In the Blade

Chapter 76 Another Knife Seller

When he first came to Yanzhou City, Du Chengfeng thought it was a safe city.

After all, you need to register to enter a door, and there are strict security measures. Long swords and long knives are not allowed to be brought to the street. If you see them, they will be confiscated. Compared with Jibei, where people often chop people in the street and even fight for water in the village, Yanzhou City is obviously a peaceful and safe place.

But until now, Du Chengfeng realized that there must be something wrong with this statement.

For example, if Yanzhou City is really so peaceful, why do people need to go through security checks when they enter the door?

"Even if long swords and long knives are banned, it seems to be useless."

Looking at the bodies that were just beaten to death on the ground, Du Chengfeng couldn't help scratching his head.

Compared to the ordinary appearance during the day, Yanzhou City at night is really lively. Du Chengfeng killed nine people just on the way from the city gate to the mansion.

Two ruffians, a grocery store clerk, two traveling sedan bearers, two thieves who stole things in the dark, a beggar, and even a prostitute in a brothel.

Together with the cook from Qingyanglou before, the short knives and spears left by these people just made up a set of ten.

However, these ten did not find anything good. The cook was good at making banquets, the two ruffians were only good at extortion, the grocery store clerk was good at shouting, and the beggar could sing a few songs. The things left by the sedan bearer and the thief were useful. One of them was familiar with Yanzhou City during the day, and the other was familiar with Yanzhou City at night. Du Chengfeng was familiar with the terrain of Yanzhou. As for the prostitute in the brothel... Du Chengfeng really couldn't think of what use it would be for him to learn makeup.

Yes, they are all small and miscellaneous things. These people dare to attack and kill lone passers-by in the middle of the night, but there is not even one person who knows martial arts among them.

They are just ordinary people who may not even be able to beat others in a fight.

But now, under the cover of the night, they have all become brutal killers who kill people.

"Is it all because of this..."

Pulling open his robe, Du Chengfeng looked at the increasing number of short blades and daggers in the robe.

The only thing these people have in common is that they bought these knives that are said to "solve problems" from someone who hides his head and shows his tail, and they did use the knives in their hands to solve the problems they faced in a physical sense - and after tasting the benefits of killing, that is, the evil spirit in Du Chengfeng's eyes entered their bodies, these people couldn't stop.

Just like the grassland soldiers under He Xiqing, the evil spirit brought by killing gradually increased the power of these ordinary people, allowing them to begin to surpass ordinary people and gradually move towards the direction of inhumanity.

Even if these people had not practiced martial arts, a dozen soldiers might not be able to take them down, not to mention ordinary passers-by walking at night, who might be killed on the spot if they met.

Unfortunately, Du Chengfeng could not be considered an ordinary passer-by.

"Are you really still a human?"

Just as Du Chengfeng was about to open the gate and go into his new house, a voice sounded behind him.

"These are all swords I have kept for more than half a year. I will accept that you took one or two. Since we are all in the same industry, I will not bother with you... You didn't even say hello, and took the weight of ten heads in one breath. Isn't it a bit too much? Do you think I am dead?"

"... Who are you?"

Du Chengfeng turned around in surprise, but found a figure in a wide robe squatting on the eaves not far away, looking down at him.

Although the other party was hiding his head and showing his tail, and even covered his entire face, just looking at the familiar breath, it was clearly the person who appeared in the memory of those knives before, the one who sold the short blades that killed people!

"I am the intelligence director of Yanzhou, and my nickname is Sparrow Eagle."

The hiding figure jumped down from the eaves and looked at the robe on Du Chengfeng.

"Your clothes... haven't you just become a sparrow? How dare you cross the line?"


Du Chengfeng was stunned by the question.

This robe on his body was bought when he went to the big market in Jibei. At that time, he happened to meet a knife seller, so he bought all the 17 knives from the other party, and this robe was naturally given as a package - all along, he just thought that this old robe was okay to wear on his body, and the knives hanging inside could just be used as a layer of inner armor, which was also a good thing to use for protection.

But now it seems that this old robe actually has another explanation?

"I, that, um... Sparrowhawk, right?"

Du Chengfeng was silent for a moment.

Originally, he thought that the knife seller was an outlaw, and he was going to follow the memories in the knives to find the knife seller and beat him to death - but now, according to what the knife seller said, the other party seems to be an organized organization? The intelligence director of Yanzhou?

It sounds like an official organization. Could this be his colleague in Yanzhou?

Although Du Chengfeng always felt that the other party's behavior was not like a good person, when he thought of the weirdness of the knife and the aura of the Southern Chen Dynasty, he always felt that nothing in this world was strange.

"Since we are all family, come in and sit down."

After thinking about it, Du Chengfeng pushed open the door of the mansion first, ready to chat with this strange colleague first, and also to collect more information about Yanzhou.

But who would have thought that just an ordinary door-pushing action would make the knife seller who called himself Sparrow Hawk speechless.

"This... Isn't this the house of the Yanzhou Arms General Manager? What's wrong with you, wait?"

The knife seller who called himself Sparrow Hawk seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"I heard that during the day, a new grinding craftsman came to Yanzhou. Could it be..."

"Yes, it's me."

Du Chengfeng arched his hands and admitted it.

After all, he didn't lie. He was indeed a new grinding craftsman. As for whether he was from Jizhou or Yanzhou... Anyway, Sparrow Hawk didn't ask.


Sparrow Hawk clapped his hands excitedly.

"I didn't expect that there were colleagues who could get to this position! In this way, our great cause will be more promising!"

"Our great cause?"

Du Chengfeng was stunned.

Although he could understand the word, "great cause" here... doesn't it sound a bit strange?

"Yes! Our great cause!"

Saying this, the sparrow hawk bowed to the north.

"When the Khan's heavenly soldiers arrive, this little kid from Southern Chen will be nothing but a chicken and a dog!"

The first update is here. I had insomnia in the morning and slept a little late. I ate a little late. I'm really sorry. The second update will be here before two o'clock.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

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Thank you all for your support and love, I will continue to write.

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