In the Blade

Chapter 494: Heaven Beyond Heaven

What is there above the sky?

For ordinary people, the sky is the sky. Even those masters of evil spirits have never considered this issue - they at most consider the color of the sky, for example, blue is the color of the sky.

The higher he flies, the more Du Chengfeng will think of He Xiqing, the top enemy he encountered when he was just starting out, who has a strange obsession with the sky. The grassland man thinks that he is the sky, and that the sky It is the place where the eagle soars, thinking that heaven should encompass everything.

But obviously, this prairie man did not actually cover everything, and the sky is not just a place where eagles soar.

Just like where Du Chengfeng and the coyote are now, they are already beyond the reach of even the eagles. The birds that once had to be seen by raising their heads are now just a tiny black spot under their feet.

"This is the true vastness."

The coyote on the side also noticed Du Chengfeng's ecstasy and sighed in a low voice.

"The mortal world is still too small after all. Just like this, they still have to divide themselves into north, south, east and west, and fight to the death... Now that you have flown high, you have also seen how small the environment you were in before was?"

"If you say's true."

Du Chengfeng was still trying to look down, looking at the mountains and rivers at his feet.

Whether it is Jishui Town, Liuhua Mountain, or Sanshan Town, they are all extremely small. Du Chengfeng, flying in mid-air, can't even see the "ants moving" scene this time, only some vague ones. The lights seemed to say that it was not deserted there, but those lights were so small that if you were not careful, you would no longer be able to see clearly.

Du Chengfeng even tried to find the location of Wangyou Township.

He didn't see Wangyouxiang.

After all, Wangyou Township is too small. With a population of several hundred people, it can only be considered a village. Compared with a small town like Sanshan Town, it is far behind. Even if such a village is close, it will be useless. It may not be possible to find it, let alone such a high altitude.

From this perspective, what the coyote said is indeed true.

The mortal world is indeed a bit small.

Du Chengfeng knows the term planet. If the atmosphere is viewed as an outer shell, the outer shell must be much larger than the inner surface - the coyotes around him may not know what a planet is. materialistic statement, but it can at least feel the difference in size.

"Compared to the ocean above the earth's surface, the sky is the real deep sea!"

Du Chengfeng, who was doing it while flying in mid-air, felt inexplicably nervous.

He didn't know why he suddenly thought of this, but the feeling of being spied on came over him again, as if he was being stared at by a deep sea monster. No matter how hard he tried to peek in the opposite direction, he could only see To darkness and total darkness.

"Calm down, calm down."

Just when Du Chengfeng turned his head and looked around, the coyote raised his paw.

"Your senses are indeed keen, but there is no need to panic... Think about it, since you and I can fly up, are there more senior sages besides us?"

"You mean..."

Du Chengfeng hesitated.

"Do they have voyeuristic tendencies?"

"That's what you said."

Coyote's face suddenly stiffened.

"What is the habit of voyeurism? This is called scrutinizing and observing the younger generation... Think about it, if a stranger comes to wander around your territory, no matter how good-tempered you are, do you have to take a second look? Let’s see what this guy’s background is and what he’s going to do?”

"You said's true."

Du Chengfeng nodded, and the look in his eyes towards Coyote changed a bit.

At first, he thought that the coyote that suddenly appeared was here to cause trouble for him. After meeting him, he also thought that the coyote was going to trick him into going to die like the weasel. But after After getting along with him for a while, he discovered that this coyote seemed to have some communication skills.

Every time, he can accurately say what he is thinking, and at the same time, he can also vividly give some cases to facilitate his quick understanding.

This coyote looked nothing like a wolf.

This ability to communicate quickly is something that many people may not be able to do!

"So can you help pass a message to these seniors?"

Du Chengfeng rubbed his hands with an embarrassed look.

"It's always a bit embarrassing to come here empty-handed when you're here for the first time. Is there anything you guys want to eat? I can make some of my specialty dishes."


Coyote was immediately amused.

"You learned this etiquette from the mortal world, right? The seniors don't need this kind of thing. On the one hand, the seniors and sages have achieved good moral cultivation and basically no longer need the food of the mortal world. On the other hand, it's because, The predecessors and sages all have their own things to be busy with.”

"Is this... disturbing?"

Du Chengfeng scratched his head in embarrassment. He had never thought it would be like this.

But it was indeed different here from the ground. The customs were completely different. Especially when he looked around, he couldn't even see the shadows of those predecessors. This feeling was like entering a brand new world.

Du Chengfeng was full of curiosity about a different world.

"So...if this is the place where the predecessors and sages lived, then where do you live?"


Coyote chuckled.

"To you, I am also a senior sage."

Speaking of this, the coyote leaped into the distance.

"Follow me."

Du Chengfeng followed it all the way and saw that the coyote was running towards a distant star. After estimating the distance, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but hesitate, because in his understanding, the distance between stars, even if it turned into light, would probably take many years to reach.

Is this coyote going to use this method to sneak away from him?

"Come on!"

The coyote's voice sounded in front.

"We'll be there soon!"

"You... Hey!"

Hearing the coyote say this, Du Chengfeng didn't doubt it and flew along.

It was during this flight that he realized that his previous judgment was wrong.

From a distance, the coyote seemed to be running towards a twinkling star, but it was not until he got closer that Du Chengfeng saw that it was more like a hole than a star.

A hole with light shining through it.

It was like a hole in the void of the sky. The hole just stayed there quietly, with bright white light coming out from it, but the light was not dazzling, but rather a bit soft, and even had some earthy smell of grass and trees.

"This is the place I told you about."

The coyote stopped outside the hole.

"Although you may worry that it would be a bit dangerous to come in like this, I still think you can come in and take a look..."

"Then take a look."

Du Chengfeng didn't hesitate, anyway, he already had a certain trust in the coyote.

The worst result is nothing more than a fight, anyway, he has played away games before.

What Du Chengfeng didn't expect was that he just followed the coyote out, and the whole person suddenly felt dazed.

It was as if he had really come to another world.

And he was very familiar with this feeling.

"My heart has become more active."

Du Chengfeng frowned slightly, he should have been to such a place.

Whether it was the imagined Peach Blossom Land or the worlds he traveled through when he killed Huang Tian, ​​the feeling this place gave him was exactly the same as those places!

Compared with this strong idealistic zone, the world he was in before could indeed be called the mortal world.


Looking at the flowers, trees, shady trees and grass around him, Du Chengfeng touched his chin.

However, there is a difference.

Although this is indeed a strong idealistic environment, there is another force that is suppressing everything here. It is precisely because of the existence of this force that this small world like a paradise will not be like the Peach Blossom Land he has seen, which can be easily controlled by the mind.

Unlike the strong idealistic environment in his cognition, this small world is more stable.

"This is my place, and it is also the most suitable environment for me."

The coyote stopped in the woods.

Just looking at the figure standing in the woods, it is almost no different from an ordinary wild wolf, and the magic of flying in the clouds just now is gone.

But facing this situation, Du Chengfeng nodded slightly.

Whether it is magical or not is not so important to him at this level. If he wants to do it, he can do 800 different magical events - but the coyote in front of him showed another attitude. This coyote has clearly completely integrated into the surrounding environment, and even indistinguishable from each other.

The coyote is this small world, and this small world is the coyote itself.

One is all, and all is one.

"Looking at your eyes, I think you have understood something."

The coyote nodded slightly.

"For mortals, the three turbidities are not necessarily a bad thing. After all, the primitive desires of greed, anger, and ignorance can make them move and quickly gain strength... So the problem is here. If you want to strip off the three turbidities, the desires will also be deprived together. You should have had similar experiences, right?"

"I... indeed."

Du Chengfeng nodded.

He had really encountered what the coyote said - although he did not notice this when he reflected on it, now under the reminder of the coyote, he had already thought of some of his previous experiences.

That is, when he used his heart power to replace the evil spirit.

Because the effect of the evil spirit was too great and its limitations were also obvious, when he realized that there was something more useful like heart power, Du Chengfeng simply chose to suppress the evil spirit with his heart power - indeed, this attempt did work, and the evil spirit was perfectly suppressed by him.

But this actually brought another problem.

That is, he lost his will to fight.

Although he would still fight with others, in fact, he was far from the kind of desire to win when he met a strong opponent in Jizhou and Yanzhou before. The pursuit of strength that he had said before gradually turned into fighting if there was a strong enemy. If there was no strong enemy, he was too lazy to look for it, anyway, he could still live his life well.

Compared with his previous self, he even rarely killed people.

Of course, part of this is because he is a pacifist, but the other part is...

"In other words, I have stripped myself of my anger, so I have also stripped myself of this desire?"

"You can understand it that way."

The coyote nodded in agreement.

"This is why the three turbidities are difficult to deal with. After all, you were born in the mortal world, which means that the three turbidities are part of you. Stripping off the three turbidities is like stripping off your skin and bones. If all of these are stripped off, how can you still stand up?"

"You... are indeed!"

Du Chengfeng nodded repeatedly.

Stripping off the evil spirit also strips off the will to fight. If stripping off the mental strength, his willpower will probably be stripped along with it. As for the incense and vows... he really doesn't need this, but if everyone in this world no longer remembers him, then in this idealistic world, what is the difference between him and death?

"Then, what do you mean... don't strip it off?"

"How is that possible? If that were the case, I wouldn't have come to you."

Coyote shook his head repeatedly.

"If you don't strip off the three turbidities, you will still be affected by the three turbidities, but stripping off the three turbidities will have serious consequences... Let's put it this way, it's like you are a mortal. If your bones are broken, what should you do?"

"... crippled?"

Du Chengfeng gave an answer instinctively, but he immediately knew that this was not what Coyote wanted to ask.

So he gave another answer.

"Should I find something else to replace this bone?"


The coyote laughed.

"When a mortal's leg is lame, he knows to use crutches. When a demon's bone is broken, he knows to replace it. Now you know what to do if you are infected by the three turbidities?"

"You should find something that can replace the three turbidities."

Du Chengfeng understood what the coyote wanted to say.

"Something that can allow me to stand without relying on the three turbidities."

"Right, that's what you have to do."

The coyote nodded.

"When you complete this replacement, you will also complete the transformation from turbidity to clarity. At that time, you will be the same as us... That's why I brought you here to see it. After all, this environment is the first step for you to cleanse the three turbidities in your body."

As he said this, the coyote raised his paw and pointed at the flowers, plants and trees around him.

"This is the most suitable environment for me. I am the real me here. I know clearly who I am, so the power of the three turbidities cannot affect me... This is the first step to clear the three turbidities. First, determine who you are."

"Who... am I?"

Du Chengfeng was stunned.

This question is a bit too profound.

Who am I? How should he answer this question?

"Yes, who are you."

Coyote nodded.

"Who are you, what do you want, where do you want to live, what are your desires... Only when you find yourself, can you know what is clear."

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