In the Blade

Chapter 527 Beyond Death

Du Chengfeng dared to say that he knew death best, and it was true.

It must be said that he was lucky enough. When he was polishing the brain sword, he had just experienced the taste of death - although strictly speaking it was not his death, but the death of Emperor Dajing, but at that time he was in the first-person perspective He has died several times.

Not once, but several times. After all, when Emperor Dajing just passed away, the coyote tried to call Emperor Dajing back from death several times, and succeeded every time.

It's just that Emperor Dajing didn't want to come back to life, so in the end the matter was settled.

However, just because of this outrageous resurrection, Du Chengfeng took advantage of everything.

To say that he is the one who has killed the most people in the world, Du Chengfeng dare not vouch for it. After all, after learning about the powerful powers in the sky, he also knows what it means to have people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world - but only in the world. When it comes to death, these powers are incomparable to him.

At least among the powerful beings who are still alive, he must be the one who has died the most.

Unless Emperor Dajing can live another life, no one can surpass him in this aspect.

"Anyway, listen to me and relax."

Du Chengfeng didn't explain too much about sharpening his knife, he just asked the coyote to listen to him.

"Believe me, it's nothing more than death. There's nothing to be afraid of."

"...I think I should probably kill you first."

Coyote cautiously took a few steps away and looked at Du Chengfeng with a dangerous look.

Although he had predicted several times that in a battle of this level, the Tin Woodman would probably be overcome by potential enemies and switch sides in an instant, but he never expected that everything would happen so quickly - this has already happened It's not a matter of instant defection. It's clear that the Tin Woodman has already chosen to surrender before the opponent takes action!

This tin man actually took the initiative to stand on the side of death, and even persuaded him to die... Is this something that one of us can say?

No, this is not even a matter of whether one is one of one's own people. No one in their right mind would be able to say such a thing.

But what Coyote didn't expect was that even though he had shown an attacking stance, Du Chengfeng in front of him had no intention of taking action.

Not only did he have no intention of taking action, he even took the initiative to open his arms to him.

"If you really think so, then come on. It's just death once. This kind of thing is nothing."


The coyote was choked and speechless, and the figure that was about to pounce was frozen in mid-air.

It would definitely be beneficial to kill this teammate who defected before the battle. At least it would prevent him from being attacked from both sides - but that's the problem. The Tin Woodman in front of him didn't even resist. If he really bit him directly, he would be It would be him who would look stupid.

And the most important thing is that this will even damage his own state of mind. After all, this kind of attack on his own people has nothing to do with the law of the jungle.

What's more, the Tin Man didn't do anything to him.

The Tin Woodman didn't even have the intention to resist. Even though he really showed his murderous intent just now, the Tin Woodman still stood in front of him, looking completely indifferent - he didn't even smell any fear in the other person. , as if death is really as easy and relaxing as going home and drinking water.

"...Do you really have a way?"

Coyote hesitated.

There was no death energy in the Tin Woodman, he could feel it, and coupled with that confident expression... He still remembered that the last time he saw the Tin Woodman so confident was in Diaosou's cave.

At that time, he actually did not have the confidence to pass the illusion set by Diaosou. After all, in that illusion, Diaosou was the real heaven and an unrivaled existence. But who would have thought that after the Tin Woodman turned into a monkey, he would actually He really managed to defeat all competitors, even Diaosou was killed.

It was obviously impossible to accomplish, but the Tin Man managed to do it.

"never mind."

Seeing that Coyote was still hesitating, Du Chengfeng simply gave up persuading him.

"Since you don't believe me, then use your own methods and I will solve the problem myself... That's it."

"Hey! Wait a minute..."

Coyote just wanted to stop him, but Du Chengfeng had already jumped down from the sky and plunged into the death wave composed of skeletal generals.

In just an instant, hundreds of bone weapons came towards him, intending to cut him into pieces on the spot.

But for Du Chengfeng, this level of enthusiasm is meaningless.

The broken weapons struck the body of steel and immediately shattered to pieces. Facts have proved that these rusted weapons are not strong enough compared to the top-grade ultra-high alloy powdered high-speed steel.

But this attack was not completely meaningless. Although the broken weapons were broken into pieces, the death energy on those weapons seeped into Du Chengfeng's body.

"So, this is death?"

Feeling the itching coming from his body, Du Chengfeng started to scratch his head.

He didn't feel anything related to death at all. This aura was more like simply wanting to kill him - but that was the problem, this thing couldn't kill him at all.

It's just this level, you can't even touch the edge of real death. Is that the enemy's level?

"Go on! Increase the intensity!"

Thinking this way, Du Chengfeng simply continued to move forward, letting these skeleton soldiers swing their weapons and slash at him.

It might be because there was too little death energy, this was Du Chengfeng's idea, so as long as there was more death energy, there would be no problem - since the enemy hiding in the dark wanted him to die so much, he would just die in front of the other side.

He wanted to see who understood death better.

"Come! Let me see!"

Du Chengfeng rushed in against the tide of death, running wherever it was dense.

"Let me see your understanding of death!"

Perhaps because this provocation really angered the other party, or because there were too many corpse soldiers, Du Chengfeng was hit head-on this time.

This time, the one who attacked was the body of the old fisherman who had just been chopped up by him. The dead fisherman had pieced his body together again at some point. He just waved the fishing rod in his hand lightly, and the thin fishing line directly strangled Du Chengfeng's body, and even cut a thin dent on Du Chengfeng's body!

But it was just a dent, but this kind of cutting could not hurt him at all.

This is not the strength that a great man should have, and the old fisherman should not be so weak.

"So, what you resurrected is not all."

Du Chengfeng also waved the fishing rod and cut the dead fisherman into pieces again.

The old man who was all about fishing suddenly stopped fishing and switched to strong attack. This rash change of fighting style may not even bring out one percent of the strength of the fisherman.

"Why not revive a normal one?"

Du Chengfeng frowned slightly. You know, the resurrected Emperor Dajing not only did not become weaker, but even gained strength and became stronger. On the contrary, the resurrected old fisherman lost his great ability and became so weak.

Why did their enemies make such a stupid move? Why not revive a normal fisherman?

Is it because they can't? Don't want to?

Or simply because they don't dare?

"It seems that you are not that strong."

After realizing this, Du Chengfeng became more calm.

As strong as the fisherman, he had been killed by the old man's tactics. Then this so-called master who studied death, this so-called master who didn't even dare to revive the fisherman in his prime, was nothing to him.

But soon, he paid the price for this idea.

A ray of light flashed across his neck, and the steel-cast head fell to the ground immediately.

Obviously, the powerful man hiding in the dark couldn't help himself and was ready to let him experience the taste of death with his own hands.

With the sound of the head falling to the ground, the corpse soldiers with scarlet eyes stopped their actions immediately. It was obvious that they just wanted to cause death, but the tin man in front of them was already dead - and the coyote in the air, who was just about to think of a solution, was also stunned by this scene.

He thought that the tin man would use some unexpected wisdom like last time, but the tin man actually gave his life like this?


The coyote in the air rushed down quickly, trying to snatch back the body with the head and body separated, but the tide of the dead took action before him, carrying the heavy metal body and head directly, and rushed all the way to the distance.

The coyote had already rushed forward at the fastest speed, crushing countless bones along the way, but there were still more corpse soldiers surrounding him, blocking him in place.

Even the body of the fisherman was pieced together again, and the fishing rod in his hand swept across, and the tough fishing line immediately trapped the coyote to death.

This time, the fishing lines did not just leave marks.

In just a moment, the coyote was like hitting a fishing net full of blades, and his whole body was cut and bleeding.

Facing the siege of this wave of death, the coyote was already unable to move. Even if he tried his best, he could only watch the headless corpse and the head being transported all the way to the distance.

Transported to a place farther than the distant Dajing Imperial City.

In this wave of death, the corpse and the head were like a lonely boat on the sea, drifting all the way to the distance. Countless corpse arms held up these two heavy pieces of metal and tried hard to complete this transportation - but unfortunately, whether it was the metal head or the metal corpse, it was a bit too heavy for these broken arms.

So after floating for a short time, the two heavy pieces of metal naturally sank to the bottom.

Those broken arms tried to lift them several times, but the two pieces of metal were too heavy. They lifted them more than ten times and even broke several arms - this also directly caused the transportation to be interrupted halfway, and the ghost fire that was originally parked in the distance had to fly all the way over.

The pale ghost fire fell to the ground, and in an instant, a figure with wide robes and large sleeves appeared.

The rest of the figure looked unremarkable, but the face was really impressive. The left half of the face looked heroic and extraordinary, while the right half of the face looked like a rotten mummy that had died for many years.

If Du Chengfeng raised his head at this moment, he would find that this face was exactly the same as the scene he saw in the memory of the brain sword.

But Du Chengfeng no longer had the ability to raise his head, after all, his head had fallen.

And now, his head has been lifted in the air by the figure with half of his face rotten, using his palms stained with corpses.

"It's interesting."

Looking at the metallic head in front of him, the body with half its face rotten narrowed its eyes.

"I have seen too many people who fight against death. You are the first one to actively embrace death... Since you are so persistent in death, I will give you a blessing."

"Is it really a gift?"

Du Chengfeng also narrowed his eyes.

"How much can you give?"


The corpse with half of its face almost threw away the head in its hand.

"You're not dead?"

"Of course I'm not dead."

Du Chengfeng said it was natural.

"It's you, why do you think I'm dead?"

"I have already cut off your head..."

After looking at the headless corpse on the ground, and then at the steel head in his hand, the corpse who claimed to be me had a trace of confusion in his eyes.

"You've already cut off your head, how can you still..."

"Will you definitely die if your head falls off?"

Du Chengfeng's eyes also looked a little more confused.

"Even if steel is cut, it's still steel, and if your head falls off, it's still a head. So why do you think you'll die if your head falls off? Is this your understanding of death?"


The corpse was stunned for a moment, but didn't even answer a word.

But then, the corpse's expression darkened.

"Since you want to die so much, then I will help you!"

As he spoke, countless streams of light burst out from the broad sleeves of the corpse. The metal head, along with the headless body on the ground, and even the surrounding corpse soldiers and skeleton soldiers were all instantly beheaded. It became fragments all over the ground!

"See? This is what you want, this is death..."

"That's it?"

Among the metal debris, Du Chengfeng's voice rang out again.

"Didn't I tell you just now? Steel is still steel even if it is cut into pieces, so why do you think that you will definitely die if you cut it into pieces? Is this your understanding of death?"

At this point, Du Chengfeng's voice paused.

"If this is your understanding of death, then why not do it in my place... After all, your understanding is still too shallow."

"Let me teach you what real death is."

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