In the Blade

Chapter 497 What does the world look like in your eyes?

The cave that the coyote mentioned is not too far from the location of their caves. At most, it is a little higher in terms of height.

"So, the location of my cave was also deliberately chosen by you, right?"

After noticing this, Du Chengfeng, who was flying in the air, turned his head and looked at the coyote beside him.

"The distance is closer, so if something happens to you, I can't escape either?"

"You think too much of me."

The coyote, who was also flying in the air, shook his head repeatedly.

"It should be said that the distance is so close that it is convenient for us to help each other. If something really happens, we can support each other... Otherwise, if I am in the east and you are in the west, and I or you suddenly die, the other side will probably know nothing and can only wait for the enemy to block the door."

"That may not be the case."

Du Chengfeng decided to show his strength first to show the coyote.

Then he stopped, stretched out his hand and a hole appeared beside him.

He has the ability left by Huang Tian to open portals everywhere, and he can reach thousands of miles away in an instant. As long as he has a specific location, distance is not a problem for him at all.

"It's a big problem. Your method is too ingenious."

Coyote shook his head.

"I roughly know where your method came from. You probably got a lot of things from him... just the so-called ancient survivors. It's hard to say whether they are really ancient."

"... What do you mean?"

Du Chengfeng was stunned. He didn't expect that he could hear news about Huang Tian from this coyote.

And from the tone... it seems that there is something else in it?

"If it's convenient, tell me in detail?"

"It's not inconvenient."

Coyote said it very easily.

"Since you know that many predecessors came to heaven and opened their own caves to regulate the three turbidities, you should also be able to think that the earliest predecessors who opened caves may not have done it in heaven... Although the ignorant predecessors can be considered predecessors in terms of seniority, they may not be that strong, and their vision may not be that high."


Du Chengfeng was a little confused.

"What does this have to do with vision?"

"It has a lot to do with it."

Coyote sighed, and then simply explained to Du Chengfeng.

"Let me put it this way, do you think the earliest batch of predecessors who opened caves, their purpose is really to clean up the three turbidities?"


Du Chengfeng originally wanted to nod, but immediately frowned.

Not necessarily.

This is not necessarily the case. Huangtian's family is the best example. The purpose of their choice to stay away from this world is not to clean up the three turbidities, but to escape from the world from the beginning. Although from a certain perspective, they can indeed be regarded as pioneering, the original intention of this pioneering spirit is to escape.

No matter how bravely the process is described, from the beginning, their starting point comes from weakness, not the strength to face difficulties.

"It seems that you already understand what I am saying."

After looking at Du Chengfeng's face, the coyote nodded.

"The vision determines their thinking, and the thinking determines their way of dealing with things after encountering things. The results of this handling method will fall on them and become part of their strength... This does not mean that they will get better and better, and bad results will also fall on them."

Good results will naturally become stronger and stronger, and bad results will become weaker and weaker.

Du Chengfeng heard what the coyote wanted to express.

The strong will rise all the way to the sky, as for the weak, they may live for a while, but as time goes by, they will eventually meet a stronger one and be ruthlessly eliminated.

Survival of the fittest, the strong prey on the weak, this is indeed what the coyote would say.

It is indeed one of the truths in this world.

"So you have to pay attention later."

Just when Du Chengfeng was still thinking, the coyote spoke again.

"The place we are going to now, the strong man who built this cave, his vision... is very strong."

"Very strong?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but be curious.

"How strong is very strong? Can you describe it in detail?"

"This... is hard to describe, but you can see it from his cave."

The coyote thought about it and continued.

"You should also know that the cave is built by the owner himself, and it can even be said to be the external manifestation of the owner's will, so you will understand it after you go in and experience it yourself... If I tell you now, it will only scare you, after all, I have only known part of it."

"Scare me?"

Du Chengfeng frowned.

"Not really, how can it scare me? Which part did you see?"

"...The most powerful part."

The coyote closed his eyes, and a look of nostalgia appeared on his face.

But Du Chengfeng saw a trace of fear on this face.

What is this coyote afraid of?

"Why don't you tell me first."

Du Chengfeng stopped again.

"What's that saying, knowing yourself and the enemy is the way to victory...Otherwise, I don't know anything, I haven't even heard where to go, and I followed you in. If I die in there, wouldn't it be a waste of death?"

"If you ask me that, I haven't actually been in his cave, although I was indeed brought up by him, but... never mind."

With a sigh, the coyote stopped.

"Then I'll tell you about what happened when he brought me up."

With that, the coyote began his story.

A long time ago, he was not a wild wolf, but a general in a country called "Dajing" in the mortal world. However, unlike other veterans who were promoted by leading troops and accumulating experience, he was very young at the time.

Although his status was difficult to convince people in terms of age, no one questioned him, only because his style was completely different from those veterans, and even his way of fighting was completely different.

In short, he fought his way to this position.

If a person can beat three or five people, then at most he can only be considered brave. If a person can beat more than ten people, he is qualified to be selected as a vanguard. If a person can beat hundreds of people, he can only be considered a fierce general. But when a person can kill tens of thousands of people, he is enough to be regarded as an army.

"Only strength is absolute and the root of everything."

Speaking of the past, the coyote seemed calm.

"The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be eliminated. I understood this a long time ago, so I chose to make myself the strongest."

And the facts have proved that his original choice was correct. When other generals were gradually eliminated because of their own military power, only he had never dared to move his mind - just because he did not need baggage and food, nor did he need a full set of soldiers and horses. He was an army by himself, and who could move him?

Even if the Emperor Dajing at that time gritted his teeth, he could do nothing about him.

"I was still young at that time, so I didn't understand the emperor's fear."

At this point, the coyote sighed.

"At that time, I just felt that I had not done anything to betray him, nor did I have any intention of opposing him. All I wanted was to become stronger, to become the strongest. Why did he have to do everything he could to attack me? I didn't understand it at that time."

But even if he didn't understand, it was useless. After taking over the military power of several other generals, he was already the only general, ranking first among all officials, and even qualified to go to the palace with a sword.

And the most troublesome thing is that he is younger than the emperor on the throne.

Not only in age, but also in body. Although he is only three years younger than the emperor, he is nearly thirty years old, but he still has the peak physique of eighteen or nineteen years old, and it is visible to the naked eye that this state will continue. Even if the emperor becomes old and frail in a few decades, he may not be half as old.

Just because he is too powerful as an individual.

"I don't mean to rebel. We were good friends when we were young, and he should have understood my thoughts, but he still chose to attack me... Of course, if the method was good, it would be fine, and it would give me more challenges, but the methods he used every time were so clumsy, so clumsy that it was even difficult for me to be angry with him."

Coyote sighed again. Obviously, even if the things he did when he was young were put into the present, they were still a bit sad.

"I don't want to kill him, but I don't know what to do. I even thought about living in seclusion, but he was still worried."

But at this time, things changed.

That was the first time he met an opponent. The old man's strength was beyond his understanding. He broke six weapons, but he couldn't beat the fishing rod in the old man's hand. This made him lose his fighting spirit.

It's not that he didn't have the ambition, but the things he encountered didn't make sense. He didn't know how the old man knocked him to the ground. How could he fight?

"You are hired by him to kill me, right?"

At that time, he said to the old man.

"You are indeed very strong. I admit that I lost to you, but you also let me know that there will always be stronger people in this world... How I died today, you will die the same way in the future, we will meet in the underworld."

"... What are you talking about? Do you think that my ability can be used by mortals?"

Coyote still remembers that the old man said this at the time.

"Then I knew that I just happened to meet such a strong man, a strong man who is much stronger than myself, just like being struck by lightning on the road... It can be said to be unlucky, or lucky, but it is not something that was arranged after all."

It's just that he understood it, but the old man didn't understand it. The old man didn't know what was going on, so he simply asked a few more questions.

And on his side, naturally, he also told everything.

After all, this is something he has never been able to understand. He has clearly told his former friend time and again that he is not interested in the so-called throne, and all he wants is to become stronger. But why does he still kill him again and again, not caring about their friendship in the past? What is he trying to do?

After hearing what he said, the old man stroked his beard.

"I still can't forget what he said at that time."

At this point, the coyote narrowed his eyes.

"Have you seen a wolf? That's what he asked me."

Having seen wolves or not, of course he had seen them. After all, when he went out, he had killed countless wild wolves with his casual blows, and he had even killed tigers and leopards.

But what does this have to do with his current predicament?

"There will be no rabbits near the wolf's den."

The old man continued to say to him.

"You must put the wolf and the rabbit in the same den, the rabbit will be scared to death. No matter how close the wolf and the rabbit are, the wolf is the wolf and the rabbit is the rabbit. The wolf always has the ability to skin and bone the rabbit, so how can the rabbit not be afraid?"

After listening to the old man's explanation, he suddenly realized.

He, who fought against thousands of troops with his own strength, had become the most ferocious wolf in the Dajing Dynasty, and the man who was once his best friend, even though he had become the emperor, was still just a cowardly rabbit compared to him.

The rabbit was terrified, almost scared to death, so he tried his best to use all his tricks on the wolf around him - but these weak tricks were meaningless to him as a wolf, just poisoning or assassination attacks, which couldn't even hurt his fur.

It was precisely because so many methods failed to work that the rabbit became more and more terrified.

"So... there were only two ways in front of me at that time."

The coyote sighed.

"Either I would give up my cultivation, cut off my claws and teeth, and become a rabbit with him, or..."

"Or fly to the sky, right?"

Du Chengfeng thought about it.

"Is this the solution that the old man gave you?"

"Or go to a stronger place, where wolves should live."

The coyote smiled bitterly.

"A wolf stayed in the rabbit's den. Although that was the place where I was born and raised, it was my fault for not leaving and scaring the rabbits around me."

"...So, I've always wanted to ask a question."

After listening for a long time, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but speak.

"You said so much, what does this have to do with where we are going? Why don't you say more about the old man."

"Didn't I say it all? Or did you not understand it yet?"

The coyote frowned, and looked at Du Chengfeng with doubts.

"You have been listening for so long, so haven't you thought about it?"

"What did you think about?"

Du Chengfeng was a little puzzled.

"Please tell me in detail."

"I mean, haven't you ever thought about why I am a wolf now?"

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