In the Blade

Chapter 459: Using Mountains as Weapons

The mountain in the distance rushed over.

The gloomy mountain was like a huge monster walking in the dark night. Nothing could stop its pace. The houses along the way were easily crushed like paper shells, and the roads and fields were swallowed up in an instant.

"A monster as big as a mountain..."

Du Chengfeng raised the big knife in his hand.

He had never tried such a monster before!


The sharp blade chopped down, but Du Chengfeng suddenly frowned.

He had been able to split the mountaintop a long time ago. He could do this when he had not used his mental strength and was only using his evil spirit. But now, whether it was the feel of the chop or the sound of the metal clashing, he realized that what he was chopping was not a mountain at all.

This touch...

What was crossing his blade was clearly a weapon!


Under the fierce impact, Du Chengfeng flew backwards immediately.

No matter how sharp the sword in his hand was, a mere six-foot body could not withstand the huge impact brought by a mountain!


A fishy and sweet taste surged in his throat, and Du Chengfeng felt that his internal organs were all over the place under this impact - fortunately, he used the fastest speed to relieve the force. Although it was not elegant, it at least ensured that he would not be hurt too badly by the huge force.

However, at this time, Du Chengfeng suddenly heard another roar.

The roar from behind was so strong that it could even be said to be instant!


Another mountain hit Du Chengfeng's back. It was Datang Mountain, which originally stood on the other side of Sanshan Town. This mountain, which had protected Sanshan Town for more than a few years, had now shown its bloodthirsty edge.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, but Du Chengfeng suddenly raised his head.

The murderous aura suddenly broke out, and Du Chengfeng rushed into the air in just an instant!

Looking at the two mountains under his feet, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. This dangerous killing situation has made him understand that his previous illogical guess may have really hit the truth - the seemingly peaceful and harmonious Sanshan Town is itself a huge slaughterhouse. Those who were attracted and died here, and those who were born and raised here and died here, have been taken to sacrifice weapons.

Countless masters, countless deaths, such a huge number, what kind of weapons need such a degree of sacrifice?

Du Chengfeng used to think of swords, spears, swords and halberds, but he didn't think of even one weapon that could withstand such power.

But now, the answer appeared in front of him in a way he had never thought of.

"Sanshan Town, Sanshan Town..."

Du Chengfeng silently recited the name of the town.

"It's really Sanshan Town."

Looking at the mud scattered like rain in front of him, Du Chengfeng raised his head.

I saw that in the air, the huge Jubao Mountain was already hanging above his head.

Sanshan Town.

These three mountains are the most ferocious weapons.


In Du Chengfeng's sight, the Jubao Mountain hanging in the air had already smashed down on his head.

At the same time, in a secluded hut far away in the town, the gray-haired old man was throwing his hands in the air. Just looking at the action, it was like children playing with stones.

But the strange thing was that there was nothing in the old man's hands.

"So it's not good to live here peacefully? Isn't this a good place?"

While throwing those illusory stones, the old man sighed.

"Look at that kid named Yuan, isn't he living well here? I didn't touch him, and I didn't do anything to any of you..."

At this point, the old man couldn't help shaking his head.

Obviously, the old man didn't seem to be willing to do such a thing of killing people with his own hands.

After all, there was no need for him to kill people with his own hands. Those so-called masters would die by themselves, just like the rising and setting of the sun, the withering and flourishing of plants and trees. Even if a person can live for more than a hundred years, it is only 36,000 days. Since they have flourished, it is inevitable that they will wither.

Since they will always wither, it would be a waste to wither elsewhere. He just helped these people find a suitable place to wither, and used these nutrients to moisten the soil in his hands.

To be fair, what he did could even be said to be a good thing. He at least provided a stage for these masters to bloom. They could fight and die in Sanshan Town to their heart's content, write their own legends, or simply live in seclusion in this remote town and live out their remaining lives in peace and harmony.

This should obviously be a mutually beneficial and win-win situation.

But now, the flowers in the nursery actually began to want to bite people.

"Then we can only trim the branches."

Saying this, the gray-haired old man pressed with one hand.

The three mountains in the distance also fell down on Du Chengfeng one after another.

Since he has been discovered, the cause and effect have been concluded. Since the cause and effect have been concluded, there is nothing to say. It is either you die or I live. There is nothing to say about this matter. If you must blame someone, the so-called master can only blame himself.

As a frog at the bottom of the well, you should stay at the bottom of the well with peace of mind, like other frogs, fighting and killing each other. That is the fate of the frog at the bottom of the well, and perhaps you can also write a legend belonging to the frog at the bottom of the well.

But this frog in the well should not, should not, raise his head and look up at the bright moon in the sky.

"Since you don't use the evil spirit, you have a way to die."

The old man took a deep breath and grabbed with one hand.

"How can you not use such a good thing as evil spirit?"

Boom --

In the air in the distance, three mountains have been like three huge hammers, smashing the ant-like Du Chengfeng in the middle.

Blood seeped from his five internal organs, and his six internal organs were displaced. Du Chengfeng was already dizzy from being smashed.

The three mountains bombarded him one after another, without giving him a chance to breathe. It was obvious that the master hidden in the dark would not take action, but once he started, it would be a dead end. What surprised Du Chengfeng the most was that such a fierce battle had clearly broken out in the air, but the Sanshan Town below was as if dead, without any sound.

This was enough to show the terrifying control of the master hidden in the dark over Sanshan Town.

Sanshan Town, three mountains... can actually use this kind of thing as a weapon!


At the same time, the old man in the distance sighed again.

This is why he didn't want to do it himself, just because the cause and effect of this life-and-death fight would also expose his affairs. Just like now, even if they didn't meet, he could still think that the so-called master who was being beaten to death by him might be between life and death, trying to study his tactics in turn.

The killing game that must die will broaden the horizons of the so-called master. This fact is really painful.

Fortunately, everything is coming to an end.

As long as the toad that dares to climb to the edge of the well is beaten to death, the toad will still be a toad. Even if this frog at the bottom of the well really sees the outside world, a dead frog still can't stir up any waves.

"...So why hasn't this ant died yet?"

Thinking of this, the old man suddenly frowned.

You have to know that the bombardment of the three mountains has been going on for a while. Even if it was the Magistrate Yuan who came here, he would have been smashed to death long ago. Of course, he didn't bother to do such a thing to Magistrate Yuan. After all, such a frog in the well would always die in a fight with another frog in the well.

But now...

Is this frog in the well a little too tough?

"Maybe it's because he specializes in body training?"

The old man thought of a possibility.

He still remembered that when he first met him, the cook named Du Chengfeng was not an ordinary person like he is now. At that time, this man named Du Chengfeng was more than two feet tall. Standing on the ground, he looked like a legendary giant, with big shoulders and a round waist. It was obvious that he had worked hard on his physical strength.

When he saw this figure in the crowd, he was also a little surprised. Although he had lived for a long time, it was the first time he had seen someone who could train his body to this level.

So he was originally looking forward to this strong man.

After all, the other party had just arrived in Sanshan Town and killed two masters, which was enough to show his ferocity. If such a fierce god chose to stay in Sanshan Town, how many masters would die here - but the next development surprised him. Such a fierce god of killing actually chose not to kill people?

If the killing god didn't kill people, how would those masters die? If those so-called masters didn't die, what would he use to refine his weapons?

Especially in the past few days, there were so many swordsmen coming to challenge him, but this strong man didn't kill anyone. There were so many fights, but there was not even a single death. This was simply...

"If you don't kill people, then I can only kill you."

Thinking of this, the old man continued to flip his palms and smashed all the way down.

Even if he specialized in body refining, it didn't matter. He wanted to see how long this frog in the well could withstand the bombardment of the three mountains.

"Well, after years of sacrifice, it's time to use it. Today, I'll use you to try out the various uses of my mountain-moving method!"




In the air, the sound of smashing continued.

No need for any surging evil spirit, no need for any secret ability, no need for any exquisite moves, and even no need for a sharp blade - just the huge mass of these three mountains is already the most fierce and powerful force.

Du Chengfeng, who was smashed in the middle of the three mountains, was already conscious.

In the past, he relied on the absolute gap in strength to crush others, and now, he finally tasted the taste of being crushed by the absolute gap in strength. Using Sanshan Town as a meat grinder and feeding the three mountains as magic weapons, he couldn't even think of such a means, so how could he talk about fighting against it?

"Is this the gap..."

Du Chengfeng, who was conscious, clenched his teeth.

At this moment, he has realized that the real gap between the two sides, although it seems to be a gap in strength on the surface, is already another matter inside.

It is imagination, a gap in imagination! Why didn't he think that the mountain can also be used as a weapon!


Du Chengfeng took a deep breath.

Yes, the bloody fights along the way have already immersed him in this world. He will act according to the logic of this world and fight those so-called powerful enemies like a master of evil spirits. Indeed, this may have been a correct path, or in other words, at the level of a master of evil spirits, it is indeed like this.

But being immersed in this so-called master identity for too long made him forget his real advantage.

Having lived two lives, he has too many things in his mind that do not belong to this world.

So if he really wants to compete in imagination, he may not lose!


The string in his mind suddenly loosened. This time Du Chengfeng no longer resisted, letting the three mountains hit him and the powerful force hit his body.

Let the terrifying strange force crush his bones, muscles, internal organs, and even everything about him.

"Have you given up resistance..."

In the town far away, the gray-haired old man shook his head.

He thought he could smash for a while longer, but who would have thought that he had only used half of his various magical powers, and this so-called master could no longer hold on.

No matter how strong the frog at the bottom of the well is, it is still a frog at the bottom of the well.

A frog at the bottom of the well is nothing more than that.

"But just to be on the safe side, I'll grind you to dust."

Thinking this way, the old man continued to smash down.

Since it was a matter of life and death, it was necessary to confirm that the other party was completely dead. The old man would not be like those so-called Jianghu masters who would pay attention to some strange martial arts ethics when deciding life and death - as the saying goes, a lion must fight a rabbit with all its strength. Since it was going to kill, it would be necessary to eliminate all evil!

"It won't take long anyway."

The old man thought so.

It only takes a moment. After crushing every bit of flesh and blood of the frog at the bottom of the well, the three mountains will return to their original positions. Nothing will change, except that a so-called master disappeared.

It's just that a so-called master disappeared, what's the big deal? Every year, even every day, countless people died, but no matter how many people died, the sun would still rise as usual, the sun would rise and set, and the grass and trees would wither and flourish. Not to mention the death of one person, even if all the people in Sanshan Town were killed, it would not affect these.

Of course, he would not kill all the people in Sanshan Town. After all, the birth, aging, illness and death of these people were also a source of long-term sacrifice.

Moreover, he needed to maintain the peace and tranquility here, and maintain this idyllic scene. In this way, the more chaotic the fighting outside was, the more he would...


At this moment, a barely perceptible sound of metal clashing suddenly reached the old man's ears.

This also made the old man subconsciously raise his head.

The direction from which the sound came was the sky above Sanshan Town, in the direction of the three mountains.

But hadn't he already...


At this moment, a ray of silver light cut through the sky and headed straight for the old man.

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