In the Blade

Chapter 94 Yanzhou Attack and Defense

After Qi Jinshan swung his sword to kill the grassland envoy, the huge Yanzhou City finally started to move.

The first thing to be opened was the various armory warehouses. Bundles of weapons were lifted out of the wine jars by the clerks. After a simple wipe, these weapons were handed over to the soldiers who had already put on two crotch armor. After receiving these weapons, the eyes of the soldiers who were ready to go began to turn red.

It was at this time that the clerks took wine out of the wine jar and distributed it to these soldiers.

"Monsters are not that scary, monsters are not that scary..."

While silently reciting various words to encourage themselves, these soldiers closed their eyes and drank the bowl of wine in front of them.

Then, they opened their eyes.

After a bowl of wine, the blood color that was about to spread to the eyes faded away, but instead reflected on the faces of these soldiers, making their faces ruddy immediately.

The blood began to heat up, and even the body seemed to have a little more strength out of thin air. After holding the weapons in their hands tightly, even the most timid soldiers felt a little heroic at this moment.

"Team One! Guard the Governor's Mansion and the government offices! Prevent thieves from taking advantage of the chaos to assassinate!"

"Team Two! Team Three! From south to north! Team Four! Team Five! From west to east! Make sure to clear all the thieves! If there is resistance! Kill without mercy!"


Under the military order, teams of soldiers stepped out of the armory, wearing armor and sharp weapons and came to the street, directly replacing those who had long been unable to hold on.

People with bloodshot eyes rushed over, holding various kinds of fierce short blades in their hands. These crazy people were not afraid of death, and the evil spirit in their bodies made their skills far superior to ordinary people - but this time they were not facing the iron bars and swords in the hands of the plunderers, but the heavy shield wall set up by the soldiers on the street.

"It can be torn open, it can be torn open! It must be torn open!"

The burly and crazy man who was charging in the front had a dazzling flash of blood on the blade of the hatchet in his hand!

"It's just a shield! How can I not break it! Give it to me..."


Before the hatchet was raised and swung down, the long halberd that pierced through the gap of the shield had already pierced through his body.

The crazy man wanted to continue to sprint forward, but the horizontal branch on the long halberd stuck his body. The huge force from the long halberd even pushed the man back head-on-and after this man, the second, the third...those crazy lunatics who were unstoppable before were all nailed to the spot by the long halberd at this moment, and could no longer move forward.

The momentum of the crazy lunatic stagnated, but the soldiers' steps would not stop there.

The heavy shield wall moved.

"Stab! Shoot! Stab! Shoot!"

Accompanied by the command of the team leader, the whole team gradually turned into a well-trained killing machine. The first row was responsible for holding up shields for protection, the second row was responsible for stabbing out long spears, and after the team continued to move forward, the third and fourth rows simply drew their swords from their waists to make up for the damage, to prevent any remaining hidden dangers from appearing.

Some agile crazy lunatics jumped onto the roof and tried to attack from the flank from a high position, but it was still meaningless. They were all stabbed to death in the air by the spears protruding from the shield array before they landed in the air.

The evil spirit of the swords and weapons entering their bodies did make these crazy lunatics have agility and agility far beyond that of ordinary people. But the soldiers they faced were no longer ordinary people.

These soldiers holding fierce swords and weapons were no less than those crazy lunatics at this moment!

But unlike those lunatics, they still retained their normal rationality.

So compared to those crazy lunatics who had lost their minds and only knew how to rush up to die, these soldiers at least knew what dangers they could not deal with.

"Disperse! Disperse quickly!"

Seeing that a shadow had already covered the heads of the soldiers, the captain shouted hurriedly.

However, even if the soldiers who had already formed a formation dispersed at the fastest speed, the giant eagle with a human face that fell from the sky still smashed three people to death. Wherever the giant wings went, the soldiers were all broken-even if some soldiers had raised their shields at the fastest speed to protect themselves, the huge impact still hurt their internal organs, causing them to spit blood on the spot and it was difficult for them to get up again.

And behind the giant eagle were those horse-sized hunting dogs. These giant dogs that had been raised in the city at some point in time were wantonly biting everything in front of them. Even the two crotch armors made of fine iron could not withstand the huge bite force.

If the battle just now was still within the scope of humans, then the current battle was no longer something that humans could participate in.

The soldiers used all their strength to thrust out the long spears in their hands, but they were easily knocked away by the giant eagles. The soldiers set up a shield wall again, but were smashed by the giant dogs. As the monsters rushed forward, the soldiers who were originally in neat formation instantly fell into a posture of fighting on their own.

Even their team leader, because the sound of the command just now was too loud, attracted the attention of several giant eagles, and was directly pulled into the air and torn into pieces.

After pecking at the team leader, the bodies of these giant eagles became visibly larger.

This was not something they could fight against at all.

"We are dead..."

At this moment, even though the blood was aroused by the moonshine, these soldiers were completely desperate.

If there is anyone who can defeat these monsters, it is probably only Qi Jinshan, the military governor of Yanzhou. After all, most of the military governors appointed by the court have the ability to wield fierce weapons - but the governor is far away in the governor's mansion. Can he really come to rescue them?

"So why are you not in a hurry?"

Thinking of this, many soldiers looked at the replaced hunters in the team.

Compared with them, these hunters who are responsible for maintaining law and order seem quite calm, and there is no despair on their faces. Instead, they seem to be waiting for something.

The soldiers all know that they are waiting for the governor who can't come, but what about these hunters? What are they waiting for?

"Wait for a flag."

As he said this, a hunter raised his hand and pointed to the corner of the street in the distance.

"Here he comes! He's coming!"


Some soldiers subconsciously looked up, but only saw an old flag inserted on the saddle.

There was also a dazzling fire that was five meters long.

"Get down!"

Hearing the roar from afar, the hunters lay down on the ground skillfully, and pressed the soldiers beside them to the ground.

Then, the dazzling fire drew several burning marks in the air.

The smelly blood rain sprinkled from the air, along with the broken monster corpses.

After the burning breath gradually dissipated, the soldiers and hunters also supported themselves and stood up.

"There are more over there!"

A hunter pointed to the south skillfully.

"I saw it before! The dog came from that side!"

"I came from that side too."

On the horseback, the burly man carrying a big knife turned over and dismounted.

"All have been killed, all."

"Kill, kill them all?"

At this moment, not only the soldiers, but also the hunters, once thought they were drunk.

This disaster that swept the whole city... Actually, they just said they would kill them all?

How did they do it? This nightmare-like day, actually ended just like that?

"...Not over."

Hearing the doubts of the soldiers, Du Chengfeng, who was carrying a big knife, just shook his head.

Even if all the monsters in the city have been killed, it is still not the end.

For the upcoming Yanzhou attack and defense, this is only the beginning.

"It should be soon..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but raise his head and look in the direction of the city gates.

But to his surprise, there was no shouting and killing from the other side of the city wall.

The first update is here, it's a bit late, I will try to be quick for the second update, before 2:30.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thanks to Yu Daozi, Benjamin ldx, Xuwu Piaomiaozhixin, and Sheren Ertai for the rewards. Thank you for your kindness, it's really a waste of money.

Thank you all for your support and love, I will continue writing.

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