Never disappointed you!

Although today’s Chinese restaurant does not have Leyi! But life still has to go on. Since there are three more Reba families in the Chinese restaurant, the atmosphere of the restaurant is quite lively.

Although Reba’s mother is not good at words in front of people, everyone can see the way she works silently. At first glance, he once came from a poor family. Even though he is rich now, he still doesn’t have any airs, which makes people feel good.

In fact, the most popular scene today everyone thought it was Reba! Unexpectedly, Reba’s father is the most eye-catching in the end.

It can only be said that he is indeed Reba’s father! Being able to cultivate so many talented daughters shows that she is not simple.

Even though he is a little older, he is still a bit windy and suave. He can use all musical instruments in Xinjiang. He can also play a good guitar. He can sing, dance, and humor.

The self-confidence in front of the camera is unpretentious and unobstructed, and the camera is full of sense.

Today, the first day the Chinese restaurant opened, there were not many people. In her spare time, Zhang Xiaoren apologized that Reba’s mother was learning to cook pilaf. The restaurant’s people were full of praise for her pilaf.

In the evening, there were many people in the restaurant. Reba’s father played a guitar and sang a Xinjiang folk song. Reba also performed a Xinjiang dance. The guests of the whole restaurant were excited and applauded on the spot.

After Wang Tian learned about the situation of the Chinese restaurant today, he also knew that he would close it when he saw it. When there was no one in the restaurant around 8 o’clock, as a director, he secretly told Zhao Wei that everyone should go back to rest! After all, Reba’s parents are embarrassed to trouble Reba today.

Besides, Wang Tian also noticed that Reba was a little absent-minded. She thought that Reba was worried that her parents would be tired.

As for Reba’s mother, no one could see her absent-mindedness because the camera didn’t give much.

“Overall, today’s effect is not bad! I hope it can make up for yesterday’s popularity!” Wang Tian looked at today’s good camera and smiled bitterly.

She didn’t have to think about it to know that if all Le Yi was cut out in yesterday’s scene, the effect would be greatly reduced.

And today’s show is hotBa came, and brought her parents, and even performed so many talents, so that customers are satisfied and returned. Although the effect brought by Leyi is a little worse than yesterday, the star effect can still make up for it!

Now director Wang Tian is speechless. When did the star effect become so worthless? There are so many big names in the show today, but Wang Tian still feels that the scene is less like yesterday when he looks at the camera.

Anyway, that kind of feeling can’t be said, but Wang Tian just felt that there was always a very down-to-earth feeling in yesterday’s scene of Leyi, which made people feel more identified. As for today’s show, there may be too many big names in the show. The reason always has the taste of a show.

“Maybe it’s my illusion!” Wang Tian shook his head and sighed helplessly.

“Okay! Today our Chinese restaurant opened on the first day, thank you for your hard work, and at the same time thank the Reba family for helping, I really appreciate it!!” Zhao Wei raised the drink cup and finally expressed his thanks after everyone was full. .

After drinking the drinks, everyone applauded. Finally, everyone was full and walked out of the restaurant. Huang Xiaoming, who stayed behind, turned off all the lights in the restaurant, and another day in the Chinese restaurant ended.

After leaving the restaurant and coming to the highway, Ajie’s car was already waiting by the side of the road, and everyone got into the car, and Reba looked at her mother and immediately said with guilt: “Mom! I’m sorry, I didn’t expect that Leyi would actually Declined the invitation to the Chinese restaurant!”

“It’s okay, silly girl!” Reba’s mother smiled and touched her daughter’s head, saying that it was okay.

I didn’t see Leyi today. It can be said that Reba was a little disappointed. She was even more disappointed that she did not let her mother see Leyi. In order to understand Leyi, she did not hesitate to show her face and participate in variety shows. Seeing that her mother was disappointed, Reba felt even more disappointed. taste.

Tomorrow, Reba will not come to the Chinese restaurant. She will take her parents to play for the last day. If there is no accident, they will return to Huaxia the day after tomorrow, and Reba will return to work.

Reba doesn’t know if she can still meet Leyi after this parting. Reba thinks that she likes Leyi now is also wishful thinking. After all, she doesn’t know everything about Leyi, maybe someone already likes it.

After Zhao Wei and others left! Wang Tian brought the camera master and quickly followed Zhao Wei and others.

When everyone left, Le Yi happened to be holding Little Apple’s hand and walked slowly from a distance along the seashore.

“G~ Little Apple! I haven’t seen you tired after playing for a day!” Seeing that Little Apple was still so energetic after playing for a day, Le Yi was speechless at this energetic little girl.

“Yeah! I just don’t feel tired playing with brother Leyi today!” Little Apple jumped happily while watching Leyi.

The two played crazy today, splashed water and rode a big elephant, and went to the forest and watched fireflies. The only unexpected gain was probably the broken guitar in Le Yi’s hand!

At this time, Leyi has a very old guitar in his hand. The guitar is a 41-inch brown wood color. The novice uses a folk guitar. It is estimated that it didn’t cost much when I bought it. Now the guitar is very old, and there are scratches on it. The strings are all rusted, and the first and third strings are still broken.

It is estimated that its owner also thought it was too old, and it didn’t cost much to buy it, so it was thrown away. Little Apple picked it up from the rubbish heap, and she felt sorry for the guitar.

Looking at Little Apple’s distressed eyes looking at the guitar, Leyi smiled and brought it over. At the same time, Leyi spent more than 100 baht on the road to buy a set of strings cheaply.

Back at Natessa Seafood Restaurant, Natessa and several waiters hadn’t left yet. After Leyi simply drank some water, he ran to the seaside and quietly changed the strings of his guitar under a tree.

After brushing the old guitar, even though it was covered with scars, Leyi still changed the strings very seriously. Remove the old strings and replace them with new ones. Leyi closes his eyes and fiddles with the six strings to tune it.

Leyi has god-level music presented by the system. This skill is all-encompassing and makes Leyi proficient in any musical instrument.

So he can hear if the strings are out of tune just by ear…

After adjusting the strings little by little, Leyi holding the old guitar and looking at the starry sky above his head suddenly became silent. At this time, Leyi is blowing the sea breeze, looking at the sea, his mind is extraordinarily peaceful…

He felt a little guilty about the system, because he knew that without the system, he would not be able to travel, and he would not have a second chance to survive. However, he likes a leisurely life, which is obviously a bit out of tune with the style of the system entertainment king.

“Sorry, System! I guess you’re better than me if you find any host on the street!” Le Yi smiled wryly while holding his guitar. After all, he came to be a salted fish with the sky-defying skills that the system gave him. Le Yi also felt that It’s overkill.

Gently strumming the strings, a very brisk melody came out from the guitar…

Hearing this brisk melody, Natessa and Little Apple originally wanted to let Leyi help out the oven, and everyone ate barbecue on the beach together, but now they smiled and didn’t bother.

At the same time, Zhao Wei, Jin Mengjia, Zhou Dongyu, Huang Xiaoming, Zhang Xiao took ⒌ narrowly persuaded to twist ⒑ legs to persuade Guou to change his mind and walk out behind him.It turned out that Reba’s mother forgot her coat in the store, so everyone who walked halfway accompanied Reba’s mother back to get it, but immediately everyone was attracted by a melodious guitar sound!

“I’ve never heard this melody before! It sounds good!” Reba’s father praised the melody and searched for the place where the sound came from.

“Mother is him!” Shi Reba found Leyi under the tree by the sea first, and she immediately told her mother secretly excitedly.

Soon! Everyone found the figure of Leyi under the tree, but the back of him holding the guitar at this moment was a little desolate for some reason.

“It’s Leyi!” Zhao Wei also recognized Leyi’s back at a glance and said.

When Lao Hu, who was following Huang Xiaoming at the same time, saw Leyi playing the guitar, he subconsciously aimed the camera at Leyi.

Le Yi, who plays the guitar, doesn’t know that he is being watched by Reba and others now. Now all he sees is the stars, the sea, and the beautiful lighthouse in the distance.

Following that, the melody of his guitar suddenly became low, and the next second Leyi’s magnetic, sentimental and intoxicating voice sounded.

“The brightest star in the night sky~~, can you hear it clearly~!”

“The person who looks up, the loneliness and sigh in the bottom of my heart~!”

“The brightest star in the night sky~, can you remember~!”

“The figure who once walked with me and disappeared in the wind~!”

“I pray to have a transparent heart and tearful eyes!”

“Give me the courage to believe again, oh~ hug you beyond the lie!”

When Leyi suddenly sang the three words “I pray”, the people who listened to the song were silent. Leyi’s guitar played beautifully, the voice was beautiful, and the words were even more beautiful. This song is also Zhao Wei and others have never heard of this song, and this song has never appeared in this world.

Now, the people around them are moved to cry a little by Le Yi’s singing. Listening to the brightest star in the night sky, everyone around them raises their heads, unconsciously thinking of their most difficult days.

“Whenever I can’t find the meaning of existence! Whenever I’m lost in the dark night”

“The brightest star in the night sky! Please guide me forward!”

…. ….

PS: The last two lines are Worm’s favorite lyrics. Worm spent the most difficult days listening to “The Brightest Star in the Night Sky”. Now that I write these lines, I still evoke some memories and make Worm cry…

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