In the Blade

Chapter 542 Good and Evil

The Fire Lord was the first to be arrested, and Du Chengfeng was personally responsible for his supervision.

The main reason was that apart from him, no one could control the Fire Lord. Not to mention the Fire Lord, even if it was an ordinary master of evil spirits, those ordinary yamen runners could not put him in jail properly.

Therefore, as the first prisoner he caught personally, Du Chengfeng decided to supervise him personally.

"Detain for fifteen days."

This was Du Chengfeng's sentence on the Fire Lord.

"Not bad, I originally planned to lock you up for two months to wake you up, but I went to ask the county magistrate and found out that fifteen days of imprisonment for this crime is the maximum, so you can be happy."


The Fire Lord was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Don't you have any mercy at all? Didn't we agree to a fair duel..."

"One thing for another."

Du Chengfeng shook his head.

"Fair duel, that's for when you recover. As for now, I have to practice."

"Is this your practice?"

The Fire Star Lord who was locked in the cell was dumbfounded.

"You lock me up and call it practice? What are you practicing?"

"Practice is a personal privacy. Have I asked you what you are practicing?"

Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head.

Although he said so, Du Chengfeng actually didn't quite understand what he was practicing. If it was before, he would probably say that he was doing it for fairness and justice, or simply find a personal reason, saying that the door head that Fire Star Lord split hit his feet.

But now, he has learned how to examine his own thoughts, so he immediately discovered that these statements were just superficial reasons.

What really drove him to do this was far from these superficial things.

It was some kind of thought hidden in his heart that he himself did not clearly feel.

"You seem to be thinking about something dangerous."

At this time, the Fire Star Lord suddenly spoke.

"Your complexion is not right, it looks like you are about to fall into the devil's way... I advise you not to do such a stupid thing."

"No, why did I do a stupid thing?"

Du Chengfeng was quite dissatisfied with his thoughts being interrupted.

"I'm just sitting here for a while, how do you know it again?"

"Of course I know."

The Fire Star Lord nodded.

"Because when I was young, I also did such a thing."

At this point, the Fire Star Lord also talked about some of his experiences.

"At that time, I had just achieved success in cultivation and had just flown to the sky. I was just like you now. It would be a lie to say that I was not confused. After all, it was the first time I knew that there were people beyond people, the first time I knew that there were heavens beyond heavens, the first time I knew that the world was so vast, and the first time I knew that life was like this... At that time, I had not yet been called the Lord of Fire, nor had I chosen the current Taoism."

This was somewhat beyond Du Chengfeng's expectations. He thought that the Lord of Fire was like the coyote, who had made his own choice first, and continued to stick to his own path after arriving in the sky.

But now it seems... The Lord of Fire is actually the same as him?

Can he actually change his own path? Or in other words, can something like the path actually be changed?

"Of course it can be changed."

The Lord of Fire nodded indifferently.

"No matter how great your achievements are in the mortal world, they are only achievements in the mortal world. After flying to the sky and seeing the wider world, you will find that you have always been a frog in the well... At this time, it is natural for your heart to be touched, and it is natural to change your path."


Du Chengfeng was silent for a moment.

He could understand what Huo De Xingjun said.

From this point of view, Huo De Xingjun's situation is actually different from his. Huo De Xingjun originally had his own will, but changed his path after going to the sky. As for him... He was more chaotic from the beginning, and he was still chaotic after going to the sky.

The situations on both sides are actually different strictly speaking, but in terms of finding new paths, there is some commonality.

"So what you said is to express..."

"Listen to me first."

Huo De Xingjun waved his hand, signaling Du Chengfeng not to interrupt.

"At that time, I made many attempts. After all, I was still young and didn't know which path was more suitable for me, so I just tried them all and tried to walk for a while... It was because of these many attempts that I summed up some things that can be called experience."


Hearing that Huo De Xing Jun finally started to talk about the point, Du Chengfeng's mind began to concentrate.

He was a little curious about what this old man could sum up.

"The so-called road, or the mind method to control everything, all kinds of methods, are nothing more than two ways."

Speaking of this, Huo De Xing Jun pointed around and patted his chest.

"One is to seek outside, and the other is to seek inside. No matter what the way is, it is basically derived from these two."

"This... is true."

Du Chengfeng nodded.

Although he has not made a summary in this regard, now that he heard Lord Huo Dexing's theory, he was instinctively convinced - after all, although this summary is relatively vague, it is accurate enough in terms of classification. Anyway, It is only divided into two categories: inside and outside, either outward or inward. This kind of classification angle is somewhat interesting.

"That is to say, it is definitely better to seek from within than from outside, so you..."

"That's why I called you."

Huo Dexingjun's face turned serious.

"Do you really think that looking inward is a good thing?"

"...what if?"

Du Chengfeng was quite puzzled.

After all, this kind of thing sounds like those martial arts training, so internal martial arts must be better than external martial arts. Anyone with a little common sense can think of this kind of thing. What do you mean by Huode Xingjun? It seems Isn’t that the case?

"Looking inward is indeed a good thing, it allows you to stop pretending to be external."

To Du Chengfeng's expectation, Lord Huodexing was the first to admit his statement.

Then, the old man with red hair and red beard shook his head.

"But just like those evil spirits or mental power, as well as the incense and desire, nothing is completely without hidden dangers, even if it is seeking from within, it is the same... If you think about it carefully, seeking from within and seeking from outside , which one is more difficult?”

"Must be inward...wait."

Du Chengfeng was about to tell his answer when he suddenly got stuck.

It seems that this is not the case.

Originally, in his opinion, it was more difficult to look inward. After all, it meant catching one's own thoughts, clarifying one's own heart, and then finding the most steadfast things in the heart - but if you think about it carefully, If so, is this really difficult?

It's difficult, but it doesn't seem that difficult, just because he can do it by himself.

But if he asks for help from outside, he may not be able to do it by himself.

"The so-called seeking outside means to traverse all walks of life, to do all kinds of things, and to find the wonderful Dharma."

Mr. Huo Dexing continued.

"But things may not happen as you want, and what you get may not be what you want. The outside world may not necessarily revolve around your will. Your will may be captured by other wills... Just It’s like you’ve caught me now. You’ve put me in prison, and all my original cultivation has been in vain.”

"Ah this."

Speaking of this, Du Chengfeng suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

The old man was actually a nice guy, and he was even willing to give him some advice. On the contrary, he not only put the old man in a sack before, but even put him in jail.

Of course, if a good person returns to a good person, it is definitely not possible to let him go.

"'s more difficult to ask for help from outside?"

Du Chengfeng continued the topic just now.

"Then what do you mean..."

"The difficult road will be more stable to walk, and the easy road will be more dangerous to walk."

Lord Huo Dexing's face darkened for a moment, but he continued the discussion with Du Chengfeng.

"You just took the easy way out, the path of seeking inwardness... Do you know how big the hidden dangers are here?"

"What's the hidden danger?"

Du Chengfeng was a little puzzled. He had never encountered such a hidden danger before.

Moreover, Mr. Huo Dexing had been talking for a long time, but he didn't actually explain clearly what was going on. He heard that after wandering around for a long time, he came around to the matter of his being imprisoned - obviously, this Huo Dexing De Xingjun's ultimate goal is to get him to open the cell door.

That's definitely not possible. How could he open the door after talking for a long time without saying anything useful?

"Tell me what the hidden dangers are first."

"This kind of thing... is difficult to explain clearly."

Mr. Huo Dexing sighed and continued.

The young Huode Xingjun back then, like Du Chengfeng now, also took the path of seeking within, trying to dig out from the bottom of his heart what he really wanted to do by looking at himself. Thoughts, the young Huode Xingjun even succeeded for a time. At that time, he really dug out the obsession hidden in his heart, and that power even made him unparalleled.

"Then, at that time, I had a title."

Recalling the events of the past, Mr. Huo Dexing looked a little sad.

"Fire Demon Lord, this was my name at that time."

"...Is there any difference?"

Du Chengfeng started scratching his head.

He didn't see the difference between the two. In his opinion, it was just changing one word - changing star to devil. There didn't seem to be much difference between the two. This kind of thing was really Is it worth mentioning in isolation?

"The difference? The difference is huge."

Lord Huo Dexing sighed.

There is indeed a difference, even a big difference - Mr. Huo Dexing is a respected powerful person, and other powerful people have to bow their hands and praise each other after meeting him. Although it is true that they are powerful people who are in a competitive relationship, at least on the surface, Huode Xingjun still has his own majesty.

But if it were the Fire Demon Lord...

"A magic word determines that you are evil. If you are an evil person, naturally everyone will shout and beat you up... That is to say, I realized the problem in time. Otherwise, I am afraid that it would have been sealed and suppressed long ago, and the body would have been massacred. Eight pieces removed."

"Ah this."

Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time. He had never thought that there was such a level.

But then again, what does this have to do with seeking inward and seeking outward?

Does it mean that seeking outward is the Fire Virtue Star Lord, and seeking inward is the Fire Virtue Demon Lord? How did the two come into contact? Why were they suddenly mentioned together?

"Of course, they should be mentioned together, after all, the two are the same thing."

At this point, the Fire Virtue Star Lord looked at Du Chengfeng.

"What do you think good and evil are?"

"Good and evil, aren't they good and... um?"

Du Chengfeng was about to answer, but he suddenly realized that something seemed wrong.

Good and evil are good and evil. This is Du Chengfeng's cognition all along. The main reason is that there is not much to say about this kind of thing - good is good, evil is evil, and this simple concept seems to have nothing to talk about.

Of course, many times, things like good and evil are vague in themselves, and many things cannot be simply distinguished by a simple binary theory of good and evil, so this kind of thing is even less worth talking about.

But when Du Chengfeng talked about his thoughts, Huo De Xingjun shook his head.

"Good and evil, this kind of thing is very simple, or rather, it has always been a very clear thing..."

Saying this, Huo De Xingjun raised his finger.

"What is good? Altruism is good. When your behavior is good for others, no matter what you do, in the eyes of others, it is good."

Then, Huo De Xingjun raised another finger.

"What is evil? Selfishness is evil. When your behavior is good for yourself, no matter what you do, in the eyes of others, you are evil."


This was the first time Du Chengfeng heard of this way of division. He never thought that things like good and evil could be divided in this way.

But after thinking about it... this set of things sounds like it makes some sense?

It does make sense. He was even convinced by the Fire Virtue Star Lord and began to understand why he was once called the Fire Virtue Demon Lord. If, as the Fire Virtue Star Lord said, the Fire Virtue Star Lord in his youth was looking inward, only knew to practice his own way, but ignored the feelings of other powerful beings, then he would naturally be called evil and would attract many powerful beings to join forces to attack him.

And now, the reason why the Fire Virtue Star Lord is called the Fire Virtue Star Lord is that in addition to changing his mind, his generous attitude of sharing his experience generously may have played a big role.

"So, don't do evil simply. Doing evil simply will only make enemies for yourself... Even if you want to benefit yourself, you must do good deeds."

As he said this, the Fire Virtue Star Lord pointed to the door of the prison.

"Open this and let me out. I will remember your kindness."


Du Chengfeng shook his head decisively.

"According to what you said, I am a bad guy now. How can I open the door for you?"

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