In the Blade

Chapter 595 Demonic Soldier, Dragon Head Stick

The powerful and determined Wenqu Star Lord suppressed the restless demon soldiers, but it does not mean that other powerful people who have seized the remains can do the same.

For example, the Jiulong Star Lord who is holding a broken arm now obviously has some problems in his brain.

As the name suggests, Jiulong Star Lord often uses nine dragons as his combat weapon. However, since there are no dragons in this world, these nine dragons are actually drawn by Jiulong Star Lord himself. When he was still a mortal, Jiulong Star Lord was obsessed with dragons. He did not believe that dragons only existed in fantasy. He felt that this strange beast must have existed.

If this strange beast did not exist, how could the predecessors draw it?

Jiulong Star Lord himself is also proficient in painting. Naturally, he knows that if he wants to draw the essence, he must have seen the real thing. This means that the paintings handed down by the predecessors can never be fake, and those paintings related to dragons must be real.

With this idea, the Jiulong Star Lord, who was once a mortal, has made a great reputation just by painting.

With such persistence, such perseverance, and such... obsession, the Jiulong Star Lord, who was still a mortal back then, not only has a great reputation on earth, but even some powerful people in the sky know about him.

Although the powerful people often have their own things to do, they are also happy to take a look at such strange people and things occasionally.

So, there was a powerful person who was good at doing things, who turned into a dragon and went to the home of the Jiulong Star Lord.

The Jiulong Star Lord was scared to death.

Such deeds spread out, naturally causing people to laugh, and even the powerful people in the sky regarded it as a joke - in the eyes of the powerful people, this is a symbol of mortal weakness, stupid mortals only like the fakes in their imagination, but if they really see even a little bit of truth, they can't bear it, and shit and piss together.

Of course, saying this is actually a bit of a self-blame, but they have already ascended to become star gods, and they no longer regard themselves as mortals. Or, it is because of the weakness of these mortals that they can contrast their strength and transcendence.

Dragons can be big or small, can rise or hide. When they are big, they can create clouds and mist, and when they are small, they can hide their shapes. When they rise, they soar in the universe, and when they hide, they lurk in the waves. Dragons are comparable to heroes in the world.

These powerful people were already heroes in the mortal world, and they can even be said to be the best among heroes. Now that they have ascended to the sky and have completely controlled everything about themselves, they have indeed achieved the ability to be big or small, to rise or hide.

In a sense, no matter what their origins are, their current form and existence are already the creatures of "dragons".

There is a huge difference between dragons and humans, which is natural.

"Perhaps, this is the real dragon."

Although this farce was only a joke, it also made many powerful people clearly realize the difference between themselves and those mortals.

But what no one expected was that they still underestimated the degree of the devil of the Nine Dragon Star Lord.

Although the posture of being pissed and running was extremely embarrassing, when the Nine Dragon Star Lord came to his senses, his painting skills improved by leaps and bounds. The dragons he drew before were somewhat dull and stiff, but after that farce, the dragons drawn by the Nine Dragon Star Lord became more vivid and more lively.

"Dragons exist! They really exist!"

With this idea in mind, the Nine Dragon Star Lord continued to paint.

Until the dragon he drew really flew up.

The nine dragons depicted by the pen and ink made the Nine Dragons Star Lord invincible. It was these nine dragons that carried the Nine Dragons Star Lord all the way to the sky. After achieving the status of a powerful person, the first thing the Nine Dragons Star Lord did was to find the powerful person who had played tricks on him in the past, and commanded the nine dragons to skin and bones him, and then suppress him underground.

The story of the Nine Dragons Star Lord is also a reminder to many powerful people, that is, don't mess around when there is nothing to do. If the enemy suddenly turns over one day, it may become a fatal disaster.

In fact, from the ascension of the Nine Dragons Star Lord, many powerful people have seen that someone may have instructed the Nine Dragons Star Lord. Otherwise, if the Nine Dragons Star Lord relied on himself, no matter how determined he was, he would not be able to ascend to the sky, or even so accurately seek enemies and revenge.

But only the Nine Dragons Star Lord himself knew that he did all this by himself.

He just wanted to see the real dragon again, that's all.

As for the killing, it was not so much anger after being fooled, but disappointment of not seeing the real dragon. He had clearly created nine protective dragons, but only now did he know that everything was fake. The so-called dragons were all disguised by powerful beings, and there was no such thing at all... How could he accept such a thing?

But even if he didn't accept such a thing, he had to accept it, just because there was no such thing as a dragon. He couldn't create a species or a race out of thin air.

So a strange situation formed in the Nine Dragon Star Lord. On the one hand, the dragons he believed in were all fake, and on the other hand, the nine protective dragons he created were all real - although this brought him unparalleled power, it also brought hidden dangers to this power.

Once his own mentality fluctuates and he denies the existence of dragons, then all his abilities will disappear in an instant, and this powerful strength will fall into dust in an instant.

Therefore, Jiulong Xingjun has been thinking of solutions, or in other words, searching for things related to dragons.

As long as he can find something that proves the real existence of dragons, his originally illusory power will immediately become extremely solid. At that time, he who controls the power of Nine Dragons will be invincible - but obviously, this is It was impossible. There was no such thing as a dragon at all. How could he find any evidence related to it?

Originally, Jiulong Xingjun was about to give up, and was even ready to switch to a new method. Although other powerful methods may not be really suitable for him, it at least ensured that he would stay in the position of a powerful person. As for falling.

But now...

Looking at the broken arm of the demon in front of him, Jiulong Xingjun seemed to see a turning point.

Yes, this can indeed be called a turning point. After all, the existence of demons outside the territory means that they also exist outside the territory. So, besides the demons, what else exists outside the territory? No one knows about this kind of thing - just, everything. First, what if there really are dragons outside the territory?

If there really is a dragon outside the territory, then wouldn't all of his power be fake?

"If there really are dragons outside the territory... No! Not if!"

Jiulong Xingjun shook his head fiercely when he thought of this.

Yes, it's not if, it's a certainty. There must be dragons outside the territory. The reason why there are no such things as dragons in this world is because the dragons have gone. Naturally, those powerful real dragons cannot be as small as them. Just like human beings, they can only be trapped in this world that cannot get out and kill each other. They must be gone, must have left.


This is certain, is it really that certain?


Jiulong Xingjun sighed when he thought of this.

This is also the most embarrassing thing about Jiulong Xingjun. People cannot lie to themselves. No matter how hard he tries to convince himself that dragons may really exist outside the territory, his past experience still makes him feel that this conjecture , maybe it’s just a conjecture.

Just like his previous conjectures, just like the so-called real dragon he had seen before, they were all nothing but illusory lies.

"So... there may be only one way to solve this problem."

Yes, there is only one way.

That is, he personally went outside the territory and saw the dragons outside the territory.

This is why he chose to support Wenqu Xingjun, just because no matter how you look at it, Wenqu Xingjun is the person most capable of taking them outside the territory - although Wenqu Xingjun himself seems a bit unreliable, except for Wenqu Xingjun , do they really have any good candidates?

"Maybe, there are still some."

Jiulong Xingjun vaguely thought of something.

In other words, he has actually always had this idea. After all, there seems to be only one way, but there seems to be more than one way - after all, what he wants to do is to confirm the existence of the dragon. If Wen Quxingjun really can't do it...

Maybe the other side can do it too?


Although he knew that it was not good to think like this, Jiulong Xingjun couldn't help but think about it.

If he follows Wenqu Xingjun, he will have to contribute all the way, and even follow the expedition outside the territory. But if he takes another path... he may, probably, very likely, not need to go outside the territory at all, and he may not even need to put in much effort. .

After all, the other side, that is, the demon from outside the territory, originally came from outside the territory.

He only needs the other party to give him an answer. He only needs the other party to say it casually. He only needs the demon outside the territory to tell him personally that there are indeed dragons outside the territory.

His power can be completely stabilized.

If this could be achieved, it would not even be that important whether there really were dragons outside the territory, because on his own side, his will and his power had already completed a complete closed loop - change In short, even if there is no such thing as a dragon outside the territory, as long as he doesn't go there, he can pretend that he doesn't know and that everything is fake.

But if you want to do all this, you need a prerequisite.

"That is, resurrect the extraterrestrial demon first."

Thinking like this, Jiulong Xingjun grasped the severed arm in front of him.

This means going against everyone, but for his own strength, for his own strength, and for the pursuit of the dragon in his heart, Jiulong Xingjun has strengthened his will - this cannot even be called betrayal. After all, there is no relationship between the great powers and they are just different in their orthodoxy. He needs to rely on external forces to consolidate his foundation.

And this means that it is useless to say anything.

Anyone who stands in his way will die.

Just like it is now.

"What? You said you came to seek refuge with me? Do you want me to help you fight against the attack of the extraterrestrial demon?"

Seeing several strange powerful men coming to visit his cave, Lord Jiulong frowned.

"Why me? Why me? Why should I help you?"

"After all, you are powerful after all."

Strange powerful men spoke with compliments.

"What's more, you still have the remains of that demon..."

Yes, this is the key. Having the remaining body of the demon means that there are demon soldiers, and having demon soldiers means that there is the capital to fight against the demon from outside the territory - after all, Wenqu Xingjun has already used the demon soldiers to obtain such a weapon. In terms of strength, other magic soldiers must be not bad either.

What's more, everyone saw it at the beginning. The nine body-protecting divine dragons of Jiulongxingjun had grabbed a whole severed arm. With such a large piece of material, God knows how ferocious the magic weapon can be made.

"So, we still help each other and take care of each other..."

"No, you have misunderstood something."

Looking at these powerful people who came to his door, Jiulong Xingjun became more and more confused.

"I mean, why should I help you instead of killing you? Why do you think I have to stand with you?"


Before the leader could express his doubts, the silver metal arm had already blown off his head.

Immediately afterwards, Jiulong Xingjun raised his severed arm, causing a bloody storm.

"So, why do you think I should stand with you weaklings instead of standing with that extraterrestrial demon?"

It wasn't until the last great power was knocked over in his cave that Jiulong Xingjun picked up the bloody broken arm and stepped on the corpse.

"The devil outside the territory can give me power, what about you? What can you give me? Deception and lies?"


The remaining powerful man took his last breath and cursed loudly.

"You, traitor..."

"Don't say it so harshly, as if we are our own people."

The bloody war club hit again, shattering the mighty head.

On the war stick, there are nine dragon-shaped reliefs surrounding it. The blessings of the nine divine dragons make this one-handed war stick, which is not too long, look extremely powerful. It was at this time that Jiulong Xingjun realized that he The remains of the demon in his hand had turned into a demon soldier at some point.

Holding the magic weapon in his hand, Jiulong Xingjun even faintly felt a thought flowing through his body.

At this moment, he was no longer the down-and-out painter of the past, nor was he the so-called Nine Dragons Star Lord now.

Rather, the descendant of the dragon!

"It's true! All of this is true!"

Holding the dragon-head war stick in his hand, Jiulong Xingjun became more and more delighted.

But just to this extent, it's not enough.

He had to personally resurrect the extraterrestrial demon and obtain confirmation from the other party's mouth.

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