In the Blade

Chapter 479 Wong Tai Sin

Du Chengfeng never expected that the mental animal he had been searching for would actually appear in front of him in such a way.

Is it luck? Is his luck really that good? He suddenly found something he hadn't heard of for such a long time after looking for it for a while?


"Are you looking for me too?"


The eloquent weasel actually smiled, and even had a bit of an old-fashioned look on his face.

"Look at you like this. You just opened your spiritual intelligence not long ago? You are quite capable. You can even kill the demon in Liuhua Mountain."


Du Chengfeng didn't understand for a while, but he didn't deny it either.

The human monster should be the tiger in Liuhua Mountain. The fact that this weasel could so firmly confirm that he did it means that this weasel may have paid attention to this matter, and may even have seen him do it with his own eyes - however With his perception, he didn't notice the existence of this weasel. He can only say that the other party's ability to conceal his aura is really strong.

So there is no need to deny it. The other party has probably been watching him for a while.

As for the part I didn’t understand…

What is spiritual intelligence? What happened to the shemale?

In other words, in the eyes of this weasel, the Liuhua Mountain King turned from a human into a monster? In other words, these mental animals consider themselves monsters?

So the process of mastering the mind is also the so-called opening of spiritual wisdom? This weasel thinks that he has also opened his spiritual intelligence, which means that in addition to mental animals, there are more beings who are not animals but also have mental power?

Moreover, these so-called demons actually have their own special nouns and language system. Looking at it this way, these demons may even communicate with each other.

They will even take the initiative to find juniors who have developed spiritual wisdom and have relatively friendly communication.


Du Chengfeng continued to ponder, and in just a short moment, he had already made a decision in his mind.

Anyway, his current identity is that of a junior who knows nothing. This identity allows him to learn from the senior weasel and see what kind of state these so-called monsters are in.

Of course, there are skills in learning from scriptures. He must not show that he has thought so much. After all, this weasel appeared suddenly. God knows what the other person is thinking.

So Du Chengfeng decided to continue playing the junior who didn't understand anything.

As long as he clears his mind, there is no pressure on him.

It can even be regarded as a true role.

"You're an interesting kid. Other demons who have developed spiritual intelligence only know how to fight for life and death. You actually know how to look for seniors to give you guidance... It's okay. It's your luck. I'm in the right mood. good."

While gnawing on the fat chicken, the weasel waved its paw at Du Chengfeng.

"What do you want to ask? As long as this great immortal knows something, you can talk about it."


Du Chengfeng was silent for a moment.

Originally, he thought that this weasel was going to teach him some knowledge about monsters as a senior and help him as a junior, but now he was asked to ask the question, but he didn't expect it - mainly because he also It's not good to ask more questions, after all, his questions will probably reveal the fact that he is a human being.

It can be seen from the weasel's name for Liuhua Tiger that these monsters are not so friendly to humans.

If he reveals his human identity, the weasel will probably fight him on the spot - this is even the most ideal situation. After all, Liuhua Mountain is right next to him. He has a geographical advantage. If he really fights, he may not lose. .

But if this weasel turns around and runs away...

He didn't know what special methods this weasel who claimed to be an immortal had. If the other party was determined to escape, he might not be able to stop him.

So after a moment of thinking, Du Chengfeng decided to ask another question.

To put it another way, it’s more like a question from an ignorant junior.

"Do I look human to you?"

Du Chengfeng slapped his chest loudly.

"Look at me now, do I look like a human being?"

"Like! So similar!"

The weasel nodded immediately.

"If you just look at your appearance, you are exactly the same as a human being. Your shape-shifting technique is really good...but haven't you ever thought about changing your appearance? Don't you realize that you are a little too reflective?"

"Ah this."

Du Chengfeng choked just right.

"This, no, this..."

"It's quite normal."

The weasel looked indifferent.

"When I first opened my spiritual wisdom, just like you, I always felt that it would be more convenient after taking a human form. After all, those words of human beings are all said in this novel... You should also be inspired by reading those things. Bar?"


Du Chengfeng nodded numbly, acting like he didn't understand anything.

It was this look of ignorance that actually made the weasel more energetic.

"Don't learn those things. Those things are made up by people and are only ideas that talents have. If you really believe it, something will happen."

As he said this, the weasel unscrewed a chicken wing and handed it over, gesturing to Du Chengfeng to eat with him.

"Transformation is indeed beneficial. This thing allows us to blend into the human world, especially for a new demon like you who has just opened up your spiritual intelligence. The human world can let you learn a lot of things... But This is something that happened in the past, but speaking from now on, it is not a good thing to be incarnate for too long, it will make you more human."

"Looking like a human being, isn't it good?"

Du Chengfeng was stunned when he heard this. He didn't understand what was being said.

"Didn't you just say that you can learn a lot from others..."

"That depends on what you study."

The weasel spread its claws.

"If you want to learn knowledge from others and improve your knowledge, then you really need to learn. In this area, humans are much better than demons. After all, they have many ideas, their thinking is lively, and they can always come up with something new... But that’s where the problem lies.”

Saying this, the weasel looked stern.

"The more you learn and the more general your ideas are, the less you know what to do and the more confused you become. This is what the so-called world is like. The more you know and the more you think, the more confused you become. Like a human being, the more human you are, the more ordinary you are, the more ordinary you are... until."

At this point, the weasel twisted off the chicken leg with a click.

"Until you truly become a human being."


Du Chengfeng probably understood what the weasel meant.

The people in this weasel's mouth are not the same as the people he understands. The people in this weasel's mouth actually refer to ordinary people who have no power.

That is to say, mortals.

The more complex your thoughts are and your mind is chaotic, the harder it will be to leverage power in this devilish idealistic world, and the more ordinary you will be. The purer your thoughts and your mind will be, the more you will be able to grasp the extraordinary. Wei Li, gaining incredible power.

However, both of them also have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, if the truth is pure, the purest thing must be a stone. A stone does not even have a brain, so naturally there is no chaos at all - but a stone cannot have it. It is even more impossible to act on your own ideas.

As for having mixed ideas, it may not be all bad. Even this weasel feels that the human world can learn a lot - at least for these clear-minded monsters, they really need to absorb more ideas in order to The more you understand the use of power, the stronger you become.

Otherwise, he would be like Du Chengfeng when he first came into contact with mind power, he would just use it as a super power and could only do some bad things like making kitchen knives fly. This kind of ability may be good for scaring ordinary people, but if it's a duel between masters... it's obviously not that interesting.

In short, according to this weasel, demons need to learn from humans. This can make demons stronger, but demons cannot truly become humans, which will abolish the demon's abilities.

And from what Weasel said, is it even a thing of the past for demons to learn from humans?

Nowadays, demons no longer need to learn from others?

"So, you don't need to continue using your transformation technique. Judging from your iron skin, you probably can't figure it out either."

Saying this, the weasel raised his head and licked the red chicken blood from his mouth.

"Just come and learn to be a demon. This is what you were looking for anyway, isn't it?"


Du Chengfeng was silent for a moment.

In fact, if you think about it, maybe the first demons still need to learn from humans to obtain knowledge and ideas, but after accumulating enough knowledge and ideas, these demons may also develop their own culture and summarize a set of their own A set of things that are more suitable for demons, for the younger generations to learn from.

"So, is it really true?"

Du Chengfeng became interested.

"Where can I learn? Can I learn?"

"Everyone can learn, everyone can learn."

The weasel nodded repeatedly.

"This is why I came to you. Since you have the idea of ​​​​seeking Dharma, I am also willing to show you a clear path... You go south along Liuhua Mountain. There is Huangpu Mountain, and there is a broken mountain at the bottom of the mountain. Temple, you go into the ruined temple, kowtow three times to the headless statue, and then wait for a while, and a fox will come out to take you into the mountain."

While saying this, the weasel stretched out his paws and drew a rough map on the ground.

"That's probably it. When you enter the mountain and meet other immortal families, you will be able to find something to teach you."


Du Chengfeng immediately slapped his thigh.

"So, which way is south?"


The Weasel's face froze, obviously he didn't expect the Tin Man to say such a thing.

"You... forget it, I'll take you there myself. Are you not busy now?"

"not busy."

Du Chengfeng nodded.

"You can leave now."

"Okay, you have to stand still."

Saying this, the weasel spit out the chicken bones and slapped the ground with his paws.

The soil around Du Chengfeng and the weasel sank strangely.

The soil at the lower limit was wrapped into a ball, which was hollow like a small room, and Du Chengfeng and the weasel were in this room, just like before - but then, this cavity that contained Du Chengfeng and the weasel Just rush out all the way and run all the way underground!

"Is it the Earth Escape Technique?"

Du Chengfeng's eyes were opened. This was the first time he experienced such a novel way of moving.

Being able to travel underground just by stomping your feet... is unheard of!

"Wrong! It's the method of shrinking the earth!"

The weasel shook his head repeatedly.

"If you really burrow underground, it's another matter. It's about merging with the earth. It might be easier to fight alone, but I can't take you over...Stand still, I'm going to speed up!"

With these words, Du Chengfeng could clearly feel that the speed of the cavity's movement had actually reached a new level!

Although it was still much slower than his flying speed, as a novel way of moving, it was enough to shock Du Chengfeng!

"If someone stands on it at this time, I'll take a sword and stab it up..."

Du Chengfeng gestured roughly.

"Is there such a way of fighting?"

"You kid is really an idea, no wonder you can kill that demon."

The weasel immediately laughed.

"This is what I do often. In the words of those people, it's to attack them by surprise, take advantage of them, seize the opportunity, and kill them with one blow!"

As he said this, the weasel made a drilling motion.

This reminded Du Chengfeng of some not-so-good images. It can only be said that having too much imagination is not necessarily a good thing.

But his imagination is not really that rich, otherwise he would not be shocked by such a small matter. He has heard of the art of escaping the earth, and he has also learned that a firm will can change everything.

So the problem lies here.

Why didn't he think of doing it this way before?

"Ideas... this is an idea!"

Du Chengfeng slapped his head.

At this moment, he really understood what the so-called ideas are.

It was at this time that he realized that he actually lacked ideas.

"It turns out... there is no difference between me and animals!"

Du Chengfeng felt ashamed when he thought of this. He was just competing with the weasel in speed and looking for a sense of superiority in the other party, but now it seems... at least in terms of ideas, he, a human who should have more ideas, has actually lost to the weasel in front of him!

This also made Du Chengfeng look forward to the next practice.

If a weasel can have such a skill, what kind of thoughts will be waiting for him in Huangpu Mountain?

"We are here."

At this time, the fast-moving cavity stopped.

And Du Chengfeng and the weasel also floated above the ground.

The weasel stopped at a very accurate position. In front of it was the ruined temple outside Huangpu Mountain. After arriving at the ruined temple, the weasel simply entered the temple and kowtowed three times to the headless statue.

Then, the weasel turned his head and looked at Du Chengfeng who was standing aside.

"Why don't you kowtow?"

"Haven't you kowtowed before?"

Du Chengfeng immediately clasped his fists and bowed.

"Thank you for leading the way, senior!"

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