In the Blade

Chapter 486 Cutting down mountains, destroying temples, and beheading gods

As Du Chengfeng advanced, light rain began to fall from the sky.

Under the drizzle, the people kneeling on the ground looked silently at the silver-white figure that was getting closer and closer, although many of them had once worshiped this Taibai Star and even wanted to die for him.

But now, at this time and on this occasion, when the two sides met, they didn't know what to say for a while.

"No, why do you all have such expressions?"

Under everyone's gaze, Du Chengfeng spoke first.

"What's this?"

"We just..."

The leader of the people opened his mouth, but could not say anything for a while.

Although there is really no problem in worshiping two immortals at the same time, after all, these two immortals have saved their lives.

But right now, when they are worshiping an immortal family in a big way, another immortal family who has been ignored by them comes to visit. This kind of feeling is really...

"It doesn't matter. I said it doesn't matter."

Du Chengfeng just shook his head. A socially fearful person like him really couldn't bear to see such a scene.

But his gesture made more people lower their heads, especially Zhao Laoer in the crowd.

When he saw the Taibai Star, Zhao Laoer once touched his neck, where he wore the iron figurine. Whenever he felt confused, he would take out the iron figurine and think about it. Recall the life-saving grace and the heroic figure that cut through the sky.

Although he could not see that figure with his own eyes, Zhao Laoer always felt that that figure could guide him in the direction of progress, and even inspire him for a lifetime.

But now...

The little iron man was not touched.

What is hanging around his neck now is the hedgehog amulet he just received in the temple, which represents fertility and abundance.

"No, I didn't..."

Zhao Laoer's mind was a little confused. He didn't know how to face this situation. He could only stand there in a daze, watching the silver figure walking from a distance step by step.

Until the silver figure walked in front of him.

"My name is Zhao Laoer, right? Why are you looking so miserable?"

Du Chengfeng shook his head, then raised his hand and patted Zhao Laoer on the shoulder.

"I said it's not a big deal... No, don't kneel down. What does that say? There is gold under a man's knees. You can kneel down to your parents. This is to thank you for giving birth. You can kneel to your teacher. This is to thank you for your education. But don’t kneel down because of any messy things, like now.”

"I, no, I..."

Zhao Laoer had tears streaming down his face. He didn't even kneel down for a while, nor did he not kneel down at all.

He couldn't even see clearly, and tears had already blurred his eyes.

Is it the reason for the tears? Or is it because of the confusion in my heart? Or is there something wrong with his eyes?

When did that body that was less than three feet tall become so tall?

At this moment, Zhao Laoer was not the only one who felt this way. The other people in Jishui Town were also confused - the Taibai Star in front of them was still less than three feet away, but it was just these three feet. The body that could not be seen appeared to be taller than any of them at this moment.

It was as if his eyes were being sucked away.

"What do you see me doing? Don't you have anything to do of your own? What do you see me do?"

Du Chengfeng raised his hand and pointed at the statue in the temple.

"Aren't you kowtowing to it?"


The people who were still burning incense and kowtowing in front of the statues suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"We, we just..."

"Just what?"

Du Chengfeng's tone was filled with doubts.

"Why are you kowtowing to this thing?"

"She, she, she..."

A group of Jishui people hesitated and hesitated for a long time, but finally someone took the initiative to stand up.

"She saved our lives, so we built a temple for her here. We are just grateful for her kindness..."

"We just appreciate her kindness."

Zhao Laoer also took the initiative to stand up.

Although the tears on his face were not wiped clean, Zhao Laoer decided to stand up and express his inner thoughts.

Indeed, he was grateful for Taibai Xing's kindness, but the food he received by worshiping Mama Bai during this period was not fake. This food solved his family's urgent needs, and its weight was almost the same as the life-saving grace. .

"That's why we worshiped her and built a temple for her... After all, she really did things for us and really saved our lives."

"It doesn't matter, this kind of thing doesn't matter."

Du Chengfeng still looked indifferent.

"Anyway, in your opinion, it is the one that transports food to you, right?"


Seeing Taibai Xing in front of him raise his hand to point at the statue of Mother Bai, Zhao Laoer and the other people also nodded.

After all, this is the fact. Without the food provided by this white mother, they would not be able to survive this period of time.

"You think it's right too, that's great."

Du Chengfeng grinned.

Immediately afterwards, a thick broadsword appeared in his hand.

Facing the statue, Du Chengfeng raised his knife.

"What is this for?"

The people were shocked. They never expected that such a situation would happen.

It was clear that both sides were immortals who had saved their lives, so why were they suddenly wielding knives?

"What is this for?"

The white-haired hedgehog, which had been observing here, was stunned. It didn't understand what this meant for a while.

But immediately, the white-haired hedgehog suddenly felt a huge crisis.

Suddenly, he realized something.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

This idea is so ridiculous, so unreal, you know it doesn't even show up, the Tin Woodman doesn't even know where it is - hundreds of miles away, the Tin Woodman actually wants to kill it?

How can the Tin Man kill it? How could the Tin Man kill it?

Is it just a matter of cutting down a clay and wood sculpture?

Just using this method, you still want to kill it?

"This is not me at all!"

The white-haired hedgehog a hundred miles away stared.

"It's just a clay and wood sculpture! How could it possibly kill me..."


The blade cuts across.

The huge clay and wood statue was immediately split into two.

Shocked, puzzled, stunned, and mixed with a bit of uneasiness, the people were dumbfounded. They really couldn't understand why this happened.

Why, the Taibai Star they once revered would kill the Immortal Family they worshiped?

Why, even though they respected this Taibai Star so much, this Taibai Star wanted to kill the god in their hearts?

"Why? You actually asked me why?"

Du Chengfeng, who split open the clay and wood statue with a knife, shook his head repeatedly.

"Of course you let me down! Is this what you did? Where are your dykes? Where are your canals? What are you doing kneeling here now?"


Zhao Laoer, who was standing in the front row, opened his mouth.

"We just want to thank..."

"So? What are you thankful for?"

Du Chengfeng pointed at the clay and wood statue behind him that had been chopped into two pieces.

"You don't thank the brothers who work together with you, you don't thank the parents who gave birth to you and raised you, and you don't thank the family members who support you... Is this what you want to be grateful for?"

"She, she is Mama Bai..."

Zhao Laoer was trembling all over, and he didn't even dare to look up at the mud and wood sculpture that was split in half on the ground.

"That's the immortal family who saved our lives..."

"Then let it stand up and answer me!"

Du Chengfeng directly inserted the sword into the ground at hand.

"If it is some kind of fairy, then let it stand up and answer me! Come on! Let it stand up!"


Zhao Laoer was speechless for a long time.

Just because it is impossible for this clay and wood sculpture to stand up.

However, what Zhao Laoer didn't know was that this clay and wood sculpture could actually stand up. Under the influence of the power of incense and wish, nothing was impossible. It couldn't be easier to make the clay and wood sculpture stand up. things.

However, the white-haired hedgehog who could do all this could no longer stand up.

Just like the statue that fell to the ground, the white-haired hedgehog a hundred miles away had been split into two.

"This kind of thing can actually be done..."

With only half of its body left, the white-haired hedgehog was still gasping for air. At this moment, even breathing became a luxury for it.

Obviously it has won, it is obvious that it is the one with the last laugh, it is obvious that the Tin Man has lost everything, it is obvious that the Tin Man has no chance of coming back...

But something went wrong.

When those mortals erected statues for it, when it enjoyed the incense of those mortals, when it gained that huge power, when it felt that the overall situation was decided.

That statue is...


Using his last strength, the white-haired hedgehog stood up and shouted to the gray-haired mouse who was still in a daze.



Looking at the dazzling pool of blood on the ground, the gray-haired mouse's eyes turned red without even realizing it.

Why is it running? What reason is there to run? Obviously it has gained strength, it has become stronger, it has even surpassed the original Chang Boss, it has become so strong.

But it still doesn't protect anything.

It couldn't protect the relationship between the five demons, it couldn't protect the mice that were killed, and it still couldn't protect the white-haired hedgehog next to it.

Has it never changed? Even after gaining power, it never changed?

Could it be that it was still the rat in the gutter, the rat that couldn't do anything?

"You're not going to die, you're not going to die."

The gray-haired mouse pieced the two-part body together as if the white-haired hedgehog was still alive.

"You won't die, you..."

The two body parts were still separated from the incision.

The gray-haired mouse's eyes had completely turned blood red.

Outside the broken house, the wild dogs that smelled the smell of blood finally couldn't bear it anymore. Their desire for food finally defeated the fear of death. These wild dogs with green eyes rushed in and were about to kill the hedgehog. Their corpses were eaten up.

But the response they got was a claw.


The smelly dog ​​blood was scattered all over the floor, along with several torn out throats.

But the figure of the gray-haired mouse has completely disappeared.

The gray figure had turned into an arrow and headed straight for Jishui Town, a hundred miles away. At this moment, the gray-haired mouse only wanted to kill. It just wanted to go over and tear the Tin Man into pieces—— As for whether it can be done, this is not even within its scope of consideration. It must be able to do it, it must be able to do it!


The arrow-like gray shadow charged all the way, irresistibly destroying everything on the road, whether it was trees, rocks, galloping horses, or pedestrians. Everything in front of it would be instantly penetrated - even those walking on the road. The Jiang Hu Ke had already discovered the danger and had raised their weapons to defend themselves as quickly as possible, but the gray shadow still penetrated the steel and their bodies.

At this moment, the gray-haired mouse was like a divine help.

In other words, it is God! Unstoppable God!

"So what are you doing!"

In the temple in Jishui Town in the distance, the silver figure was still shouting loudly.

"What problem can be solved by worshiping something like this! Haven't you still not found your food? Why don't you go find the culprit? Why don't you solve the problem?"

Saying this, Du Chengfeng simply made a move and caught a mouse.

I saw that the mouse was so fat that it was as big as a kitten.

"Look! This is the culprit that caused you to run out of food!"


As soon as this was said, everyone present nodded subconsciously.

After all, what Taibai Xing said was indeed right. The rats had already eaten like this, and obviously harmed their food. This also meant that the food they threw away must be because of this rat.

"So why not just get rid of the rats once and for all!"

Saying this, Du Chengfeng threw the mouse to the ground and stepped on it.

At the same time, the gray figure running wildly in the distance seemed to be struck by lightning.

At this moment, it finally realized what happened to the white-haired hedgehog just now. When they swallowed this massive amount of incense, they were no longer hiding in the dark, and their situation was far less safe than it seemed. , they are always in danger!

It's like a knife on their neck, they could die at any time!

"Can't die...can't die!"

At this moment, the gray-haired mouse tried his best.

"No matter what, you can't die!"


Like a heavy hammer hitting in the void, half of the gray-haired mouse's cheek instantly shattered into a piece of rotten flesh!

But the gray-haired mouse didn't stop.

The flying gray shadow threw out a piece of blood in mid-air, but its direction suddenly changed.

"You wait for me!"

These were the last words left by the gray-haired mouse before escaping. The vicious hatred was so unforgettable.

But it survived after all.

In the distant Jishui Town, Du Chengfeng sighed softly when he looked at the rats that had been crushed under his feet.

He still has some mastery of this newly thought-up technique and is not proficient enough.

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