In the Blade

Chapter 437: The Evil-Inducing Decision

In the Rabbit Buddha Temple opposite the post station, the old man who served as the temple priest was still toasting with two beautiful ladies.

He had just found the person. After all, it was only proper to have someone accompany you when you drink and celebrate. When his son brought back the wine and food, it would be interesting to toast and toast on the table. Otherwise, it would be a bit of a bummer for two grown men to drink together. Besides, he and his stupid son had nothing to talk about.

Of course, all this still did not require them to pay anything.

As for the reason, the old man found it difficult to explain it to his son. After all, his son had already practiced evil spirits and demons. He wanted to kill people at any time, and even thought that killing was the strongest skill. But the old man knew that killing was always the easiest thing.

Pick up the weapon and chop at people. Killing is such a simple thing.

But what happens after killing?

The real trouble is always after killing. Indeed, as long as you are strong enough, you can resist arrest and even kill people everywhere, but what after that? What can they get?

Corpses everywhere, a bad name, a lot of evil spirits, plus a brain that could go crazy at any time, that's about it.

Only the uneducated barbarians on the grassland would kill people indiscriminately. They only care about the stolen property, but as a truly civilized person, the old man just wants to say that killing is the most wasteful behavior.

Yes, waste, this is the old man's evaluation of killing.

"So, those people in the rivers and lakes really are, one cut, the person is dead, don't they think that if this person is alive, he can do more work and earn more money?"

"Master, you are really kind-hearted, otherwise why do you come to worship this rabbit Buddha?"

"Even the money for repairing this temple was paid by the master, the master is really generous."

The two beautiful ladies who were called to accompany him had their eyes shining, and they looked at the old man with a bit of tenderness - they thought the old man was just an ordinary rich man, who would have thought that the other party could actually say such compassionate remarks.

Not to mention, there are not many people who can say such words these days.

Although the rule of Da Chen can still be barely maintained, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the world is getting more and more chaotic. The most obvious thing is that there are more and more people with swords and knives. Almost every one of these masters of evil spirit can match the hundreds of people in the past - this also makes everyone yearn to become a master of evil spirit, and there is a bit more evil spirit in their daily words.

Of course, this evil spirit is not the same as that evil spirit. It cannot be used to chop people. It is just a kind of viciousness that stays in words, such as opening your mouth to kill someone, which is scary to hear.

But the people who said these words didn't care. They all regarded this exposed ferocity as a symbol of heroism, and this exaggerated speech can indeed scare some people, which also makes more people participate in it.

So, in this day and age, it has become a rare thing to be willing to say that you don't kill people and think that killing is not good.

"Killing people is definitely not good. Why do some people think killing people is a good thing?"

While saying this, the old man sighed.

This also made the two beautiful ladies feel more pity for the old man. After all, there are not many good people these days.

"Hey, I still hope that Lord Rabbit Buddha... Why hasn't that boy come back yet?"

After acting with the two beauties for a long time, the old man finally couldn't sit still - after all, he had been drinking for a long time, but he didn't eat a single bite of food.

Where are the dishes? Isn't the restaurant just opposite? Why hasn't his son come back yet?

"Come here! Open the door!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the temple.

The old man waved his hand, and a beauty took the initiative to open the door. After a while, a man who looked very ordinary came in with a huge food box - but what puzzled the old man was that only this man came in, and his son didn't know where he went.

"You are from the post station opposite, right?"

The old man looked puzzled.

"This is indeed the meal we ordered... But where is my son? Where did he go?"

"Oh? Is he your son?"

The ordinary-looking man scratched his head and then opened the lid of the huge food box.

"It's in there."


The old man couldn't speak for a long time.

His burly and strong son was now curled up in the food box, as if he had been tied up tightly!

What's going on? What happened? How could his son...

"Your son has no idea what's wrong with him. He actually swung an axe to chop me... No need to look for an axe. The tool has been confiscated."

The ordinary-looking man had an innocent look on his face.

"Anything else? If nothing else, I'll leave first. You should educate your son well. Don't learn to eat for free... Oh, by the way, your son ate two servings of lion's head without paying. You should pay the bill."

"You, you you..."

The old man was so angry that his beard stood up.

"Who are you? How dare you ask me for money?"

"I'm the cook next door."

The ordinary-looking man frowned.

"Isn't it natural to pay for meals? Why can't I ask you for money?"

"You... OK, OK."

Take a deep breath, the old man took out a purse from his arms and threw it over.

"Hold it, hold it tight, don't lose it."

The ordinary-looking man took the purse and left, without any intention of staying to talk.

Until watching the man disappear from sight, the old man helped his son up from the ground. Now the burly man had lost his previous arrogant look with a big axe, and his face was full of fear.

"What do you mean?"

The old man frowned.

"He is stronger than you?"

"Much stronger."

The burly man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Until now, he couldn't believe what he had just experienced.

He was the one who attacked first, he even swung the axe, and the evil spirit was about to be blasted out, but he was the one who lay down - he didn't even see what happened clearly, he just closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was tied into the food box.

When he was locked in the food box, he even thought he would be put into the pot, but fortunately, he came back alive after all.

"So let's run quickly before anything serious happens."

Without the Xuanhua axe, the sturdy man lost his previous dominance, and even lost the confidence to fight.

This is also the dilemma faced by most of the current masters of evil spirit. With weapons in hand, they are still masters of evil spirit, and can fight one against a hundred, invincible - but if the weapons are away, it's a different story. Without the blessing of evil spirit, they may not even be able to beat well-trained warriors.

Although every master of evil spirit can kill people, not every master of evil spirit can practice martial arts. For example, the sturdy man who uses the Xuanhua axe is the one who doesn't practice martial arts. After all, when he fights on weekdays, he just swings the axe and it's over. The surging evil spirit will crush those so-called warriors into scum.

How could he have thought that there would be a day when he would be disarmed?

"So, I told you to practice evil spirit, but you've ruined your brain!"

The old man spat, and his eyes were full of viciousness when he looked at the opposite post station.

"So what if you're a master? Do you really think you're a big shot?"

The two beauties who were called to accompany him were already scared. They never thought that this old man who was originally compassionate would actually show such a vicious side - but before they could scream, two iron spikes had already stabbed into their temples, nailing them to the ground.

It would be too wasteful to kill such a beauty directly, which was contrary to the old man's consistent purpose.

But he still chose to kill them, just because it was not a waste, but for another purpose.

Calling his son, the strong man, to carry the two bodies, the old man took advantage of the night to leave Sanshan Town, but the old man did not take the main road, but brought the bodies all the way to Kangping Mountain outside the town.

Two corpses were placed on the ground, and strange symbols were written all over the bodies. The old man was pinching the spells with his hands and muttering something.

The spells were not learned from somewhere, but were created by the old man himself. Even the whole set of rituals was invented by the old man alone - as for the specific time when this set of things was created. The old man could no longer remember it. It was probably when he was still very young, or when he was still an ordinary person.

The world was not so chaotic at the time, but there were also evil monsters. The monster with an axe-like head attacked his hometown. In just a moment, it created corpses all over the ground. No matter whether it was a carpenter or a blacksmith, a farmer or a hunter, all those who dared to resist were killed without a complete body, and turned into a pile of broken limbs. Even the old man who was still a young man at the time was targeted by the monster.

"Don't eat me! Don't eat me! You have killed so many! Are you still not full!"

At the beginning, he shouted so desperately that he once thought he would be killed like this.

But the evil monster just looked at him and turned away.

That was the first time he knew that evil monsters could eat their fill.

He fled his hometown as soon as he was lucky enough to survive, but he did not choose to live a good life after surviving the disaster. The scene at that time still lingered in his mind. He always felt that the evil monster was not as simple as ordinary people understood.

"Rather than a monster, it's better to say it's like an animal."

He came to this conclusion.

Monsters are incomprehensible and extremely dangerous, but animals are another matter - animals have habits, which can be understood, and can also be domesticated and even manipulated.

Of course, it is obviously not feasible to tame evil monsters like cats and dogs. After all, most of these evil monsters are more dangerous than large beasts.

But even large beasts can use their habits.

For example, if you put bait appropriately, you can hit wherever you point, and in the process, you can be completely unharmed.

"It's just right, let these locals see our strength."

On the top of the mountain, the old man looked at the post station in the distance.

"Let them lose something, they will feel the pain, then save their lives, repeat it a few times, they will do whatever we say... Learn something, kid! It just so happens that your axe is gone, why not learn this evil-inducing technique from me, it's much more powerful than any evil spirit!"

"But... didn't we come here once a few days ago?"

The strong man who lost his Xuanhua ax scratched his head.

"The town was secured at that time, and all those monsters... How about we kill the two rabbits in the temple first? I remember these locals said it was those two rabbits..."

"Are you crazy? Is this a problem with those two rabbits?"

The old man had a look of hatred that iron could not turn into steel.

"This is obviously a problem with those evil spirit masters! I don't know what this town is thinking. A group of evil spirit masters have gathered here, and there are even the cooks from the inn. Even you can't beat them... Just such a group of people squatting here , How can it be unjust? What’s the use of the evil spirit monster coming?”


The strong man hesitated for a moment.

It seems that this is indeed the case. In such a place where there are many masters, the evil spirit monsters may not necessarily be able to exert much strength - after all, many evil spirit monsters need to rely on killing to achieve a snowballing growth in strength, but if If you are blocked by a master as soon as you come up, it is indeed not necessarily that powerful.

"What's more, this time is different from the last time."

At this point, the old man's eyes narrowed.

It is indeed different. There is a world of difference between the two.

A few days ago, the intensity was slightly controlled. After all, he had to act like monsters were pouring in naturally so that no one would notice the problem - but this time, since the cook at the inn had offended Without him, there is no need for him to hold back.


As the old man raised his hand, hundreds of evil monsters of different sizes rushed over following the smell of blood!

Hundreds of evil spirit monsters gathered together, and the raging evil energy almost condensed into substance. There was a vague feeling of soaring clouds and mist, but the black cloud was a bit too ominous no matter how you looked at it.

This black cloud will bring death to everything in front of it. When they drink blood, nothing can stop them.


Holding his breath and concentrating, the old man waved his big hand in the direction of the inn.

This set of rituals was worked out by him personally. He believed that this method could guide these monsters, and in his practice, his method was absolutely invincible!

But this time, his order went wrong.

The evil spirit monsters that were guided over had no intention of moving at all, and the thick black clouds like thick ink still stayed in the mid-air.

"What's going on?"

The old man frowned and looked back at the evil monsters.

I saw that these evil monsters had no intention of looking at the far station, but looked down at something.

But when he followed the sight lines of these evil monsters, the old man found that their sight lines stayed on the ground not far away.

Not far away, two red rabbits squatted on the ground.

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