In the Blade

Chapter 549: Rebirth of Maitreya

In the remote courtyard, the incense is still burning.

No matter in the chaotic times or the peaceful times, there will always be ambitious people. As more and more evil masters emerge, people will naturally think that the world is becoming more and more chaotic. As the saying goes, heroes emerge in troubled times, and there are many dragons and snakes in the grass. Seeing that the Southern Chen court is gradually declining, some forces that were originally lurking in the dark have gradually started to have some crooked thoughts.

Just like the sect that worships the reborn Maitreya, it is one of them.

What exactly is the deity of the reborn Maitreya? It is impossible to study it now, or it can be said that those who worship the reborn Maitreya have never thought about this aspect at all. The believers below do not need to think about it. They just need to know that this deity is very powerful, and those who restrain incense do not care much about this. They just need to gather more people to burn incense.

As for the name, just make up one. Anyway, as long as someone believes in it, there is no problem.

"Why is the world bad? Why is the year bad? Why are your lives getting worse and worse?"

Facing the many believers in the yard, the leader standing in the yard raised his finger to the sky.

"It's all the fault of this thief God! This God is blind!"

As soon as this was said, the believers present nodded in agreement, or rather, they could only nod in agreement - on the one hand, because the people around them were nodding, and if they didn't nod, they would seem very unsociable, and on the other hand, because they themselves couldn't figure out why their lives were so hard.

Perhaps it was indeed because God was blind. After all, no matter what happened, it could be said that God was blind.

That's why they gathered here to worship the deceased Maitreya.

The four words "reborn Maitreya" should actually be read separately. Rebirth and Maitreya are two words, that is, they worship the deceased Maitreya - because the Maitreya who could bring everyone the Pure Land of Bliss is dead, and the one who is on their heads is the blind God now.

But it is impossible for gods to really die, and the deceased Maitreya will eventually come back. As long as everyone is pious enough, one day, the deceased Maitreya will be resurrected and lead everyone to the carefree pure land.

"May the deceased Maitreya bless you, may the deceased Maitreya bless you..."

Thinking of this, the believers present began to recite the sutras.

Although they repeated these two sentences over and over again, the incense leader said that the deceased Maitreya is not God, and everyone does not need to learn to recite sutras like Taoist priests. Everyone only needs to recite the name of the deceased Maitreya to get the blessing of the deceased Maitreya.

Just recite the name of the deceased Maitreya, just remember the name of the deceased Maitreya, as long as the incense is continuous, everything will be fine.

"So is it really useful to find so many people here?"

Just when the incense leader finished presiding over the ceremony and returned to the back hall to drink water, a young man grabbed him.

"With just a bunch of civilians, what can they do? If you want to do something big, you still have to find some experts..."

"Find experts? What experts?"

Seeing his brother actually say such words, the incense-passing head immediately shook his head.

"Are you stupid? What's the point of finding an expert? Will the expert listen to you or me? Which expert doesn't have a temper?"

"Ah, this..."

The young man choked on the spot.

It seems to be true. Although they have attracted some evil masters to pass incense, those masters often have their own ideas. They either want to rush to the street to kill someone fiercely, or want to kill their two brothers and take their place - in short, looking for evil masters to accomplish great things is obviously an unreliable behavior.

But what they are doing now is obviously even more unreliable.

Just gathering a group of powerless civilians is no different from gathering a group of ants. If there is a real commotion, any master of evil spirits can kill them all - so the young man still has no idea what his elder brother is doing.

"What am I doing? If you believe it, you will know what I am doing."

Shaking his head and sighing, the incense head simply raised his hand and pointed outside.

"What do you think of those masters of evil spirits?"

"... martial arts madmen."

The young man thought about it and made a relatively reliable evaluation.

This is indeed a suitable description. Those masters of evil spirits are indeed very good at fighting, but they are also very uncontrollable. These people have power themselves and can even become stronger and stronger in battle. This means that they can do things without relying on any forces. They can fight alone. These masters of evil spirits can already dominate the world.

If you have to say where the shortcomings are, it is that they are too aggressive, which is also an uncontrollable aspect.

"Right, you know, they actually have some problems."

Speaking of this, the incense head raised his hand and nodded his head.

"It looks like they are in charge of the weapons, but in fact, they are more like being controlled by their own weapons... Have you noticed that once a master of evil spirits loses his weapon, most of his strength is gone, and their so-called killing power is actually just making the weapon itself more fierce and evil. As for themselves, apart from being a little stronger, what changes have they made?"


The young man nodded slowly.

It seems that this is really the case.

At least this is the case for most evil spirit masters. No matter how much they say they are practicing martial arts, in fact most of their combat effectiveness still relies on the weapons in their hands. So conversely, these people are controlled by the weapons, which is not the case. That’s right.

But isn't this the only way to become stronger?

Everyone is doing this, everyone is relying on weapons, and the evil weapon itself is the most useful thing. Even if you practice martial arts for ten years, you will still be unable to defeat the sword of the evil weapon - of course, there have been such brilliant warriors who occasionally You can defeat some evil spirit masters and steal the opponent's weapon, but such an outstanding person may not be able to be found even among ten thousand people, let alone one in a hundred.

But now, they are preparing to do big things. If they want to do big things, they will definitely need force to deal with the soldiers and horses of the Nanchen court, and even to deal with the evil spirit masters raised by the Nanchen court.

So where does their power come from?

Can you get power just by reciting those two sutras?

"Just by reciting two lines of sutra, you can really gain power."

To the young man's surprise, Xiangtou actually nodded.

"You don't believe it, so you still can't use it. I believe it, so..."

Saying this, Na Xiangtou raised his hand and waved.

The teacup on the table was quietly cut into two pieces, and the remaining tea was scattered all over the table.

Seeing this scene, the young man was stunned on the spot, and he didn't even notice that the tea was dripping on him.

He just stared blankly at the diagonally cut teacup in front of him, looking at the smooth incision.

Such an incision... even a famous sword may not be able to do it!

But the incense head in front of him was cut open with his bare hands.

This ability... is already a miracle!

" did you do that!"

The young man clenched his fists subconsciously.

At this moment, he was already starting to feel a little envious.

It's just that his inherent thinking still makes it hard for him to believe that what he's seeing is the truth. He doesn't even have a weapon, and he can achieve such a situation even with his bare hands...

"Could it be that you have practiced martial arts?"

The young man vaguely thought of a result.

I heard that boxers who have mastered martial arts can even use their hands and feet as weapons. The current stroke with bare hands must be...

"No, I haven't practiced at all."

Faced with the young man's extravagant thoughts, Xiangtou didn't know what to say for a while.

"This is not a martial art, and I haven't practiced any boxing skills... Forget it, I'll give it to you again, just watch it."

Saying this, Xiangtou looked directly at the remains of the teacup in front of him.

This time, Xiangtou didn't reach out, he just looked at the broken half teacup.

Immediately afterwards, there was only a "click" sound, and the half-cut teacup actually cracked from the middle again.

The cuts are neat and still as smooth as a mirror.

But this time, he didn't even move his hands.

"How... is this done?"

This time, the young man's brain was completely exhausted.

Making a stroke with his hand was still within his understanding, but now he could cut open the teacup without even moving his hands, which was completely beyond his ability to understand - there was obviously no contact, but the teacup just happened to move from It's cracked in the middle, how is that possible? How is this possible?

"This is the power that ordinary people cannot understand."

Seeing that the young man finally realized the problem, Xiangtou also smiled.

"This is the power of will."

"The...power of will?"

The young man chewed these words hard,

The power of will...Will actually also has power?

Can you achieve this with just the power of will?

What does the power of those masters outside wielding ferocious weapons, those masters whose swords are like lights and swords and shadows, count for?

Compared with this kind of miraculous power, what are those masters who can be corroded by evil spirits at any time?

"Now you know why I didn't find any evil spirit master, right?"

Xiangtou smiled.

"Because they are stupid and too weak. They don't understand what real power is at all. They only know how to hold a sword and a knife on their shoulders, and they look amazing... Do you still think we need them?"

"Wait, you mean..."

The young man suddenly raised his head as if he thought of something.

"This power, it, it..."


Xiangtou nodded.

"Anyone can learn this power."


As if a bell was exploding in his mind, the young man felt that his brain was buzzing.

You must know that if you want to become a master of evil spirit, the standards are actually very strict. It is not easy to get the evil spirit weapon first, but even if you get the evil spirit weapon, it is only the beginning - most people actually have a hard time carrying it. If they are not corroded by the evil spirit of the ferocious swords, they will only be invaded by the evil spirit into their minds and become martial lunatics who only know how to kill people with their swords.

Only a few people can survive this hurdle and avoid being distracted by evil spirits, but this is not the end, it is only the beginning. Even if they survive the erosion of the evil spirit, if the person in charge of the weapon kills too many people, it is easy for the evil spirit to corrode their brains again, or even turn into a monster on the spot.

Only a very few rare geniuses can survive this stage and stabilize themselves without turning into monsters. That is, from this time on, the evil spirit that enters the body will become the evil spirit that is released, that is, the real masters who can swing the sword light and sword shadow at will.

Being able to swing the sword and chop out the sword light is already a top-notch method in the eyes of the public.

As for going higher, it seems that there is no higher, this is already the limit of the evil spirit.

But obviously, this is only the limit of the evil spirit, not the limit of the current power.

"As long as your will is strong enough, you can do anything, as long as your will is strong enough, you can do everything..."

The incense head said this while holding the young man's shoulders.

"Think about it, if everyone has the ability to do everything, can't this world become the Land of Bliss?"


The young man was already trembling. He was excited about his imagination. He was a little afraid to think about that picture, the picture that only existed in fantasy... He had always thought that the saying of the Land of Bliss was just a scam to cheat money from incense. But now it seems that this is actually true!

This is actually true! The Land of Bliss is actually true!

"But this matter is known only to heaven and earth, and only to you and me."

The voice of the incense head suddenly sank.

"Don't spread it outside, otherwise if those evil spirits know it, we will all be in trouble... Otherwise, you know the outcome."

"... I know."

Feeling the chill in the words, the young man couldn't help but shudder.

Although the incense head looked kind and benevolent on weekdays, he still remembered how the noodle stall owner was stabbed like a broken bag and thrown out. At the beginning, he thought that the noodle stall owner had violated some taboo, or did something harmful to the sect. He was confused for a while, after all, the noodle stall owner had always been quite pious.

But now it seems that it was because the noodle stall owner was pious enough that the incense head wanted to pass on the wonderful method, but who would have thought that the old man would want to leak the secret privately, so it was natural that he died in the wilderness.

"So... wait?"

The incense head was about to speak, but his brows suddenly frowned.

"What's going on? Who is cooking noodles?"

"I'm cooking noodles, just cooked."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the shadows.

"The wonton noodles that I often eat are gone, so I can only come to your house to cook... It happens that you are here, you can pick a bowl."

Having said this, the figure sitting in the shadows stood up.

"Are you going to eat the flat noodles or the wontons?"

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