In the Blade

Chapter 572: Reborn

Du Chengfeng woke up a few days ago. He was awakened by the sound of iron hammering.

Originally, when he was fighting with thousands of star kings, he did fight to exhaustion. This was undoubtedly the most dangerous battle he had ever fought. He faced endless enemies - but he had to fight, and he could only fight, because his enemies would not leave him any way out.

As he said, if you want to accuse someone, you can always find excuses.

The fundamental difference led to the fact that one side between him and those so-called great powers must die. After all, those great powers could not tolerate him, and he himself could not just sit there and wait for death.

So a big battle became inevitable.

Using a grand battle as the end of oneself may be a good thing. At least in Du Chengfeng's view, this is indeed a good result - in fact, looking back on the past, when he was in Jibei, he did not choose to escape, but chose to face the danger by fighting, which may have doomed the ending of that day.

The so-called battle between heaven and earth, even if it is fought to the end of the world, it is probably like this.

But what Du Chengfeng didn't expect was that he didn't die.

Although his body was exhausted and torn into pieces, his spirit became more and more determined, pure and clear - the attacks on his body were as surging as the tide, but it was this surging attack that seemed to wash away something in him.

Until his body was completely washed away.

Although he has now become broken pieces, his will has become more and more solid.

It is even solid enough to trick the Yaoguang Star Lord to death.

Strictly speaking, Yaoguang Star Lord can't be considered killed by him. What killed Yaoguang Star Lord was the greed in his heart - if Yaoguang Star Lord could really restrain his greed and suppress and seal his body like other Star Lords, he would not have much to do with only his body left.

But Yaoguang Star Lord just wanted to use him.

The process of being made into a weapon was too familiar to Du Chengfeng. After all, he had experienced similar feelings countless times when sharpening his knife. Even the perspective of the knife blank was quite familiar to him. He could even say that he had tasted it too many times.

The only problem was that Yaoguang Xingjun was too useless.

He had already got his body, but Yaoguang Xingjun didn't even have the ability to make it into a weapon. He had to remind him personally before Yaoguang Xingjun knew to find a proper blacksmith.

But that was the problem. He found a blacksmith, but Yaoguang Xingjun wanted people to work for free without paying.

With this quality, he was worthy of holding him in his hands?

It happened that Du Chengfeng was also ready to test his sharpness, so Yaoguang Xingjun died as a matter of course.

But this time, it was completely different from the previous melee where no one could kill anyone.

This time, Yaoguang Xingjun was probably really dead.

In the final analysis, it was because he really didn't kill Yaoguang Xingjun - the only thing left of him now was his body, which had even been made into a weapon, and the weapon was held by the old blacksmith before.

Under the will of equality of all beings, the high and mighty Yaoguang Xingjun and the mortal old blacksmith were directly leveled at that moment.

So after a few swords from the old blacksmith, Yaoguang Xingjun was probably really dead.

"So that's it..."

It was only after killing Yaoguang Xingjun that Du Chengfeng had some understanding of his current strength.

Because his body was so badly damaged, he could no longer carry a weapon out to fight like before with only this piece of broken iron, but he was not like a real piece of broken iron, trapped somewhere and unable to move.

As long as someone picked it up, he could go.

And he can't be a particularly powerful person, because the more powerful a person is, the less he can use his ability to make all beings equal - just like if the Greedy Wolf Star Lord carried him out to chop people, it would be no different from holding a piece of scrap metal.

On the contrary, when this ridiculously weak old blacksmith picked him up, he was able to exert a terrifying power that was enough to kill gods and destroy immortals.

Now this strange situation makes Du Chengfeng a bit like those evil weapons, but those evil weapons only know how to kill people and can only turn the holders into martial madmen to varying degrees, but Du Chengfeng has a complete consciousness, and even as a weapon, he can control the holder himself in reverse.

Just like the fact that he manipulated the old blacksmith and chose the giant shark gang before, it was just a test - of course, it was mainly because the young knight who bought him was too unreliable. Although he dressed up like a decent person, he actually forced women of good families into prostitution. He didn't even know how to respect his sword and even used his sword to tease a prostitute.

Du Chengfeng could accept a little bit of weakness, but he couldn't accept the owner being so weak.

Even the old blacksmith was better than the young knight, at least the old blacksmith wasn't stupid enough to use him everywhere.

What's more, for Du Chengfeng at the moment, the weaker the owner, the better.

The strong are radiant, which means that wherever they go, they will attract worldwide attention. Now, Du Chengfeng also knows that this attention is not only on the ground, but also visible in the sky.

And this means that if he becomes a weapon of a strong man, his existence will definitely be exposed to the powerful people in the sky.

Although he does have the ability to kill those powerful people, it is completely unreasonable to lose the advantage of the enemy being in the light and the dark being in the dark. Moreover, if he really wants to fight, why doesn't he collect more of his own parts before fighting?

"So, there is always work to do."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but turn his attention back to the old blacksmith.

This is why he wants the old blacksmith to be a hero.

It's not that we need to train the old blacksmith here to be strong, but the old blacksmith has too many problems. Apart from other things, his cowardly nature alone means that the old blacksmith is doomed to never accomplish anything big in his life - at least we need to train the old blacksmith to be able to handle things, and then use his identity as a blacksmith to look for the fragments of his body that may be pressed in various parts of the world.

Du Chengfeng didn't even think about putting it together completely. He only needed to put together half of it, or even one-third, to restore his former strength.

This is the huge gain brought by the battle. The battle was too much for his spiritual tempering. If this method was not too outrageous, he would even think about doing it every once in a while.

From beginning to end, those powerful people who participated in the siege were never taken seriously by him.

Compared with these trivial things, Du Chengfeng was even more willing to pay attention to the things in front of him.

For example, the backstage of the Giant Shark Gang.

"Hey, you've got something."

Feeling the old blacksmith's terrified state, Du Chengfeng didn't know what to say for a while - after all, even with his strength before he went to heaven, the so-called Giant Shark Gang and even the so-called Jiange Town were actually not in his eyes. Du Chengfeng really didn't know how to describe this matter, as he was scared to death over such a trivial matter.

Of course, he could understand it, after all, he had also experienced the feeling of being powerless when he was in Jibei. Although the Giant Shark Gang and the forces behind it were very weak to him, they were indeed huge monsters for the old blacksmith.

But Du Chengfeng was not talking without any hesitation this time, but the old blacksmith's retreat was really unreasonable.

Just because, the matter at the moment was obviously a good thing.

Apart from other things, if he had only dealt with the Giant Shark Gang or the county magistrate when he was in Jibei, he would have woken up laughing in his dreams - what he faced was a deadly killing situation. Even though he had mastered the application of evil spirits at that time, He Xiqing was far beyond his level of ability to deal with.

On the contrary, this old blacksmith was also facing danger. First of all, the enemies were too weak. Even the people of the Giant Shark Gang had died. The only ones left were the forces behind them. This was really not a big deal.

Moreover, there was a second point, that is, the weapon held by the old blacksmith now was much stronger than Du Chengfeng himself at the time.

When Du Chengfeng himself faced He Xiqing, although he also collected some weapons, that kind of collection was no different from collecting junk. They were either unwanted by others or picked up from corpses. The only one that could be regarded as the main weapon was an antique from hundreds of years ago. It was not even a good sword. This thing was clearly used to kill pigs.

On the other hand, the old blacksmith's craftsmanship is not bad. The Yin-Yang Sword he made can indeed be called a good and famous sword. Moreover, the material used to make this sword is the best of the best.

At least Du Chengfeng can pat his chest and say that there is absolutely no better forging material in the world than his own. This is not just the remains of a powerful man, but also the top steel that has never existed in the world.

It's a pity that he can no longer pat his chest now.

So he controlled the old blacksmith's sword-holding hand and patted the old blacksmith's chest.

His hand patted his chest, but the shining sword blade came directly to his face. Seeing the sword blade that he polished by himself, which was enough to cut gold and jade, swaying in front of him, the old blacksmith was so scared that he almost peed on the spot.

"This is all he can do, he's already old, really..."

Du Chengfeng said cheap words in his heart, and at the same time he had to comfort the old blacksmith a little bit - of course, more importantly, he had to lead the old blacksmith to get the job done quickly.

As the saying goes, food and grass must go before the troops move, no matter what you do, you have to get some start-up capital first.

Originally, in this regard, Du Chengfeng's consideration was still based on his old routine, that is, to find some evil masters to compete in martial arts, and then sign a life and death agreement, and everyone's life and death will be determined by fate - anyway, Du Chengfeng can guarantee a steady win, so this naturally becomes his unique way to make money temporarily. As long as the duel opponent is killed on the spot, there will always be some money to be made.

But now, he no longer has to do such troublesome things.

What's the point of the evil master's little money? Eight out of ten of these wandering gangs are poor ghosts - or in other words, who would leave their hometown to run out to the world if they have a little family property?

And now, there are a few who have not left their hometown, such as the Giant Shark Gang, which is a local snake with a stable layoff income, and behind this Giant Shark Gang, there are several local big families, which is even more in Du Chengfeng's hands.

In fact, this Giant Shark Gang also provided him with a pleasant surprise. The local county magistrate actually participated in it. He really couldn't have thought of such a thing - but the cash that can be scraped out of this county magistrate is probably more than that of the big families combined.

The reason is simple. These big families have deep roots in the local area. Even if they have money, most of them are land and real estate that cannot be taken away. But the county magistrate has to obey the order. After all, whoever leaves, the land and real estate cannot be taken away, so it must be exchanged for money.

After wiping out these people, he didn't know how much money the entire Jiange Town had in his hands. This was how much money the entire town had. If he could spend it all by himself, he would not have to worry about money for a long time.

Of course, the start-up capital was only one aspect. As for the other aspect, it was because the big men who seemed so arrogant in the eyes of these old blacksmiths were really a bunch of soft persimmons.

Whether it was the county magistrate or the big families, even if they could keep some masters, at best they would be able to release evil spirits. At this level, if he just avoided them, it would really be a case of not taking what God gave and being blamed.

If this old blacksmith couldn't even take this soft persimmon, he would really be ready to change the sword holder. After all, although he wanted to find a mortal with a sufficiently poor level to control himself, or let him control this mortal, there was still a limit to this difference. If this old blacksmith really couldn't handle anything, he would have to give up the nice blacksmith entry of the old blacksmith and reluctantly let it go.

This feeling was quite strange. When he was a human, it was still the feeling of a human choosing a weapon, but now he had personally experienced why some weapons would actively choose their holders.

"Anyway, this time, just treat it as a test from me."

Seeing that the county magistrate's mansion was getting closer and closer, Du Chengfeng had already made up his mind.

"If it works, then we will cooperate sincerely. If it doesn't work..."

If it doesn't work, once he loses his military protection, the old blacksmith might never see the sun again that day.

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