In the Blade

Chapter 491 I am a human being

In order to find out the cause of the incident, Du Chengfeng was going to fly to the swordsman's hometown to see what was going on.

But it seemed that he didn't need to go out now, because another team had already gone up the mountain. Like the swordsman just now, these people saw Du Chengfeng's iron body that was less than three feet long, and they were not surprised at all. They drew their weapons and chopped on the spot.

Du Chengfeng was a kind person, of course he would not kill him right away. He was very serious about dodging the attacks of these people, and even persuaded them many times not to be impulsive.

But this consolation did not work, and these people holding various weapons became even more angry.

"Come and die!"

The answer given by these people was to chop more fiercely.

Du Chengfeng was already numb. These people didn't listen to his advice at all. Even if he wanted to fight back, he was afraid of killing people like the swordsman before. So this time he simply used a stupid method and rushed over to fight in close combat. Relying on his agility, he first took off the weapons of several people and pinned them down. This should be fine.

But who would have thought that he had just pressed a swordsman to the ground, and a sword energy was already slashing towards him.

The sword energy was not aimed at him.

But at the swordsman who was pressed to the ground by him.

"Don't worry about me! Kill him!"

Just when Du Chengfeng was about to carry the swordsman away, the swordsman with a dusty face actually stood up and faced the sword energy.

"Take my life with you!"


The sword passed by, and the swordsman was immediately bleeding on the spot.

Even Du Chengfeng was splashed with blood.

"No, what are you guys doing?"

Du Chengfeng was completely dumbfounded. This kind of thing was really unreasonable. Why did they even use blood sacrifice soldiers? It was as if he was some kind of demon that had to be chopped to death. The main thing was that he didn't do anything. Why did they use such a big battle to deal with him?

However, the blood sacrifice soldiers did have some meaning. The swordsman, who was originally mediocre in martial arts, was now crazy as if he had gone crazy. The long sword in his hand no longer stabbed, but changed to chopping with both hands. He was in a majestic posture, and all he used were sword moves!

Even Du Chengfeng's body made of steel and iron had been left with white marks by these slashes.

"It can actually leave marks on my body..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't hold it in anymore. This situation was just like when he fought He Xiqing.

It's just that the protagonist now is the swordsman, but he has replaced He Xiqing and become a fierce demon.


"Anyway, calm down first."

Du Chengfeng raised his fist while saying this.

But this time, his target was the ground.

The fist hit the ground, not even the loose soil was splashed, just this ordinary punch, it seemed meaningless.

But immediately, the mountain began to shake.

Just like the legendary earth dragon turning over, the whole land sank in an instant, and the knights who were still wielding swords and swords rolled to the ground, and they couldn't even stand up at all - just because the ground under their feet was shaking, shaking continuously, not giving them any chance to use force, and even locking their bodies faintly.

"You guys..."

Du Chengfeng, flying in the air, slowly floated to the top of these knights' heads, looking down at these evil masters.

"So who can tell me what's going on? What grudge do I have against you?"

"I want to kill you!"

The swordsman who led the group just now spat at him.

"The evil star that brings chaos to the world! If it weren't for you..."

"Wait, wait, don't rush to curse."

The flying spit was still in the air when it was stopped by the floating gravel.

Du Chengfeng also showed an expression that he thought was more kind.

"I have a question, that is, what exactly is the evil star you are talking about... Don't look at me like that, I say it again, I am a human, I am a human, can't you see it?"

"You... are human?"

Several knights looked at each other and then shook their heads frantically.

"You are misleading people with your lies! Don't even think about disturbing our minds!"

"You are really..."

Taking a deep breath, Du Chengfeng immediately had the urge to punch all these idiots to death.

But he still suppressed this urge, only because he had already realized at this moment that this urge to kill did not come from his original idea.

But it came from the influence of the evil spirit.

After such a long time, this evil spirit that he had overcome countless times began to affect him again unconsciously.

"Is it because of the incense power?"

Feeling the incense power that was close to the evil spirit on his body, Du Chengfeng frowned slightly.

Different from the incense power from the people of the two towns before, the incense power caused by "Taibai Star" was so fierce that it was even the same as the evil spirit.

"Don't be affected by these things... You have to understand what you should do."

While suppressing the murderous intent that emerged from time to time in his heart, Du Chengfeng pulled out the heavy sword he usually used.

But this time, he pulled out only half of the sword.

This sword, which had been with him for who knows how long, seemed to have noticed the abnormality in Du Chengfeng's eyes. The missing blade was a silent reminder to Du Chengfeng that this was not the time to kill.

"Don't worry, I know what I should do."

Holding half a knife, Du Chengfeng raised the blade.

He does know what he has to do.

So he prepared and cooked the food first.

The two pheasants were trying to escape from this dangerous area, but Du Chengfeng raised his hand and caught them. Then he drained the chicken blood with two knives. Under the blazing flames, the two pheasants were All the feathers of the pheasant were burned away, but not a single scorch mark could be seen on the skin of the chicken with the feathers attached.

Just this hand is enough to show this superb fire control skill.

But this is obviously not enough. At least for Du Chengfeng, this method is still a bit too rough.

As a result, half of the sword was seen flying up and down. The flaming sword slashed through the texture of the chicken, trying to allow the deepest part to receive the high temperature. As the sword flew, the bones of the two pheasants actually They were all removed, and not a single bit of bone residue was left on the meat.

After sprinkling a few wild onions as a garnish, the two sliced ​​boneless roast pheasants fell on the broad knife surface.

"Fire boneless chicken."

Using the knife as a plate, Du Chengfeng held the two chickens towards the knights.

"Taste it?"


The knights swallowed hard.

Then, he shook his head repeatedly.

Impossible, absolutely impossible, no matter what, there is no way they could have eaten this devil...

"Why does it smell so good?"

The leading swordsman wiped the grease from his mouth.

"How did you do it? You obviously didn't even sprinkle salt on it... I don't believe it, this must be a lie!"


The remaining knights originally wanted to reprimand him.

But when they opened their mouths, they found that at some point, they had also stuffed the chicken into their mouths.

The gravy of the roast chicken was so fragrant that they didn't even realize when they reached out!


Du Chengfeng also took a piece of chicken and put it into his mouth, then nodded with satisfaction.

Okay, this time his craftsmanship was still online. Although he pursued some program effects in the process of handling the chicken, it did not affect the taste after all.

"So, you have been beaten and received, and you have eaten chicken. Now do you believe that I am a human being?"


This time, these knights who rushed to find trouble were speechless.

After all, eaters have short mouths and weak hands. They haven't swallowed the chicken in their mouths yet, and their hands are still full of chicken fat. They can't even hold a sword. What can they say? seems true.

The Tin Man in front of them was indeed completely different from the Taibai Star they knew.

In their understanding, the Taibai Star is an evil star in the sky. It is responsible for killing. Wherever it passes, there will be military disasters. It can even be said that when the Taibai Star falls on the ground, it is to make the world use weapons and weapons. Of course, the explanation is This kind of argument is only used by folk fortune tellers, but in fact not many people believe it.

However, this matter eventually fell on them.

Then they have no choice but to disbelieve it.

"So you all have a grudge against that Taibai Star?"

Hearing this, Du Chengfeng already had an idea.

"You are all the kind of people...just, someone uses the name of Taibai Star to harm the people you know?"


The leading swordsman nodded.


"Don't be in a hurry to wipe your hands and pick up the sword."

Du Chengfeng waved his hand, signaling the other party to calm down first.

"First of all, I'm not a Taibai star, I just look a know what I mean? Secondly, your enemies are those who have harmed you, right? Every wrong has its owner, so why do you have to come to find fault with me? Woolen cloth?"

"Because, because..."

The swordsman opened his mouth, but was speechless for a moment.

They originally wanted to get rid of this evil star, kill the culprit, and repeatedly deal with the thieves hidden behind everything, so as to avoid future troubles forever - but they never thought that the Taibai Star they were chasing was not Taibai Star.

At least the Tin Man in front of them, the Tin Man who cooked for them, didn't look like the legendary Taibai Star who was decisive in killing people.

So what's going on? What are they doing?

"You may have been fooled."

Feeling the killing intent surging in his heart, Du Chengfeng quickly figured out the key.

These knights who came up the mountain seemed to come to kill him, but in fact, they were sent here to be killed by him on their own initiative - after all, these knights were so weak that they couldn't even scratch the iron skin on his body, and it was impossible to attack him. If there was any harm, it would be unrealistic to kill him in this way.

But if he really killed these people...

"Evil spirit..."

Du Chengfeng thought of this power that he had given up for a long time.

It can't be said that he has given up completely. He still occasionally uses evil spirits, such as the fire control when roasting chicken. That was achieved through evil spirits - but evil spirits have no effect on him for a long time. He has overcome it. I don’t know how many times I have been struck by evil spirits.

But this was just before being entangled by the new incense and desire.

The new incense and vows, those belonging to the "Taibai Star", are almost the same as the evil spirit. If there is any external evil spirit, it is easy to make him unable to suppress the killing intent in his heart, just like before - this is not necessarily a bad thing for him, just because the more he kills, the more the name of "evil star" will be confirmed, and the more incense and vows he can get.

No matter how you look at it, this is a good thing for him, and it can even be said that it gives him a smooth road to become stronger.

"But this road is too dangerous."

Yes, if it was the previous Du Chengfeng, he might really go down this road and keep killing until he becomes a real evil star - after all, no one would refuse to become stronger, and he himself is the same. But now...

He has already noticed the negative effects brought by the power.

When he takes the initiative to accept these powers, he himself is likely to be affected by these powers, and even become a captive of these powers, driven by these powers to rush around and kill - this is undoubtedly the situation that Du Chengfeng is most reluctant to see.

He always felt that he should be the one who controls the power, the one who controls the power in his hands, and the one who holds the blade.

Rather than the other way around, letting the blade hold him.

"So... is this popular outside now? Shouting the slogan of Taibai Star?"

Now that there are a few captives, Du Chengfeng doesn't plan to go out to look for them. He can just ask these knights what's going on outside.

After eating the chicken, these knights also started talking.

At first, those who shouted "Blessing from Taibai Star" were just some ordinary bandits. They thought that shouting like this would make them invulnerable to swords and guns - of course, this idea is a bit problematic no matter how you look at it. After all, it's just a slogan, how can it really be invulnerable to swords and guns?

These bandits may just be for courage, everyone thought so at the beginning.

But they soon realized that these bandits were serious, because after shouting "Taibai Star Bless You", they actually became invulnerable. After having a solid defense, these bandits killed people everywhere and soon made a big name for themselves.

And the phrase "Taibai Star Bless You" was also popularized by these bandits.

Whether they have a grudge or want to do something big, many people have already said "Taibai Star Bless You" when they open their mouths. Some people even secretly began to worship the so-called Taibai Star, praying to make themselves stronger or to make their enemies die suddenly - in short, in people's eyes, Taibai Star has become a synonym for viciousness, and many people will say this when they kill people.

"Bandits, right..."

Du Chengfeng captured the key information.

He wanted to see who was harming him.

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