In the Blade

Chapter 608 The First Demonic Soldier

How did the magic soldiers come from?

The powerful people didn't know, and Wenquxingjun didn't know either. Although he held the strongest magic weapon in his hand, Wenquxingjun had no idea how the magic soldiers were made. If he had to say it, it was extreme emotions, plus the remains of the extraterritorial demon. At least all the magic soldiers came from this way.

So the problem is here.

Why can only the remains of the extraterritorial demon be used to build magic soldiers?

This question is not easy to delve into, but there is no need to delve into it. Anyway, the extraterritorial demon came from the extraterritorial world, and there must be many things that no one can understand outside the domain, so it is not too strange for the extraterritorial demon to make some magic soldiers. But now, an exception has appeared.

That is the wooden man in front of him. The faint aura emitted from this wooden man is indeed a magic soldier.

But this wooden man is not made from the remains of the extraterritorial demon.

It is a very pure, or very ordinary, wooden sculpture.

This completely overturned the basis of the existence of the so-called magic weapon. It was possible to construct a magic weapon without the remains of the demon, and everything about this magic weapon seemed to have nothing to do with the demon from outside the domain. If there was a connection, it was probably that this magic weapon was probably made by the demon from outside the domain.

But apart from that, from the selection of materials to the residual soul attached to it, none of them were from outside the domain.

"That is to say..."

The main body of Wenquxingjun frowned.

He always felt that there was something wrong with it, but after thinking about it, it seemed that some key information was missing. But his intuition told him that this matter might be very important, even very important, even more important than the so-called outside the domain.

"Anyway... take him away and lock him up first."

The main body of Wenquxingjun thought about it, and finally did not continue to order other Wenquxingjuns to kill him. On the one hand, it was unnecessary, and on the other hand, he was a little unsure about what consequences would be caused by destroying this magic weapon.

What's more, this magic weapon is still a very valuable research material.

Or, can a self-aware demon soldier that is the same as a human being really be considered a demon soldier?

"Could it be..."

Thinking of this, Wenquxingjun suddenly caught the key information that seemed to be missing just now.

Yes, if this demon soldier is really the same as a human being, doesn't it mean that the extraterritorial demon has mastered the ability to create a human out of thin air?

It's not a matter of men and women, but relying on one's own power to truly create a life out of thin air, this kind of thing...

"No, it's not out of thin air."

Wenquxingjun immediately shook his head, his judgment was too arbitrary.

Yes, it's indeed not out of thin air. After all, in addition to the wood itself, there is another crucial part to construct the wooden demon soldier - that is, the residual soul attached to the wood. The residual soul and the wood, together, are the demon soldier itself.

"But wood is not the most important, or in other words, wood can be replaced."

Wenquxingjun continued to think.

What if the wood is replaced with stone? What if it is replaced with steel? I'm afraid it's also feasible. After all, these things are just a material carrier. As long as the residual soul is still there, the carrier can be replaced at will...

"The carrier can be replaced at will?"

Wenquxingjun suddenly felt that something seemed wrong.

Although he did deduce this result based on the current situation, this seemingly normal result made people feel that there was a problem no matter how they thought about it - if from the perspective of this wooden man, as long as the residual soul is still there, the carrier can be replaced at will, then by analogy, if it is applied to ordinary people...

As long as the consciousness is still there, the body can also be replaced at will?


Wenquxingjun was suddenly stunned.

Although theoretically, this statement is normal, after all, many great powers, after having the ability, the first thing they do is to replace their bodies, but Wenquxingjun also knows that this so-called replacement of the body, in the final analysis, is just using one's own body to carry out more evolution, the body is still one's own body, this is not much change.

On the mortal side, there was a popular method called Bingjiexian, which was to separate one's consciousness from the body, or to copy a copy and put it on those weapons, so as to break away from the limitations of the mortal body and live longer in another form.

But if this method is really used, there will still be many problems. At least first of all, whether the consciousness that is separated is still oneself is a big problem.

Many people think that the consciousness that is separated is the original person, which is normal. After all, these people are looking at it from a third-party perspective. From the perspective of an observer, if one's consciousness is separated, or copied, the copied person is also the same person. At least they behave in the same way, do things in the same way, and even speak in the same tone, communicate and talk, and even have the same memory of the past. How can they be two people?

But Wenquxingjun knows that these are indeed two people.

He himself has the most say in this regard, and he can even give a simple example at any time - just like now, he knows that among the 3,600 Wenqu Star Lords, there is one Wenqu Star Lord who likes to have some romantic affairs. Since he doesn't see anyone now, it is likely that he has gone to the mortal world to have fun.

If they are originally the same person, then the other Wenqu Star Lord is having fun, and he, the original body, should be able to feel it.

But he didn't feel anything about it, he didn't feel any comfort, what the other Wenqu Star Lord was doing had nothing to do with his original body.

And this is also the biggest drawback of the Bingjiexian system.

Indeed, the copied consciousness is indeed free from the shackles of the flesh and has a long life, but it is only the copy that can do all this - as for the original body, when the lifespan is over, or when it suddenly dies, it is really dead.

This is why Wenquxingjun sneered at the so-called Bingjiexian, because he knew very well that the so-called Bingjiexian could not even be considered a human being.

Even if there are many so-called Bingjiexian who claim to be the original body, they are completely different from the original body after all. No matter how similar they are to the original body, even if they are almost equivalent to the ideas and extensions of the original body, their original body is indeed dead, and dead is dead.

Bingjiexian itself is a joke, at least in the eyes of Wenquxingjun, who has truly transcended life and death by himself.

But now it seems...

"No way..."

Wenquxingjun vaguely thought of a possibility.

If this possibility is true, then it is likely that it is not just the so-called Bingjiexian who are a joke.

Not only Bingjiexian, but even the powerful, all ordinary people, and the whole world can be considered a joke.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Wenquxingjun shook his head decisively.

Although he did infer something, he refused to believe this inference. After all, if he was to admit this inference, he would have to admit that the body was meaningless and could be replaced at will, and the consciousness was even meaningless and could be copied at will... Even including these 3,600 Wenquxingjun, who were the same as himself in his eyes, they could only be copied at will.

He seemed to have misunderstood the function of the pair of magic soldier's eyes.

The function of the pair of magic soldier's eyes was never to pull out another self from other dimensions, but to directly copy another self on the spot.

"But... Impossible!"

Wenquxingjun shook his head again.

He would never admit it. He would never admit such a thing.

If everything could be copied at will, then what could these so-called great powers, these so-called heroes, who he had fought so hard to get to this point, be considered?

A boring joke?

What exactly is consciousness? What exactly is the function of the body? If the body is really just a shell that carries consciousness, then only consciousness itself determines everything...

"Can't think! Can't think any more!"

At this moment, the cautious Wenquxingjun has realized that with his current mentality and skills, he is far from being able to carry this cognition - but now even if he wants to regret it, it is too late, because his thinking has already started just now.

Just like the famous story of "Don't be like an elephant", the more you force yourself not to think, the clearer the things that should have been forgotten in your mind will be.

Just like him at this moment.

The more you want to forget, the more those thoughts will come to your mind.

At this moment, it is no longer humans who are chasing knowledge, but knowledge that is chasing humans themselves.

Those completely useless and even harmful knowledge, those crazy judgments, those glimpses of the real madness, are pouring into Wenquxingjun's mind - Wenquxingjun can no longer stop thinking. He keeps thinking and thinking about what this new knowledge represents. He keeps making new plans for himself, and then keeps overturning them.

At this moment, Wenquxingjun's body is almost crazy.

If it were someone else, he would probably be close to death at this time. After all, for a great power, confusion of consciousness means confusion of will. If the will is confused, the power that can be exerted will naturally be only one tenth.

But the current Wenquxingjun is an accident.

Wenquxingjun has never been a single person. Wenquxingjun is a collection of 3,600 Wenquxingjuns. Now it's just one Wenquxingjun who is crazy, and there are 3,559 Wenquxingjuns waiting to fill the position.

But before filling the position, the newly appointed Wenquxingjun has one most important thing to do.

"Give me the magic weapon."

Another Wenqu Star Lord stood in front of Wenqu Star Lord's original body.

"I can not kill you, but the control of the magic weapon must be in my hands... You are already in this state, and there is no use for holding the magic weapon. It is better to...Okay, don't look at me like that. Although I promised not to kill you, it does not mean that they all agree."

This Wenqu Star Lord raised his head and looked at the other Wenqu Star Lords.

"But we are all Wenquxingjun after all, they should leave you with an intact body."


Wenquxingjun's original body was panting. Obviously, even though he had just come into contact with this knowledge, he had already shown an attitude of being unable to bear it.

But at least he still had the most basic hearing and the most basic reaction.

So after hearing this, Wenquxingjun's original body reached into his arms and held the pair of magic soldiers in his hands.

It was holding in his hands, not handing them over.

Obviously, Wenquxingjun's original body had no intention of handing over the magic soldiers.

"What do you want the magic soldiers for? What's the point of this kind of thing?"

Wenquxingjun laughed.

"Does fighting for this kind of thing make you look like a human being? Even if you get this thing, what can you do? You fools know nothing about the real thing, and you are even pursuing this kind of external things..."

"External things?"

Another Wenquxingjun sneered.

"If you really think this thing is an external object, then you should take it out, instead of holding it in your hand like a treasure... If you hand over this pair of eyeballs, then there is still room for discussion today. Whether you want to go crazy or find a place to live in seclusion, it's all easy to talk about. I can even plead with them so that other Wenquxingjun won't chase you."

"It's meaningless, meaningless."

The original body of Wenquxingjun shook his head repeatedly, and his originally confident face was now full of dejection.

"It's meaningless, everything is meaningless... Whether it's death or life, this kind of thing is meaningless."

"You dog!"

Other Wenquxingjuns couldn't help but curse.

"Since you have already said it's meaningless, why don't you hand it over quickly? You said it's meaningless, but you still hold it in your hand. Is this what you mean by meaningless? Is this what you mean by meaningless? Why don't you die?"

"Why don't I die?"

The original body of Wenquxingjun suddenly laughed strangely.

"Hehe, you actually asked me why I don't die... This is really a good question. Why don't I die? Of course, it's because I can't die!"

While saying this, Wenquxingjun raised his finger and pointed.

"You, you, you, and you, and them, all the powerful, and even everything in this world, we can't die!"

"We are the same as him, we are all residual souls, we have neither life nor death."

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