Inexplicably on camera!

All the guests and hosts enjoyed the meal, and in the end everyone said goodbye and dispersed. When she was leaving, Reba deliberately dragged her to the last one to leave, only to see her sneaking up to Leyi and whispering.

“The song you sang just now is really good!”

“Thank you!” Le Yi said with a smile when she heard Reba’s words.

She has a good impression of Dilire Ba Leyi. She was also the first to support her when selling pancakes and fruits, and she also helped Leyi a lot, so Leyi has regarded her as a friend.

And if Reba knew that she was just a friend in Leyi’s heart, she wouldn’t know if she would be messy in the wind.

When the Chinese restaurant and others got into Ajie’s car and left, Wang Tian led his subordinates and followed Zhao Wei and others, while looking at the phone and sighing: “I hope there will be no problems with the show!”

In fact, for Wang Tian today, the filming went smoothly, including Huaxia, who said everything was normal. For the video production review of the first phase of the Chinese restaurant, the assistant director led people to easily handle it.

But it happened to the last step, the video needs to be reviewed by the chief director and something went wrong.

When the assistant director sent the first issue to Wang Tian, ​​it was either an error on his side or an error on this side, either a network error or a device error. Anyway, Wang Tian has yet to see what the first video of the Chinese restaurant made by the assistant director looks like.

An hour ago, Wang Tian reluctantly asked the assistant director to send a copy of the video to Mango TV so that they could prepare in advance. After all, the Chinese restaurant has already started to promote it before it is produced, and the video will definitely be broadcast. Who dares to let the audience dove!

This program is broadcast simultaneously on TV and the Internet at ten o’clock in China time!

In addition, Wang Tian has always trusted the assistant director’s ability, so she can only tell the assistant director to let it go!

As time passed slowly, China time finally ushered in 22:00…

Bei Tong is a freshman, and he was promoted to sophomore after the summer vacation started.

With nothing to do in this hot summer vacation, she wants to be a house girl besides staying at home as a house girl. Now she was lying on the sofa browsing the web page lazily, when suddenly a player in the lower right corner prompted that a variety show she was following was updated.

I glanced lazily and found that it was actually the “Chinese Restaurant” that I paid attention to before.

Before the show started filming, the publicity was already overwhelming.

Originally, Bei Tong had lost confidence in this kind of variety show. Even if there were big names like Zhao Wei, Huang Xiaoming, Zhou Dongyu, Zhang Xiaochao⒔ Mengjia, Bei Tong also lacked interest in the show.

But people said in the propaganda that this variety show has been filmed one day and released one day. Seeing that people have so much time to do variety shows, Bei Tong lazily paid attention to it in advance.

“They’ve been filming for a day now!” Looking at the update of the Chinese restaurant, Bei Tong thought about it and clicked in.

In fact, the reason why Bei Tong lacks interest in such variety shows is because there are too many such shows recently.

What kind of running man, what kind of extreme challenge, basically let the stars do some games, do some funny games

But after a long time, I get a little tired. No matter how I look at Bei Tong, I feel that the stars are showing off.

When I opened the Chinese restaurant this time, Bei Tong actually felt that he was too idle. Anyway, he had nothing to do. Just look at the show inside and say, if it doesn’t look good, just dismiss it.

When I started the show, Zhao Wei was calling Huang Xiaoming and Zhou Dongyu one by one, talking about topics like who would cook and who would open a restaurant.

This world does not yet have the form of barrage. If the audience wants to communicate, they need to rely on the comments below. At the beginning of the plot, the comments also start to scroll with the audience. The disadvantage of this is that if you come late, you will not be able to keep up with the comments. rhythmic.

But now Bei Tong looked at Zhao Wei and others on the phone, and suddenly felt sleepy, because she suddenly felt that the Chinese restaurant program might still be the same star show.

As for the comments below, it’s about Zhao Wei, Huang Xiaoming, Zhou Dongyu, Jin Mengjia, Zhang Xiaoque, Mu Huan Ye⒆Failor League В The idols are so beautiful and the idols are so cute.As for Bei Tong now looking at the comments, she can only shake her head helplessly, saying that she is past the age of chasing stars, who made her mature so early.

When Zhao Wei and others set off for Thailand, the show also entered the advertisement very decisively. For this super unlimited show, Bei Tong rolled his eyes and couldn’t help but want to click the cross.

However, when she just put the mouse on the fork, the show suddenly turned to the highlight of this episode, and the highlight of this episode of the show is almost the preview of this episode. I saw a ferocious young man suddenly appearing on the screen. The young man is now angrily shouting at Zhao Wei and others in English.

“How did your chauffeur drive?”

The teenager was treated super fiercely by the special effects in the later stage. He was almost like the villain on TV. Following the show, Zhou Dongyu and Jin Mengjia were frightened by the teenager.

The narrator of the show cooperated and said while the Chinese restaurant and others just came to Thailand, it was twists and turns! Why is the Chinese boy who suddenly appeared on the side of the road so angry?

Following the jump with the narration program, I saw that the scene in the program was changed to a supermarket, and in the supermarket, Jiajia and Dongyu saw the ferocious young man again.

“It’s over! This distant relative is not as good as a close neighbor! We offended our neighbors before our restaurant opened!” Zhang Xiaoque’s naive voice sounded, but the scene on the camera was indeed the fear of Zhou Dongyu and Jin Mengjia.

“Let me go next door! Give them some gadgets! I think the relationship between neighbors should be repaired!” Huang Xiaoming’s voice sounded in the jumping shot again.

It’s just that I didn’t see Huang Xiaoming’s expression in the camera. I don’t know if Huang Xiaoming’s expression is anxious or smiling.

“It’s impossible!” Zhang Xiao’s words rang out, it sounded like he was in conflict because he offended his neighbors.

The audience didn’t know that this part was cut from a bet, Zhang Xiaoren blocked the locust, the emperor and the locust, but said that it was impossible for Leyi’s turnover to reach 10,000.

Looking at the preview of this show, the comments below are all saying that the boy in the video is so fierce.

[Miss Wei and the others are estimated to have encountered someone who made trouble without reason. ]

[It seems that Zhang Xiao’s lack of yellow is not light, and he doesn’t even allow Huang Xiaoming to apologize. ]

[That man is from Huaxia? He spoke English to Zhao Wei and the others just now! ]

[That man is definitely looking for trouble on purpose, otherwise he won’t be endless and chased to the supermarket]

[She yells at Sister Zhao Wei! Don’t let me know where that man lives]

[Upstairs +1 when I saw the man in the video, I thought he was finding fault, not a good person]

Taking a look at the comments, Bei Tong didn’t take it to heart, but she suddenly became interested in this show in a flash, and that’s right because of the vicious boy just now.

Bei Tong studied clothing design, so as soon as the man appeared, Bei Tong knew that he was in good shape, of course, this was not the key. The key is that Bei Tong also saw that the man in the video was not the actor who was invited. That man was really angry just now.

It’s just that the reason for his anger is that everyone thinks that he is deliberately looking for trouble. As a star, how can he take the initiative to find trouble for others.

Bei Tong is not chasing celebrities for the time being, so she is not a fan of brains, so naturally she does not look at things from the perspective of celebrities.

From the perspective of the man in the video, Bei Tong knew that he was not someone who likes to look for trouble. Even though he was added with special effects in the later stage, Bei Tong thought that the man was not someone who liked to look for trouble. He was probably provoked by celebrities. to him.

What she wanted to see at this time was what the star did to anger such an honest and good-looking boy.

…. ….

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