In the Blade

Chapter 600 Under the Same Sky

False Taoism cannot produce real power.

It was only after Wu Zhao's reminder that Du Chengfeng realized why the powerful people could not completely kill each other when they attacked each other - indeed, this may be said to be the strong will that transcends life and death, but Du Chengfeng has realized that the power they use is also problematic.

If the strong will itself is power, then when the two sides fight, what they should compete with is the firmness itself.

But what are these powerful people doing now?

Are the things they do, the inspiration they seek, and the path they follow really related to that firmness?

Obviously, not.

Du Chengfeng himself is a powerful person, and he has some experience of this. After mastering this so-called mental power and rising to this so-called great power, what lies before him is endless emptiness and confusion - this may indeed be a kind of power, and it can even be said to be a very useful power.

But this power, when used, is always a little subtle and strange.

This kind of power is too convenient, even a little too convenient. It is more omnipotent than the magical inner power in martial arts novels. He can almost do anything he wants to do with his mind.

But the more he can do everything, the more he can't do anything.

When everything becomes extremely easy, there is nothing left for him to do. As long as he uses the omnipotent mind and as long as he is infinitely determined, there is nothing he can't do. Perhaps Wu Zhao is limited by his knowledge and can't find a suitable adjective, but Du Chengfeng can accurately find a way to describe it.

It's like turning on the modifier while playing a game.

As long as you listen to the modifier ding-dong a few times, everything will change under the firm will. Indeed, from the perspective of combat, this is not a bad thing. It can greatly reduce the time of combat, reduce troubles in all aspects, and allow people to complete everything they want to complete in a shorter time.

But then?

Then, it seems that there is no then.

When everything can be easily completed, when everything can be quickly swept away, when everything is over, all that is left is eternal nothingness.

"...Why do I always feel like something is wrong?"

Du Chengfeng vaguely caught a hint of inspiration, but he couldn't disassemble it in detail for a while.

However, if he thought along this line of thought, it would explain what the so-called "death intention" was all about - what killed these powerful people was not so much the thought of death, but rather this strong sense of nothingness. When they realized that life itself was no longer meaningful, death naturally became their only destination.

So, even if it was just to survive, these powerful people had to constantly search for the meaning of life and the joy of survival itself. This was not so much a fight against the death intention as it was a fight against nothingness itself.

But this search was not a regular search. For these powerful people who were already omnipotent, their way of finding the meaning of life would inevitably be strange, unconventional, even outrageous, and unconventional.

And all these behaviors were just to satisfy their own desires, just to allow them to continue to live.

From this perspective...

"Why do I always feel that if I continue to describe them this way, these powerful people are more like extraterritorial demons than me?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but slap his head when he thought of this.

Yes, it seems to be true. These so-called powerful people, these powerful people who keep saying that they are extraterritorial demons, whether it is their behavior, their fighting style, or this loose structure mode - especially this loose structure mode, which is also one of the doubts raised by Wu Zhao before.

If these former heroes and heroes also practice seniority after going to heaven and create an organization like the heavenly court, or if they also fight and kill each other after going to heaven, then at least it is still within the scope of Du Chengfeng and Wu Zhao's understanding, but now, this loose, contradictory but relatively peaceful situation seems problematic no matter how you look at it.

But what if, change the perspective?

What if you change the perspective and regard these so-called powerful people as extraterritorial demons?

The demons from outside the region live in another world. The caves owned by these powerful people can be considered another world. The demons from outside the region will bring disaster to the people. If these powerful people go down to the earth, they can be regarded as a disaster.

The demons from outside the region will fight, but this group generally maintains relative stability. The powerful people also have conflicts, but they will not fight to the death.

And the most obvious thing is that the demons from outside the region are extremely difficult to kill, and these powerful people are the same.

"No wonder they use the term demons from outside the region..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

As the saying goes, the more you say something, the more you think about it in your heart. At present, these powerful people regard him as a demon from outside the region, perhaps because these powerful people have subconsciously realized that they are almost the same as the demons from outside the region they are talking about.

In fact, they are already trying to do similar things.

The demons from outside the territory will conquer another world, and these so-called powerful people are obviously preparing to attack another world and prepare to kill in a wider world.

Yes, kill Xiang.

Not running towards, not flying towards, but killing towards.

This is why, the more Du Chengfeng thought about it, the more he felt that this idea seemed to be true.

After all, these so-called powerful people have never learned anything else when they grew up. When these powerful people were still mortals, the murderous evil energy system had already been in these powerful people. A solid mark has been laid in their hearts, and the idea of ​​killing people and plundering everything has long been ingrained in these powerful people.

Although flying to the sky requires the so-called washing away of the three turbidities and the so-called firmness of will, in Du Chengfeng's view, this can only eliminate the influence of evil spirits and prevent himself from becoming a common person. Just kill Madman Wu.

But that's the problem. Even if you're not crazy about martial arts, you can still kill people and steal treasures, and you can still use force to plunder everything.

It's just that this killing will become more rational, calmer, more skillful, and more capable.

This is never about washing away, it should be an advancement after getting rid of negative things.

"It's like... military training?"

Du Chengfeng vaguely thought of a possibility that he was not sure about.

Although this idea is a bit too absurd, when you think about it carefully, it seems to be true - first, through endless killings, select a few seeds with excellent martial arts, and then collect these seeds to let them learn how to fight rationally... …But in this process, we must continue to starve them, make them empty, let them immerse themselves in nothingness, and let death continue to chase their footsteps.

Under this coercion, they may not necessarily become stronger, but they will definitely become crazier. Even if they still retain the most basic rationality on the surface, the paranoia that supports them in nothingness is still there. They have long since become completely irrelevant to the heroes of the past.

As long as you can survive, you can do anything. This is the root of these powers.

They have power, they have strong means, and the most important thing is that when they do things, there is no bottom line at all.

They look weak right now, but that's just because they are still in their own world. They are born in this world, and they are still somewhat attached to this world. If all of this is really destroyed, they will completely lose their place. place.

But if such a group of so-called powerful people are released for away games...


Du Chengfeng no longer dared to think about how tragic and chaotic that scene would be.

This can no longer be described in just a few words: the destruction of all living beings. The existence of these powerful beings is already the disaster itself.

"Your idea..."

Wu Zhao also frowned.

"Although it's not impossible, I always feel that there are some aspects that are missing."

Having said this, Wu Zhao also added a few words.

"According to your statement, these so-called great powers are all the best in the previous eras. They relied on their own strength to ascend to the sky, opened up their own caves in the sky, and never cared about worldly affairs. Concentrate on your cultivation... From your perspective, you may think these things are fine, but from my perspective..."

The other half of Baizu Xingjun's face controlled by Wu Zhao frowned.

"Why have I never heard of any of the dynasties you mentioned, the great scenes, this and that?"


Hearing what Wu Zhao said, Du Chengfeng was stunned.

This could Wu Zhao not know?

But after careful consideration, there are some doubts in it. For example, the so-called "previous dynasty" in the mouths of those powerful people are only one-sided words of these powerful people. Du Chengfeng did not find relevant cultural relics, nor did he find anything that could prove it. Evidence to prove the existence of these dynasties - but because it was so long ago, Du Chengfeng, an outsider, didn't know much about local history, so he just believed everything.

But once you think of Wu Zhao's situation... everything seems so abnormal.

If everything is as those powerful people said, there are still various previous dynasties, and there are still generations of civilizations, then how come the Yin people of Wu Zhao's generation were directly beaten back to wearing animal skins? Time?

You must know that no matter how grand a war is, it will leave behind some legacy of civilization, some basic lifestyles, and some words or utensils that represent the inheritance of civilization. These will be passed down as the germs of the next civilization.

But there is an obvious breaking point here in the Yin people. Although the Yin people do have considerable power, their level of civilization is still in a barbaric period. If we only say that these are caused by the war, then it must be It doesn't make sense.

Just like the doubts raised by Wu Zhao now, Wu Zhao himself, as a Yin native, also felt that so many civilizations existed before was a bit too incredible.

"So those dynasties, those civilizations, those so-called heroes you mentioned..."

Thinking of this, Wu Zhao couldn't help but make a guess.

"Are they really locals?"


Du Chengfeng was speechless.

Originally, he didn't even need to think about this kind of question, but now, after listening to Wu Zhao's words, he was a little afraid to confirm it.

However, if these so-called heroes are not locals, then where did they come from?

Their familiarity with this land, their understanding of this world, they even understand the evil spirit, mental strength, willpower, and even all kinds of power... Where do all their understandings come from?

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng also turned his attention to the powerful people who came to seek refuge.

It can be said that he was lucky that he didn't kill these powerful people directly just now, but now he has the opportunity to ask these powerful people.

However, these powerful people didn't dare to talk to him. Perhaps it was because the Centipede Star Lord was a little too famous, and the different expressions on his left and right faces were too scary. These powerful people didn't dare to speak at first.

However, after Du Chengfeng tried various ways of persuasion, facing the regret sword drawn by Du Chengfeng, these powerful people finally chose to tell their privacy to satisfy the strange desire to pry shown by the centipede star king in front of them.

"When I was young, it was still the Great Jin Dynasty. At that time..."

Among the powerful people, one of them spoke first and roughly told his story. Then, one after another, they all came from different dynasties and different periods, and the stories they experienced were naturally different.

But Du Chengfeng didn't care about this, he asked another question instead.

"What about the rest of you? Do you know the Great Jin? What about Da Jing?"


The other powerful people were silent for a moment, and then frowned.

"It should be a previous dynasty, right? Anyway, no one recorded the history of this aspect, so naturally no one would know that there was such a dynasty at the beginning... But now it is known, right? It can be regarded as understanding..."

"You, wait a moment."

Listening to the words of these powerful people, Du Chengfeng keenly captured the key.

"That is to say, you actually haven't heard of this so-called Dajin, or Dajing?"

Speaking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but slap his head.

Even Wu Zhao thought of something.

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