In the Blade

Chapter 508: You can recognize this formation

The fighting skills of animals are actually very crude.

Of course, compared to having no skills at all, the fighting techniques used by animals for hunting, no matter how crude they are, are enough to kill people - but once they encounter a warrior who also knows how to fight and has been trained for a long time, the fighting techniques of animals seem a bit too primitive.

In short, that kind of straightforward fighting style is okay for bullying ordinary people, but when encountering those real masters, they will be shaken like walking a dog and can't even see where the opponent is.

"In the final analysis, it is the understanding and summary of strength."

Du Chengfeng understands this point, which is also the biggest reason why humans are stronger than animals. Humans know how to use memory to save post-match videos, and also know how to adjust their shortcomings through post-match summaries, so as to accumulate corresponding experience and make their skills more delicate and proficient.

In theory, animals can't do this.

But it's only in theory.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the tiger that flipped over and fell to the ground in front of him, Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded.

Could it be that he was so lucky that he caught a competitor who turned into a tiger when he went out?

"Then you have to adapt to me!"

Du Chengfeng directly pulled out the javelin hanging on his back.

There is nothing to say about the following battle. Du Chengfeng originally thought that the tiger was very strong, so he chose to go all out - but he didn't expect that the tiger was weaker than he expected. Facing the javelin in his hand, the tiger didn't even last three rounds before it was bleeding. When it met for the fourth time, three javelin were already stuck in its body.

The tiger finally fell to the ground as expected, but there was no joy of victory on Du Chengfeng's face.

"This is not the mighty one who turned into an animal."

Recalling the battle just now, Du Chengfeng frowned slightly.

If it was really a mighty one who turned into an animal, then he wouldn't be so easy to take it down - the most important thing is that he didn't hide his identity, even if it was a competitor who turned into a tiger, he wouldn't be stupid enough to appear in front of him and fight him head-on.

It's not a question of whether you can beat him or not, but when two masters fight, it's easy to end up in a fight that hurts both sides, and the result is that no one wins, but the competitors hiding in the dark get the advantage.

"That is to say... this is just an ordinary tiger."

Du Chengfeng touched his chin.

It's just an ordinary tiger, but it can survive three encounters under his hands?

If this level of combat power is used to attack and kill other animals, wouldn't it be as easy as eating and drinking water?

"This is their new trick."

Du Chengfeng hurried back and found the coyote.

"As the wolf king, you should also let your wolves pay attention, especially tigers and bears. You must go around them when you see them. They have all practiced."

"They actually shared fighting skills..."

When he heard this, the coyote was also quite upset, just because the matter was completely beyond his expectations.

You must know that whether it is a bear or a tiger, these top predators are actually not social creatures. Unlike monkeys and wolves who have the habit of living in groups, tigers and bears have always tended to fight on their own - in other words, becoming a competitor of tigers and bears, and their kind, is actually closer to a competitor relationship, which belongs to the one side eating more, the other side will eat less.

However, in this situation, the two potential competitors were able to pass on their fighting skills and improve the average fighting power of the entire tribe...

"This is how we should fight! We should have fought this way a long time ago!"

While the coyote was still trying to think of a solution, Du Chengfeng had already clenched his fists.

"This is what we want! Otherwise, there is no pressure at all... This is how competition should be! This is when we can show our style!"

"... Do you think this is a good thing?"

The coyote was stunned. He always felt that he was getting more and more unable to keep up with Du Chengfeng's brain circuits.

It can't be said that after becoming a monkey in the cave, even the brain has become a monkey, right? Can this kind of thing where the enemy is strong and we are weak really be considered a good thing?

"Of course it can be considered a good thing."

Du Chengfeng explained.

"If you just beat a group of rookies, even if you win, it doesn't really count... Just like what I did before, if you bring a dog, the dog can do it, can this be improved?"


The coyote's face was a little subtle, he always felt that he was scolding himself.

What do you mean by "any dog ​​can do it"? He didn't think of this idea of ​​improving weapons and armor, which means he is not even as good as a dog?

"So what do you say we should do now? Should we continue to improve our weapons and equipment?"

Taking a deep breath, the coyote simply raised the most serious question at the moment.

Yes, this is also the most troublesome part.

Their weapons and equipment have been upgraded to the limit.

In the final analysis, this forest is just an environment deliberately created in the cave, not the real world. In this place, they can make stone tools, or even bronze tools, which is already the limit. As for iron tools or better steel... It's not that they don't want to do it, but they are really limited by the conditions and can't smelt iron.

Under such conditions, they can make bronze armor and bronze arrow bed crossbows, and even make a stone city to maintain defense, which is already very good.

If they want to improve their combat power... how can they improve without evil spirits, mental strength, and incense and willpower?

"The offensive and defensive momentum has changed."

Coyote sighed at the thought.

"We have reached the limit of what we can do, but those potential competitors have not yet shown their limits... These powerful people have their own methods. It will be good if we can ensure that we are alive in the future."

"You mean, let's adapt to them?"

After hearing what he said, Du Chengfeng shook his head repeatedly.

"Your idea is too weak. How can we adapt to them? We should let them adapt to us!"

"That's the problem, they've adapted to us."

Coyote closed his eyes.

"Indeed, maybe you used some good methods at the beginning, but it's obvious that they have begun to adapt to us and even counterattacked against us... Don't forget that you supplied those bears and tigers before The armor and weapons are still there, but now they have learned stronger martial arts, this kind of fighting power..."

"No, they're not used to us yet."

Du Chengfeng shook his head.

"Who else told you that we must fight them?"

"No fight?"

Coyote briefly thought he heard something wrong.

“How can we win without fighting?”

"There are many ways."

Du Chengfeng answered like this.

After that, the armed monkeys and armored wolves reduced their hunting range, or simply stopped hunting. Anyway, Du Chengfeng had deliberately transplanted some fruit trees and edible mushrooms nearby, and they even Also raised pigs.

This unusual movement naturally attracted the attention of the brown bear and tiger.

"How could that be? Are they afraid?"

With this idea in mind, the brown bear and the tiger met again.

Then, both of them shook their heads.

It shouldn't be that he is afraid. Judging from the monkey's previous behavior, the word "fear" is absolutely impossible to appear - and this means that the monkey must be brewing some conspiracy.

This conspiracy is so significant that it is enough to make those armed monkeys shrink their hunting range.

"How about... go take a look?"

Tiger put forward his own suggestion. He felt that no matter what happened, seeing is believing after all.

But the brown bear shook his head.

"That's not good...I mean in terms of safety. If you were to face that bed crossbow, would you survive?"


The tiger was speechless.

In theory, it should be possible. After all, he is not a local tiger. He was originally a powerful person from the outside world, and is much stronger than ordinary tigers - but it has been so many days, and the monkey can definitely make more. Bed Crossbow, if I really give him a few rounds of volleys...

"But if we don't go and take a look, we won't know what happened."

The tiger gritted his teeth, still unwilling to give up.

"But if we go there in person...hey."

The tiger couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, the importance of teamwork is reflected. Both of them are beasts. If they really choose to get close, they will definitely be stared at and beaten by bed crossbows. So the best way at this time is to find someone who can communicate with them. , but the powerful one who has not yet revealed his identity, went over to take a look, and then brought back the information.

However, it is obvious that they cannot find such a powerful person. They have already given up on forming alliances and have chosen to become stronger alone. Other potential competitors have no intention of paying attention to them.

"How about taking a look from a distance."

After much deliberation, Tiger made a decision.

"There must be necessary information. Taking a look from a distance, we must at least know what happened."

"If you must do this... that's fine."

For safety reasons, the brown bear decided to go with the tiger.

Although the two of them are no longer in alliance, they still have the friendship of escaping together before. With each other watching and helping each other, it is always easier to trust each other.

"But don't get too close and be aware of the impact."

The brown bear gave his final instructions.

"Apex predators don't get too close to each other. They have their own territory. Once the two of us walk side by side, it's basically like telling the monkey to come and kill us."

"Then zoom out a little further."

Tiger nodded.

The two of them were familiar with each other on the way to Stone City. After all, they had been beaten back there before. This tragic defeat was deeply engraved in their hearts. How could they forget this kind of defeat? The thing - however, even while walking on this extremely familiar road, Tiger always felt like something was wrong.

Yes, something is very wrong.

If he remembered correctly, he would have to walk at least some distance before he could see the shadow of the stone city.

But why, before he reached the original battlefield, he had already seen the familiar stone wall?

"Is it an illusion? Did I remember it wrong?"

Tiger shook his head vigorously. He thought it was his own problem for a while.

But when he looked over, there was still the familiar stone wall in the distance.

"There seems to be something not quite right..."

The tiger, unable to confirm its own memory, simply took the risk and rushed all the way to the brown bear.

It was only after he arrived that he realized that the brown bear was more unlucky than him - he at least looked up, but the brown bear just walked a few more steps forward - so three crossbow arrows were nailed to the place where the brown bear was originally standing.

If the brown bear had not run fast, he would probably have been killed by the bed crossbow.

"At least we have one thing right."

The brown bear's face was quite ugly.

"That monkey really made more bed crossbows... I said that this monkey has been holding back his farts for some time."

"I think this is actually a small matter."

The tiger's face was quite subtle.

"The real trouble is... Have you noticed that the location of the stone city seems to have changed?"


The brown bear, who came back to his senses, had already noticed something wrong after being reminded by the tiger.

Indeed, this was not an illusion, but the location of the stone city really changed - or in other words, the stone city has obviously expanded a lot.

If the previous stone city could only be regarded as a sentry tower or a watchtower at best, then the current stone city already looks like a castle. Not only has the area expanded several times, but there are even more crossbows on the wall.

On the top of the city, there are armed monkeys standing everywhere. Just by looking at the way these monkeys are wearing helmets and armor, you can tell that the copper armor originally put on the wild boars has been taken back to the furnace for remaking.

"And have you noticed that there seem to be more monkeys?"

The brown bear raised his paw and pointed at the armed monkeys on the wall.

It's actually hard to tell, after all, they themselves haven't actually counted how many armed monkeys there are - but just looking at the scale of the black mass on the top of the city, these armed monkeys seem to have indeed increased a lot.

"This... is normal."

The tiger didn't think there was anything wrong.

"After all, local beasts can also give birth, just like you and me, aren't we also born? What's more, the beasts in this forest grow fast, and it only takes a few months to... wait."

The tiger's face also stiffened.

He seemed to suddenly understand what the monkey was going to do.

"We must tear down this stone city! We must tear down this stone city!"

As the idea in his mind became clearer, the tiger's expression became more ferocious.

"That monkey never thought of fighting with us! He plans to turn the entire forest into a stone city by giving birth to monkeys! If we can't stop him, when the city wall is pushed to his face, he can pile us all to death with crossbows!"

"This monkey... can he still fight like this?"

The brown bear on the side was dumbfounded.

But looking at the crossbows and armed monkeys on the top of the city, he has realized that this is no longer a guess, but a reality facing them.

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