In the Blade

Chapter 533 Who Killed Who

When the furious living corpses carried the tide of death and rushed towards him, he failed to see his enemy.

The two remnants left behind by Diaosou, the Greedy Wolf Star Lord, and the damned Tin Woodman, ran away to no one knows where. What appeared in front of him was only a dead jungle - but this was a man who was surrounded by death. But it didn't matter to him. There were so many corpses and soldiers in his hands that he could search the entire forest one by one, and even uproot all the trees with ease.


With the big hand waved by the living corpse, the corpse soldiers poured into the jungle. The bone-chilling death will pervaded wantonly, and the green vegetation that had just restored returned to withered yellow in an instant.

Death is eternal sleep and the decline of all things in this world. How can there be immortality under the rotation of the sun and the moon?

"Dig them out! Dig them out for me!"

The furious zombie shouted. This time, he no longer cared about spreading the theory of death. He just wanted to pull out those two beasts, and then use the most cruel punishment to make them understand the cost of angering him. .

In other words, the last time it was just a routine matter, but this time, it was the most direct personal grudge.

"Leave no one behind! Leave no one behind!"

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the bright moonlight once again outlined the wild wolves on the ground. The furious living corpse waved its arms, directing the tide of death to surge towards the wild wolves.

These Moonlight Wild Wolves are over there, which means that Greedy Wolf Star Lord is also over there, these bold beasts... He is going to cut these beasts alive!


The angry zombie roared.

But the corpse soldiers who rushed into the jungle were all standing there blankly at this moment.

His order seemed to have failed, and these corpse soldiers seemed to be out of his control. No matter what he ordered, these corpse soldiers still just stood there, showing no intention of moving.

"What's wrong with you! Move! Move!"

The living corpse became more and more angry. He didn't know what was happening for a while.

But immediately, his face turned pale.

Feedback came from the corpse soldiers. It wasn't that they didn't want to move, but they just didn't know who to listen to.

He is not the only one giving orders to this tide of death.

Instead, there are three in total.


Looking at himself and then at the dark jungle not far away, the living corpse felt that his brain was starting to run out.

If there is another self on the opposite side giving orders to the tide of death and opposing him, this is still within the scope of his understanding - although he does not know who the Greedy Wolf Star Lord and the damn Tin Man are. How to do it, to convince the self who was resurrected by them, but now that the facts are before his eyes, there is nothing to say.

But besides him, there are actually two others...

What did these two damn beasts do?

"When will the injustice be repaid..."

At this time, in the sight of the living corpse, there were two other selves rising from the jungle in the distance.

It's just that unlike his current appearance as a living corpse, the two in the distance look more like living people. Although the three of them all look like wide robes and large sleeves, the one in the distance looks more like a living person. Of the two, he is obviously more heroic.

On the other hand, he looked like a living corpse, half of his face was even rotten, and even his palms and arms exposed from his sleeves were as dry as a rotting corpse.

He could feel that the corpse soldiers were looking at the other two him eagerly.

Obviously, even if they have become undead, these corpse soldiers also want to grow more flesh and look like human beings.

Perhaps this is the biggest reason for them to pause. From a psychological perspective, they have already switched sides.

"...That's fine."

Taking a deep breath, the living corpse raised its withered claws.

"Useless waste, then there is no need for it."

Saying this, the living corpse waved its claws, and large pieces of corpse soldiers were torn into pieces by him.

Seeing that the living corpse was angrily charging towards him, the two figures flying in the air shook their heads more and more.

"So, what's the point of studying death? Even this study itself is nothing but endless emptiness... Is it possible that I in the future can't even figure this out? Has it been confused by delusion? ? To this extent, it’s really..."

"What qualifications do you have to speak against me!"

Hearing the sarcastic words from these two figures, the living corpse became even more furious.

"I'm just the failed me. I couldn't even overcome the difficulties and hardships. I didn't have any willpower, and I dared to talk nonsense here!"

Just as he spoke, the living corpse had already flown in front of the two figures.

"Since you dare to show your face, I will kill you first and take back your souls!"

"Sure enough, you have been confused by delusion."

The two figures sighed.

"Anger has blinded your mind, and your persistence in death has made you arrogant and complacent...haven't you ever thought that we wouldn't be able to guess what you are thinking?"

At this time, two more figures suddenly jumped into the air from the forest. With the combined efforts of the two, they immediately smashed the living corpse down from the air.

"You still have the nerve to say that we are the past, but you have the nerve to treat us as the future?"

Those two powerful figures were punching each other and kicking each other, and they cooperated so closely that it was as if one person had four arms and four legs - and after this series of beatings, these two figures even became one person. One kick hit the living corpse's rotten face.

"We will never become like you! Absolutely not! No matter what!"

Seeing the appearance of the living corpse, which looked like a withered corpse, the two powerful figures had a bit of disgust on their faces.

"Even if I want to study death, I can't become like you! Look at what you look different it is from a corpse! Will she like it!"


The living corpse, which was just about to fight back against these painless punches and kicks, was stunned for a moment.

"who is she?"

"As expected! You evil beast!"

Hearing the living corpse's answer, the two powerful figures fought even more vigorously.

"You've even forgotten her! Are you still human!"


The living corpse wanted to say that he was no longer a human being. When he flew all the way to the sky, he had completely given up on the ugly skin bag that was not easy to use and replaced it with one that was more convenient and more suitable for death. Body——But before he could finish his words, a slap in the face had directly knocked back his words.

This also made the living corpse even more angry.

What a joke, you dare to hit him in the face... You must know that he has gone so far on the road to death, and there is no grass growing wherever he goes. No one has ever dared to hit him in the face!

Moreover, it is still such a weak thing!

"Come die!"

The angry living corpse opened its arms.

One, two, three, four, a total of four selves. These former selves looked so weak that even his corpse soldiers could easily cut them into pieces - even those corpse soldiers could do it, he Of course!

"Since everything has emerged, let's stay alive!"

Saying this, the living corpse waved down its sleeves angrily.

However, nothing happened.

Although the movement was indeed a habitual movement, the expected Huaguang did not appear. The four figures in front of him were still standing there without any change. It was at this time that the living corpse remembered , I should have had a weapon originally, but the weapon that never left my body has been...


It was at this time that the familiar dagger returned to the living corpse.

It's just that the way of return is different from what the living corpse imagined.

The sharp dagger pierced the chest of the living corpse, and smoothly opened the chest and abdomen of the living corpse. This action was so familiar, as if he had done it thousands of times himself.

Yes, this is his swordsmanship, this is his sword path, but the time interval is really too far.

It was so far away that he didn't remember it at all.


The living corpse lowered his head and looked at the figure in front of him who was so weak that he could only be regarded as an evil spirit master.

In a daze, he seemed to see the high-spirited self he once was.

But this was not the end of him, just because the high-spirited man handed the dagger in his hand to the other man - that man still had a little sadness on his face, but the sword in his hand was extremely firm. It seems to be carrying a huge weight.

"When you deny her, you're damned."

The dagger once again cut into the body of the living corpse, destroying its flesh, flesh and organs.

"Even if she killed me, I have never forgotten it... How could you forget this? How could you forget it?"


The living corpse opened its mouth, but no sound came out for a moment.

Just because the third one had already slit his throat with a dagger.

"I probably know what you did later. This is not the path I should take. I will never go down this path no matter what... I will not become like you. You can go with peace of mind. "

...Go with peace of mind?

They have all been killed and looked like this, how could he go there with peace of mind?

In other words, even if he goes, where can he go? Death?

Are you kidding? Is there really such a thing as death in this world?

The so-called death is just a long sleep. How could he not understand this matter as he studied death carefully? But as long as it is a sleep, there is still the possibility of being awakened, which means that there is always the possibility of being awakened. There is no real death.

This is why he gave up his bad skin and the so-called appearance he once had, just because these things are not important.

His current posture is the posture closest to death.

He who is closest to death is the least likely to die.

Beating the corpse, piercing the chest and abdomen of the corpse, tearing the corpse's organs, and slitting the corpse's throat. Can the corpse be killed just by doing this?


There is no such thing as death in a corpse, so this level of trauma is meaningless to him - unless he is completely crushed into powder, just like last time, his body is directly damaged to the point of being completely useless. Only then does he need a new body to carry his will.

Yes, the so-called body is just a platform that carries the soul. As long as the soul itself is still there, the physical body can be replaced at will.

Just like now.


Zheng Qixing, who slit the throat of the living corpse, suddenly froze, and even his eyes became dull.

It was at this time that the living corpse bit Zheng Qixing's shoulder.

It was with this bite that Zheng Qixing's eyes began to look wrong. His eyes became nostalgic for a while, and then began to look fierce again. Just looking at the ferocious face that was constantly twisting, it seemed that he was constantly... It’s like changing your face!

"I'm on top of him!"

Using his last strength, Zheng Qixing shouted desperately.

"I can't do it anymore! Don't come near me!"

As he spoke, Zheng Qixing swung his short sword with his backhand and stabbed directly into his heart.

Obviously, even if this Zheng Qixing dies, he will die with his future self.

But this level of injury could not hurt the living corpse that had even given up its physical body.

"Even if my heart is pierced, my body is still much better than my previous one!"

Zheng Qixing, whose heart was pierced, opened his eyes and his tone of voice became like that of a living corpse.

"Yes! That's it! That's it! I should thank you. The young body influenced by the young soul is much better than my own old body... you!"

At this time, another Zheng Qixing flew over, grabbed the dagger that had not been drawn out, and made a horizontal stroke.

Zheng Qixing, who was possessed by the living corpse, was immediately broken into two pieces. It was obvious that such a body could not be used again.

But what fell to the ground was only the lower half.

The upper half of Zheng Qixing is still hanging around the neck of another Zheng Qixing.

"Haha! A younger body!"

The living corpse laughed wildly.

"Okay! Okay! Is this the delicious meal you prepared for me?"

Shouting like this, the living corpse actually bit the other Zheng Qixing's neck directly.

Just like the situation just now, after this bite, the expression of the other Zheng Qixing began to become uncertain. Just looking at that ferocious face, it turned out to be a living corpse again!

But this Zheng Qixing also tore out his own throat with a dagger.

Obviously, Zheng Qixing does not accept that he will turn into this living corpse, so he would rather die than die with this living corpse.

"But it makes no sense."

The living corpse with only its head bit the other Zheng Qixing again.

"You were able to defeat me earlier because I gave you a chance... Now that you have all appeared, I will naturally be able to get you all back."

"You may be who I was, but you know nothing about death itself."

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