In the Blade

Chapter 62: Killing is a natural outcome after preparations are complete

Du Chengfeng had thought about how he would fight He Xiqing.

It might be a battle that would shake the world and make the gods cry. Both sides would fight with all their might. They would leave wounds on each other's bodies and swing their swords with all their strength... Of course, in the end, one side would be more skilled and knock the opponent to the ground with one sword.

Maybe it would be him or He Xiqing. One of them would survive and spread the story of the battle.

However, imagination is just imagination after all.

When it came to the actual operation, Du Chengfeng found that such a situation was absolutely impossible. Facing this mortal enemy, he could not rush up like in the story and stupidly fight with the enemy with a sword.

He would weaken his opponent first, attack them again and again, disrupt their daily life, and keep them awake at night. He would strike at his opponents, weaken their morale again and again, and make them lose their appetite - and in the process, he would never force himself to do things that could not be completed. Not only that, he even had time to transfer the people of Yangjiabao to various bandit dens to clear his last worries.

After all this was done, he chose a sunny afternoon and rode to Jizhen.

Killing people with great fanfare may not be possible. Hidden under the huge momentum is uncertainty about the future.

The real killing is a natural result after everything is prepared.

"Let me play some music from my hometown for you."

While riding his horse towards Jizhen, Du Chengfeng continued to beat the war drum in his hand.

It was just a random beating, and it couldn't even be called a rhythm, but what Du Chengfeng needed at the moment was not the rhythm, but the effect of the war drum itself - and after this war drum with dark red blood stains was struck again, fierce shouts of killing really broke out in the city wall.

The soldiers under He Xiqing had enough confidence in themselves. They would not look for wizards to calm the blood evil spirit in their bodies, but would accumulate it continuously and regard it as part of their strength, and regard it as a knife in their hands.

However, the knife will bend and break.

This blood evil spirit is also unreliable at times.

"It's not enough, it's not enough, I have to help you again!"

Putting the war drum back on the horse, Du Chengfeng picked up the old horn again.

The dull sound of the horn was desolate and distant. Just hearing such a sound would remind people of the endless grassland.

And under this rural accent from the grassland, the shouting and killing sounds from the city became more vigorous.

In the final analysis, the soldiers under He Xiqing were just using reason to maintain consciousness and suppress the madness brought by the blood evil spirit - just like Du Chengfeng, he could indeed behave like a normal person on weekdays, but it did not mean that the sword evil spirit was completely non-existent. For example, when he faced those wizards before, the sword and weapon evil spirit on his body was provoked, and he was also fooled.

Of course, now it is his turn to use the same method to teach others.

"He Xiqing? You came just in time!"

Seeing the figure with two swords on his waist jump down from the top of the city, Du Chengfeng blew the horn on the spot.

He Xiqing, who obviously wanted to confront, suddenly lost control of his body and rushed towards Du Chengfeng with bloodshot eyes.

The big knife in Du Chengfeng's right hand had been prepared for a long time.

The so-called killing is a natural result after everything is prepared.


At this moment, Du Chengfeng suddenly heard a sound of metal clashing.

He Xiqing, who was on the horse, had regained his clarity of vision at some point, and the pair of scimitars in his hands had already blocked the heavy fire blade's chopping.

"You want to kill me with a wizard's method? You are not worthy."


This is the first time that Du Chengfeng has seen someone who can block this blazing fire blade.

The blood on He Xiqing's pair of scimitars was bloody red, and Du Chengfeng felt something familiar.

Yes, he could find a suitable outlet for the evil spirit of the sword, so how could He Xiqing not do it?


Accompanied by a loud shout, the cross of blood drawn by the two swords actually pushed the blazing fire blade back.

However, just when He Xiqing raised his two swords high like an eagle spreading its wings, ready to take the opportunity to counterattack, another cold light rushed to his face.

Dragon and tiger two postures, flying dragon sword variation, face stab.

Although Du Chengfeng didn't quite understand why this broken horse long sword liked to come up with some fancy names for the moves, but since it liked it, he would let it go.

After all, they had already been able to fully trust each other.


Although the Broken Horse Long Sword, including the handle, was only a little over five feet long, it still cut a hole on He Xiqing's face even though the distance was about ten feet.

This made Du Chengfeng secretly say that it was a pity. It was so embarrassing that he had not practiced the spear seriously. He Xiqing was not able to stab accurately.

But it was not a big deal. He Xiqing, who was about to move, was interrupted by his backup weapon.

So everything should end.

"Anyway, it's our first meeting."

When the Broken Horse Long Sword in his left hand was retracted, the blazing fire blade in Du Chengfeng's right hand was already raised.

"No need to see each other again."

Du Chengfeng swung the fire blade down with a blank expression on his face.

The so-called killing is a natural result after all preparations are completed.

The charred He Xiqing was chopped away. This man who was originally like a god of war could not withstand his blow at this moment - and this was the result Du Chengfeng expected. After all, this was what He Xiqing did to Liu Yanran, the commander-in-chief of Jizhou. Taking advantage of his weakness and attacking him by surprise may sound despicable, but it is indeed very useful.

Of course, He Xiqing would not die just like that. The charred figure climbed up on the spot and fled back to the city like a fly - this was also what Du Chengfeng expected. If he were He Xiqing, he would definitely leave some means of saving his life for emergency use.

Fortunately, everything was under control.

With his legs clamped on the horse's belly, Du Chengfeng chopped open the city gate, which was not well repaired, and rushed directly into the city.

In Jizhen City, the grassland soldiers who had huddled here had gone completely crazy. Their bloodshot eyes had already reached the critical point where they could no longer suppress their bloody aura. After being provoked by the horns and drums, the already weak balance could no longer be maintained.

Now, the only ones left in the city were the humanoid monsters with bloodshot eyes. They were bloodthirsty and searched for any living creatures, killing everything in front of them indiscriminately.

But this was meaningless to Du Chengfeng.

Du Chengfeng got off his horse and left his warhorse at the city gate. After all, even a warhorse would probably be frightened by the strong aura of swords and weapons in the city. So, Du Chengfeng entered the city with just two knives.

The monsters with bloodshot eyes surrounded Du Chengfeng, but before they could get close to Du Chengfeng, they were cut into pieces by invisible sharp blades.

The long sword hummed in his palm, and the sharp edge seemed to be very happy.

"There will be more happy things."

Carrying the sword on his shoulder, Du Chengfeng walked towards the center of the city.

That was the direction where He Xiqing fled. It seemed that the only good luck on the unlucky scimitar began to take effect. At least when he came all the way, he was indeed dragged for a while by those grassland soldiers who turned into monsters, which gave He Xiqing a chance to escape.

But it didn't matter, everything was still under his control.

After all, he still remembered that the blacksmith who had made this unlucky scimitar, the blacksmith who had escaped death nine times in a row, was finally chopped by him.

This was a contest of wills and a competition of beliefs.

When he had prepared everything here, but found that He Xiqing was not prepared at all, he already knew that the war god-like He Xiqing and an ordinary grassland blacksmith were essentially no different from each other.

They all have no ability to fight against death, no courage to face death, and no courage to die calmly.

This made Du Chengfeng sigh.

"Think about it carefully. Although we are enemies, I have always admired you. After all, you are really powerful."

Du Chengfeng muttered to himself while walking towards the direction of the Governor's Mansion.

It seemed that he was talking to He Xiqing, and it seemed that he was simply talking to himself.

"It's a pity that now I finally understand that you are just a mortal. You will be hungry, thirsty, afraid, and angry... There is no difference between you and me, and I don't need to regard you as so unattainable."

At this point, Du Chengfeng raised his head and looked at the Jizhou Governor's Mansion in front of him.

"So, everything should end... huh?"

Du Chengfeng frowned suddenly.

He suddenly smelled a bloody smell.

A strong and pungent smell of blood that was as rusty as iron.

I slept until eight o'clock in the evening. I was numb from sleeping. I hurried to write and try to update the second time before three o'clock.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes, thank you book friends 20180604210707929, 箨小伟成草, and 无生 Evil仙 for the rewards. I am really honored and it is really a waste of money. Thank you to Yu Pangpang233, the lazy self, book friend 20180604210707929, Beihai Wubing, lazy Wuwangjiang, Alexpang, one-handed support wall, Wencheng卍武德, book friend 161204080953325,丨无定丨, my name is Fujino Yanjiurang, book friend 20170419220928740, two pieces of pork belly , book friend 20230618173902556, four-cornered star flower, book friend 20171008120542038, Zenden, Li Ban wants to eat meat, and the great cat grandfather for the monthly ticket.

Thank you all for your support and love. It would be the best if everyone can feel comfortable reading it. I will continue to write.

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