In the Blade

Chapter 562: Dragons have their own strengths and weaknesses

"What are you?"

Facing the little catcher's shout, swordsman Meng Hu frowned.

Although the figure of the young catcher looked a little blurry under the cover of night, swordsman Meng Hu could still tell that this was indeed a strange catcher - a catcher rather than a head catcher, and the difference was just That's great. After all, Meng Hu, the swordsman, had heard of the reputation of the tiger-fighting hero in the town.

Of course, even the so-called tiger-fighting hero is nothing more than an ant that can be easily crushed to death by him now.

However, among ants, there are also highs and lows.

If it were a slightly stronger ant, Meng Hu, the swordsman, might have taken a second look at him. After all, Du Baotou had gained a reputation before, and he could just use him to test his cultivation achievements - but If it were this agent, the swordsman Meng Hu would only feel insulted.

How could a mere detective deserve to appear in front of him? Are you worthy of making irresponsible remarks to him?

"never mind."

Shaking his head, the swordsman Meng Hu once again swung his sword energy.

The sword force tore through the tables, chairs and benches blocking the front, tore through the solid wooden door walls, and even tore apart the soil and bricks on the ground. Nothing could stop this incomparable sword blow.

But even this one that was sure to win, this one that was sure to kill, still passed through the body of the catcher.

It was as if this vicious knife was just the breeze blowing through his clothes.


Swordsman Meng Hu was stunned.

If this kind of thing happened once, there was a possibility of coincidence or misunderstanding, but now that it happened twice in succession, there was absolutely no chance that he had misunderstood it - it made no sense, this kind of thing was completely unreasonable, you know His knife had killed so many people before, why did it malfunction when it came to this little detective?

"You kid..."

Meng Hu, the swordsman who sensed something was wrong, quickly stepped forward to find out.

It was at this time that he heard the trembling little catcher mumbling something.

"It's all fake, it's all a cover-up, it's all a trick, it's all a lie..."

The trembling little catcher muttered to himself. Just looking at his trembling appearance, let alone fighting with others, he might not have even killed a chicken.

But such an extremely weak, ant-like figure managed to withstand two attacks.

That invincible blade, at this moment, turned out to be a false thing, a lie, a deceit, and even as ridiculous as a magic trick, just as the little catcher said.


Swordsman Meng Hu frowned.

Vaguely, he had noticed something.

"This is...the power of will!"

Swordsman Meng Hu looked stern.

Yes, this familiar smell, this unimaginable way of functioning, is exactly the same as him just now - but the same does not mean that there is no difference between the two. The power of this little catcher is too weak at the moment. , the will is too weak, far from firm enough to be called "Tao", it is as shaky as a candle in the wind.

But even if it is a candle in the wind, it is still a ignited flame.

No matter how weak the will is, it is still will, no matter how weak the firmness is, it is still firm. Even if it is just a stone, its hardness is almost the same as that of a mountain.

But now, the hard stone neutralized his attack.

"Who taught you that?"

Thinking of this, swordsman Meng Hu couldn't help but feel shocked.

He remembered the slogan that everyone is like a dragon.

Could it be that they were other evil spirit masters who participated in that operation? Have they begun to teach this power to the outside world?

If this is really the case, and the little catcher in front of him is really taught by an evil spirit master that he is familiar with, then it is not a big deal for him to let this little catcher go - although he himself wants to do it. , but he will still take other people's face into consideration after all.

But this little catcher didn't say anything about his inheritance.

Not only did the young catcher not reveal his apprenticeship, but he continued to draw his waist knife and pointed it at him. The way he held a one-handed knife in both hands was not so much holding the knife as he was cheering himself up.

Just with such a ridiculous posture, the little catcher raised his head again.

"Big, bold thief! He won't be caught without restraint!"


Swordsman Meng Hu narrowed his eyes.

He really wanted to let the little catcher off just now, but now the little catcher is seeking death on his own, so he can't blame him.

Yes, this little catcher may indeed have mastered a higher level of power under someone's guidance, but so what? The slogan "Everyone is like a dragon" sounds nice, but the problem is, does this kid really think of himself as a dragon?

"What do you think you are?"

Swordsman Meng Hu once again raised his nine-ring sword.

So what if you master it further, what if you see a wider sky, even if you shout ten thousand times that everyone is like a dragon, it will not change the most fundamental fact.

That is, among dragons, there are also highs and lows.

Even if they both have access to this unrivaled power, there is still a decisive gap between them. Not to mention that he has mastered his "Tao" first, but in terms of will itself, there is already a cloud between them. The difference between mud.

On one side is a battle-hardened master of evil spirit who can fight one against a hundred before he realizes the truth, and on the other side is a so-called constable who has never killed a chicken and has never even touched a knife. Is there really any comparison between the two?

In fact, even if we put aside the will itself, there is a huge difference between the two sides in terms of the power they control. He already has evil spirit as the most ferocious means, and now he has mastered the application of mental power. Although he has not yet been contaminated by the power of incense and vows, he has already figured out some ways to deal with it.

On the other hand, this little constable has no evil spirit, and no visible mental power, let alone any incense and vows. He has nothing but a broken iron knife. Even if he has glimpsed the road to further development, what can he do?

Perhaps they are indeed on the same road, but their starting points are really too far apart.

"Everyone is like a dragon... Ha, everyone is like a dragon!"

Thinking of this, the swordsman Meng Hu couldn't help but sneer.

Everyone is like a dragon? How is this possible?

This kind of thing is simply impossible to exist, just because people have shown differences since birth. The strong can bully the weak with strength, the smart can play with stupidity with wisdom, the fast runners can walk those who run slower like dogs, and the ones who jump far can grab those who can't jump far.

This is the gap, an innate gap.

Even if everyone has a glimpse of the further scene, there are always some people who will take precedence over others and stand out first.

For example, the swordsman Meng Hu, he felt that he would be one step faster, and he did it. He dared to say that he was definitely the first one among those people to comprehend the "Tao" - one step faster, this widened the gap, and coupled with the differences in talent between people, this gap will only widen.

One step behind, is step by step behind, is forever behind.

"This is the true meaning of killing."

At this moment, the swordsman Meng Hu suddenly realized something again.

The so-called killing is never for blood, or rather, it is not just for blood. The seemingly bloody killing is actually a more simple behavior, a concrete manifestation of the principle of all things, and something that has never disappeared since ancient times.

And this principle is the most primitive and the most basic, the strong eliminate the weak.

The world is cruel, only the strong can survive, and the weak will definitely be eliminated, either by the world itself or by the strong - just like now, a mere weak dared to stand in front of him and shout at him, that is the embodiment of no wisdom, only by letting such a weak die and eliminate such a weak, the strong can continue to be strong, and the human race will continue to maintain its strength.

"I am practicing the law of nature!"

The swordsman Meng Hu closed his eyes and felt this trace of undetectable pulse.

Yes, after realizing this level of experience, he became stronger than before.

This is why he feels that he is one step ahead, just because he really has a different talent.

"Maybe I should thank you."

Thinking of this, the swordsman Meng Hu opened his eyes and looked at the little constable in front of him.

"If you hadn't appeared, I might not have thought of this level, and I still wouldn't have thought that this way of killing and destruction could actually have such changes... Well, as a thank you, I will make your death less painful."

Said this, the swordsman Meng Hu swung his sword again.

This time it was no longer a sword aura or a sword light, just because the distance between the two of them was too close at the moment - and this was what the swordsman Meng Hu wanted. This time he was going to use the blade itself to directly chop the little constable in front of him.

This was the most direct will, the most cruel elimination, and also the deepest kindness in his heart.

After all, he just said that he wanted to make this little constable die without pain.

So, only one sword...


The unmatched nine-ring broadsword was blocked.

It was blocked by an iron waist knife.


The swordsman Meng Hu widened his eyes, he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Are you... kidding?"

The swordsman Meng Hu suddenly felt that his brain was not enough.

It doesn't make sense. This kind of thing doesn't make sense at all. You know, even when he hadn't realized the Dao, even when he was still a master of evil spirits... no, even when he wasn't a master of evil spirits, when he was just an ordinary martial artist, he could easily split the broken iron blade in front of him and the little constable behind him in half by swinging the heavy nine-ring broadsword like this.

And now, he is not only a master of evil spirits, but he has even realized his own "Dao". How can this unmatched sword, this must-kill "Elimination Blade", be... How can it be blocked?

"How can you block it?"

The doubts in his mind filled his heart, and the swordsman Meng Hu even asked subconsciously.

"How can you block it? How can you block it?"

"Block, isn't it normal to block it?"

The little constable also looked scared and even answered subconsciously.

"Iron blocks iron, isn't it normal?"


The swordsman Meng Hu's mind became more and more chaotic.

It seems to be true. Knives are made of steel, so steel can block steel. This kind of thing is really...

It's really bullshit!

How could his knife be blocked! How could his nine-ring broadsword be blocked! And it's normal... How could this be normal!

"What did you do!"

Swordsman Meng Hu felt more and more that something was wrong. His intuition had already detected the uneasiness hidden in his heart - it was because everything at the moment seemed too normal, even normal to the point of being almost common sense, so it seemed even more abnormal.

You know, the power he possessed was originally beyond common sense, and the power beyond common sense should have shattered this so-called common sense.

But now... is this normal?

"What is normal and what is abnormal?"

For a moment, swordsman Meng Hu's brain was already a little insufficient.

"What is normal? What is abnormal? What is normal? What is abnormal? What is... No, no, no, maybe there has never been normal, or there has never been abnormal!"

Take a deep breath, swordsman Meng Hu, with a flushed face, swung the broadsword again.

"Kill you! I'm the most normal one..."


Just when the blade hadn't fallen yet, swordsman Meng Hu suddenly heard the sound of a sharp weapon entering flesh.

The sound came from his own throat. The little constable in front of him was still limp on the ground, but he didn't know when a short crossbow appeared in his hand.

The short crossbow was empty.

The wooden crossbow arrow that should have been on the short crossbow was now nailed in the throat of swordsman Meng Hu.

"Hehe, hehehe..."

Swordsman Meng Hu was panting, and blood had already poured into his lungs. At this moment, he could no longer speak any words, and even breathing was a luxury for him.

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this.

He had clearly mastered the power beyond common sense, he had clearly mastered the path to immortality, he should have been like the old man with red hair and red beard, he would not die even if he was cut into pieces, how could he be killed by a short crossbow arrow...

But the crossbow arrow nailed to the throat, the person would die, this is also normal.

It is indeed difficult for a knife to defeat a crossbow, even within three steps, no matter how fast the knife is, the crossbow can be fast and accurate.

And this means that it is normal for him to die here.

"No, this is not normal..."

Using the last of his strength, the swordsman Meng Hu raised his head and reached out to grab something in the void.

This is not normal, completely abnormal, and it is not only the little constable in front of him that is abnormal, nor is it only his death.

At the end of his life, the swordsman Meng Hu has already noticed it.

The whole town is not normal.

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