In the Blade

Chapter 525: Sword of Evil Thoughts

Originally, in Coyote's story, Emperor Dajing was a close friend.

But right now, from Du Chengfeng's perspective, that's not the case at all. This coyote may have regarded Emperor Dajing as a friend, but Emperor Dajing never regarded the coyote as a friend from the beginning - or in other words, in the education that Emperor Dajing received, it did not exist at all. The concept of friends.

The emperor is lonely. This is the education that Emperor Dajing received. As the emperor, he is the Supreme Being and the master of the entire world.

And this also means that for him, other people are all subordinates, and they can only be ministers to death.

When they first met Coyote, the behavior that was quite loyal in the eyes of Coyote and Du Chengfeng could only be regarded as a kind of protection for toys - yes, toys, this is the year of Emperor Dajing. His instinctive thought when he was a child, that so-called friend who was the same age as him but so bold, was undoubtedly the most interesting toy in his eyes. After all, other toys still needed to be adjusted and fiddled with by himself, but this living toy didn't even have to move. You can bring him endless happiness by yourself.

In other words, like cats, like dogs, like those interesting pets, but far smarter than pets.

After Emperor Da Jing grew up, his pet became a more reliable servant. His so-called friend's fighting ability was much stronger than that of the palace guards, and he was even willing to go through fire and water for him and do anything - so After his so-called friend made great achievements, he did not hesitate to make him a minister and make him the general of Dajing.

But he was just a general of the Zhu Kingdom.

It was acceptable to him to allow this so-called friend to be on an equal footing with him, to enjoy the glory and wealth with him, and even to have a feast at the same table regardless of etiquette - or in other words, he also enjoyed this feeling very much. Enjoy the feeling of breaking through the constraints of etiquette.

However, enjoyment is enjoyment, which does not mean that he really regards this so-called friend as the same person as himself.

He is the emperor, and the emperor is lonely. Only he can stand at the center of power, and only he can enjoy everything in the world. Of course, he is also generous. If anyone asks, he will do it. Reward, but what he has not given, others cannot take away.

But his so-called friend, his most favored minister, his most trusted servant... was actually so much stronger than him, and could actually live so much longer than him!

Why? He is the real Nine-Five Supreme, isn't he? He is the lord of the world, isn't he? Why does that kid have something that he doesn't even have? Why can this kid live longer than him?

After he dies... no, he doesn't even have to wait until he dies. Right now, no one in the whole world can be the opponent of the young general. If the other party wants it, he can really keep his country and the country. ?

"No, impossible!"

The more he thought about it, the more Emperor Dajing clenched his fists.

"I am the one who owns everything! I was born as the emperor! This whole world belongs to me! It all belongs to me!"

So, driven by this idea, Emperor Dajing began to assassinate his former beloved general.

Du Chengfeng, who was in the first-person perspective, could clearly see that Emperor Da Jing had tried very hard to kill him. Emperor Da Jing had used all available means, but he could not kill him no matter what. The young general - Fortunately, the young general did not dare to show any objections and was still a qualified minister, but this also made Emperor Da Jing's methods become more and more crazy.

"No, isn't this kid afraid of death?"

Du Chengfeng, who was in the first perspective, was dumbfounded. He had no idea that Emperor Da Jing would be so mentally ill - taking the initiative to attack his favorite general, but he knew in his heart that he would definitely not be able to defeat the opponent. Come on, where did Emperor Dajing get his confidence and dare to strike again and again?

But Emperor Dajing was so confident. Perhaps the education he received since childhood was abnormal, or perhaps Emperor Dajing's brain was abnormal. Anyway, whether it was overt and covert attacks, poisoning or arson, targeting that person The young general's killing spree never stopped.

Until, the young general suddenly disappeared.

"Ah, he was picked up by the old fishing man."

When Emperor Da Jing got the news, Du Chengfeng also clarified the timeline - obviously, the young general at this time finally met the old fishing man and heard the wolf and rabbit theory, so the young general The general simply ignored him and followed the old fishing man to practice in heaven.

In the eyes of the young general, or later the coyote, since his best friend, His Majesty the Emperor, was as weak as a rabbit to him, he just had to leave voluntarily.

Now that the dangerous wolves are gone, the rabbit shouldn’t be afraid anymore, right?

But what Du Chengfeng saw now was a different scene.

Emperor Da Jing finally got his wish, and the thorn in his side finally disappeared. After the disappearance of the most powerful general of the Zhu Kingdom, Emperor Da Jing finally took control of everything in the world again - but there was no joy in his heart. On the contrary, it made him even more frightened.

"You want to see people alive, you want to see corpses when you're dead!"

Emperor Da Jing roared at his secret guards.

"Where's the body? Where's the head? What's the use of just saying he's missing?"

Yes, this is what Emperor Dajing thought. He didn't see the body, not even the head, which means that the young general is still alive, still alive somewhere in the world - but he doesn't know where he is, and where he is right now.

When and where will they meet next time?

Is it a game between two armies on the border? Or is it a riot? Or, just in this palace, like when they were young, put a knife on his neck.

Emperor Dajing knew very well what he had done. If the young general really hated him and wanted to kill him...

"You know it too!"

Du Chengfeng, who felt the thoughts of Emperor Dajing, was choked and speechless for a long time.

Knowing that he would be retaliated, he still tried to kill himself. It can only be said that Emperor Dajing is really a genius. God knows how Emperor Dajing's brain grows. Can this kind of judgment really make him a sharp emperor?

It seems that he can really do it. After all, when the coyote hadn't run away, the Emperor Dajing really had absolute force in his hands - as long as he still had absolute force in his hands, the rest of the government affairs would naturally be handled by others, and no one could say that he was a good ruler.

And now, the absolute force has left.

And for the first time, the Emperor Dajing began to face the difficulties and fears that an emperor should face.

"... Wait a minute?"

Du Chengfeng suddenly felt that something seemed to be wrong.

Although he had always felt the experience on the blade when sharpening the knife, this time it seemed different from the past - not only the experience itself, this time he could even feel the emotions of the Emperor Dajing, and even those thoughts in his heart that had not yet been spoken.

"What's going on?"

Du Chengfeng was a little puzzled for a while.

Could it be that his sharpening skills had been upgraded unconsciously?

Or was it because the strange long sword was taken out of the Emperor Dajing's brain?

"If that's the case, we may get the answer in a while."

Thinking like this, Du Chengfeng continued to watch.

There was actually nothing to see in the following scenes. Most of the time, it was the Emperor Dajing who was going crazy. After losing the strongest helper, the Emperor Dajing finally showed his true level - and just as Du Chengfeng thought, this mentally ill person really didn't have the ability to be an emperor. Not only did he not handle government affairs well, but he couldn't even suppress the ministers.

Fortunately, the ministers obviously saw that the emperor was incompetent, so they left the Emperor Dajing a natural death.

After the coyote left, the Emperor Dajing had never slept well for a day, and lived in fear every day. It was even a good thing for the Emperor Dajing to die normally.

But when people turned into corpses and lay in coffins, the Emperor Dajing knew what it meant to die without peace.

Even though his consciousness was completely scattered, and even his body had already appeared rigor mortis, the Emperor Dajing still regained consciousness and even heard a familiar voice.

"Ah, this."

Du Chengfeng, who was in the first-person perspective, looked at the familiar scene in front of him and couldn't speak for a long time.

If he remembered correctly, when Coyote told him about the difference between life and death, he also showed him this scene, but in Coyote's mouth, his close friend didn't want to wake up because of guilt - but now, Du Chengfeng has already felt the real thoughts of Emperor Dajing.

This is not because of guilt, but clearly a scalp-numbing fear.

Emperor Dajing was terrified, but he still had the memory of the time when he was dying. Obviously he was dead, and all the terrifying things should have been far away from him.

But he still heard that voice, and the fear still caught up with him... He even came back to life!

"What is this? What is going on? What is talking to me now?"

Emperor Dajing didn't dare to open his eyes anyway. He didn't dare to open his eyes, didn't dare to see everything in front of him, and didn't dare to believe what he had encountered.

But after a brief panic, what emerged in the heart of Emperor Dajing was boundless hatred.

After being awakened several times in succession, the Emperor Dajing realized that this former defeated general who was driven away by him without a trace had now obtained a method that could be called a fairy art, and could even revive the dead at will. And judging from the sound, the cunning villain might have really achieved immortality.

And these were all things that he, the emperor, would never have.

"Why! I am the emperor! Why would I not have it! All this should belong to me! It belongs to me!"

Fear mixed with hatred made the Emperor Dajing unwilling to open his eyes no matter what. Even if he would die if he continued like this, he didn't care at all.

Or, there was no need to care at all. Anyway, he was already a dead man, and he was just temporarily pulled back now, but it was better to let him die.

At this moment, the Emperor Dajing chose to actively embrace death.

"Ah, this."

Du Chengfeng was so angry that he wanted to curse.

Emperor Dajing embraced death, but Du Chengfeng, who was in the first-person perspective, was numb. Emperor Dajing didn't open his eyes, which meant he couldn't see anything. After Emperor Dajing died completely and all his senses were completely disabled, Du Chengfeng's five senses were also blocked.

In the darkness, Du Chengfeng was directly locked up.

"Is this what death feels like?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Of course, it was impossible for him to breathe at the moment, but this kind of thing seemed to be only enough to make him breathe. After experiencing death several times through Emperor Dajing's perspective, Du Chengfeng suddenly found that death didn't seem to be a big deal.

Once his eyes were closed, his consciousness was scattered, and his five senses gradually blurred, and he soon knew nothing.

Although everyone was very resistant to death, after experiencing it several times through Emperor Dajing's body, Du Chengfeng found that it didn't seem to be a big deal.

The real trouble is the process of death. When people are dying, they will be afraid, sad, and will frantically try to save their lives under the instinct of survival. But once they really die, they will just die. The dispersion of consciousness and five senses will bring eternal peace.

At least Du Chengfeng is quite peaceful now. Since there is nothing to watch, he is too idle to do anything.

"... Or let's not watch it for now."

When he improved the dragon and tiger two styles he had learned to the 386th version, even if Du Chengfeng had a good mentality, he couldn't stand it after all.

It's not that death itself made him unable to stand it, but mainly because he really had nothing to do here. It was the Emperor Dajing who really returned to death, not him. His consciousness was not dispersed. Now it seems that he can only shut himself up in this endless darkness where all five senses do not exist. This is really a waste of time.

Du Chengfeng wanted to apologize for his previous thoughts. He underestimated death itself.

"So how about... huh?"

At this time, Du Chengfeng's sight suddenly lit up.

It was not him who opened his eyes, but the Dajing Emperor who opened his eyes. The Dajing Emperor, who had been in death for an unknown period of time, was resurrected again - but this time, it was no longer his former friend who resurrected the Dajing Emperor.

The Dajing Emperor was resurrected by a corpse, a corpse that could move freely.

The corpse was wearing a wide robe with large sleeves, and it moved freely like an ordinary person. Coupled with the gloomy environment with only a few pale ghost lights around, the Dajing Emperor was even more frightened and trembling - in the eyes of the Dajing Emperor, he probably came to the underworld, and the corpse in front of him was the legendary impermanence.

However, just when the Dajing Emperor was about to announce his identity and hoped that the other party would not eat him because he was an emperor, the corpse with half of its face rotten spoke.

"Do you want revenge?"

"... Yes!"

After a short silence, the Dajing Emperor nodded fiercely.

Although it is true that Emperor Dajing died of old age, he did have an enemy in his heart—the general who was only worthy of him, the servant who served him for decades. If he had not shown leniency when he was young, this daring pariah would have been torn into pieces long ago!

And now, that villain has already acquired immortal means, but he lost everything after his death!

"Just think about it."

The corpse with half of its face rotten could not help but nod repeatedly.

"Since you want revenge, I will give you this opportunity!"


Emperor Dajing opened his mouth, he couldn't believe what he heard.

But after a brief silence, he finally lowered his head.

"But I can't do it."

Yes, this kind of thing is not something that can be solved by thinking about it. When he was still the emperor, he had tried so many times, but the result was that every time he failed. The enemy was as strong as a monster, and he couldn't defeat it even if he tried his best.

He has been dead for who knows how long, and everything that the throne brought has disappeared. With nothing, what can he use to fight that monster?

"What do you mean, nothing?"

After listening to the crying of Emperor Dajing, the corpse with half of its face rotted laughed.

"Don't you still hate?"


Emperor Dajing was stunned. What do you mean by still hate? It's true that he hates that enemy, but what's the use of just hating?

Can you hate that monster to death just by hating?

How is this possible...


At this time, Emperor Dajing's right hand suddenly raised up uncontrollably and stabbed into his temple.

A large amount of information poured into Emperor Dajing's mind, which was knowledge he had never heard of, such as the stars in the sky, the cave, the great power in the sky, and even the three turbidities and three pures... A large amount of information poured into his mind, and he was so painful that he just wanted to pull everything out of his mind.

He tried hard to pull out his right hand, and his right hand, which was originally out of control, suddenly became able to move again.

Then, his right hand pulled out a strange long sword from his head.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng's perspective began to change. His sight no longer stayed on the first-person perspective of Emperor Dajing, but gradually shifted to the brain sword as the long sword was drawn out.

"This is..."

Emperor Dajing stared at the long sword in his hand in a daze. He didn't even know whether to call this twisted thing a sword. After all, it was more like a narrow strip of flesh and blood than a long sword.

But Emperor Dajing didn't show any expression of fear.

Just because he could feel the power brought to him by this long sword.

That was the absolute power that could make everything surrender.

When the sword was held in his hand, he seemed to have returned to his life. He was still the natural emperor, and everyone needed to worship him!

"What about now?"

The corpse with half of its face rotten showed an ugly smile.

"Can you take revenge now?"


Emperor Dajing clenched the long sword tightly.

The sense of power brought by the long sword is far more terrifying than any magic of resurrection. It comes from the hatred and unwillingness of an emperor, and it is an unparalleled power!

At this moment, he not only has the confidence to kill the enemy, but also has the confidence to take back everything he has lost!

"Then take back everything you have!"

The corpse with half of its face rotted laughed.

"Since you are so ambitious, I will just send you off and let you meet your enemy!"

"Thank you!"

The Emperor of Dajing bowed his hands and then inserted the long sword back into his head.

He was not going to expose the long sword right away. He was going to deal with the traitor who dared to disobey him first. As for what to use to deal with him, it was naturally the skeleton soldiers around him - they were all former Dajing soldiers. They had died on the battlefield or died in the countryside. Now the corpse with half of its face missing called them all up for him to dispatch.

These were his soldiers, so he could command them easily.

These tireless skeleton soldiers rebuilt the capital of Dajing, a city of death. They would kill the traitor who was said to have become very strong in this trap. Facts have also proved that this traitor was not that strong. This monster who was once invincible in his eyes was soon beaten to lose his mind.

"So this is the Three Turbidities... This is the power of the immortals!"

The Emperor of Dajing, who made his first attempt, was quite ambitious. He felt that he was no worse than the monster - no, he should be stronger than the monster! This monster couldn't even be a human, and even turned into a wolfdog. On the contrary, he came out of death! Now he didn't show up, but the corpse soldiers under his command had already torn open the monster's psychological defenses and destroyed the monster's reason!

He is the strongest one! He is the strongest one!

"You asked for this... huh?"

At this time, the Emperor of Dajing suddenly looked into the distance.

"Why are there more experts coming?"

Thinking of this, Emperor Dajing once again sent out the vanguard and set up defenses.

And Du Chengfeng soon saw his big face made of steel and iron on the screen.

"Ah, this."

Du Chengfeng, who came back to his senses, suddenly felt that his face-pinching skills might need to be improved.

But in addition to this, he also got really important information this time - first of all, the identity of the enemy. At least he has confirmed that the corpse with half of the face rotten is his enemy. Although he doesn't know who this powerful person is, this kind of thing doesn't matter. Anyway, he has a friendship with many powerful people, so it's always okay to ask a question.

At worst, he can just ask Huo De Xingjun, and the old man will probably tell him.

Secondly, it was the strange means displayed by the corpse. He had seen weapons made of steel and human sacrifices, but he had never heard of using emotions mixed with flesh and blood to make weapons, or even using this arrogant hatred to give the weapons themselves strange abilities.

Or, how could such a bullshit thing actually work?

"Maybe there is something else that I don't understand."

However, Du Chengfeng no longer had the heart to understand the details of this, because there was a more important and troublesome thing in front of him.

And this was the third information he got from that memory.

"This Emperor Dajing didn't go in through the hole in the sky, he drove over directly with the corpse army!"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng stood up quickly and flew out with his weapons.

Although in terms of the result, both of them entered the cave, but there is a world of difference between the two - if the Emperor Dajing entered from the main gate of the cave like them, it would still be within his understanding.

But the Emperor Dajing did not bother at all, he gathered the troops and started fighting directly.

And this also means that there is another passage that can lead directly to the coyote's cave.

On the other side of the passage, there are enemies.

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