In the Blade

Chapter 441 Feng Shui

The spiraling dark clouds in mid-air are more like an illusion. At least in the eyes of others, the sky is still clear.

At the moment, only Du Chengfeng can detect the existence of that dark cloud. After all, the mental effort is so obvious that he can even feel the composition of those mental efforts. They are the thoughts of one after another in Sanshan Town. Those mixed mental efforts gather in Together, they form this cloud that covers the sky and the sun.

"It's... spectacular!"

This was the first time Du Chengfeng saw such a scene. It even made him feel like a Feng Shui master. It is said that a capable Feng Shui master can tell whether this place is a treasure just by looking at it. Bring good luck to people.

So, the problem is here too.

Is the current Sanshan Town considered a treasure?

"Forget it! Of course it does!"

When Yuan Zhixian was still alive, a Feng Shui master once left such comments to Yuan Zhixian.

"Surrounded by three mountains, this is called the Cunning Rabbit's Three Cave. The place where rabbits grow must be a place with abundant water and grass. Furthermore, the three mountains surrounding this town are like a can both collect wealth and hide wealth, although it is nothing compared to anything else. The land of Longxing is definitely not good enough, but it is perfect for retiring."

Du Chengfeng still remembered that Magistrate Yuan once gave this Feng Shui master a lot of reward money. Obviously, what this Feng Shui master said was to his liking.

However, most Feng Shui masters are actually not that reliable.

At least from Du Chengfeng's current perspective, there is nothing livable in Sanshan Town.

"So fierce!"

The dark clouds in the sky were spiraling, and their dark appearance almost crushed the entire town on the spot. Not to mention people, not even rabbits would dare to stay in such a place!

Of course, this can only be seen in Du Chengfeng's own sight. In the eyes of others, Sanshan Town still looks like there is no problem, with clear skies and peace.

"Is it my imagination?"

Du Chengfeng started scratching his head.

He could detect the illusion reflected by his mind, so he felt that this place was very dangerous, but it was obvious that no one else felt anything was wrong except him - for example, in the inn right now, the old man was still settling accounts behind the counter. , the unknown boy is still working as a waiter, and occasionally a few Jianghu people come and ask for two bottles of wine and a few side dishes, but nothing seems to have changed.

"Could it be said that if you believe it, there will be something, and if you don't believe it, there will be nothing?"

Du Chengfeng thought for a while and put the matter aside for the time being. Anyway, the dark clouds hovering over Sanshan Town just looked fierce. If we really wanted to talk about the impact... this thing really didn't seem to have any impact.

Furthermore, whether it is a dangerous place or not, it is not a bad thing for him. If not, it doesn't matter. If it is, it doesn't matter. He wants to see how this dangerous place can target him, or in other words, he With this dangerous place, who is more dangerous?

"Come on, defeat me if you can. It just so happens that I have no opponent right now."

With this in mind, Du Chengfeng continued to prepare today's meal.

The impact of the great evil place on him has not been reflected yet, but the impact of the great evil place on others has already begun to bear fruit - for example, the old man and the young man who have just arrived in Sanshan Town have just walked to the Backward River. , the old man was so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground.

"Ominous...very ominous!"

The gray-haired old man muttered something, and he was almost frightened to the point of losing his mind on the spot.

On the contrary, the young man looked excited after hearing it.

"Big evil? How big is it?"

"I'm not talking about the big murderer!"

The old man slapped the young man on the head.

"This is the place! There is something wrong with the feng shui here!"

"This... Master, I think the feng shui here is quite good."

The young man who was beaten was quite embarrassed.

"Master, look, this place is surrounded by three mountains. It can be called a remote place. This kind of place should be deserted. But Master, look at the town and the people coming and going in this town. No matter how you look at it, it is a gathering place for wealth." You are so angry, why do you just..."

"You...what do you know!"

The old man was so angry that his beard stood on end, but after looking at his apprentice, he still did not slap him again.

Just because he saw his former self in his disciple's eyes.

He had made this judgment before. That was when he was young. When he first came to Sanshan Town, he was invited by a well-known local businessman who wanted him to help him take a look. What is the Feng Shui of Sanshan Town? He made this judgment at that time, and the words he said were almost exactly the same as those of his disciples.

Of course, it was almost the same, but he paid a little more attention to the way he expressed it. After all, he couldn't directly say that this place was a remote place in front of the locals. That would be too disrespectful.

He remembered that he used a relatively euphemistic term at the time, which should be called Cunning Rabbit Three Cave. After all, these three mountains were too conspicuous. Being surrounded by three mountains, what could be the way out for this place?

But it happened that a Sanshan Town was developed here, so he made the same judgment as his current disciples, saying that this place had good Feng Shui and was suitable for a long life.

But then was before and now is now.

In the past, this place was indeed a cunning rabbit's three burrows, where it was possible to gather wealth and raise people, but now... beyond the three mountains, there is actually more water outside this town.

Although it is just a shallow river, you can wade across it by rolling up your trouser legs, but from the perspective of Feng Shui, the addition of this river has completely changed things.

"Originally, this place was a poor and remote place, but with a town built here, it has become a treasure pot... If no one comes, it is of course a poor and remote place, but if someone comes, people will come and stay, and money will come and stay. Over time, it will naturally be a treasure pot... But."

At this point, the Feng Shui master paused.

"But now there is a river blocking the town, just like adding a lid to this treasure pot... You know what adding a lid means? It's all stuffed inside, and the original breath of life has been turned into a dead air, this..."

"Why is it covered to death?"

The young apprentice looked puzzled.

"Isn't there a bridge?"


The old man was so angry that he was speechless.

"Are you deliberately trying to argue?"

"No, Master, I..."

The young apprentice was neither advancing nor retreating.

He just said a few words normally, why did the master get so anxious?

"Or... let's go?"

After thinking for a moment, the young apprentice thought of a solution to the problem.

As soon as he arrived in Sanshan Town, the master was looking for trouble with him like a sick man. At least from this perspective, the Feng Shui of Sanshan Town is really not good - as the saying goes, if you can't afford to offend, you can afford to avoid it. As long as you don't enter the town, there will be no problem.

But his master, the gray-haired Feng Shui master, shook his head.

"I can't leave..."


The young apprentice was dumbfounded.

"Is this place so dangerous? We can't even leave? Is there something strange here? Or have we been stained with something dirty?"

"No, no..."

The old Feng Shui master shook his head with difficulty.

"I mean, my legs are weak."


The young apprentice couldn't speak for a long time, and could only lean over to help his master up.

But even after being helped up, the old Feng Shui master was not in a hurry to leave, but frowned, as if thinking about something.

"So are we going to leave or not?"

After waiting for a long time without any movement, the young apprentice finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"If we want to leave, now is the best time. Anyway, this place is so dangerous. Otherwise, we should change places..."

"Change places, where can we change to?"

The old Feng Shui master sighed.

Back then, he was just like this young apprentice, thinking that he had a skill in his hands and could go anywhere in the world, but now he is old and doesn't want to wander around. He just wants to find a place to spend the rest of his life, and use the remaining time to teach the apprentice everything he knows - and this Sanshan Town is the best place he can find at the moment, just because the Feng Shui in other places is worse than here.

Of course, during his decades of travel, he had found places with better Feng Shui than here, but now the situation outside was turbulent and wars were frequent. Those places that seemed to have pleasant Feng Shui in the past have now become dragon's den and tiger's lair, or are about to become dragon's den and tiger's lair.

Only this remote Sanshan Town, because it is too remote, may become a rare peaceful and pure land away from disputes.

But now it seems...

Sanshan Town is still better than the outside.

The cornucopia has a lid, and it will only suffocate a little bit of death if it is full. If he thinks of a way, it may not be impossible to solve it - but he really has no way to deal with the wars and disasters outside. No matter how much he knows about Feng Shui, he will be beheaded by the swords of the soldiers.

Choose the lesser of two evils. No matter how you look at it, it is safer to stay in Sanshan Town. Besides, with his skills, can't he change the Feng Shui of this place?

Changing this Feng Shui is to change his life!

"I'm not going!"

The old man slapped his thigh.

"Let's go in!"


Seeing that the old man hesitated for a long time and still chose to go in, the young apprentice didn't know what to say.

Anyway, what the master said was right, and he just followed and it was done.

But just when the young apprentice was about to walk to the bridge, the Feng Shui master grabbed him.

"Don't walk on the bridge!"

"What? There is a saying about this?"

The young apprentice scratched his head.

"There is only one way to enter Sanshan Town? Where else can I go if not here?"

"Have you forgotten what I just told you about the layout of Sanshan Town?"

The old Feng Shui master looked serious.

"Sanshan Town was originally a treasure pot, but this stream of living water directly added a lid to the treasure pot...You also said that there is a bridge on the water, so do you think living people can walk on this bridge?"

"Why can't I walk?"

The young apprentice pointed at the pedestrians on the bridge.

"Let alone living people, even large animals pass through here, so why can't we?"

"Those people must be locals."

The old man still frowned.

"It's OK for locals to pass through here, but outsiders like you and me will die if we go over the bridge...Listen to me, wade through the water."


Seeing that his master had already started to show his arms and sleeves, the young apprentice had nothing to say and could only roll up his trouser legs. The two who were originally elegant waded through the river directly.

Even in the process of crossing the river, the two were in a mess, because although the water was shallow, the riverbed was quite slippery. The master and apprentice stepped into it, but one of them fell down. The two drank enough water while struggling, and they were almost choked to death in the river.

Such a funny scene naturally made the people on the bridge laugh. They had never seen such an outrageous thing.


The young apprentice was immediately a little angry. He was already choked by water and was ridiculed. Who could bear it?

But just when the young apprentice was about to curse back, his master held him back.

"Don't worry, why are you angry with the dead? It's bad luck."

"Why are they dead? Aren't they alive and well?"

The young apprentice was quite dissatisfied with his master's statement. This kind of secretly cursing was not refreshing enough - you know, those people on the bridge laughed in front of them, but they had to swallow their anger... Why?

"It doesn't make sense. This kind of thing really doesn't make sense."

First, he was almost choked to death by his master in the creek, and then he was ridiculed by a group of Jianghu people. The young apprentice was getting angrier and angrier, and he couldn't help it.

However, at this time, the Jianghu people who had laughed at them had already crossed the bridge and landed on the shore.

Perhaps because they were still laughing at the two drowned chickens, the Jianghu people didn't look at the road when they landed, but they bumped into another group of Jianghu people who were out of the battle. The other side must be unhappy. Why should I be bumped by you when I was walking well? But walking in the Jianghu is all about face, and those who bumped into others are naturally unwilling to choose to bow their heads after a few words from the other party.

So, the situation was tense.

The weapons were drawn, and there was no way to settle this matter peacefully. Just a face-to-face encounter, three people fell on both sides, and after the second round, none of the Jianghu people who had just walked down the bridge could stand up.

The few jianghu who were hit, after leaving two corpses behind, also stepped directly onto the bridge and never returned.

"See, I said they were all dead."

Patting his dumbfounded apprentice, the old Feng Shui master shook his head gently.

"If they don't die, who will die... Do you still think Feng Shui is useless? Learn more!"

"Then... Master, where are we going now?"

The young apprentice came back to his senses, and looked at his master with a little more respect.

Yes, this is it. It was this mysterious skill that made him choose to follow this old man to learn!


The old man glanced around, then raised his hand and pointed to the post station not far away.

"Stay in the hotel first."

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