In the Blade

Chapter 448: Don't Want to Fight

When Du Chengfeng came out of the kitchen, he happened to see the burly man holding a sword.

The rough man with the ancient sword, the burly man looked very good at fighting, and from the way he held the sword, Du Chengfeng even felt a slight pain in his eyebrows - as if facing a sharp blade pointing directly at him, which was a sign of danger.

Unlike those so-called evil masters, this burly man was very strong.

It is even possible that he was strong enough to fight him!


Without paying attention to what happened, or even asking what happened, the moment he saw the man, Du Chengfeng's hand subconsciously reached for his waist.

The dagger hidden in the belt was the Emperor's Cervical Vertebra Sword. As long as he pulled it out, he could go all out!

The burly man outside the door obviously noticed something, and his stance also moved silently. This seemingly undetectable movement was actually the instinct of a battle-hardened body. Just now, the burly man was facing the young man, but at this moment, the burly man had completely adjusted his angle of attack. Just looking at the posture of his shoulders and elbows, he was ready to strike at any time!

With their skills, they no longer needed any extra words. The moment their eyes met, they had to start fighting!

But at this critical moment, Du Chengfeng's hand was pressed down.

"Can't fight!"

Such a thought emerged in Du Chengfeng's mind.

This was not cowardice. He actually wanted to fight very much, but at the moment he was about to do it, he remembered the self-fulfilling prophecy that he had seen a ghost - the old Feng Shui master insisted that the post station was too fierce, and ended up saying himself to death. If he had to think that everyone he saw was an enemy, then how long would this day last?

Does he have to kill everyone he sees? How many people would he have to kill?

"What's more, this matter..."

Du Chengfeng roughly understood what happened after just glancing at the nameless boy.

It's nothing more than a Jianghu man who doesn't pay for his meal and wants to pay the bill in some way that he thinks is very pretentious and capable-just like the knife marks on the iron whip on the boy's waist. Being able to cut such a sharp knife on steel is enough to prove the superb knife skills of this burly man, and the best thing is that this nameless boy is still standing well.

Being able to cut marks on steel is a realm, and strength and speed are indispensable. Being able to cut steel is another realm, which is enough to prove the strength of strength, but being able to cut marks on steel without leaking any force on this boy, this exquisite control of strength is far beyond the comparison of the first two.

The difficulty is no less than holding an egg in hand to hit a big rock, while smashing the rock to pieces, the egg is not hurt at all.

This is enough to prove that the burly man in front of him actually has no malicious intent.

If the opponent is really a vicious maniac, it would be more convenient to chop the boy and the iron whip together. You know, the iron whip is not pulled out from the boy's waist. Any force on it will be transmitted to the boy instantly-but the boy is still standing well, which means that when the opponent drew his knife, he even deliberately thought of protecting the boy.

Of course, in addition to this, the bigger reason may be to show off.

It is extremely difficult to chop through the iron whip without hurting people, but the more difficult it is, the more it can prove that the knife is superb-even if Du Chengfeng himself chopped this knife, he would probably brag about it for a few days. Of course, this is what he said before. As for him now...

He will no longer show off such things.

What's the point of showing off such things? It's nothing more than wanting others to know "Ah, I'm very strong, did you all see it?", "Do you know that I'm really strong?" and so on. Indeed, at certain stages of life, people will have some needs for such things, but he has passed this stage.

He knew very well that he was indeed very strong.

Whether he showed off or not, he was very strong.

He could even understand this idea. After all, he had also been through this stage. That was when he just had power and was still struggling between the limits of life and death. At that time, although he had power, he was not sure whether this power could protect himself, so he had to kill, fight, and defeat one powerful enemy after another. At that time, he felt that only in this way could he be strong.

But now it seems that who really remembers this story of war and battle except himself?

No one will really remember everything. Everyone is busy with their own things. Only he can really feel it clearly.

Fighting for a lifetime, to put it bluntly, is still fighting for himself.

It is because of the uneasiness in his heart that he has to prove himself again and again, and use facts to tell himself that he has become stronger and is no longer the person who can't even control his own life and death.

As the person involved, it was difficult for Du Chengfeng to make an objective evaluation of his experience, but when he saw a person who was similar to his former self, Du Chengfeng still felt a little sad.

This feeling was like looking in the mirror, except that what was reflected in the mirror was the young and confused self in the past.

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng's eyes softened when he looked at the burly man.

There was even a little more pity in his eyes.

"...What's that look in your eyes?"

At this time, the burly man frowned.

"What do you mean by looking at me like that?"


Du Chengfeng came back to his senses and shook his head and laughed.

Maybe he is really old, he actually started to reminisce about the past.

But at the moment, he really didn't want to fight.

"How about this, since you are a man, I will treat you to this meal, let's make friends, if you think it tastes good, come often in the future."


Faced with Du Chengfeng's kindness, the burly man was furious!

Although he originally wanted this result, he showed his knife skills, the store also treated him to this meal, he didn't spend any money, everyone can be regarded as the host and the guest are happy-but such an ideal result made the burly man furious!

Just because the person in front of him really made him sick.

The man dressed as a cook in front of him was hard to tell. When he came out just now, he looked like a master, but when he looked closely, he looked like an ordinary person with no fighting power. This alone was not accurate enough to make him quite annoyed, but what annoyed him the most was the way the other party looked at him.

What did that look mean?

Was he pitying him? Was he treating him like a beggar on the street? He didn't even take the money and sent him away with just a few words?

"... Come on."

Taking a deep breath, the burly man raised the blade and pointed it at the cook in front of him.

"Didn't you want to fight just now? I'll give you a chance."

"Fight? Did you see it wrong?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but blush. He didn't expect that his subconscious little action was actually caught by the other party.

But if he was asked to admit it at this moment, he would definitely not admit it. After all, he didn't want to fight anymore, so there was no reason to start a dispute again. Just treat it as a misunderstanding. It was just a small action that was barely noticeable. You could explain it in any way, as long as you didn't fight.

After all, it's really boring to chop anyone you see.

It's not about revenge, but the fun of life is not just chopping people. For example, there is a pot on the stove now. If this pot of soup can be cooked well, he will be happy again in the evening. Through the practice of the past few days, he has successfully stopped thinking about chopping people. As long as he has no opponent in his mind, he will not encounter an opponent physically.

After realizing this, Du Chengfeng felt that his understanding of mental power had taken a step further. His previous fighting was purely a wrong way. Now this is the correct use of mental power.

"Anyway... let's stop here, or are you going to add another dish?"

Du Chengfeng scratched his head embarrassedly.

"It just so happens that there is soup in it. How about I make another bowl of noodles? Let me tell you, my cooking skills..."

"... You dare to curse?"

The burly man became more and more angry, and raised the sword in his hand high.

This is a bit of nitpicking. After all, the cook in front of him actually said very clearly that he wanted to serve a bowl of noodles, not any ambiguous statement. But the burly man didn't care about that. Or maybe he just wanted to find a reason to attack.

Recalling the scene when they first met, the burly man was sure that the cook was really a master, but he didn't know how to cover up his ability. If the other party was just an ordinary cook, then today's matter might really be forgotten. After all, even if the other party really had any pity for him, it was not blameless.

But if the other party was a master, that was another story.

If he was a master, he should understand the exquisiteness of his knife. He knew that he had left this knife, but he deliberately stood up and said that he would give him wine and food. This was simply a veiled attack on him. And that pitying look... Since everyone is a master with skills, what does it mean to show that kind of look?

Look down on him? Deliberately disgust him?

Or do you simply think that his skills are not good enough, and you are too lazy to even fight him?

"... Forget it."

Take a deep breath again, and the burly man has adjusted his mentality.

Raising troops out of anger is a stupid act. Just because you are angry, you want to kill people. This is no different from those so-called evil masters.

What he pursues is fighting.

What he pursues is power itself.

"In short, there is no need to pretend anymore."

The sword raised high fell down, and the tip of the sword also fell to the ground.

"Maybe these ordinary people can't see your skills, but I can see it...Don't look at me with that disgusting look. Since you have come to this point, you should understand what people like us need."

As he said this, the burly man raised his head and looked into the eyes of the cook.

"Since we have met, let's not waste this fate. Let's fight, right here, or find a place... If I die, you can take everything I have. If you die, I will also take everything you have and continue to move on."

"...Brother, you may have some misunderstanding."

Faced with the burly man's declaration of war, Du Chengfeng didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I'm just a cook, just cooking a few dishes here. I don't mean to fight you. There's still a pot on my stove... How about this, if you really want to fight, I'll admit defeat, okay? I really can't beat you."


The burly man remained silent, but the sword in his hand once again pointed at the so-called cook.

Although theoretically, it is indeed stupid to start a war out of anger, but now he is too angry - what does it mean to admit defeat? What does it mean to be unable to beat him? How much do you look down on him when you say you can't beat him before you even fight?

This cook, this beast, doesn't want to fight him? Is his ability so unbearable?


The ancient long sword turned into a stream of light and went straight to the cook's neck.

He gave the answer with his actions.

There was no need to say more nonsense. He was going to chop this bastard, this weird beast, this nagging donkey with a knife today... If he didn't chop this cook with a knife today, he would not be able to sleep well at night!


The knife light came first, and the roar of the knife came later.

This was a knife he used all his strength, and this was his exquisite knife. This knife would definitely kill this cook. This bastard didn't even have room to dodge - just because this knife was aimed not only at the cook in front of him, but also at the entire post station behind the cook!

If this cook dared to hide, then the post station behind would be turned into powder under this knife!

He wanted to see if this bastard who kept saying he didn't want to fight, this donkey who kept saying he was just a cook, would hide again, and would he be weird with him again!

However, at this moment, the burly man suddenly heard a sigh.

"I told you there's a pot on the stove..."

The sigh lingered in the ears of the burly man, but he always felt that something was wrong - just because it took too long to say this sentence, long enough for him to chop dozens or hundreds of times in a row!

And now, he only chopped once.

Just one chop, how come...


It was at this time that the burly man realized that he had flown up without knowing when.

"I said I don't want to fight with you, but you're still here."

The huge fist instantly filled the burly man's sight.

"You don't understand what people say, right?"

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