In the Blade

Chapter 439: Fulfilling a Wish

Du Chengfeng took the two rabbits back and stewed them. As for the two people next to the rabbits... Du Chengfeng chose to turn a blind eye.

Originally, seeing the two people's bloodshot eyes, Du Chengfeng thought that they were filled with evil spirits. But just when he was about to go over to separate the two and stop this unnecessary killing, he found that the fight between the two was not the kind of fight he thought - because the fighting scene was too intense, Du Chengfeng decided not to go over.

Although he couldn't understand some things, as long as it didn't offend him, he still chose to respect other people's personal choices.

Du Chengfeng took the rabbits away, but the two people were still discovered by others. That was three days later. A hunter came to Kangping Mountain with his tools to catch rabbits. The reason for catching instead of beating was naturally because live rabbits were more valuable in Sanshan Town at the moment. Because of the Rabbit Buddha Temple, everyone was happy to raise two rabbits at home. Even if they didn't expect the rabbits to bless their homes, it was a pleasure to have them as pets.

However, the hunter was unlucky. He didn't find a rabbit, but he found two people who looked like rabbits.

The reason why they looked like rabbits was because the posture of the two people stacked together was too weird, which made people think they were the two rabbit gods. As for the unlucky part, it was because the two people had become corpses. Just by looking at the mess on the ground, the hunter could guess what the strong man and the old man in front of him had done.

"This is simply..."

Resisting the nausea, the hunter turned the two corpses over and found that they were the father and son who had paid for the Rabbit Buddha Temple a few days ago.

Out of the idea of ​​protecting the environment, the hunter still asked people to help carry the two corpses down the mountain and bury them. This also let the people in the town know the news. Since the matter itself was outrageous, everyone didn't need to do any secondary processing. They just needed to repeat the original facts to shock others.

"But they didn't look like they had any problems before?"

Faced with such explosive news, many people couldn't help but feel puzzled.

"It shouldn't be, how could such a thing happen suddenly? Could it be..."

When they thought of the deaths of the two people, and then thought of the relatively special functions that could be added by worshipping the Rabbit Buddha, many men who had worshipped at the Rabbit Buddha Temple turned green in the face.

Of course, there were also a few people who were quite happy. Obviously, these people's hobbies were a little different.

So the matter passed, and everyone tacitly stopped talking about the Rabbit Buddha Temple. As for the small temple outside the town, it was gradually abandoned because no one was watching over it. Occasionally, if a child wanted to go there to play, he would be severely stopped by the elders.

"Don't go over there! What if you get picked up by the Rabbit Buddha and become a Rabbit Husband!"

The elders said this to the children. As for the Rabbit Husband they mentioned, they were people with relatively special hobbies. At first, this was because of the two dead Rabbit Buddha temple priests, but later no one mentioned the Rabbit Buddha temple. Instead, the name of Rabbit Husband became more and more popular, and even became famous, attracting many people with special hobbies to visit Sanshan Town, which can be regarded as another way to boost the ticket sales of Sanshan Town.

Of course, these are all later stories. At present, the name of Rabbit Husband is only spread in Sanshan Town. As for the two red rabbits that were the initiators, they have been stewed in the pot under Du Chengfeng's preparation.

Although these two rabbits did complete the task of suppressing the surrounding evil monsters, they had no credit but also worked hard, but considering the possible dangers of these two things, Du Chengfeng still felt that it was more appropriate to eat them.

There were two rabbits, one spicy and one braised. This time, Du Chengfeng did not invite others to share, but ate alone, which was rare - after all, these were rabbits that were brought out by evil spirits, and God knows what problems might arise.

Facts have proved that Du Chengfeng's concerns were correct.

When he finished eating the two rabbits in a whirlwind, Du Chengfeng did not notice anything wrong, but when he was taking a nap in the sun after eating, his vision suddenly became hazy.

When his vision blurred, he seemed to see the life of the two rabbits.

To be honest, the life of a rabbit is actually unremarkable. It is nothing more than avoiding natural enemies and looking for food everywhere. For rabbits, as long as they can live normally, it is already good. It is obviously unrealistic to expect the two rabbits to have any ups and downs in their lives - but this feeling of experiencing all this from the perspective of an observer is indeed a bit too familiar to Du Chengfeng.

"Isn't this what I saw when I was sharpening the knife?"

Du Chengfeng finally remembered that the feeling was exactly the same.

But compared to what he saw when he was sharpening his knife, the scene was a little wilder, and soon, the scene in front of him was not limited to the two rabbits - he gradually saw what he did to the two rabbits, and gradually saw the scene of the two rabbits killing those evil monsters. He saw the scene of the two rabbits being worshipped by the people, and he felt more clearly what the people were thinking.

The people's wishes were very simple, just as simple as the two rabbits.

Not to be killed, to be well fed and well watered, and if possible, to marry and have children.

No one has any big wishes. Just like Du Chengfeng at the beginning, the biggest dream they can achieve is to make the house bigger.


Du Chengfeng came back to his senses and lay on the chair, staring blankly at the sun in the sky.

At this moment, he vaguely felt that maybe he had eaten more than just rabbits.

That was not even the evil spirit he expected. You must know that he was already prepared to deal with the evil spirit. Although it was a bit troublesome for the evil spirit to rush into his mind, it was not that he had not dealt with more troublesome situations - as long as he did it It was harder and more cruel than the evil spirit, and the evil spirit could not do anything to him. He had already tried it when he was fighting Nanchen Taizu.

But what Du Chengfeng didn't expect was that the two rabbits were not carrying evil spirits.

Rather, it is the wishes that the people place on them.

"The power of the heart, or in other words, the power of the will."

Looking down at his palms, Du Chengfeng sighed.

Faintly, he even saw the shadow of a rabbit paw.

This is of course an illusion, after all, his hands are still normal, but it is not an illusion, just because he really has the power of the two rabbits - the reason why it is said to be two rabbits, not two, is just because of the power he possesses It is not the rabbit itself, but the power possessed by the "Rabbit God" worshiped by the people.

It's like now, he can transform into a giant rabbit with an eight-foot height and an eight-foot waist at any time. He can even fly into the clouds and ride in the mist. Of course, the amazing endurance recognized by the people has also appeared in him. In other words, he can go to the Rabbit Buddhist Temple at any time, sit on the incense hall, and after eating the two rabbits, he will become the Rabbit God himself.

"But this kind of thing is of no use..."

Du Chengfeng started scratching his head.

The living Rabbit Buddha has been stewed by him, so what's the point of him turning into a Rabbit Buddha again? It's just that such a rabbit is still far behind his own fighting power. If he really becomes the Rabbit God, it will be Reduced his own strength.

"And I always feel that there are other weird ways to use this power..."

Du Chengfeng frowned, his intuition telling him that this thing wasn't very good.

Facts have proved that his worries were verified again, because a few days later he learned about the story of the Rabbit Buddha - the Rabbit Buddha Temple outside the town was now in ruins, and no one worshiped the Rabbit Buddha anymore. On the contrary, he inherited the power of Rabbit Buddha and became the Rabbit Lord.

But now he still doesn't care too much about this. After all, the power of the rabbit Buddha's incarnation is really hard to catch his eyes. What's more, compared to the insignificant power of the rabbit Buddha, he cares more about the mysterious experience he just had.

This was the first time he had such an experience outside of sharpening knives.

The ability to experience the past of weapons through sharpening the sword had already appeared in him not long after he came to this world. However, Du Chengfeng was facing the pressure of life and death at that time and did not think too much about it. After traveling all the way to the battlefield, he had no time to think about this thing. Occasionally, he also thought about these things and why he could do all this. Is it because his sharpening method is too unorthodox, or is it because Because this is a must-have plug-in for time travellers?

Maybe both are possible, or both, but in general, this thing is a bit too complicated, at least it was not easy for him to understand before.

So he simply didn't use it much.

Relying on something that doesn't quite understand the principles to fight is not much different from entrusting your life and fortune to luck - yes, this method of sharpening knives has always been able to function normally, but this thing What if one day it is no longer useful?

If the intensity of the battle on his side increases, and one day he tries out the limit of this plug-in, it will no longer be an embarrassing issue for everyone, but his side will directly lose his life.

Therefore, adhering to the principle of safety first, he still focuses on practicing on his own. Although he also admits that his knife-sharpening ability has helped him a lot along the way, but to get to where he is today, he has indeed relied on own efforts.

And this special ability is regarded by him as a backup hidden skill. He can use it whenever he can. If he really doesn't need it, he can just copy it and rely on his strength to solve the problem.

So as his technical system became more and more perfect, he didn't sharpen his knife for a while. It wasn't because he had any objections, but mainly because it was not necessary. In the past, he could copy the homework and imitate the masters when sharpening his knife. method, but after he became a master, there was gradually no more homework for him to copy on those weapons.

As for now, if he really sharpens the knife, it can even be regarded as correcting homework. After all, his understanding of power and mastery of technology have far surpassed those ordinary evil spirit masters, and this The understanding and mastery of strength and technology will be directly reflected in his knife-sharpening skills. The way the blade is sharpened means the corresponding way of use. After feeling these ways of use, the masters of evil spirits can even push it back in place. A complete set of playing methods takes their strength to the next level.

The most obvious performer in this regard is Cui Yuan from Wangyou Township. This swordsman from Jibei originally had a chance to become famous, but due to some strange combination of circumstances, he followed Du Chengfeng and ran away to Wangyou Township. Seclusion - if it were another swordsman, living in seclusion in the countryside and unable to find an opponent to practice swordsmanship, he would probably be useless in this life, but this little swordsman Cui just relied on watching Du Chengfeng sharpen his sword, and he was only one step away from Du Chengfeng. The level of being on the front line.

Just a self-taught swordsman from Jibei can do this, not to mention other evil spirits masters. Although having opponents is not a bad thing for Du Chengfeng, he is too lazy to let other evil spirits Masters become wise.

Otherwise, with his current skills, as long as he puts a sign on the spot saying that he is willing to sharpen knives, within three days, the evil spirit master who comes over will crush the door of the inn without even saying how much he wants. As long as he shows what he wants, or even just gives him a look, those evil spirit masters will send him the things immediately.

"This is the benefit of mastering a technology..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

However, has he really mastered this technique?

Compared to other knife sharpeners, his way of sharpening his knives is purely due to his background as a wild child. As for his ability to experience a life of swordsmanship through sharpening knives, even he himself doesn’t understand what’s going on—— Just using it without knowing the principles, naturally cannot be called mastery.

However, now, he has vaguely realized the experience of why he can see those weapons.

"The evil spirit... No, it should be said to be resentment, or wishful energy."

Combining his previous experience, Du Chengfeng vaguely realized the answer to the question.

The term "grievance" was originally proposed by Ruan Shantao. It is obvious that although the cheap teacher was not exposed to the concept of "a firm will can change everything" that directly points to the fundamentals, he also did not sum up the idealistic nature of this world. , but the old man still used his own way to understand the evil spirit weapon to a certain extent.

The evil spirit attached to the weapon blade is essentially the strong resentment left by the deceased during his lifetime. The will generated when he is about to die is too strong and strong, so even if the person who generated this will has died, the remaining will will still be like this person. Like a shadow, it clings to the weapon.

Then there was nothing more. Ruan Shantao and Old Ruan's exploration had reached this point. The old man probably touched on what a strong will can bring, but in the end he still lacked the most critical theoretical basis.

But now, Du Chengfeng just wanted to say that Old Ruan was at least on the right track.

It's on the right track, but it's just a little less detailed. Those who were killed by weapons, the will they left behind when they were about to die was not just resentment, not just viciousness, but their past still remained in it. , their experiences, and even their good expectations for the future - these ignored things are the foundation of a weapon, which is what Du Chengfeng saw when he was sharpening the knife.

When the ferocious will to die was wiped away, what remained on the weapon was the power of the soothed heart.

"It turns out that this is the true face of the evil spirit weapon."

Du Chengfeng sighed as he casually pulled out the broadsword that had been with him for a long time.

That was really something to sigh about, just because the Evil Spirit Weapon was already out of date. After getting the bald pen, he realized that on top of the Evil Spirit Weapon, there was something like the "Ancestor of the Weapon" A more pure aggregation of mental power.

"Mind strength is the foundation of strength and everything in this world."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng confirmed this once again.

As for how to obtain mental power, he hasn't figured it out yet. Although what happened just now made him vaguely have some plans in his mind, it is obvious that he really can't stand it if he is really asked to sit in the Rabbit Buddha Temple.

"It can't really be done by inventing the world's first generator, right?"

With this thought in mind, Du Chengfeng came to the backyard.

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