In the Blade

Chapter 500: The Way of the Wolf

After a brief period of darkness, the coyote opened his eyes.

When he saw that he had become a newborn wolf, the coyote smiled helplessly. Although he had some premonitions in his heart, he still felt a little sad to have fallen to this point.

Yes, he was brought to heaven by the old man, so he naturally knew a little about the old man's cave - although he had never really entered this cave, he knew the old man.

He could use the story of the wolf and the rabbit to comfort him, and directly treat people as animals. How different would such an existence's thoughts be from ordinary people.

Now, he knew.

"So this is what you think..."

Looking at the environment around him that was exactly the same as his own cave, the coyote had vaguely understood something.

Just because it looks like it doesn't mean that the two are really the same. His can only be regarded as a living environment suitable for wolves, but this jungle now...

He can feel that this is an environment suitable for all animals to survive.

Or in other words, this is reality.

It's just different from the mortal world. This is another reality. There is no evil spirit, no willpower, and no incense and vows. If you want to survive in this place, you can only use your body like a beast, scratch, bite, eat raw meat and drink blood, and carry out the most primitive killing.

"Heaven and earth are not kind, and treat all things as straw dogs..."

After realizing all this, the coyote's back felt a little cold.

"Old thing, do you think you are heaven?"

But it's meaningless for him to think about these things now. As a newborn wolf cub, he must survive first-although he has thought about whether to try to exit this cave by dying, but he gave up this idea before he even thought about it.

The old man fishing would never give him such an easy way to escape. After all, he himself was also influenced by the old man. The strong prey on the weak, and only the strong have the right to survive.

Choosing to retreat is undoubtedly a sign of cowardice. If he really shows cowardice, I'm afraid he will really die here.

"So... I have to become stronger."

Before he was born, he had already understood the rules here.

To become stronger, at least strong enough to save his life, otherwise, even if he didn't commit suicide, he might be killed by other beasts.

Weakness means infinitely close to death, and only strength is the only way to survive.

"I must become stronger!"

Thinking of this, he decisively began to drink wolf milk.

He had already spent a long time in the body of a wolf, so he would not have any grudges about drinking two mouthfuls of wolf milk. At this moment, he only knew that only by eating enough could he become stronger and survive!


Only seven days after he was born, he began to follow the old wolf, licking blood and tearing raw meat. When he was fifteen days old, he was able to follow the old wolf to go out hunting - although the body of the young wolf was obviously not suitable for fighting, as long as he carefully showed signs of the presence of a beast, the frightened prey would not dare to flee in his direction.

"I never thought that I would have the power to bully others!"

Whenever he thought that he could only scare his prey with the smell left by the old wolf, he felt ashamed.

But soon, this shame would become his motivation to become stronger.

In this world where the strong prey on the weak, eating is always the first priority. Only by eating more can you become strong, and only by becoming strong can you eat more - so every time he hunts, he is the one who rushes to the front, and every time he tears the prey, he must be the one who eats the most.

Other wolves often prefer fresh internal organs, but he will swallow the flesh and blood together. He never wastes the remains of the prey, and even the marrow hidden in the bones will be licked clean by him.

It is precisely because of this obsession with food that his body grows rapidly and visibly.

In the first month, his body was already the largest among all the young wolves, and in the second month, his body was close to that of an adult wolf - at this time, he would no longer go on any hunting like before. In order to get more food, he simply chose to hunt alone.

Hunting alone is extremely dangerous for wolves, because the only way wolves attack is to bite. If they want to bite, they must stick out their fragile heads, and they only have one chance to attack.

This method is acceptable when dealing with small prey such as rabbits and foxes, but these small prey also have their own way of survival. Their senses are often extremely sensitive, and they will run away directly at the slightest sign of trouble.

This is why wolves often choose to hunt in groups. They need to surround the prey to prevent them from escaping. Otherwise, once they enter the pursuit stage, it is difficult for larger wolves to catch up with these small prey in a bushy environment. And collective action can also keep the wolf pack sufficiently deterrent when facing large beasts.

For beasts like tigers, it is just a matter of a casual claw to kill a wolf, but if facing a wolf pack, even if the tiger can kill a wolf, it will inevitably be bitten by other wolves.

Therefore, these predators often do not fight with each other, because this kind of lose-lose battle is of no benefit to both sides.

Unless one party takes the initiative to provoke.

"The meat of a tiger should be enough to last for several days."

Looking at the tiger licking the water by the stream, the coyote hiding in the dark narrowed his eyes.

The wind direction was in his favor. He was downwind at the moment. He could smell the tiger, but the tiger couldn't smell him. The only thing he had to worry about was that he only had one chance to attack.

But this was never a problem for him.

He paced gently and slowly towards the tiger. The whole process was not hurried or slow, without any impatience in the face of the beast. He couldn't make a mistake in the back-to-back attack. After all, even if the tiger attacked him head-on, he had the confidence to bite it to death on the spot.

The only thing he had to worry about was the tiger's escape. After all, with the tiger's agility, it would always take some effort to chase it.

But he was lucky. The tiger hadn't heard his footsteps yet. It was still squatting by the river, licking the clear water in the river like a cat.

However, at this critical moment, a driftwood came down the river from a distance.


The coyote didn't say anything, but his face looked a little bad.

Perhaps his luck was really bad. The driftwood was heading directly towards the tiger. It was obvious to the naked eye that the driftwood would alarm the tiger he was aiming at - and the tiger obviously noticed this, and even stopped drinking water and raised its head.

This was undoubtedly the worst case scenario. Once the tiger became alert, his ambush would be exposed immediately. If the tiger simply left like this...

"Hurry up!"

At this moment, the coyote no longer cared about hiding his body. Even if the ambush turned into a frontal kill, it didn't matter. He had to bite off this piece of fresh meat before the tiger left!

However, some things were faster than him.

It was the thing that looked like driftwood in the river, but at this moment it suddenly opened its bloody mouth towards the tiger. Just looking at the mouth full of teeth, it was actually two circles larger than the tiger's head - the tiger by the river didn't even have time to react before it was bitten on the neck.

But being bitten on the neck does not mean that it will die immediately. At the last moment of its life, the tiger was still struggling desperately, trying to escape from the bite of the big mouth.

However, at this time, the big mouth directly dragged the tiger into the river.

The dying tiger still wanted to stabilize its body, but the big mouth biting the tiger suddenly twisted. Under this huge force, the tiger's body was twisted and distorted, and its limbs kicked in the air, but it could not find a point of leverage in the river. Soon the whole tiger body was dragged into the water, leaving only a fresh bloody red.

"It's... a crocodile."

The coyote's face became extremely ugly.

Alligators, or crocodiles, this kind of thing doesn't look like it can live in this jungle. In his impression, these things should live in some more humid and hot environments-but such a thing that shouldn't exist here appeared in front of him.

Yes, it appeared in front of him.

The crocodile was not in a hurry to eat the tiger dragged into the river, but directly climbed ashore and crawled towards him.

This is no longer hunting.

This is purely for killing.

"Who are you?"

The coyote spoke cautiously.

Just now, he vaguely thought of something.

"Are you here for his legacy too?"


The crocodile did not make any sound, but the forward steps have become another answer.

If it was just hunting, this crocodile that already had prey would not have needed to go ashore.

This crocodile came for him.

Yes, he should have thought of it earlier. If this cave has the ability to turn intruders into animals, then in this jungle where the strong prey on the weak, he is definitely the weakest one - just because he has no idea what other intruders will become, but all intruders know very well that he will definitely become a wolf!

In other words, the other intruders may not know who each other is, but as long as they kill the wolf when they see it, they can steadily eliminate a competitor.

What's more, he has even taken the initiative to reveal his identity just now.

Even though he had revealed his identity, the crocodile still rushed towards him with big strides. It was obvious that the crocodile had no intention of communicating with him at all.

Or, the crocodile had already eaten him.

Facing the crocodile with thick skin, he had no chance in a head-on battle. With just his teeth, it was impossible to bite through the crocodile's thick skin - he couldn't even break the defense. This kind of battle was impossible from the beginning.


This was his first reaction.

In this situation, running away was really the right choice. Theoretically, the crocodile's four short legs might not be able to keep up with his speed.

But, it was only in theory.

When he started running all the way, he found that the crocodile was crawling on the ground and biting him tightly behind him!

"How is it possible?"

The coyote was shocked. Everything in front of him was a little beyond his cognition.

The speed of the four short legs was actually slightly faster than his... How could such a thing be done?

However, the crocodile did it anyway, and even got faster and faster - it was at this time that the coyote noticed that the crocodile's posture was more like it was crawling on the ground than crawling.

This was not a technique that a crocodile could have at all. It was obvious that in order to kill him, this crocodile transformed by an unknown senior sage had already used his special skills.

Facing such a ferocious crocodile, it would be meaningless even for the wolves to mobilize collectively. Their bites could not even break the hard skin of the crocodile - or in other words, this crocodile may have specially strengthened its hard skin. Skin to protect against possible bites.

After all, his information was exposed from the beginning, so how could those potential competitors not make targeted reinforcements?


Thinking of this, Coyote simply stopped.

There is no point even returning to the wolf pack. This crocodile will only kill all the wolves, so instead of running away in embarrassment, it is better to choose to turn back and fight hard - although the result is doomed from the beginning, it only knows how to bite. There was no way he could defeat this well-prepared crocodile, but turning around and fighting for his life would at least allow him to die a little more easily.

"It turns out that this is the law of the jungle."

At the critical moment of life and death, he felt that he suddenly understood everything.

Originally, he thought that as long as he kept being strong and biting, he would never be the one to be eaten. However, facing the thick and hard skin of the crocodile, he realized that sometimes, one-sided force is really not enough. It will definitely solve the problem.

When the crocodile can completely defend against his bite, the crocodile has become completely powerful to him!

Strength is never absolute, but relative.

It's just that his understanding came a little too late.

The crocodile that was rushing towards him had already opened its bloody mouth towards him.


The huge mouth full of sharp teeth bit down on the coyote's head, and pungent blood splashed all over the coyote's head and face.


The coyote raised his head subconsciously.

Just because what was splashed on his face was not his blood.

That was the crocodile's blood. The blood spurted out from the crocodile's mouth. Three sharp bamboo tubes had already nailed the entire crocodile's mouth. The huge force drove the crocodile back all the way, and even directly nailed the crocodile to the ground. On the trees in the distance.


Coyote turned his head subconsciously.

If the crocodile was already something that shouldn't appear in the forest, then the thing in front of him shouldn't appear in this kind of place even more.

Theoretically, it should be a monkey, but now this monkey is standing on two feet like a human being. The thick tiger skin is draped on the monkey's body, silently telling the monkey's past achievements, but even these The thick fur could not hide the bulging muscles on the monkey's body. In the hands of the monkey, it was holding a stick filled with stone flakes. The sharpened stone flakes were evenly arranged on the stick. Make the whole stick look like a big knife.

Just looking at the way the monkey is holding the stick, it is a hundred times, a thousand times more terrifying than the crocodile!

"There are actually crocodiles here! Get better!"

The monkey looked at the crocodile with joy.

"This way the armor can be upgraded by one liter!"

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