a fellow patient with similar conditions to him, namely County Magistrate Yuan, but now he has also found his direction and found the way forward.

"Since we are so lucky today, let's have a good meal when we go back."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng bought some more fresh meat when he passed by the vegetable market.

On the way back, he saw those people who worshipped rabbits again. These locals had already laid the foundation next to the post station - such efficiency was already amazingly fast. Perhaps only the fanaticism from faith could make them work so hard.

Although those legends about rabbits may not be true, at least this fanatical worship is definitely not false.

"It can be considered as something to do. After all, everyone is usually very idle."

After watching the construction site work for a while, Du Chengfeng carried the meat back.

It was already dark, and he had to hurry to cook.

It was indeed dark, but the construction site was still brightly lit. Obviously, the people in the town were ready to build the temple as quickly as possible. Just as Du Chengfeng had just judged, it was the fanatical worship and admiration that made these neighbors who were used to living a peaceful life on weekdays burst out with such great enthusiasm.

The lights on the construction site were not very bright, but anyone who came to see the people working could feel the blazing heat.

"So, did you feel it?"

An old man asked his son at the edge of the construction site.

"After seeing all this with your own eyes, do you still think there is anything wrong with me paying for this temple?"

"I... still think there is a problem."

Behind the old man, his son said this.

Although he is the son's generation, this man is already middle-aged. Just looking at his strong and powerful appearance, he is a man who often practices martial arts. The Xuanhua axe in his hand is faintly revealing the fluctuation of evil spirit. This is clearly a master of evil spirit.

However, even though he is such a master of evil spirit, his father, the old man, is just an ordinary person without any evil spirit.

How can the judgment of ordinary people compare with that of masters of evil spirit? What is the use of them spending a lot of money to build this temple now?

It would be better to use all this money to improve strength, whether it is recruiting soldiers or purchasing weapons... You know, there are no more powerful people and county magistrates in Sanshan Town recently. Now he is a martial arts master, so why don't they just rob? Why do they have to pay to help these locals build temples?

But now...

"You, practicing evil spirits has damaged your brain!"

The old man taught his son a lesson.

"If you want to take it, you must give it first. What did I teach you before? We finally caught such a good opportunity, and you actually said it's better to rob it directly?"

At this point, the old man glared at his son, his eyes full of regret.

"Robbing is not this fast!"


The man holding the axe was speechless. The topic had reached a point that he could not understand.

Although the father and son have traveled far and wide, he has never been able to understand how his father did it. He has never practiced the evil spirit, but he is always the one who makes the decision. The main thing is that things can be done every time, which is also strange.

For example, this time is the same.

On the one hand, it is because the money was given in place, and on the other hand, it is also because of the fanatical belief of the local neighbors. This small temple was declared completed in just three days. After the completion, the old man, as the investor, became the only temple priest in this small temple.

"Thanks to everyone's good words, I hope everyone will come to burn incense frequently and worship the Rabbit Buddha more in the future."

The old man, who had changed into a new set of clothes, bowed to the local neighbors again and again, and these neighbors also bowed and agreed. The incense was free, and soon the whole small temple was filled with smoke, like flying in the clouds.

And the man holding the Xuanhua axe was also stunned after seeing the money box.

"Just tell me, robbing is not as fast as this."

The old man who returned to the backyard of the small temple drank a sip of tea. His throat was a little dry from the reception and sending off just now.

But this reception and sending off is very rewarding. You only need to look at the money box to know this. Just from the incense of this day, they have already recovered more than half of the capital they used to build the temple. This means that at most two days, they can get their money back. If the incense can continue, they will make money every day. This huge amount of money is much faster than robbing!


The man with the axe held the money box and couldn't speak for a long time.

He had to admit that even if he was a master of evil spirits, he could never do this.

Although his father was just an ordinary person, he was really amazing when he did things.

What's more, is his father really just an ordinary person?

"Anyway, don't keep using your evil spirit master's ideas. I shouldn't have sent you to practice evil spirits. Now you have practiced evil spirits, but you have become a demon... Okay, put the box down. This is just the beginning. We can have more things later."

"... Can there be more?"

The man with the axe raised his head.

"Dad, you mean..."

"This little money is secondary. They will give us whatever we want in the future, whether it is treasure or beauty, as long as they still believe in the Rabbit Buddha, they will have to offer it..."

At this point, the old man laughed.

"Otherwise, it will be against the will of the Rabbit Buddha, and this town will be in trouble!"

"Disaster? Is there a disaster here?"

The man picked up the axe on the spot.

"How about we run quickly! Dad, I'll cover you... Wait, where is the disaster? Why can't I feel it?"

"Nonsense! Isn't the disaster here yet?"

The old man slapped his son on the head.

"This place was rushed by evil monsters a few days ago. Do you think this is a good place?"


The man was stunned.

"Didn't you find a way to lure those monsters here..."

"Shut up!"

The old man slapped the man on the mouth again.

"Can you say that? Has this happened? There has never been such a thing, and there is no such thing as luring monsters here! Are you confused and haven't woken up yet?"

"I... Yes! Yes! I am confused!"

The man was stunned for a moment, and then nodded repeatedly.

"That's not the case! Those monsters came here on their own! It's because the people here are so bad! Otherwise, why would the monsters eat them?"

"Right, you're right."

Hearing the man say this, the old man sat back down.

"In addition, speaking of those evil monsters... I didn't expect those monsters to die just like that. I think they asked for support from the nearby state capital, or there are local masters. By the way, how good are you now? Can you still kill people?"

"I can."

Touching the Xuanhua axe in his hand, the man showed a bloodthirsty smile.

"With this precious axe in hand, I can kill even the king of heaven."

"That's good, that's good."

The old man nodded.

"In our current situation, the most feared thing is that we will be uprooted by those strong men. It's great that you can still do it..."

"But Dad, I still have a question."

Putting the axe beside him, the man scratched his head.

"What you just said, is it true?"

"What is true or not?"

The old man didn't understand what he was saying for a moment.

"What did you say?"

"That one, the one just now."

The man recalled.

"You just said that they would send us everything, is this true?"

"Of course, they have to give us everything... If you don't believe it, why don't you try it?"

As he said this, the old man pointed to the post station opposite the small temple.

"It's time to eat, just go over and ask for a table of dishes, and say it's for the Rabbit Buddha, do you think they dare not do it?"

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