In the Blade

Chapter 457 The So-called First

Du Chengfeng walked back with vegetables in his arms, and Wang Wenshun in the distance followed him with his knife on his waist.

The blade on his waist has not yet been unsheathed, but the passers-by around him have already felt the murderous aura, and they have moved out of the way, for fear of offending this Jianghu man who is obviously trying to kill people - but Wang Wenshun has no time to care about this at the moment. He just wanted to know why his invincible sword power had no effect at all when used on that enemy.

Obviously his sword is so sharp, his sword is so fast, he has even killed the so-called best swordsman in the world!


With a loud shout, Wang Wenshun unsheathed the sharp blade three inches from his waist!

In the distance, Du Chengfeng's clothes finally opened a hole.


With one strike, Wang Wenshun breathed out a bad breath, and he knew that his sword would definitely...

So why is his enemy still running?


Only then did Wang Wenshun realize that the knife he was so proud of only cut open the other person's clothes.

As for the body under the clothes, not a single mark was left.

"...How could it be?"

After looking at the people in the distance and then at the knife in his hand, Wang Wenshun suddenly felt a little dazed.

Coincidentally, he just used his water knife to chop at a distance for a long time, but he didn't even cut through the other party's clothes?

"My knife..."

Wang Wenshun subconsciously reached out and touched the blade.

Naturally, blood oozed from his fingers, after all, the blade was extremely sharp.

But why did his knife turn into a dull knife that couldn't even cut through the enemy's body?

It's obviously just a layer of cloth, just an ordinary layer of cloth...

"Fortunately, I changed my clothes before going out."

After wiping the raindrops on his forehead, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but feel lucky.

Although his stab-proof clothing didn't get much sales, it still gave him some skills in making clothes, so he made a suit for himself and wore it on daily basis - of course, he didn't think about it. Pointing at this thing to resist any attack, after all, judging from his current level, if he really encounters a well-matched opponent, the stab-proof suit will most likely be useless.

However, this is still a very good fabric, strong and durable, and it can also block the wind. Even like now, if it really rains, it can be used as a raincoat to a certain extent.

"Just remember to sew a hat next time."

After looking at the water stains on his hands, Du Chengfeng came up with some ideas for improvement.

This also made Wang Wenshun in the distance even more angry.

That bitch still dares to stand down. What does this mean?

What does this mean for his knife? Is his sword so incompetent? Is this bitch treating his rain of knives as bath water?


The waist knife was unsheathed three inches again, and this time Wang Wenshun increased his strength.

At this time, Wang Wenshun suddenly saw his brother-killer's enemy in the distance turning his head.

When their eyes met, Wang Wenshun's back was already covered with cold sweat.

"How did he find me!"

Wang Wenshun looked around, but found that there were no passers-by around to help him cover. The locals had already stepped aside, but they did not dare to look at him.

However, just like this, it cannot be regarded as the reason why he was discovered. After all, what fell on the other party was just rain. What does this have to do with him...

"Did you cause this rain?"

Just when Wang Wenshun's mind was in chaos, his brother-killer enemy actually walked over.

"And my clothes, I just discovered that you made them too?"


Wang Wenshun instinctively wanted to say something. After all, he shouldn't be exposed no matter what.

But at this time, his collar had been pulled up.

"I'm just telling you why I think there's something wrong!"

Du Chengfeng pointed to the top of his head.

"It's light rain for others, moderate rain for me, moderate rain for others, heavy rain for me, do you think you're hiding it well, or do you think I have cerebral palsy?"


Wang Wenshun was so choked that he could not speak.

Looking at the water stains on the other party's body, Wang Wenshun realized what kind of stupid things he had done just now when he was immersed in revenge.


Taking a deep breath, Wang Wenshun finally chose to avoid his sharp edge.

After understanding the ultimate meaning of strategy and tactics, stupid frontal battles were no longer within his considerations, just like the flowing water sword technique he was good at. As the saying goes, soldiers have no constant momentum, and water has no constant shape.

When encountering strength, he becomes soft, and when encountering softness, he becomes strong. This is his current fighting method.

"I'm really sorry. I was unsettled just now and was controlled by evil spirits. I would like to thank you for your help."

Wang Wenshun found a good reason. This is also a common reason used by masters of evil spirits. After all, evil spirits are very dangerous and can easily make people be swallowed up by the desire to kill. Therefore, there is a bigger operation here. Space - If you really beat him to death, it means you are very strong. If you didn't beat him, it means the evil spirit entered your brain. I'm really sorry. Anyway, I can make sense.

However, Wang Wenshun didn't really expect that this so-called reasoning would convince the other party. The reason was just a reason, and it only provided a space for discussion between the two parties.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person, even if the tough guy he met before, when he chose to give in, he would subconsciously think that he would continue the conversation.

Once there is a gap in time, Wang Wenshun will have the opportunity to take action.

After all, they were too close.

And his hand was still pressing the handle of the knife!


The sound of gold and iron being handed over echoed in the streets.

After looking at the blade slashing at the opponent's waist, and then looking up at the enemy's face, Wang Wenshun suddenly became a little distracted.

At the same time, the face in sight also showed a bit of confusion.

"So serious?"

A big hand touched Wang Wenshun's head, the movement was so gentle.

"How's it going? Can you still stay sane?"


Wang Wenshun clenched the handle of the knife tightly.

Of course he can maintain his sanity, and you must know that this knife of his has condensed his lifelong skills - but why is this fatal knife not even breaking the opponent's flesh?

Isn't this the best sword in the world? how so? Why? Why is all this happening?

"Hey, you're lucky to have met me."

While comforting the crazed swordsman in front of him with words, Du Chengfeng shook his head and sighed.

It is true that if he had not come, someone else would have been killed on the spot with a knife.

"Then you are finished. If you kill someone when the evil spirit enters your brain, the evil spirit will become even more powerful. Then you will kill people in the street. I am afraid that all the neighbors on this street will be killed by the evil... Of course, this may not seem to you. It doesn't matter, but since you are crazy, more masters will come and beat you to death, and your life will be over. "


Faced with this gentle comfort, Wang Wenshun's eyes were filled with tears.

He himself is a master of evil spirits, so why would he need someone to teach him? Is this humiliating him? Humiliating his sword skills and his strength?

"Look at you, your eyes are red."

The angrier Wang Wenshun became, the more Du Chengfeng shook his head.

"Okay, okay, today is your luck, it's over... Come on, listen to me and let go."

As he said this, his other big hand was already on Wang Wenshun's wrist, trying to pry the waist knife directly from Wang Wenshun's hand.

How could Wang Wenshun be willing to give in? This was his sidearm, the sword he had been using since he was a child. The connection with him was closer than that of his biological brothers - not to mention that this sword had now become a The best sword in the world, this is the best in the world, the best in the world!

As long as he has this sword in his hand, he is confident that he will be able to master the real Jingtai sword technique. By then, he will be more than just waves, he will be the sea, wind and thunder, and he will stand on the clouds and call for wind and rain!

But now...

But he couldn't even hold the knife.

He obviously had a tight grip, but the knife still gradually escaped his control. This was not only a lack of strength, he even felt that the knife seemed to be slipping in his palm!

"Is it because of the rain?"

Wang Wenshun was in a daze for a moment.


Or is it that he was never chosen by this knife from the beginning?

Wang Wenshun thought of his deceased brother inexplicably. He still remembered the first time he heard the news of his eldest brother's death. At that time, he was as confused as he is now, but immediately his heart was filled with the anger of revenge - he Along the way, he searched for everything about the murderer, the murderer who killed his brother with a big halberd. He just wanted to know who he was.

And when he was collecting that information, he also learned that the other party could also use a knife in addition to the euphorbia.

Although this is easily overlooked, his enemy is also a swordsman.


Wang Wenshun's eyes were fixed on the sword that was about to be released. At this moment, he already understood everything.

Fortunately, he thought that his victory over the so-called No. 1 sword in the world meant that he had become the No. 1 sword in the world. For this sword, he was just a footman responsible for delivering it - this so-called The best sword in the world has never belonged to him, he just kept it temporarily.

Just like now, after meeting a swordsman who is stronger than him, he can even feel that this sword, the best in the world, is so happy!


Using his last strength, Wang Wenshun screamed at the top of his lungs.

"This is my knife! My knife!"

"Know that this is your knife."

After unscrewing the waist knife, Du Chengfeng threw the waist knife aside.

"I'm just treating your illness. After you recover a little bit, you can take the knife away... But I don't recommend that you continue to use this knife. How about you try a weapon with less evil energy? ?Hello, can you hear me?


No matter how hard Du Chengfeng shook it, Wang Wenshun's eyes still stayed on the knife.

Staying on that sword that was thrown aside.

It is the best sword in the world, the best sword in the world, the sword that any swordsman dreams of, and it is the pinnacle of swords that stands above all swords.

But now, the best sword in the world has been casually thrown aside.

It's like throwing away branches, or throwing away weeds.


Wang Wenshun suddenly felt that his brain was a little confused.

What did he see? how so?


"Yes, yes! Hold still! Your eyes are not so red now!"

Du Chengfeng patted Wang Wenshun on the back and encouraged him.

"Come on! That's it! You'll recover soon!"


Wang Wenshun was stunned.

Then, he suddenly laughed bitterly.

What is this? What can he recover? He was always sober, and he knew very well that he wanted to kill this enemy - but at this moment, he had realized that he could not beat this man in terms of strength, technology, or even the most basic will.

The gap was too big.

One side treated the world's number one as a treasure, while the other side treated the so-called world's number one as a worn-out shoe. The difference between the two sides was clear.

"... Forget it."

Wang Wenshun suddenly sighed.

Just sighing, Wang Wenshun seemed to have aged by dozens of years at this moment.

"I don't want that knife anymore. I probably won't use it again in the future."

Standing up shakily, Wang Wenshun's back was visibly hunched. That was not the posture of a strong warrior. He looked more like an old man in his twilight years.

"As for the knife, you can take it. You are probably the only one who deserves it... Since it has chosen you, treat it well and don't die."


Du Chengfeng frowned.

This crazy swordsman was really unreasonable. He was kind enough to save people, but the swordsman didn't even say thank you. Instead, he said he was going to die. He just took a knife blow and didn't die. Isn't this pure nonsense?

Watching the hunched back going away, Du Chengfeng picked up the waist knife that fell on the ground. He originally didn't intend to steal the knife, but now that the other party obviously didn't want it, he just accepted it.

Anyway, the other party didn't even say thank you, so this knife left behind was all considered as hard work.

However, after holding the war knife for a while, Du Chengfeng suddenly felt that something seemed to be wrong.

"The best... knife in the world?"

Du Chengfeng was stunned.

He remembered the best knife in the world, after all, the burly man had fought with him, but how did that ancient ring-headed broadsword become a waist knife, and even the owner changed?


With the perception of the blade, Du Chengfeng immediately knew the reason.

"Ah, this!"

After realizing that this knife would bring him countless troubles, Du Chengfeng did not hesitate and threw the so-called best knife in the world out.

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