In the Blade

Chapter 59 Complete Madness

What does it feel like to kill someone?

Once upon a time, Carpenter Li was afraid of killing people. This was a frightening thing. To kill is to take another person's life with your own hands. Blood will flow all over the floor, the knife will get stuck in the bones, and those who are dying will cry out again and again in his dreams, asking him to give his life back.

He was bleeding, he was afraid of death, and he never thought about anything related to killing.

But now, Carpenter Li knows.

Killing someone is no different from splitting wood on a daily basis.

Even splitting wood is more difficult. After all, there are always some pieces of wood that are not so regular, with tumors and scars inside, which will jam the axe - but flesh and blood is different. When the sharp ax blade passes through flesh and blood, there is almost no resistance.

As for the bones under the flesh and blood, for this sharp axe, they are only slightly hard and small branches.

"So that's it, that's it..."

Carpenter Li, with scarlet eyes, looked at the ax in his hand and smiled crazily.

"It turns out I'm just doing carpentry. I'm familiar with this."

While saying this, Carpenter Li raised his head and looked at the remaining grassland barbarians in front of him.

"Well... no, no, rotten wood cannot be carved."

"Be careful! He is holding Ah Xuan's axe!"

The prairie barbarian with scarlet eyes had already recognized the big ax in Carpenter Li's hand.

"He has gone crazy! Kill him quickly! Quickly..."

The roar that came out of his mouth was blocked in his throat.

The prairie barbarian who was still calling his companions just now had his entire head cut off, and his limbs were bent in strange ways by the handle of the axe. The whole headless corpse was lying on its back, with its four legs on the ground. , actually like a bench.

Carpenter Li, who completed all this in a matter of seconds, even went over to sit there.

"Okay, but it's not very strong yet."

Saying this, Carpenter Li swung the ax handle and hit the tailbone of the headless corpse.

The broken bones were put together, and they were actually much stronger at the moment.

After completing his first work, Carpenter Li finally raised his head.

"If a piece of wood is not polished, it will become useless."

Glancing at the few grassland barbarians left in front of him, Li Carpenter, who was sitting on the corpse bench, stood up.

"You guys also need to repair it."


Several prairie barbarians with scarlet eyes looked at each other.

Then, he ran away.

Indeed, as soldiers under He Xiqing's command, as eagles under the sky, they should not be timid in fighting, nor should they run away - but the premise of all this is that this must at least be a battle.

Is what they are facing really a battle?

No, this is not a battle, it cannot even be considered a massacre. Standing in front of them is something even more bizarre and difficult to understand.

Just like now, that thing was obviously lame on one leg, but it chased behind them like the wind. The big ax rose and fell several times, and it cut off the head of a grassland barbarian who fell behind and carved it into a lantern.

The biting cold wind blowing from behind is so familiar. How could they who come from Mobei not recognize this feeling? You must know that they all claim to be warriors sharpened by the cold wind in Mobei. They are the heroes of frost and snow. A good guy who can't even be killed.

But now, this wind from home has already sided with the monster.

Driven by the cold wind, the monster was still walking vigorously even though it was lame. With just one rise and fall, the door leading to the outside was completely sealed by the battle axe.

Carpenter Li has never done such an easy job.

Benches, tables and chairs, lanterns, oil lamps, and even cart wheels, Carpenter Li carefully carved one piece after another. The wood that originally took some effort to cut was unexpectedly easy to cut now - if there is any problem, it is that the juice of these fresh woods is too much, and it not only flows all over the floor, She even sprayed him all over his head and face.

However, these woods are not without their advantages, and the biggest advantage is that they understand his thoughts. Just after he had finished making several wooden tools, more wood rushed in from the door. Carpenter Li had thought countless times that he would let his two children do it for him in the future. After all, he would ask for help. It's still a bit too expensive, and his income isn't that high.

Now, there is no need to wait for the children to grow up. The sawed wood comes in by itself.

"It's a little short sawn, but it's not unusable."

Carpenter Li just thought about it and had a rough outline in his mind.

Although the wood itself is not long enough, the wood can be joined together using the mortise and tenon method, and a few useful pieces of material can be produced. It just so happened that he also remembered that although his brother Du now had a good horse, However, there is still a lack of a stable in the yard, so it would be appropriate to tidy up these materials now.

So Carpenter Li swung his axe, and cleaned up all the wood that rushed in in a few strokes.

One thing to say, these woods are really useful. Although they are a little loose and have a lot of sap, the peeled bark is strong enough and can be used as a roof on the stable.

Carpenter Li once even wanted to use the bark to make a pair of boots. After all, he heard that if you go further north, in the ice and snow, the people there have the tradition of using bark to make shoes. However, Carpenter Li had only heard about it, but he didn't know what to do - not to mention that the bark was not enough at the moment, and the rope pulled out of the wood should not be enough.

He still had to find more materials before he could help his brother Du build the stable.

"Is there anything else..."

Thinking this, Carpenter Li subconsciously looked in the direction of the warehouse.

I saw a piece of wood suddenly jumping out of the warehouse, then flying up the courtyard wall and running away.

But before the piece of wood could climb over the wall, a branch from Carpenter Li's side had already shot out of his hand, hitting the head of the piece of wood.

"As for the poplar wood, I can make do with it. It's for building a stable anyway."

Thinking like this, Carpenter Li continued to scan.

No more wood came over, which made Carpenter Li who was originally ready to wait for work a little disappointed, but thinking about it, the wood came over on its own, so how could such a good thing come from it? Fortunately, he just knocked down a piece of wood. The escaped Yang Mu also had some remaining materials in the yard.

Two small ones and one big one, although it is not a good material, but with these leftover materials, the stable can be built.

"Just a little bit of practice..."

Saying this, Carpenter Li walked over with an ax in hand.

"First cut off the bifurcation..."


Just when the ax was about to fall, Carpenter Li suddenly heard a familiar cry.

This made his movements suddenly stagnant.

"Who called me?"

Carpenter Li couldn't help but feel a little confused.

It must be the child calling him, he remembered, it was the two children calling him, these two little brats were very noisy... Oh, yes, and his wife, his wife was also calling him, but his wife... Where? Where are his two children?

"Dad! Let go! Put this thing down quickly!"

"Master! Wake up! Wake up!"

The familiar voice lingered in his ears, seemingly very close, but Carpenter Li couldn't see where his wife and children were at all - he could only see the leftovers surrounding him, as if they were trying to tie him to death. .

Of course, Carpenter Li couldn't sit still and wait for death. He had been dealing with wood all his life, so how could he be killed by a mere piece of wood?

Carpenter Li raised his axe.

But there were traces of water dripping on his body.

It should be the mucus of trees, Carpenter Li thought. This is what happens to wood that has not been dried. However, compared to the mucus, these water stains appear to be clearer - if you have to compare it with something, That's more like human tears.

Can wood shed tears? Do plants and trees also have emotions?

Carpenter Li never believed in these things. After all, he was a carpenter himself. Believing in random things was just torturing himself.

However, he thought of his children.

His two little cubs are almost as tall as these two scraps of scraps. In just a few years, they will definitely become his good helpers. By then, these two bastards will be able to do some work and save his wife more trouble. He has already made up his mind in order for the family to live a good life. , even if you risk your life...


Carpenter Li suddenly fell into a trance.

" life? When did I make such an oath?"

Carpenter Li vaguely remembered something.

Yes, risking his life, he did do this. It was at the most critical moment, at the most terrifying time, in order to save his family and children, he stretched out his hand to something that must not be touched... Wait, what is that thing that must not be touched?

"Dang Cang——"

The ancient battle ax fell to the ground, and the redness in Carpenter Li's eyes gradually faded.

He finally met his wife and children.

And those in the yard, the "works" he had just completed.

"So, this is the reason why you lit a fire in the courtyard?"

Du Chengfeng, who turned over and dismounted, looked at Carpenter Li who was throwing the corpse bench into the fire and scratched his head.

He did not expect that the twenty or so exploration horse rangers could reach all the way to the Yang Family Fort. What he did not expect was that these elite rangers under He Xiqing only harmed a few families, and then they were all killed. Carpenter Li killed them all, and even made some kind of... work.

Although he was not very able to appreciate these masterpieces, he had to admit that the things Carpenter Li made with the corpses of prairie people were quite performance art.

"Besides, aren't you dizzy?"

"I'm not dizzy anymore."

Carpenter Li, who was covered in injuries, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"After all, it's already... Hi. It's hard to take these things out, so we can only burn them in the courtyard. Come and help."

"Can't you just chop it into pieces and burn it?"

Seeing Carpenter Li's limp and struggling, Du Chengfeng simply cut the bench in half with a knife.

"Besides, how can these things be burned in the courtyard? I'd better call the Yang family over..."

"Forget it, forget it."

Carpenter Li waved his hands repeatedly.

It's not that there is no need, but it has been called. As for the result, it is obvious that the whole village is not too eager to help carry these "basic building materials" - in fact, if it is just a corpse, they will not not help, but Carpenter Li handled these building materials very well.

Du Chengfeng thought about it and simply asked Carpenter Li to give up this slow burning method.

After saying hello to Carpenter Li and asking his family to take out all the valuables in the house, Du Chengfeng lit a fire and burned the yard and the corpse inside.

"As for the new place, live next door to me. As a neighbor in the future, it's just right to take care of you."

This can indeed be considered as taking care of you, because Du Chengfeng could already feel something when he touched the battle axe just now.

To his surprise, this old battle axe that he had originally left for Carpenter Li to fight desperately actually recognized the timid and even blood-sick Carpenter Li.

And this also means that, in addition to him, the entire Yangjiabao now has a second person who can control the evil spirit of swords and weapons.

Although this surprised Du Chengfeng, it was indeed reasonable. After all, although Carpenter Li had never practiced martial arts or fought, his determination to fight for his family was far more resolute than any bravery.

Perhaps this is why the old axe recognized Carpenter Li.

Because this time it was not just a warrior who was driving it, but a husband and a father.

Of course, it would be difficult for Carpenter Li to fight He Xiqing, but this axe was more than enough to deal with ordinary grassland Hu people. With Carpenter Li, a neighbor who knew him well, living next to him, he could sleep more peacefully during the day.

What's more, Carpenter Li also brought him something important.

"It's the scimitars of the scouts under He Xiqing..."

Since he touched these twenty or so scimitars, Du Chengfeng realized that these scimitars were completely different from the scimitar bones in his inventory.

Although the knife is indeed the same, compared to those ordinary irons, this newly acquired scimitar can be regarded as a veteran.

Of course, more importantly, the owners of these scimitars should all have been released from Jizhen.

As the saying goes, when the time comes, heaven and earth will work together.

Not only was Li Mujiang safe and sound and became a helper, but after getting these weapons, he even had the opportunity to further understand his enemies.

"He Xiqing, right?"

After waking up, Du Chengfeng took a scimitar in the moonlight.

"Let me see, what have you been doing recently?"

With that, the grassland scimitar was placed on the wet grindstone.

I'm a little late, I'm really sorry.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes, thank you for your encouragement and support. Thanks to book friends 20221119185953152, Skeleton Pass New Account, Lucifersatan, Dawn of the Glimmer, and Fantasy World Yunqi for their monthly tickets. Thank you all for your support and love. The best thing is that everyone can enjoy the show. I'm going to swing a few sledgehammers, take a nap, and continue when I wake up.

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