In the Blade

Chapter 56: A cunning rabbit has three burrows

So, before Yang Sanlang woke up, Du Chengfeng rode his horse again, preparing to throw the unlucky scimitar out.

Strictly speaking, this scimitar can actually be regarded as a good thing. As a weapon that can affect luck, this is the first time Du Chengfeng has seen it - but this kind of good thing cannot be kept in his hands no matter what. After all, its effect is too weird.

Although this unlucky scimitar can indeed make people lucky and even escape death, it does not come without a price.

The price is that the holder of the scimitar will be killed first.

They have said that they can escape from death, but how can they escape without death?

Based on Du Chengfeng's review of the experiences of the two owners of this scimitar, he already understood the working mechanism of this scimitar - to put it bluntly, it first makes people extremely unlucky, and even tortures them to the point of death. Leaving one more way to survive gives people a feeling of luck.

It's not so much a lucky scimitar as it is a torture blade.

Du Chengfeng felt that his life was torture enough, and there was no need to add to it.

After all, his original plan had been completely disrupted.

"It's really..."

Du Chengfeng was speechless for a moment as he watched the smoke rising from the Yangjiabao sky.

The originally dilapidated village has indeed regained its vitality, but the smoke has also become the most obvious target.

There is He Xiqing squatting in Jizhou in the south, and He Xiqing's ambush in the north is still advancing. Du Chengfeng really can't figure out how everyone in Yangjiabao will survive if he is not there.

But now he has to go out again, otherwise if he leaves this scimitar in the village, the disaster may become even greater.

"So, let me put this ax here for you first."

After thinking about it, Du Chengfeng found Carpenter Li, whom he trusted most, and took out the ancient battle axe.

Faced with the fierce coldness faintly emerging on the battle axe, Carpenter Li naturally did not dare to touch it. This bloody carpenter had never even killed a chicken, so how could he dare to take this weapon that was obviously used to kill people? edge.

"It, it seems to be looking at me."

Carpenter Li's hands were trembling.

"It told me to go and kill people..."

"Then don't bother with it yet."

With that said, Du Chengfeng placed the tomahawk in the warehouse of Carpenter Li's house and piled it with other carpentry tools. It looked like an ordinary logging axe.

"But, but, if something really happens here in Yangjiabao..."

After placing the tomahawk, Du Chengfeng hugged Carpenter Li's shoulders and lowered his voice.

"If something happens here in Yangjiabao, just listen to it."


Li Carpenter was still a little hesitant, but Du Chengfeng had already gone out and mounted his horse.

He has a full schedule today and doesn't have much time to waste.

The first thing was to get rid of the scimitar as quickly as possible. Du Chengfeng already had some ideas in his mind. He came all the way to Ji Town. He soon discovered the Tanma Rangers released by He Xiqing around the city. .

Thinking about it, he has been holding it in all night. No matter how clever his plan is, He Xiqing still needs to collect information from the outside world before he can judge the situation.

So, facing the prairie ranger not far away, Du Chengfeng clapped his horse forward, raised his hand and threw it, and the unlucky scimitar stabbed the opponent to the core.

Seeing that the God of Death who had been here yesterday actually came again, and even killed someone by doing so, these Tanma Rangers hurriedly ran towards the city like crazy, for fear of falling outside and being hacked to death.

After these exploring horse riders ran away, Du Chengfeng also turned around and ran away.

He was just here to deal with the scimitar this time, and he didn't have time to waste it with He Xiqing.

He had more important things to do than kill people.

Galloping all the way, bypassing several gentle slopes and mountain valleys, Du Chengfeng quickly found a hidden den in the wasteland - this semi-underground entrance was originally the landing place for some Jibei bandits. Now that the prairie people are heading south, These robbers had already escaped.

After checking the stability of the internal structure and the grain storage that the bandits had not had time to take away, Du Chengfeng rushed to the next den.

Searching all the way, Du Chengfeng found a total of a dozen such dens, large and small. These were originally the places where horse thieves and bandits settled, but now they have become precious gifts of nature.

Of course, there were two nests of horse thieves that had not been moved away in time, and they did not want to give gifts. Faced with such criminals who did not know how to get along well, Du Chengfeng picked up a machete on the spot and sent them back to nature.

Yes, this is his second job today.

Rabbit also knows how to make more nests. Everyone knows that it is definitely not safe to live in one place. What's more, even if he is safe, the people in Yangjiabao who are coming back are also unsafe - look at the neighbors in the street. For their sake, these bandit dens are prepared for them. When the time comes, let the entire Yangjiapu be broken into pieces, diversify the investment, and hide in these hidden dens, the people in Yangjiapu will be relatively safer.

Of course, this is also good for Du Chengfeng himself. Although the small courtyard in Yangjiabao is good, it is still too eye-catching after all. He needs more supply points and more places to stay in order to better carry out this game. Mobile warfare.

Indeed, He Xiqing was brave and wise, and he had many soldiers and generals under his command, making him extremely powerful. However, Du Chengfeng also had sufficient geographical advantages. After sharpening the spears left by the bandits, Du Chengfeng had already understood the terrain of the entire Jizhou. Moreover, he had sharpened the weapons of the grassland people before. He could even say that he knew the grassland people better than most of the grassland Hu people themselves.

Knowing yourself and knowing the enemy, this is the biggest reason why Du Chengfeng dared to fight He Xiqing.

"Prepare fifteen dens first, and then slowly find new ones later."

Du Chengfeng thought it was perfect.

But what he didn't expect was that his idea of ​​robbing the bandit dens was actually being done by others.

"...Who are you?"

In the fifteenth and last den, Du Chengfeng looked at the man in front of him with a long sword on his waist and wide sleeves, and was a little confused.

If he remembered correctly... this should be an acquaintance, right?


The eyes of the sword-wielding man lit up immediately.

"What you said to me last time was right! That is indeed part of the practice!"


Du Chengfeng suddenly had a bad feeling.

Just because this aura like a mental patient was too familiar.

"Excuse me, I took the wrong road."

Memories of the past came to his mind, and Du Chengfeng turned around and left.

He still had a lot of things to do today, and he didn't have time to compete with the mental patient here.

But even if he wanted to leave, the mental patient had no intention of letting him go.

"Thank you for your teachings, sir. I have defeated my former enemy...but this is not enough."

As he spoke, the swordsman named Cui Yuan had already drawn his broken sword and walked over.

"Originally, I thought that as long as I defeated Liu Qingyun, I would be able to achieve swordsmanship, but every time I dreamed at midnight and practiced swordsmanship to a deep level, I couldn't help but think of you..."


Although this sounded a bit strange, Du Chengfeng still understood Cui Yuan's meaning.

This made him reach for the saddle bag.

"It is my blessing to meet you today... Yes, it is because of your teachings that I have completely understood everything."

As he said this, the swordsman named Cui Yuan suddenly stepped forward and twisted his waist, rushing over quickly!

"This is also part of the practice! Please teach me, sir!"

"I knew you wouldn't be able to fart well!"

Before Cui Yuan could get close, the five-foot-long sword with sheath had already fiercely stuck in Cui Yuan's chest.

Today's update is a little early, so everyone can sleep peacefully.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes, thank you for your encouragement and support. Thanks to Book Friends 20190419202853257, Jun Xi Qing Ruo Meng, Zha Xiao Pi, Book Friends 20190525201542603, Rong Yi, Book Friends 20200601111221588, and the monthly ticket generated in the rain.

Your support is my motivation to move forward. Thank you everyone. I will go and do some sledgehammer work and then continue writing.

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